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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. I loved your comment, it was the TRUTH.
  2. oh yeah she was crying rather openly but quietly.
  3. Looks like Sara is dead for good and we will see her in flashbacks from now on. http://ca.eonline.com/news/586654/wait-did-arrow-really-just-kill-spoiler-boss-reveals-what-s-next-after-that-shocking-death?cmpid=tweol-manual I think her death would be the entry point of LoA in Starling again.
  4. Ceylon Thanks a lot. Numbers can do what most passionate arguments cannot, so thanks a lot for that.
  5. A smiling Oliver with his house plant.
  6. I had rather scary flashbacks of Arrow season 1 Laurel when I saw Iris. Iris is kept away from the super hero secret. *check* She has another love interest (Eddie Thawne a cute guy with a villain's name just like Tommy Merlyn - Daddy Merlyn was revealed later) even though the titular hero pines after the heroine. *check* Totally oblivious to what is happening around her (Laurel saying Oliver can never be the hood and Iris saying Barry is like her bother) *check* If this is not dealt with soon - like in second episode - I fear things may not go the way writers want them to go.
  7. Lolz, so true. Everything is an opinion in an online forum, that should be a given and IMO must never be required to explain your thoughts away. Oh I mostly preface my opinion with "I love Felicity so I may be biased" because unless you are dealing with physical/natural sciences, everything is subjected to outside influences. We are clouded by our likes, dislikes, preferences etc and so are our opinions. I am never neutral because I am not a fucking gear, I always have some opinion about something or the other, otherwise why would I bother going online and express my 'neutrality'?
  8. I don't know if you watch The Good Wife but that 'in my opinion' reminded me of the judge who wanted all her lawyers to preface every argument with 'in my opinion'. PS: solid argument, Felicity replaced Laurel and we couldn't be happier about it.
  9. Most probably Barry, coming in to tell Felicity that he is alive and running!
  10. It's funny how this discussion veered from John Diggle to other things like bitterness over Felicity and multiple storylines that are or are not an extension of Oliver Queen. I used to find all this bitterness over Felicity somewhat entertaining at one point but not any more. Now it is tedious and repetitive.
  11. I literally LOLed at how the older gents like Paul Blackthorne and John Barrowman bowed down to Emily Bett's take charge skills (she is the youngest cast member) while Caity Lotz and Stephen Amell resists.
  12. I loved the fact that it was written by a man - so no one can say that some silly girl was fangirling. I also like the fact that he addressed the whole Mary Sue effect and clarified that how Felicity Smoak is NOT Mary Sue (We all know who Mary Sue is on Arrow) but a genuine character with her own set of strengths and weaknesses. Quite an interesting read.
  13. Olicity Houseplant twitter account is hilarious.
  14. Someone needs to hit him with an Emmy trophy so that he would what an Emmy actually is.
  15. Yes, the babbling was not there in season 2 and I liked it better because of that. She is comfortable with the team and she does not babble much because she is home with these guys. I would not call the bit about penetrating just fine with Barry babbling at all, she just paraphrased what Barry said and it was just one sentence. One example of her babbling was when Diggle was under the influence of Vertigo in 2x07 and she went off tangent telling Oliver about the guy who conducted the test for her because she fixed his parking ticket but that too was a stressful situation with Diggle shivering on the gurney/med table. I would like it if they do not revisit that.
  16. Well, you cannot really blame them, her only link to the main plot was that she uncovered Blood's link to Moira's murder.
  17. I don't think physical ability is as required to carry out a role as people are making it out to be. Katie's physicality should be least of her concerns, it should be more about her acting choices and how she performs whatever material she is given. Colton Haynes has said it many times that his stunt double does all his action scenes and that's okay. They have stunt doubles specifically for that purpose. It is just that Stephen has talked about doing a lot of his stunts himself that every one jumps into the fray and says that they can do this or that or that they want to. Ability to fight does or right physical attributes does not make an actor, otherwise every stunt person would have been an A lister. PS: Yes, everything an actor can do is listed on their bio, whether they can fight, ride a bike, horse, surf, swim, dance, sing etc. It helps the casting people to know at a glance what an actor can or cannot do or will be able to do it with minimum training.
  18. I vote for Diggle & Thea webisodes. Even minute long snippets would be great.
  19. If I am not wrong, Emily Bett Rickards also trained as a gymnast in her school, she also taught Yoga till 2012 (if you go back to her old tweets, you will see tweets about the classes she taught) and she has been working hard this summer (she and Willah share a trainer) like everyone related to that show but she never tweeted or instagramed her biceps (she has pretty well defined arms and shoulders). During one of the many interviews she did with Colton in Europe, she mentioned that she started doing pull ups and that they are VERY hard but that was it. In another one of the interviews, she was asked if Felicity gets any training on the show like they have shown her in season 1 and she said that she would like to believe that she works out behind the camera because it would be stupid of her to not have some kind of basic training. I am assuming that she is trying to be fit so if the occasion calls for it she can deliver but she does not talk about it all the time because it would be stupid if she talks about it and it does not materialize - like KC talking the whole summer about Ollie/Laurel soulmate togetherness and then every promo and spoiler that came out since SDCC was Olicity heavy with added emphasis on Team Arrow with barely any mention of LL, if at all.
  20. yes, the fight was all kinds of hot but I am kinda pissed that they leaked it. Putting it all together, the sneak peaks and promos do not have more than 4 minutes out of an actual 42 minute episode but between the cons, photos and promos, they have given away far too much. I would've preferred if I was shocked and awed by the first Olicity kiss and this epic fight. That obviously did not mean that I have not watched it three times already.
  21. I absolutely love how everyone refers to Felicity's new workplace as "Buy More," like it is a given. Looks like a lot of people have had a rewatch of Chuck this summer - including Arrow writers.
  22. She actually thought Laurel was angelic after shooting the pilot and reading episode 2 where she threw a bitch fit at Oliver for just being alive! She has been delusional from the word GO.
  23. lolz, that girl hashtaged her question #emergency.
  24. I think she day dreams about all the torn jeans and Birkenstocks she will be posting on her fashion blog and instagram. I bet she misses half the table reads as well.
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