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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. Looks like Ray Palmer is the creepiest creep to creep out. He is pinging and tracking every woman in Starling City aged between 21-39 because he is rich and creepy and stalkery.
  2. I am so very happy to say that this is one episode of Arrow where Laurel Lance did not fail either as a human being or a lawyer and she did not get to play the vigilante so she did not fail as that either.
  3. I seriously do not understand the whole butter coffee thing. I mean WHY? What is wrong with plain old coffee? Oh I think Oliver was just as obvious - if not more.
  4. John Diggle is perfect in that latest clip, he is admonishing and indulgent with Oliver, loving towards Felicity and all grrrr big brother on Ray Palmer. I absolutely loved him.
  5. If they actually do something as awesome as putting Thea and Felicity together to do some real work, that would be awesome. I am so here for it.
  6. This whole things is hilarious and ridiculous. I saw some seriously weird slut shaming and using the race card thing by Iris fans on twitter. I was extremely neutral to Iris before all that, but they made me hate her. I never thought that a fandom would make me hate a character I never even bothered to think about before but all that hatred managed to do that. It was ugly.
  7. True. I have liked most of her reviews. Her love for Felicity in general and Oliver's abs in particular makes her one of us.
  8. The fact that Vulture interviewed her for her role as Black Canary still hurt me in my soul.
  9. I have serious issues with that examiner review. Anyone who thinks Felicity Smoak is a gold digger needs to get his or her head examined.
  10. It's not cynical at all. Quite obviously people are not lining up at Caity Lotz's door to offer her work so she signed up what she was offered. In addition, she is suited best for this kind of work considering her background in martial arts and stunts. Her acting skills leave a lot to desired so it is better that she focuses on role which use skills in which she excels. PShe was also quite active on the con circuit so I am assuming she liked the whole genre quite a bit. Of all the actors I have seen on CW in lead roles, Robbie Amell was only second to that whiney guy from TVD who wanted to be Nightwing in terms of being wooden and flat. Nothing can beat the whiney brat from TVD. I am glad neither are part of this new lineup. I do think this show would be different in tone, if compared to both Arrow and The Flash and would be more sci-fi focused considering two of the four characters announced - Dr Ray Palmer & Dr Martin Stein - are PhDs in physics. I think Dr Stein would not really be assuming his firestorm persona in the new show but will be mainly there as a scientist.
  11. I totally agree with you on synergistic effect of a couple on each other. It has made careers of people in the past, esp Old Hollywood. Nicholas Sparks' 'One Day' has this lovely line about the lead couple. "She made you decent and you, in turn, made her very happy." This is so true for Oliver and Felicity as well. She makes him decent and responsible and smarter (at least she did in first two seasons before they made him a woobie faced idiot hell bent in saving a man who killed 503 people including his best friend) and he makes her braver, bolder and more adventurous and if they ever get together, I am sure they both will make each other very happy as was glimpsed in 3x01 briefly when they flirted and went on a date.
  12. I am surprised that Team Arrow video did not make much splash here.... My twitter timeline blew up like crazy yesterday.
  13. Screw Red Bull, sleeping with Felicity gives you wings.
  14. Me too. I thought Chris Evans was the biggest name after Robert Downey Jr. Maybe he is just a chilled out guy not too concerned about billings and stuff.
  15. I think we can all agree on one thing that the writers are not the best when it comes to writing romance. The most mature relationship of the show is between Thea and Roy and that is probably because they are peripheral characters and not the main romance of the show like Oliver & Felicity.
  16. You know what I would have liked Oliver to answer? Slade Wilson said that if Oliver had told him what happened to Shado, Moira Queen did not need to die, it was his habit of keeping secrets that was responsible. All Oliver did in response was to scream and make angry face. Like really? Thea was not even curious enough to ask even though it concerned her mom.
  17. Tony Stark made a better suit in a poorly lit cave in Afghanistan than what Ray Palmer came up with. What was that? I was actually neutral when I saw the photograph but it looks utterly ridiculous in the preview.
  18. Willa is not the only one. Felicity Smoak is wife goal for everyone. Plus I am really happy that Buzzfeed put Felicity in the list of most Bad ass women.
  19. They can always make Ra'as fall for her. If I recall correctly, Ra'as did date Dinah briefly in the comics.
  20. I agree, Malcolm is just pure evil and any attempt to redeem him would just fall flat. Plus not every character needs to be redeemed. Some characters should just stay evil. The most deliciously grey character on the show was Moira Queen played superbly by Susanna Thompson and she still remains the best.
  21. This is what is wrong with this season .... Too many characters, too many story lines and nothing gets told properly making it a hotchpotch of tales badly told. They need to cut down their caste and tell a more believable story.
  22. But I cannot imagine that Oliver Queen came up with that idea all by himself. I have maintained that Felicity was in on the secret because it was a smart idea and she is the one who comes up with all the smart ideas. Secondly, not telling Felicity about the plan makes Oliver a giant douche nozzle and I don't want him to be a douche nozzle so my head cannon says she was in on the plan to dupe Slade.
  23. Considering that 3x18 will be aired in first week of April, MG is gonna hold off revealing the title until at least we are in the month of March. It is a good six weeks away, if not more. I think MG will gobble up all of your ideas.... I am particularly partial to her marrying Ra'as and going off to Nanda Parbat.
  24. of course I was being ridiculous about what she was going to put in her contract, I know it for a fact that it is impossible for anyone to do that. I was just me venting my bitterness. I hope no one will take my ranting about her dictating a storyline seriously. Though I was serious about her getting to increase her screen time to fit in her status as second lead or regarding monetary compensation.
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