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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. Don't forget Moira's life insurance, that alone should be in millions.
  2. How can Oliver be poor with 45% shares? Ray Palmer mentioned in 3x03 that the price of QC stock rose by 10 dollar per share! That is millions of dollars in profit people! He should totally pay for an all expenses paid vacation for Felicity, Roy and Diggle and Family as a way of appreciation. Though I am not sure if Felicity can take time off again from work. I mean she just spent at least 4 days in Central City if her change of outfits is any indication.
  3. Guggenheim has tweeted that Sally is making a come back in 3x07.
  4. I laughed out loud and I am in a bus ... looking at my phone. This is hilarious.
  5. Oliver Queen winked thrice so far in Arrow. First was this one, where he winked at Thea. Second was in 1x03 when he refused to let Diggle come with him to Max Fuller's club and told the bouncers that he did not know who Diggle is, he then winked at him. Third was in 2x06 when he winked at Felicity after threatening to kill the family of the Russian dude who sold them armoured truck to get Diggle out of Russian gulag. When Felicity asked him what did he say to the Russian dude in Russian, he said please and winked at Felicity. And yes, for an adult person, this kind of obsessive detailing is rather unfortunate but what can I do, this Felicity Smoak character pulled me in so bad, there is no hope for me.
  6. It sounds something straight out of Spartacus (I think they have done something similar) and I so approve of it. I would like it even better if they hallucinations are of intimate nature - for science you know.
  7. It must be noted that 50 shades was not the only guy who demonstrated this trope. Ted Grant did exactly the same when he told Laurel that she is not angry at him when she accused him of perjury (still rolling my eyes at that) and that she needs to work her anger off and offered her a brochure of his gym which was rather pointless because she was already standing in that said gym. I guess people pay more attention to Felicity and men around her and tend to tune out Laurel scenes (at least that's what I do) that they missed it. I too caught it on a rewatch (my sister was watching it and I was cooking) and then all of a sudden I was like ... they are doing it in every episode now. The Felicity thing happened in episode 2 and Laurel one was in episode 3.
  8. It was mentioned in season 2 as well. In episode 2x09, Barry asked her about her plans for Christmas and she said that she will be lighting her menorah which, though was factually incorrect because Hanukkah and Christmas were weeks apart, did point out that Felicity was indeed Jewish. If the tweets are to be believed, there is a menorah in Felicity's office when the journalists visited the Arrow set in Vancouver and apparently it was during the time they were shooting episode 3x09 so her faith will be mentioned at least once more this season.
  9. I still could not understand what the whole story with man Hunter was that Lyla sent Diggle to take care of. I mean I was happy to see Oliver & Roy in those sexy blue shirts instead of their costumes but I still don't understand.
  10. Ray could be related to Caitlin (they have similar coloring) or perhaps her fiancé Ronnie which will make Ronnie and Caitlin indirect cousin and I think I just grossed out myself thinking about that. Please stop with all these incesty relationships. There are supposedly 7 billion people and counting, familial relationships should be totally separate from romantic ones.
  11. After Oliver's crazy psycho girl friends, we get Felicity's bat shit crazy ex. They shall bond over the shared experience of crazy exes and live happily ever after.
  12. dirty blonde. She has pictures on her instagram from when she was a toddler and pre teen.
  13. Apparently Emily did not eat for three days before she wore that black dress.
  14. Sometimes I feel bad for the EPs that they have to soothe the freaked out fans like this ... without spoilers. Imagine a grown ass man hashtagging #butnokiss I legit laughed out loud at that.
  15. So would I, and if they are going with a triangle, it would mean more Felicity and less canary journey. I am okay with that. . Between that and watching Thea evolve, this is far more than I want when it sidelines Diggle and Felicity. I find that scary and boring at the same time. Please show, don't take me there.
  16. Felicity always look that kind of girl to me - the sunny one in present or the Goth one from MIT days. I would want to be friends with her and go on coffee dates and talk about shit with her. I have always felt that way.
  17. Getting excited even when you are trying to curb the enthusiasm. #FangirlProblems
  18. I love the kohl around her eyes. She really looks very different which I guess is a great thing when you are doing flashbacks.
  19. I am not sure 50 shades of Ray would be in the episode. I mean he signed up for 16 episodes and he has featured in 3 so far. I think we will have Ray free three episodes and he will come back in ep07. There is no reason for it and it is pure speculation on my part but I strongly feel that this episode should be Ray free and mostly about Felicity. We already have at least 4 scenes of LL and that is way too much in my opinion. Let's just not add another recurring character because it will take away precious screen time from Felicity.
  20. and we are forced to see that canary journey twice. I mean the titular character journey is shown once, the other more popular characters like Felicity and Diggle barely get any background info, if any. Yet we see them parading one canary after another and wasting precious screen time on something that is not only repetitive but also mind numbingly boring.
  21. What angst? You need to spend time in the same frame for things to get angsty but Oliver and Felicity hardly shared any screen time together after the season premiere. We had a date, a break up kiss and then this dark void! I would've welcomed angst with open arms if we had gotten angst. All we got is precious screen time wasted on Katie Cassidy barking orders to other cast members, staring into space and wearing gym clothes that show off her arms. I had not signed up for this. They sold this season as season of Olicity and all the got so far is Laurel Lance clusterfuck and I am extremely bitter about it.
  22. I wish for that kind of Diggle and Roy scenes on the show. Oh boy, I always laugh out hard at the Roy and Diggle banter whether it is just between them or with Bunny. Bunny was awesome in that one scene with Thea.
  23. of course the coffee shop was the same set as Jitters .. with a different sign, lighting and camera lens. Which Arrow set do you think they have been using in Flash, I obviously have not noticed that.
  24. That and the fact that Felicity was not around. He gets smarter around Felicity (she gave him the idea to out think Slade Wilson) and dumber around Laurel and things get worse for him when Laurel is in the foundry and Felicity is 600 miles away in Central City.
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