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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. I would really like someone totally not related to Laurel - like Sin or Roy - to spill the beans about Sara's death to Quentin and when he would be in shock, they should go ... oh didn't Laurel tell you? She was there at the burial?
  2. Yeah Stephen Amell did say that in one of the cons that he did the summer before they started airing season 2. Felicity's hair was lose and flowy for the first two episodes of season 2 and her ponytail returned in episode 3. We later learned that EBR had to fight for her ponytail and glasses to retain her character. I guess, that is why it took her two episode to get what she wanted.
  3. I think her wardrobe change was intentional. But it was not just because of her changing character but also her status as an actor in the series. From her appearance to 1x12, she wore a combination of collared shirts and skirts and repeated her wardrobe a lot probably because she was an unknown guest actor. Her wardrobe got a boost from 1x14 onwards after she became an integral part of the Team and everyone knew that she was there to stay. They intentionally kept her clothing understated because EBR is so pretty, all of us were going gaga over every Felicity/Oliver interactions and they wanted her to be established as a team member. Barring the two evening dresses she wore under cover, she did not even wear a simple sleeveless top. She was all covered up. They also had the Laurel/Oliver plan back then so they did not want too much attention on EBR. Season 2 saw her status change both on the show and her character, EBR became a series regular and Felicity became the EA. The clothing got sexier and her attitude sassier which was natural. Season 3 changed her status yet again. She is the leading lady now, hero's love interest. In addition, a couple of other guys are also vying for attention so the focus has got to be on her and how beautiful she is. The nature of her wardrobe remained same but it now sports more expensive int. brands with Jimmy Choo shoes and Victoria Beckham dresses.
  4. I now want to watch a Deathstroke and Wolverine fight after this fanvid, I really really do.
  5. Absolutely loving this fanfic and cannot recommend it enough. Love Moira/Felicity interaction in it http://archiveofourown.org/works/2697512/chapters/6037037
  6. Do people here think Roy Harper is ready to be a big boy in Oliver's absence and take on more responsibility?
  7. Felicity and Emily Bett Rickards made just about every year end list heaping praises on both the character and the actor. This is huge for an actor on her first major acting assignment and also pretty significant for a CW show. It could not have happened to a nicer person.
  8. I agree with you, canary arcs were always the most uninspiring part of the story but then most things to do with the Lances were rather soapy
  9. Oh I can buy one indifferent sister seeking revenge for the other sister but Laurel was downright hostile to everyone, she does not have it in her to feel any positive emotion that deeply for anyone. She can hold a grudge, for sure but anything else, not so much. Her seeking revenge on Arrow for Tommy's death was stupid because it took her 2.5 hours to hop into bed with Oliver after Tommy told her that she belonged with the other dude. I mean she said it to Tommy that they love each other so even if Tommy was not in it, she could've taken time into jumping the other dude proving that Tommy was right all along and she didn't really love him so blaming a dude in leather for his death and seeking revenge made no sense. Then she said/did a million mean things to her sister, both in present day and in flashbacks so yeah, I don't really buy anything except animosity between these two. Her seeking vengeance for her death also does not ring true. PS: You can blame writing all the way but KC cannot really play Laurel without making her look "like a selfish, wannabe vigilante asshat."
  10. Same here ... I mean I totally bought that Oliver will die for his sister because he has shown deep affection for his sister time and again, even when she was being a brat. John Diggle was never shown with Andy but we got that he had a deep bond with him and his death affected him very deeply and was part of his motivation to be part of Oliver's vigilante team. Laurel, on the other hand, was nothing but cruel to her sister, she sough reconciliation with her not because she felt bad about but because she was read the riot act by her former boyfriend. I will NEVER ever buy the sisterly love that will drive her like this. She never loved Sara as was made clear to us that even as a teenager, she was selfish and got Sara grounded so that she can stake claim to the rich boy. This whole Laurel journey is nothing but a big yawn fest.
  11. The idea that people who put on masks are the only heroes is kind of insulting to almost all the beloved characters. Barring Oliver and a guest starring Barry, every other beloved character on Arrow is a mask less person. Be it John Diggle, Felicity Smoak or my fav HBIC Moira Queen.
  12. Oh things definitely picked up from 2x18 onwards because the emphasis moved from unnecessary Lance Family drama and that Oliver/Sara thing (still cannot call what followed that lunge a relationship) into the main story line of Slade Wilson's revenge and saving the city, Team Arrow style. Season 2 was a solid season barring the series of episodes from 2x14 - 2x17. 2x17 was the only Arrow episode ever that I have still not watched in its entirety. But everything fell into the slot (minus Oliver writing his company over to Isabel) after that and the last few episode were really good.
  13. I think he is giving them the sword with Oliver's blood as DNA evidence. He is playing some kinda game here like he always do. I am not really interested in Malcolm after 3x09 but I would really like this scene if either Diggle or Felicity kick him out of the foundry because they hate his lying guts.
  14. I felt the same way about him before he used Thea. I mean he was horrible to Tommy and I bought that but he professed love to Thea and what not and then he pulled that stunt. All the affection I had for him vaporized in seconds. I think I really dislike him now and want him dead for good - it will be even better if Zombie Tommy comes back to life and kill him because that would be most apt. In my opinion of course. A less crazy and non mirakuru influenced Slade is always welcome as a constant thorn though.
  15. A couple of seconds spoilers came out via NZ promo. Looks like Malcolm is in the foundry and he is giving the Team news of Oliver's death.
  16. I think this year should be Malcolm's last year on Arrow. John Barrowman must be a lovely man to work with but the character of Malcolm is just too unappealing. I mean if someone was handing out trophies for being the worst father ever, he would win first three spots. He must go this season because I, for one, cannot stand him any more.
  17. Hey, Laurel tried to put Moira away for life under a plea bargain or death sentence in case she does not plea guilty (which Moira did not) in episode 2x07. Two weeks later in episode 2x09, Thea went to Laurel for help looking into Sin's friend absence/abduction like it is all good and the woman who tried to put your mom to either gallows or a life in prison is the most trust worthy friend you can think of to help you. I screamed at Thea's lack of discretion then and she did not even have the excuse of brain washing South American herbs. If she was okay with Laurel and then Oliver dating the sister of the woman who tried to send her mother to gallows then she can also forgive Slade Wilson for actually killing her mother because you know, he was all mirakuru-ed and stuff.
  18. You still think she'll do something heroic even when EPs are telling us that she's gonna get her ass whopped galactically. Ah, I am glad I could convince at least one other person of my match making skills. PS: I never bought Tommy and Laurel romance because I never could figure out why Tommy would even like her, let alone love her. Laurel was barely civil to him most of the time she was rather bitchy to him the other times and she would always liken him with Oliver who was a horrible boyfriend to her even when Tommy was nothing but gentle and kind to her. Tommy/Thea were my first OTP of the show and I will always resent the TPTB for making them siblings.
  19. Holy shitballs, I actually spilled my tea on my phone reading this. Imagine if both Ray and Roy discover they are bisexual and get together with each other - oh the confusion alone with their names would keep the spark alive for a very long time. Laurel is too much of a hassle for any person. The only person I was okay with Laurel hooking up was Sebastian Blood because they both knew how to hold a grudge - esp if it against a family member, to lie to every one around them and make everything about themselves (remember Sebastian whining to Slade before the siege of the city). In the end, even Sebastian Blood did something heroic (delivered the mirakuru cure to Oliver at the cost of his life) for the city - something that Laurel has failed to do once in 2 and half seasons so even Sebastian Blood seems to be too good for her. I now think she will need someone like Lord Voldemort to make a suitable romantic pairing.
  20. Just wanted to point out that Oliver and Laurel did interact with each other in Corto Maltese. She came to him at the end of episode after getting beaten up and asked him to train her. He refused.
  21. I watched 9 episodes of The Affair for Colin Donnell and he only had like 5 scenes in total. I am sorry for having wasted all that time on a shitty drama about really shitty people. Colin Donnell was dreamy in all his five scenes though.
  22. While I respect the fact that you liked Sara a lot but I do beg to differ as far as her importance in the story telling of Arrow is concerned. Her role in Oliver's past ended with her second death on Amazo (after her first death on Gambit) and her role in the present also ended with the end of her romance with Oliver and her going off with the League. She would've been great as a recurring character that Arrow could call upon on times of crisis or as a person who would randomly drop in to share some pearls of wisdom when Oliver is being stubborn or something but beyond that (even with LoA being a clear and present danger in S3) I could not see a major role for Sara in story telling. Honestly, at times in season 2B, I thought she was thrust a little too much into the story at the cost of other characters. She was a bad ass fighter and everything but as far as the journey of Oliver Queen in becoming Green Arrow is concerned, her role was limited.
  23. Honestly, Sara's death served the story for next few episodes, no matter how convoluted but it did (I think it was crap but at least they tried) and we all knew that she was a temporary character. The death that rankled me most was Moira Queen. Her death did not serve any purpose for either plot or character motivation. Malcolm is just a sadistic old bastard without Moira Queen to counter him, we lost the HBIC and all the amazing potential that would've arisen out of the battle of wills between Felicity and Moira over Oliver's soul. I am okay with Sara's death (even though I do not understand the reason behind it) but I will NEVER be okay with Moira's death. She was the leading lady of the show in season 1, a very important character in season 2, and she had still a lot of story left in her.
  24. I think Peyton could work as a villain. She failed as a hero on Tomorrow People because just like Katie Cassidy, she cannot do nice and caring which her character required her to be. The fact that she cheated on her boyfriend with a high school kid also did nothing to endear her to the audience. She would be okay in a smaller, few episode long villainous arc, it was her being front and centre and being the object of affection of two men that rankled the audience. If only Arrow realize the same about Laurel and make her a villain because KC just cannot do heroic and nice. Ps: I so wanted Luke Mitchell to be Felicity's love interest when they first announced the character, I still think he would've been great and a lot less stalkery as Ray Palmer.
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