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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. The beauty of Olicity in last 2 seasons was that it was free of stupid tropes. They were just two individuals who slowly discovered that they have a lot of respect and admiration for each other and that they were attracted to each other and were inching towards something more. Come season 3 and the writers started writing them as a couple and started applying all kinds of tropes on them - right down to the worst of them all - hero walking in on his lady love kissing some other dude. Now they want Felicity's 'I love you' to bring him back from some kind of precipice when they have already done that in season 2 finale when she told him that he need not be a killer anymore and offered to be bait to Slade in order to cure him of his mirakuru rage. It was beautiful and organic and we all loved it. Now they will rehash it and will probably make it more melodramatic which is the antithesis of what makes Olicity so special. Oliver and Felicity were never melodramatic - they were understated and glorious because of that. Something happened to that wonderful understated glorious romance the minute they decided to write it as one. These writers are so not capable of handling a decent romantic storyline without resorting to most tropey of dramatics. The only thing that is saving them so far is the top notch chemistry between Stephen and Emily. They can sell vegetables on screen and make it look convincing and passionate.
  2. Thanks a lot for the kind words, but I am just so bitter about it all. Between her being in the lair and her being part of the most of the fight scenes, KC's screen time has been increased a lot in season 3B comparison with season 2 or 3A . You know what makes it worse - it will affect her presence in coming seasons. More screen time this season will help her renegotiate her contract for upcoming seasons. I am willing to bet that she may even get them to put it in the contract that L/O would be end game couple (not really) and that she must get at least 8-10 minutes of screen time in every episode she appears in. This makes me even more bitter than I was feeling before and that is saying something. There is a reason why Flarrow crossover this season and The Scientist last season were the best and most watched episodes. They had little or no Laurel and they had vintage Team Arrow working with Barry to fight the bad guys with some lighter moments thrown in for levity. That is the show I want to watch, not this disaster where everyone with Super hero destiny is getting un deserved screen time and character development and fan favorites like Diggle and Felicity are side lined.
  3. Nothing rankled me more than that light comment that Felicity made about Laurel. I mean WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! For starter, Felicity knows jack about Laurel, she was either being damseled in season one or trying to capture Arrow in early season 2 or was drunk or tranqed or both in later half of season 2. In season 3, she was in the lair acting all entitled and bossy. As late as episode 3x03, Felicity asked if they were friends and now all of a sudden she saw this light in her that we were unable to see in 2.5 seasons and counting? What about the darkness that Laurel herself talked about when she was talking to Helena or when she blackmailed the DA Kate Spencer? This show has been trying to turn Laurel into a hero since season 1 and they are still failing at it. Now they just make me gag every time she appears on TV. At least I had the option of fast forwarding her in previous seasons but now that she is in every scene in the foundry and with Felicity, how am I gonna survive this? I am so bitter about it.
  4. It is not for PCA, it is a Valentine Day thing on their blog. I don't know why every one got so excited.
  5. Well she did touch Felicity's ponytail just like Oliver did in last episode. Maybe she is going to Single White Female Oliver next when she uses his moves on his girl. Oh boy ... I hope they are not gonna go there....
  6. I would take Felicity's sexy times with anyone over that line about Laurel having a light and then hugging her. It made me want to throw sharp objects on my TV. On second thoughts, I would take Felicity's sexy times with anyone but Laurel. I just want LL away from my people - Diggle and Felicity - because her vicinity turns them into pod people instead of the characters we have lived for over two years.
  7. I would be so disappointed if Malcolm is not going to be the big bad this season. I want him dead at the end of this season and Zombie Tommy resurrection in the finale so that he can come back in season 4.
  8. People speculate far too much and get angry and do harm to their own blood vessels. The problem with speculation is that most viewers - at least on this forum - are sane intelligent people who speculate a story that is somewhat logical. The reality is that most story lines have been a lot less logical this season - the most convoluted was making Thea a murderer who have been drugged to commit the act by her own dad. No normal person can come up with this story line and not think that everyone out there would consider him/her a total moron. EPs also have no idea how to market the show. 3x10 -- 3x12 was NOT a BC trilogy like they marketed it. People wrote thousands of words on this forum alone speculating about this trilogy and how will it unveil, what we got was one Laurel heavy episode and some really shoddy story telling about Oliver getting well with magic snow and mystical eastern medicine of Tatsu, a totally forgettable villain in Brick and a really pathetic attempt at redeeming Malcolm Merlyn who is an evil lying liar who lies a lot and should die by the end of the season. With the title like Canaries, everyone would think that it would be Laurel centric episode but I am kinda sure that the biggest story next week would be Oliver getting message from Maseo that Ra'as is coming after them all and he would tell Thea about his Green Arrow identity. Another story next week would be the progress in the Atom suit now that Felicity has helped Ray in making that quantum processor. The vertigo induced hallucination and canaries would be a small part of the episode and people have spent so much breath on that. Similarly, the ATOM and Arrow tension with Felicity in the middle would also be something minor and nothing major will come out of it. Felicity's loyalty to the cause has been steadfast. Even when Oliver broke up with her after half a date, she came back, he died and she came back and even after the whole Merlyn fiasco, she will be back in the liar, there is no way that any tension between these two guys with Felicity in the middle would last for more than a quarter of an episode and would get resolved soon. Felicity is a problem solver, with her in the middle, things are bound to get resolved - sooner rather than later. I have decided that if I want to watch this show - which I do because I like OG Team Arrow a lot - I am not going to speculate anything. Its not like there is a bunch of logical coherent brains sitting in the writers' room making a lot of sense. Just take things as they are, if they are good, enjoy them, if they are bad, criticize them and if they are ridiculous, just laugh at them.
  9. I used to write a weekly column for a publication when I was in Europe - it was all serious journalism - and the every week the website would have comments ranging from calling me a socialist idiot (I wrote a lot against privatization of water) to Satan's evil spawn (for writing pro choice pieces). You need to have the hide of rhinoceros if you are publishing anything. It was Lord Wellington who once said, "Publish and be damned." I guess getting damned is just as important as getting published - esp in this day and age. This guy is obviously a joke and not a real writer. Never really went to GATV because that website is a mess aesthetically. My eyeballs cannot take that.
  10. I fail to understand the whole moving on part. Even if we are to believe that Felicity did not think of Oliver as a romantic option for her because he took himself away, he was still a person closest to her and his death affected her - a lot. She was literally walking like a zombie through 2/3rd of the episode and the only time I felt her being energetic was when she came asking to borrow the helicopter. Oliver, may or may not be a romantic option in Felicity's head, he was still the person closest to her. She loved him dearly and was mourning him. As another person who actually watched the entire season, I can vouch for her feelings for Oliver.
  11. I think they included Team Arrow in the lie so that Quentin can be angry with Arrow and Felicity (Poor Arrow was battling for his life when this travesty of a storyline was happening). Laurel like always will not pay for her lie. She can get away with blackmailing,lying cheating and what not. I think that is her super power. Laurel makes me not want to have children, I mean what's the point, first they will be ungrateful little shits and then they will lie to your face!
  12. At least the season 1 triangle was not really a triangle. At least not for the first 20 episode. It was only towards the end of the season Oliver decided to be the class A douche and did what he did to Tommy. This year's triangle is also not really a triangle - at least not so far - but it is a lot more annoying, probably because I am invested in Oliver and Felicity and I was not really invested in any of the romantic angles of that triangle (my favoured version would have been bros before hoes). Can the writers accept defeat and admit that they cannot write a triangle for shit! I think the only show runner who has incorporated decent, believable and human love triangles on television is Shonda Rhimes and we all know that Marc Guggenheim ain't no Shonda Rhimes.
  13. Well, it has been two seasons and half and the only agonizing choice Felicity has made so far is the aiding and abetting Laurel in deceiving her dad, but we all know that it was to prop up Laurel so I most probably will forgive her for it by the time next Wednesday rolls in. Apart from the above mentioned blunder, Felicity has been rather spot on in making the smart decisions, for herself and the team.
  14. Tell me if I am wrong but do people here really think that there would be a mutiny like situation in Team Arrow?
  15. What is it with keeping it like they are two 14 year olds on a chaperoned date? Bring in some heat please .... We know the actors have chemistry and we know other 8:00 pm shows on CW have shown us some pretty extensive making out (looking at you GossipGirl & Vampire Diaries). Can we have Oliver and Felicity indulging in some adult make out sessions please .... This show badly needs some levity and love making, because barring Diggle, everyone is single, lonely and angsty, even the older folks. It just gets too miserable at times.
  16. I don't want them to break into salsa ... just hold each other, sway and some eye banging on the side .... I don't want a lot, just a little.
  17. Most of you are familiar with this gif I made another one for variety and in public service because Laurel reduces most of us to this ...
  18. But he wanted to dance with Felicity back in 2x08 ... and she shot him down because she was kinda miffed with him ... I refuse to believe that either Oliver or Stephen cannot dance. I generally do not hate Ray as much as other people do but putting him in Dyla wedding as Felicity's plus 1 is next level cruelty by the writers. I mean Oliver is wearing a tux and probably suspenders under that tux ... he should not have to suffer through this when he is looking this pretty!
  19. I think its great that she is missing things that are Arrow related and trying to do other stuff. May be there is hope that she will find something else later this year and will not be back for Arrow. I would be happy with that.
  20. He will be directing Super Girl pilot for starters and those take some days plus an episode of Flash too if I a not wrong.
  21. Why would Quentin ask his lawyer daughter if the mayor is secure. Shouldn't he be asking his policemen that? Sometimes I wonder of they even have a story editor who needs to take care of glitches like this one.
  22. The difference between Oliver's and Roy's costume is that Oliver's hood is made of cloth and Roy's leather which makes him look weird. The leather just does not sit well and something is always sticking out. Plus the whole black grease around the eyes with red mask makes him look like a zombie. Would've been much better if his mask was darker ... close to black and his grease in a lighter shade, like Oliver's. Laurel looks like 100 years old in that platinum blonde wig. Just a big NO.
  23. I would've loved to see Slade Wilson and Sara Lance sexing things up and being general bad asses. That would've been so much better than what happened with both Sara Lance and Shado.
  24. If all that is true then how do you explain her eventually becoming BC. From what I know, both DC and Marvel are extremely protective of their characters and how they are portrayed. If they were really concerned about the black canary and how she was portrayed and by whom, they would have made sure that their creative input is taken into account. I personally think they never meant to introduce the character of Black Canary when they first envisioned the series, hence casting Katie Cassidy for Laurel Lance, a character that is not even called Dinah, the name that is associated with BC. The show was supposed to be about titular character of Arrow, and because he was a cheating cad in the comics with a semi permanent girl friend Dinah Lance, they made LL the love interest. They thought may be in the end, they will make her BC when green arrow is a fully actualized character because this one is an origins story. I think they never expected Arrow to be as popular and as big as it turned out to be. They had no idea that the thirst for characters other than Green Arrow would be that strong. That is why they later hired Colton Haynes to play side kick Arsenal and wondered what to do with the Black canary which lead to the addition of the character of Sara Lance. But none of that answers the question why Katie Cassidy ended up being BC when they had a much better BC in another actress. I don't think we will know as long as the show is being aired.
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