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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. Every reviewer, and I checked most including Alan Sepinwall, was singing praises of EBR as Felicity and most pointed out how she makes everything infinitely better and how they should clone her so that she can be both in Flash and Arrow. For a character that was supposed to be this one off Easter egg, Felicity Smoak has come a long way to be called "the heart and soul of The CW’s nascent DC Universe." You go girl!
  2. She had the total screen time of 13 minutes and 10 seconds which is the maximum screen time she ever got on any episode of Arrow. Even the heavily promoted Olicity episode 3x01 had around 10 minutes of screen time for Felicity. I just loved everything about her in this episode and her wardrobe was to die for. Take note Arrow writers and Arrow costume department, this is how you do justice to a well loved character.
  3. I have always believed that Felicity would be a double majors type. Now we learn that she actually has double masters in Cyber Securities and Computer Sciences. I know she is a fictional character but her accomplishments make me unreasonably happy. You go girl.
  4. I agree. They just spin shit as they go along. I bet they have no idea what to do with Ray Palmer either. Yes, he was a hero in comics so let's make him stalkerish and shady because that would be oh so shocking and now they have no idea what to do with him. Stephen Amell is the main person of the show, if it is not connected to him, the story is probably not important and according to SA, Brandon and him have not worked together after the premiere and he was already filming episode 10 when he said that so he is another in a long list of characters who were added because DC was so kind to grant them another comic super hero.
  5. I so agree with it. I mean Roy's delivery was nice but if it had been Felicity telling Oliver that his mom was a shady character, it would've been pure gold.
  6. We have seen Sara's dead body and her funeral with Felicity and Oliver throwing dirt on the coffin but not of Tommy so he can always come back from dead like Malcom and Slade Wilson. Btw, no one thought of Lyla Michaels as a suspected killer of Sara, granted that she had just given birth but considering that she is an ARGUS agent and former special forces, that could be a possibility, esp. if they want to shift Oliver's manpain to Diggle in later season.
  7. In case they decide to move Ray Palmer to Flash or some other spin off next season, they should totally make Felicity the CEO. I mean she looked delectable in that CEO chair and she is smart enough to know what to do and who to hire to do what is required.
  8. I think they just randomly came up with ages with no rhyme or reason. Thea celebrated her 18th birthday in season 1 but she was mentioned as a 17 year old in season 2 profiles. I mean when it came out, I was kinda pissed because it made me a little disgusted with the whole Thea/Roy thing (she was supposed to be 17 - a minor - and he was mentioned as 22 - an adult) but then I remembered that Thea had already celebrated her 18th birthday so whosoever came up with these profiles had no idea about any of the characters' ages. In addition, even Colton has no idea how old Roy Harper is supposed to be because he has said it in multiple interviews that Roy is a teenager, the profile says he was 22 in season 2. Diggle is mentioned as 35 but he has to be at least 38 at the beginning of season 2. In season 1 there was a dialogue where he sad that he left Starling City at the age of 27, stayed with the army for 5 years and then 5 years in private sector security which makes him 38 in season 2. PS: The only evidence of Felicity's long standing crush is her innuendoes (she's had similar incidences with Walter Steele and she was so not crushing on him) and her staring at Oliver's shirtless workouts and what person - man or woman - would not look at Oliver when he is working out sans shirt. Apart from that, there is nothing that indicates a crush. Yes, she cares deeply for him but that is not as trivial as a crush. At least that's what I think.
  9. They may try to find someone like EBR but everyone is unique, I don't think they will find another EBR. I am more interested in the characters if Veronica and Jughead because it is so easy to write them as one-dimensional characters when they are so much more. I would love to see Jughead come to life because he has been my favourite since I was a kid. I only wish I can eat like him and not gain weight.
  10. Oh yes, and that was rather heavy handed and for the benefit of the audience only. I mean Felicity had no idea that he was even looking at her, she was busy admiring the brand new Digglet.
  11. He does respond to criticism in a rather dramatic way. Those of you who read Jennifer Cruise's commentary on Olicity and her reviews on Arrow season 2A would know that she was extremely fond of the show and she highlighted aspects from writing and story telling perspective because she is writer. Then came 2x13 and she was flabbergasted with the Sara/Oliver hook up as according to her, it came out of nowhere and there was no build up to that story. Then she was even more perturbed with the way Oliver and Felicity behaved in 2x14 (ooc) and I think 2x15 was the last episode she saw and reviewed because she did not want to see and write about a TV show where she had very few positives to talk about and that was that. Her problem was with story telling and never with either Stephen or any other actor. Someone posted that on Stephen's page and then he responded with a comment that was something along the line he is not gonna listen to someone who has no idea how it all works or something to that effect and his tone was rather abrupt. I guess he really does not appreciate criticism through social media.
  12. It's not the first time he has done it. He deleted each and every one of his tweets last year after season 1 ended and then deleted his Instagram. He became active on twitter and rejoined Instagram later in the year. I see a pattern here.
  13. I think he is telling LL that Malcolm is back and she is asking him to do whatever it takes - such as killing Malcolm - but Oliver cannot really kill his sister's biological father so there is another thing that Laurel and Oliver will be adversarial about. (SA did say in his interview that his relationship with LL will be more adversarial than before in the first half of the season.)
  14. I wish TIIC come and see that Laurel, her story arc and her screen presence is turning away solid fans from a show they used to love. SAD.
  15. Stephen Amell has improved tremendously as an actor in the past couple of years. He was okay in season 1 and much improved in season 2 but he is giving consistently excellent performance in season 3 and every episode has multiple beats that get your heart going all out for him. First episode had the date, the aftermath of the date and the scenes in hospital - both in Digglet's room and in the corridor. The second episode has two emotional moments - one with Felicity and the last one with Diggle where you just want to sit with him and offer him a drink - or five. In the 3rd episode, all the interactions he has had with Thea were heart felt and connected with the audience on a much deeper level. Kudos to SA for such marked improvement. Oliver Queen is really growing as a character and Amell obviously is responsible for that.
  16. Apparently all KC fans live on IMDB forums, hence the 8.8 rating to a rather weak episode. I once checked out an Arrow forum on IMDB and ran away five minutes later because EBR was getting hate for personal reasons and not acting choices.
  17. If I am not wrong, I read it somewhere that he did a test/reading with Colin Donnell and those two clicked perfectly. I think the whole KC non chemistry fiasco was so strong that they did chemistry test for Caity Lotz and Stephen, Grant Gustin and Emily and later for Caity Lotz and Katrina Law to make sure that KC/SA kinda suck does not happen again. PS: I think the only reason KC is becoming BC is because it must have been clearly stipulated in her contract that she will become BC within three years or something, otherwise killing her off would have been so much cheaper for them.
  18. Yeah, I don't really get the comparison with Roy. They have been friends and have probably bonded in that basement over many things. They are obviously comfortable enough that Felicity sought comfort with him when she found out that her friend has died. Of course she would help him with a lot more enthusiasm.
  19. After re-enacting the whole Working Girl scene, this recall to Felicity being a bombing master mind was fabulous. But then all Felicity scenes were amazing last night, whether she was talking about indexing the algorithm to get the print of the index finger, throwing shade at Laurel or asking for time off to see a friend who was struck by lightening. She is amazing.
  20. Honestly, I did not even watch the Laurel getting beaten scene. I mean my TV was switched on but I was squealing and tweeting about Felicity throwing shade at her and being generally happy.
  21. One female character that I have always liked was Diane Lockhart of Good Wife. She was the boss, the other managing partner would usually bow to her. She was clear headed, not emotional, had a killer wardrobe and then she married a man that no one expected her to because she felt like it and did not take social pressures into consideration like the title character of Alicia Florrick did. Yups, Diane Lockhart has been my fav femae character in position of authority.
  22. Seriously I live for your deconstruction of Laurel every episode. Your Laurel failing as a lawyer and human index was the only thing that got me thorough her crap last year and the year before. This is just me gushing and grinning like an idiot because you get Laurel like no one, not even her family, esp. not her family.
  23. me too. In fact I clapped at everything Felicity did. Her getting the office, her thanking her cute new EA, her throwing shade at Laurel (the best part of the show for me) and her just stating to Ray that she needs time off to go see a friend. And her clothes. I love each and every outfit. Please burn those boob window dresses, the ones she was wearing today were awesome.
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