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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. With the number of characters being introduced every episode, this season is more revolving doors than intimate. Cupid's character sounds like a bunny in the boiler situation. Helena was different, she was not obsessed with either Oliver or Arrow, she was obsessed with killing her dad for revenge. So there is NO comparison between Huntress and Cupid.
  2. There were a couple of people on twitter who said that they spotted Emily on the scene. If anyone here watched Awkward, this guy played Jenna's stoner boyfriend. Cannot recall his character's name though.
  3. Yes, she is climbing up that boy in a very upbeat way. Lucky dude got to make out with Emily Bett even if it was in front of a crowd with cell phones cameras on.
  4. oh boy, I need that to happen on the show. She should just randomly kick his ass for shit and giggles because she can - like a mean older sister.
  5. I think the jacket and boots were fine. Most of us had dressed like that in college. We've had a weird angle and have no idea if she actually looked frumpy. For all I know, it could come across very edgy and cool onscreen. I don't think Canary's bustier would look flattering during the day from an off angle but looks real badass at night. Wait for the episode to air before we call College Felcity geek/nerd/frumpy etc.
  6. Yups, I think she even thanked the director Guy Norman Bee that he let her keep her industrial piercing. If you notice, her ponytail was covering her ear in the episode where she first appeared. They later decided to incorporated an Emily thing into Felicity.
  7. me too. The piercing and that exchange about Hamlet hooked me like nothing else and then I was a goner. Honestly, I usually find something in a character that I don't like fairly early, even in those whom I love, but Felicity is that one exception that I cannot find a fault with her. Even when they give her idiotic lines like "Please save Oliver" I bitch about the writers and go on loving her. Emily Bett Rickards must be a magician.
  8. Oh boy .... all these Arrow spoilers ... my head is reeling. That edgy/gothic style will also explain the industrial piercing that she still has. The hair are also super straight.
  9. I called it back in July that there would be a kiss in season premier - its not like they have not been circling around each other since the day they met - so I guess it is just about time and not too soon. They were this close to this before Sara and Oliver lunged at each other and had sex in 2x13. It looks like Oliver initiated the kiss which is sweet.
  10. Looks like Charlotte Ross is winning hearts, left right and center.
  11. Well for most of us, and I am not assuming it as almost every Internet forum and every person in real life thought Laurel was either crazy, entitled, self absorbed or bratty, conflicted is not a word I would ever associate with Laurel as it means she us actually thinking about something other than herself.
  12. ETA: from the Laurel Lance thread: This is why I think Felicity is pretty safe. There is a sizable portion of the audience who either quit watching or were ready to quit, and then Felicity came on and we were watching again. If they ever do decide to get rid of Felicity, they need to have this portion of the audience hooked enough that we won't leave and that's not such an easy task. I too was one of those people. I stopped watching Arrow after the second episode because that episode was one big giant clusterfuck. Then I was visiting a friend who's into comics and she made me watch episode 18 which started with Felicity ogling at a shirtless Oliver hanging from the beam and I was hooked. It also helped that Laurel did not interact at all with Team Arrow. I then watched the whole season when it became available on Netflix and then watched season 2 live, well most episodes, so yes, Felicity brought me back to the show and so many others. They have to be suicidal to want her off the show. Emily is under contract till the end of season 4 and I am sure she is gonna stick around for longer if the show continues.
  13. Yups, saw that just now but I think I saw him tweeting the award show last night from LA. My bad. Stephen posted it on his FB that he will be in Toronto for Fan Expo on Friday as well because this is his light week.
  14. I think this episode is truly Felicity centric. Both Colton and Paul Blackthorne are in LA and Stephen will leave for Toronto's Fan Expo during the week. It seems like we will see more and more of Felicity Smoak which is great because apparently episode 3x03 and 3x04 are very low on Felicity. Can't wait to see her doing wonderful things on screen this November.
  15. Exactly, Oliver only shown concern for Laurel in her damsel moments and that too in season 1, he was quite chilled towards her in season 2. He talked to her about her addiction when Quentin asked him to and even went to the hospital when Quentin called though I could never figure out why Quentin called Oliver when he thought his daughter ODed. My conclusion is that Laurel only wanted to be Moira 2.0 at any cost and she was bitter because it was denied to her, and the epic love story that the writers promised, well they forgot about it by the time second episode rolled out and Laurel donned her bitchiest persona.
  16. They nominated a random person who follows them both on twitter, how cute is that!
  17. Guys, don't forget that some of the best fighters taught Oliver. Shado & Slade Wilson on the island and then Argus trainers Maseo & Katana in Hong Kong and we don't know who else after that.
  18. I think she does view Laurel as morally superior, otherwise we would not have that scene where she exploded a wine glass on her sister. Not to mention the dinner table explosion which was rightly directed at Sara and Oliver but she basically attacked her dad which was not called for.
  19. Thea and Tommy were 'the couple' for me in first season before the writers started hinting at Felicity & Oliver and I still have not forgiven the writers for making them siblings. Genki, the list of possibilities of heartaches and relationships you have mentioned would've made for far richer and believable story line than what we have witnessed in season 2.
  20. She was just as clueless in 2012 as she is now and there were no Caity Lotz or Emily Bett Rickards back then to compare her with. She over used words like cool and edgy and she thought Laurel worked in corporate world. I LOLed at that.
  21. As I was the first person who referred to her topless scenes in some other film, and I put the disclaimer that I was NOT slut shaming her, I thought I should respond to this. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you being comfortable with person A but not with person B, this is how human interactions work. However, people will think or speculate when an actor will give stupid excuses like this one. Doing sex scenes with you co actor is part of your job, esp when you take on the role of the love interest of the male lead. Instead of talking about it on multiple forums that you were uncomfortable and that it was horrible, talk to the actor/director/producers and try and resolve the issue, that's what adult professionals would do. I am sure she had no such issues when she was shooting, but when that scene was aired and just about everyone literally gagged at it, she came up with that absurd theory. It was a bad scene, Stephen discussed it only in terms of gag reel and no one blames Stephen for that being a horrible scene but Katie and her mega stupid claim about Stephen being married brings everyone back to the fact that KC is a hypocrite. For as long as those interviews are here in cyber space, she will be ridiculed. Every time she would do a racy sex scene, people will bring it up and say that KC was a hypocrite. If only she had kept quiet, no one would've called her on it. I absolutely adore Angelina Jolie who has done many such scenes but no one would EVER call her a hypocrite because she never acted like a prude or gave stupid excuses for anything.
  22. Clueless about character in 2012, clueless about the character in 2014.
  23. Oh God, I totally forgot that Malcolm had held Walter captive for so many months, I wonder what Thea would have to say about that considering how she hated her mother in season 1 when she thought she was cheating on Walter with Malcolm.
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