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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. Looks like everything that happens is Laurel's island - be it Tommy's death, her addiction arc, Sara's coming back and subsequent hooking up with Oliver Queen, her loss of job and then blackmailing to get it back, dad's health issues, Sara's death for the umpteenth time and then this secret. This is like a series of versions of islands. This is major mindfuck on part of writers and I want none of it. Quentin and Dinah have been most indulgent of the parents. She has been horrible to them since season 1 and they take everything on the chin that she throws at them. She told her crying/sobbing mother back in season 1 that Sara was dead (she was not and her mom was right), she was cruel to her dad about his addiction and she threw a glass at her sister who had come back from dead and was poisoned a few hours ago but none of her parents told her to get her act together and act like a compassionate human being for a change. They just let her be, no wonder she turned out they way she did. Their parenting is responsible for that entitled behavior.
  2. Yups, Barry mentioned in episode 1x05 that he is 25. He was quite sad when alcohol did not hit him and he mourned the fact that his drinking days are over at 25. Yes, Barry is a bit of both, innocent and naïve, but he is also a genuinely optimistic person as well. No matter how much he grows up, he will always have this state pf wonder around him because that is who he is in real. At least that's how I perceive it and this is how he is in the comics as well. A happy optimist. Not everyone has to angsty and dark, as if we do not have Batman and Green Arrow for that.
  3. I am just wondering how would a parent react realistically if one of their kids casually mentions that s/he has been lying for months now and their other kid is dead and buried because she did not feel like sharing that info with them (but she shared that info with a random trainer dude for shit and giggles) because reasons. How can they turn that into Laurel's favour.
  4. http://archiveofourown.org/works/2685053 This is a refreshing look at how Felicity's PA views her - as a boss and as a person - it is sweet and refreshing but in the end, it made me cry because so much angst and emotions.
  5. Lolz at repeating storylines and parallels. Considering that Brandon Routh is even taller than Stephen Amell, Felicity will have to get a bigger car if more vigilantes end up in her car bleeding. That mini cooper will just not do.
  6. Nops, it has not been spoiled yet. I would absolutely hate it if we get a scene where Oliver gives Felicity his blessings to date other dudes. For one it would be déjà vu of season 1 where Oliver gave this blessing to Tommy for dating Laurel and I don't want any reminders of that triangle to tarnish Olicity. Secondly, Oliver's behaviour so far has been different with Felicity than any other Love Interest. It would be totally OOC for him to be so casual about her dating other men. Remember, he went ballistic when she went to. CC to see a poor comatose Barry.
  7. Yeah, if CTV promos are to be believed, there are no female characters on the show, just guys wearing leather beating up bad dudes.
  8. It was actually a writer's assistant. Some kid got a new job, let him/her be happy.
  9. Mine too. Loved the episode where Eddie & Barry bonded and practiced some boxing. I really want more interaction and more bromance between them. I think the character I find most fascinating in The Flash is Dr Harrison Wells. Arrow probably wanted Malcolm Merlyn to be something like this but they failed. Flash writers nailed Dr. Wells as this intriguing grey character that leaves you wanting to know more about him every week.
  10. I agree. And we can see in episodes 1x03 & in 1x07 how Caitlin is warming up to Barry because he is sweet enough to extend some warmth to her and actually ask her how she felt about her loss following the particle accelerator disaster. She then reciprocated that warmth by saying that she believed in him in 1x07 when Barry needed that. I think we will see more of her vulnerability when Ronnie comes back in present day. Her scenes with Ronnie Raymond were sweet/emotional when they shared screen in episode 1x03. I think she is playing a reserved woman who is finally opening up - albeit a little slowly - to both Cisco (they went out for ice cream and drinks) and Barry - I also believe that she is supposed to be older than both Barry & Cisco so may be that is why she takes herself a bit more seriously around the boys. Not everyone can be insta friend like Barry who is this genuinely nice and warm person. Other people take time.
  11. Despite being super dysfunctional, Jamie & Cersei are extremely popular so I never thought they would top the poll. Same goes for Ezra and Aria who are basically a male teacher and an under age female student (major eww) but they too are very popular (disclosure: I have only watched the first season of Pretty Little Liars so if the girl is an adult now, it is probably a lot less icky). I seriously thought that Olivia and Fitz would top the poll but I guess nothing beats the power of Green Arrow and Black Canary. I just hope that the show does not revisit them as a couple. It would be too much.
  12. I think bringing in Canary Cry is the stupidest idea. What will the cry do? Make everyone deaf and breaking all the windows? Just the attack on QC gives enough business to all window contractors and suppliers, now they want everyone to go bankrupt by fixing their windows after weekly canary cry. This is so stupid that thinking about it is making me stupid.
  13. Alpha male Oliver may not like it but on any given day, Ray would be an asset to the team. Laurel does not bring in anything. Apart from his tech skill, he is loaded with money and if his philanthropic ways are considered, he would not mind lending both his expertise and his money to the team in order to save the city. I too will take Ray over Laurel any time.
  14. She cannot do anything as SA once the sentence is passed, can she?
  15. Now you made me cry all over again. You know what makes it sadder - despite being this outstanding a person, he was never anyone's first choice. Lockheart Gardner fired him and kept Alicia, Kalinda would not commit to him and his dad was a tool as well. Even this shit is happening to him because Alicia decided to run for SA. I am gunning for a massive Alicia fail because she has won far too many times and she uses everyone around her - whether it is her husband, her mother-in-law, Will Gardner or even Eli Gold.
  16. I was screaming at my TV. No, no, you can't do that. Poor baby and MC killed it in that scene. If he does not get an Emmy for that, I don't know what would get someone an Emmy other than being a former Oscar winner (I am looking at you Kevin Spacey). I was vacillating between hyperventilating and ugly crying ... this is what MC did to me and the shock on Diane Lockheart's face! These two are my favorite characters on TGW ...
  17. Did you cry for Cary Agos because I did.
  18. Well Laurel tried to kill/arrest Arrow in 2x03 but look at her now ... all ready to become Buckle Canary.
  19. I don't think we will get a BoP spin off from Arrow, not with KC as Black Canary .... may be sometime in future with a totally different cast and very strong Barbra Gordon.
  20. But Brandon Routh must have cost them a pretty penny. Would they want to let it all go to waste? In any case, now that her dad is dead, Helena's redemption arc is all but paved. She could still be a hero.
  21. Yes, he was dangling may bes even when he was with another girl. Remember Oliver cupping Felicity's face and telling her, "you will always be my girl Felicity." That was a one big fat dangling may be - some time in future when I am done with the chick I am currently dating - and no one can convince me otherwise because Oliver Queen does not randomly throws lines like that.
  22. From the other spoiler thread If I were Barry, I would ask: "Oliver, are you sure you do not have multiple personality disorder because it sounds a lot like that. Do you want me to look up a doctor for you? May be Caitlin can help."
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