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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. This dress that she wore in 2x06 is my favorite Felicity dress of all three seasons. It was professional, the right fit and showed her assets - her amazing legs - without being too flashy or work inappropriate. I still think that boob cut out dress was the worst thing ever and we had to see it twice in two very important episodes, The Scientist and The Calm.
  2. I don't know really understand how KC's lack of martial arts training factor into her fight scenes being better executed. It is the job of the fight instructor on the set and stunts coordinator to do that. Neither Stephen Amell, nor John Barrowman had any martial arts training beforehand but their fight sequences turn out to be very well choreographed and believable. David Ramsey has had a lot of training but we have not seen that on the show. In my opinion, Celina Jade who played Shado was the best fighter of them all and she has been training practically ALL her life considering her dad is in the business. People bring in Caity Lotz's training as a factor but it really shouldn't be if the production and stunt department is doing their job. I personally think they lost interest in Laurel Lance as a character sometime in season 1 and they cannot really be bothered about creating anything belivable for her. I still laugh at the way Slade Wilson just rang her door bell and dropped the "Oliver Queen is the Arrow" line. That was the funniest thing Katie Cassidy has ever been part of in Arrow. I have a whole host of problems with Katie's acting choices because as an actress, convincing me about her character is her primary job - and she is not the best at that. Making her fights believable is NOT her job, it is the job of stunt department and other people and they have failed in that miserably. People may want to blame everything on Katie Cassidy or Laurel Lance but being bad at fighting is NOT her fault. I think Caity Lotz is a fairly basic actress and just being good at stunts should not mean she get to play a nuanced character with decades of history but who am I kidding. It is not like this bunch of writers is gonna write that character - either for Katie with her bad fighting skills or for Caity with her good fighting and bad acting skills.
  3. The sweeps this year would fall between April 23 to May 20th. 3x20 would be aired one day prior to the sweeps. I am not sure if their numbers for next 7 days of viewing would count.
  4. Oh yes, that scene was actually a set up for Tommy's most heroic moment - his eventual sacrifice to save Laurel's life. It was NEVER about actualization of their love. The season 1 ended not so triumphantly for either The Arrow or Oliver Queen. One device went off and half the Glades was still levelled, his mother was imprisoned and we later found out that Merlyn really was not killed. He then went to Lian Yu to lick his wounds in privacy. Tommy, on the other hand, emerged to be the true hero of that season. He saw his best friend and the woman he loved betray him but he still chose to forgive them both - he saved the woman from death and absolved his friend of any guilt before he died. In fact, if any one emerged a decent human being and a true hero after season 1, it was Tommy. Diggle, Felicity & Roy Harper were the other decent characters - everyone else has done something shady or criminal or cruel to hurt others.
  5. , she already has the mask and suit, and people are already calling her BC... What other story of hers is left to tell? Literally nothing compelling. So the sooner they finish her arc, the sooner the show can get to stuff that's more interesting like Diggle's association with HIVE, Felicity's father (which I'm hoping is intertwined with the HIVE arc), and more focus on Oliver's journey. So yeah, I'm bummed that I have to sit through this, but on the other hand, I'd rather rip the bandaid off because it seems like next season she will be more of a background character which I like. I really really wanna believe it but I am afraid it will be the exact opposite. They have significantly increased Laurel's screen time this year despite extremely poor showing and fan response last year. I don't see that pattern changing in future.
  6. I get the desire to come up with new things but why fix something which ain't broken. Team Arrow was lovely and did not need new members this season. Arrow verse was rich enough without all the additional characters that have not added much to the narrative of the core group and have wasted precious screen time in telling their stories. I am surprized these people still have jobs and are entrusted to create 3 more Tv shows when writing for the first one has been all over the place this season.
  7. Roy Harper is the best boyfriend in the history of CW so there is no denying that he is very very good for Thea. I am talking about initial episodes - right until Thea tried to kiss him. There was great potential between the two and could be explored if they had not decided to make him her half brother. I liked Tommy far too much for him to be saddled with Laurel who either judged him, or treated him like a boy that needed to be reprimanded all the time. The way she treated him during their double date with Oliver & Helena still rankles me. She was not a good girl friend - to either Oliver in the flashbacks or to Tommy during season 1.
  8. Oh I shipped them real bad. I shipped them before I shipped Olicity. Tommy was so so good with Thea.
  9. But there was a bouquet ... that Felicity caught! Why would they drop that hint if there was no wedding with Felicity being one of the persons getting married?
  10. I think Iris should dump all the three men in her life, move to Metropolis and now that Mason is dead, learn reporting under the guidance of one Lois Lane.
  11. I was one of those people who were indifferent to Ray Palmer till last episode. I mean we all knew the writers had a specific purpose for him, he will fill it and that would be the end of it all, plus I really like Brandon Routh as a person. He seems like an extremely affable person. Sadly, the misogynist creep that emerged in the last episode (he refused to believe Felicity, a woman he was sleeping with and he was apparently into her but believed another straight white dude whom he thought was a murderous criminal) made me want to hit him in head and then electrocute him and leave him in that same alley where he left poor Roy. He was a douche to his girlfriend, a sexist pig to Laurel Lance the lawyer, an ass to Oliver who is sorta hero, he was a hypocrite in general as he criticized Oliver for being judge, jury and executioner but went on to do exactly the same and then electrocuted poor Roy who was just standing next to Oliver. He did not even pay the price for any of that and then he also got to kiss the girl! They also made Felicity apologize to him for being loyal to her team and friends. So yeah, I want the writer of that episode and Ray Palmer both in a lot of pain.
  12. Not sure about Ray/Felicity scene but yes, the whole wedding sequence looked incredibly choppy to me. I mean they had Thea all decked up in a nice dress and they did not even give her a single dialogue? They had to pay her for the episode appearance right? The second one was Ray and Oliver Queen scene where in the middle of the argument, Oliver tells Palmer that he has no idea what the city is up against and then leaves. I thought a couple of lines were missing.
  13. Sometimes I weep for humanity! I mean why do people ask these questions!
  14. What the actual eff! Katie should go and sit in a corner for 30 minutes for not knowing what the word super means. I mean if she thinks her bumbling with a baton can in any way be misconstrued as 'super hero' shenanigans, then she needs to revaluate just about everything. On a side note, can someone please buy her a dictionary and highlight words & phrases like soul mate, epic, kick ass and of course, 'super' for her to know what they actually mean?
  15. This is Roy Harper dropping some truth bombs in season 2. I actually always liked him. In fact I was quite pissed at the writers that he was inducted in the team in 2x12 and was conveniently dropped from the storyline. From 2x13 - 2x17 they forgot him & later Thea & Felicity as well, and turned the show into Sara Lance/Lance Family Drama. Even Oliver Queen took a back seat into the whole saga. Those were dark times.
  16. As long as it is not the butter that Brandon Routh is selling ...
  17. Roy never wanted to break up with Thea, it is her idiot brother who forced it. Thea, on the other hand, actually told him off in Corto Maltese that they should just be friends. Considering she moved on from Roy (who is like THE BEST BOYFRIEND in Arrow verse) to DJ Assassin who wanted to kill her in her post coital bliss, this could be her dialogue. I mean she should think that she is the biggest idiot ever to ditch poor - now electrocuted - Roy with his perfect jawline and perfect cheekbones and permanent sass. And they have to go to Central City as a couple for that Flash episode. That anticipated break up will most probably happen in 3x19
  18. Technically only Thea and Roy have had a relationship and then called it off to warrant this dialogue. Some people - probably high or drunk or both - on twitter are calling it to be a Laurel/Oliver dialogue. I was like "Son, just stop." Funny, for an episode supposedly high on action, both dialogue teases are extremely shippy!
  19. In addition to everything that has been mentioned, Ray Palmer was there at the wedding so that Diggle could threaten him (which was 50 kinds of wonderful and I do want Diggle to make him go away) and Oliver can work in as many longing looks towards Felicity while she was smiling at Palmer's super lame jokes as the minister. His presence was also mandatory so that Oliver could express his support of the new relationship while looking longing at Diggle & Lyla and then at Felicity to tug our heart strings. Basically Ray Palmer was at the wedding for Oliver's multiple lovelorn longing looks at various people. PS: Laurel also smiled beatifically at Felicity when Palmer made his super lame jokes like she was encouraging/admiring her choice of boyfriend .... you go girl.
  20. At this point, just about every person in the fandom is more invested in Oliver's sex life than Oliver himself. But then again, that man needs help.
  21. Lord Mesa is so good, Stephen Amell follows him on Instagram
  22. Had it been anyone else, Felicity would have had his head for electrocuting Roy because she is protective of her friends but poor Roy was electrocuted and was left by both Mr Wonderful (Palmer) and Mr Surly (Oliver) and Felicity did not say anything? What was THAT?
  23. I think KC does not even watch her own show in its entirety. Arrow has/has had at least three bad ass fighter ladies in Caity Lotz's Sara Lance, Celina Jade's Shado and Rila Fukushima's Tatsu Yamashiro (Katana). This season alone, Willa Holland's Thea has had much more impressive fight scenes than Katie's Laurel.
  24. Somewhere it was mentioned that he is 22. Thea is 20 and he is a couple of years older than her.
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