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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. Even if she is given something heroic to do, chances are that KC would not take advantage of it and let that opportunity go to waste. Case in point is the recent episode. She had about 57 second of appearance in the cross over episode where she had one line where she berates her father for something and then two lines with Oliver which were" Oliver, can I talk to you for a moment." and "The arrow was in Central City." They were simple plain lines and could've been delivered in nice friendly way but somehow she managed to sound condescending and mean, so even if she is given heroic moments, she will probably ruin them with her acting choices. I have absolutely no hope for her doing well in heroic moments.
  2. I have a question for people here. When baby mama met Oliver at Jitters and said that Oliver's mom loved him very much and he just smiled and shrugged and moved on, I was screaming at my TV saying why is he not asking baby mama how did she know his mom, as far as Oliver is concerned, Moira and Baby mama never met each other. But then I fanwanked myself into thinking that may be he was overwhelmed with seeing this ghost from the past and then she remembered his mom and it has only been 7 or 8 months sibce her death and he is still kinda vulnerable so I let it go. But don't you think it was major faux pas on part of the writers?
  3. How can they have 'more big moments' post Christmas when Stephen is absent for almost a month?
  4. They don't shoot sequential scenes all the times, if the EPs wanted to give Stephen some time off, they may have shot his scenes for 3x10 - 3x12 in a go so that he can have a couple of weeks vacation. It happens all the time when shooting long spells.
  5. Who here thinks Laurel will be shoe horned once again in 3x08 because honestly, she has nothing to do with either Argus of Lyla Michaels.
  6. I would love it if Barry sings Taylor Swift's How to get the girl when he tells Oliver that he is so gonna get the girl.
  7. Oliver and Felicity acting married is TV Gold, I seriously do not get why they try to keep them apart. Them being totally normal doing average things like eating and drinking is way more interesting than contrived angst of any other love interests. I mean you do not stumble upon the gem that is Oliver/Felicity chemistry every day and then let it go to waste on things like Sara Lance, Ray Palmer and totally stupid angst!!! You get them together, let them become a solid silent force to be reckoned with and create drama through villains and other relationships. Oliver and Felicity are perfect as long as they are together, they make mundane things like drinking coffee so interesting.
  8. Just this little interaction has amped up my anticipation 1000 times. I want this Arrow back, with witty banter and Oliver & Felicity acting like old married people.
  9. "See what you did there?" Oliver was so much the husband telling wifey how she has spoiled the kids (Roy). The way Oliver said it and Felicity's response made that scene so much fun.
  10. Well, Stephen Amell also called it the most important scene Oliver and Felicity has done on the show when he appeared on John Campea's so I guess there is really something behind the level 9 speculations.
  11. Regardless of the fact that Team Arrow did not name either Deathstroke or Huntress, they have no compunction in using either of those names, so Barry's sarcasm was totally spot on. PS: Tumblr and twitter is full of enraged fans out for Barry's blood after the latest clip. Some of them were rather graphic in their hatred. Lolz.
  12. That was a good zinger from Barry.
  13. There is so much quality booty in this photo.
  14. At times, I think between all of us, we can write, produce and direct a better show. I mean we are even discussing framing and plausibility of a scene here. It's like being back in school.
  15. Plus he already had some fight and parakour skills when he stole Thea's vintage purse. So he was not an enraged novice.
  16. All the men in Spartacus - barring Liam McIntyre - were great so it is but natural that Nick Tarabay's Digger Harkness would be awesome as well. I personally think that Slade will come back - Manu is too delicious to let go of. He would be back, probably in later seasons to wreak havoc with Oliver's life once again - minus mirakuru - which would make them more of equals. He probably also has an axe to grind with Felicity considering that she cured him of his power after which, Oliver managed to beat him. Now that he is free of Mirakuru, he would be less deranged and much more smarter which would make him even more awesome.
  17. I love John Barrowman but his Malcolm Merlyn was never as scary for me as Slade Wilson was. Plus, we saw Malcolm sporadically in season 1 - half the time as Tommy's smarmy father. Slade has been with us since season 1, first as a reluctant ally, then as a friend and mentor and then as an adversary, so we knew him better than most characters. Plus Manu Bannett's presence and his voice made that character so compelling and likeable despite being a villain. So far, no other villain came even close to what Slade Wilson has been as a villain, he was smart, powerful, got under the hero's skin like nothing else and had the sinister voice to die for.
  18. May be Caitlin asked about it and Barry said he could try and Oliver went all, "no son, you cannot do it, it is difficult." And then Barry did it with his super speed and was all casual about it that it was no big deal. Why everyone is so willing to write him off as a whiney brat. Barry is a puppy, he should be treated like one.
  19. I am still not convinced they have to stick with her, they got rid of Sussana Thompson and Colin Donnell despite signing similar contracts, they actually want to stick with her and make her BC for some strange reason. Collective Masochism in all the executive producers I guess.
  20. Laurel as Black Canary can NEVER be a shiny new toy.
  21. Lolz, apparently they even ship Felicity with the wreckage of Queen's Gambit. I laughed out at that.
  22. Lolz, Oliver seems pissed off in that second NewZeland promo.
  23. They can still make them sing on Arrow. Imagine a dysfunctional birthday dinner for Thea, where Malcolm gets drunk, sits in front of a piano and start singing something cheery like "These are some of my favorite things." Felicity would not be able to help herself so she will start humming along and so will Roy. Thea will beatifically smile at her dad and Oliver will sit in a corner and scowl at everyone for singing and being happy because that is so not on, particularly on his show.
  24. It seems like they are floundering quite a bit on the character front because they became salves to the plot. Had that been a great plot, most of it would've been forgiven but that plot (who killed Sara and why) is the lamest thing this season. Major yawns.
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