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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. I loathe the brain washing theory because it minimizes the agency of two strong women and make them a pawn in their respective sociopath dads' hands. Zombie Tommy FTW because it would mean I get to see Colin Donnell's handsome face again.
  2. but Arrow has sometimes made its characters flip sides. Shado was a villain in comics but a hero - sort of - on the show. May be they plan to flip a hero into a villain with Ray Palmer (Who am I kidding, they totally won't.)
  3. I think Barry is far too smart to take romantic advice from Oliver. That man is the worst when it comes to romance, look what his well intentioned but stupidest advice did to poor Roy? Not only did it alienate Thea but also lead Roy to Royd Rage and killing a cop. It also paved the way for Slade to kidnap an unaccompanied and broken hearted Thea (She saw Roy making out with some waitress) and tell her the truth about Malcolm which lead her to be the brat who refused to sign some paper making Olive so poor that he had to make gifts for little Digglet. All because he gave bad romance advice to Roy. Domino effect of bad romantic advice.
  4. INSANE. I mean Stephen and Emily randomly just look at each other and half the fandom goes into cardiac arrest.
  5. oh yes, afterglow scenes are my kryptonite ... I want that ... I want all of that ... I am greedy like that.
  6. We all know for a fact that Oliver and Felicity will have sex ... because all that angst and unresolved sexual tension has got to deliver ... I don't care if it happens now, or during February sweeps (Valentine episode) or season finale, I just want a good scene with decent lighting so that we can actually see their faces. I would hate for it to be a dark scene with shadows and heavy breathing. I would like that scene to last at least 60 seconds or more followed by some honest to goodness chat - preferably in the sheets. Yes, I have very specific demands about Olicity sex scene. I deserve that after 2 plus years of shipping.
  7. why would Diggle stay in touch with Donna? They barely exchanged hellos. I mentioned that her Mom may ask about Digglet considering she baby sat him for a few hours and she is into babies. Yes, she has not mentioned her before but I guess that was deliberate on her part - keeping the family and Team Arrow separate. Now that everyone barring Riy has met her, Felicity does not need to keep mum about her mother anymore. Before episode 3x05, she was embarrassed but her opinion of her mother changed before she left Starling and they were on good terms, when something like that happens, you mention your parent, esp when she is your only family.
  8. For a lot of people, Felicity is the Star including me - but I like Oliver as well - but I like the Oliver he is around Felicity and not the Oliver around any of the Lance sisters. We all loved the episode with Mama Smoak, I think it would be great if they randomly insert a line or two about her. Like her talking to her mom when she enters the lair or getting a text from her mother where her mother calls her afterwards to check if she actually send the text or Felicity randomly telling Diggle that her mom was sending live for little Digglet or something before she bring her on again.
  9. I thought sexual tension was for couples who have not consummated their relationship. Claire & Jamie are at it like rabbits all the time. Heck, they spent one whole episode on their wedding night. as far as I am concerned, nothing beats Olicity as far as sexual tension is concerned - their sexual tension was top notch even before there existed a possibility that they would be a couple, I mean in episodes 1x22 or 2x01. They win every time for me. I am off to vote for them
  10. In this episode, the most honest and mature relationship that is shaping up is between Oliver and Roy. Oliver is concerned about Roy's well being and Roy is there for him when Oliver comes back heart broken from Felicity's office. They are both open and honest to each other - something they never did with their love interests.
  11. The award for most mature person on this show goes to ….. Roy Harper. Yes, I do mean Roy Harper. He accepted Thea’s decision to break up with him like decent mature person and offered his support and kindness as a friend. He never tried to mansplain anything to any woman including the woman he loved. He was also kind to Felicity when she lost her friend (Sara) and offered her a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on. When he had a problem with something, he approached a person (Felicity again) he could trust and shared his lack of sleep and weird dream pattern with her. When he thought he killed Sara, he came clean and even apologized and offered to turn himself in. When he had abandonment issues, he just straight up went to Oliver and asked him to not abandon him, and elicited the most heartfelt declaration of sticking it out from Oliver that none of his love interests ever managed to do. I say Roy Harper in season three is the most sensible person on that universe.
  12. The fact that every person online wants Merlyn to kill DJ Jerkface fills my heart with happiness. He should be killed, mercilessly.
  13. well he had Laurel before island so go figure...
  14. As if Roy/Ray was not confusing enough, we now have Digger Harkness to mess both with Barrowman and John Diggle ... I need something strong and it is barely noon here.
  15. So Caitlin and Felicity will discuss Oliver's work out routine during the crossover episode. This gives me so much pleasure, you guys have no idea. I mean real girls talk about shit like that, right?
  16. Way too many people but no Barry? Please don't tell me he was hanging out with Laurel. I actually like Barry and I want to continue liking him.
  17. Words Arrow producers should NEVER use: chemistry, soul mates, and star crossed lovers. Thank you.
  18. I want that too ... and then I want them to discuss all the men they would date afterwards. I know it sounds a lot like Sex and the City but hey, Arrow could do with some girl bonding time and a few laughs. I want more Thea/Felicity, Diggle/Felicity and Diggle/Thea scenes. Make it happen Show!
  19. I seriously don't get Ray Hate. I am not sure if people just don't like Brandon Routh or if it is residual hatred that people have for him after Chuck or they are creeped out by Ray and his 50 shades behaviour like buying her dress and jewellery and stuff. I may not love Ray but he is okay with me for two reasons. The first positive of having Ray on our Tv screens is simple - most of his scenes are with Felicity, more Ray means more Felicity and I just love more Felicity. I would gladly watch her brush her teeth or hair because EBR would make it worth watching. The second positive of having Ray scenes is that he most probably will NEVER interact with Laurel so any scene with Ray in it means guaranteed less screen time for Laurel and I cannot stress enough how every episode gets infinitely better with no LL. Case in point, two of the best episodes of season 2 had no LL in it, episode 2x06 and episode 2x08 were sans Laurel and her fake tears and life was glorious.
  20. I have no intention of seeing the film but I can bet KC as one of the reason the film is a mess.
  21. I know at least two people who tuned into Arrow's Felicity focused episode after watching her on The Flash. One of them watched 3x06 for more Felicity but left halfway because he did not like what he saw.
  22. His season 1 post sex slumber with Laurel was cut short by a call from Diggle and technically, Felicity did not interrupt it with McKenna, she was just held up and then tied by Helena.
  23. I want a scene of simple domesticity, like them cooking or eating or watching TV or just talking about something which is not mission related, something personal and deep. I also want Oliver to get her coffee. We have seen Felicity tending Oliver's wounds, if Felicity gets injured, I would like Oliver to create fuss and take care of her. She should be undoing a lot more than the bowtie; shirt buttons and cufflinks for starters ....
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