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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. Laurel is supposed to be 30. Both Tommy and Laurel were 28 when the series started making her 30 in third in third season. (I am being nit picky here, I know KC is not 30 in real life
  2. Yups, I think it is safe to assume that Arrow will kill at least one important cast member every season and season 3 will be no exception. We have lost Colin Donnell and Sussanna Thompson in the first two seasons, I hope we do not actually lose an important cast member and just get rid of Laurel Lance this season because she is the most expendable character who often times has to be inserted into the story which devalues the whole process of story telling and makes other characters look stupid or annoying or both.
  3. Thea had a huge crush on him and even tried to kiss him. I think it could've gone somewhere had they not killed him and then made him her brother. I loved whatever few scenes that Colin and Willa had together but then Colin was one of those actors who shine with whosoever they are acting with.
  4. I am not sold on light symbolism because every romantic moment in the final episode of season 1 had background lighting. Thea and Roy's kiss in the middle of Glades chaos also had some very bright background lighting. I guess the director/cinematographer for the episode was big on light/romance reference. However, I did notice the bit about Oliver's "I love yous" on the show. Despite dating/sleeping/having feelings for various women, Oliver never said I love you to any of his romantic interests. Apart from the fake/not so fake 'I love you' with Felicity, he has said those words only to the people who're related to him - his mom and his sister. In 46 episodes, the only woman who got an 'I love you' out of Oliver Queen was Felicity and that was significant as hell. Stephen Amell really sold that with his puppy dog expressions in the last scene at the beach. For me, the most memorable Laurel scene is the one where she threw her wine glass at her sister when she found out that she is back after being dead for 6 years. Another thing that I remember is that she was a total bitch to her mom when she first visited her in season 1 but yeah, that was about it.
  5. I totally agree, in fact most of her role was in the last three episodes was forced to make her relevant, otherwise, she was not really needed to tell a story. That whole dialogue about knowing him like her name and someone's bones, she was handed over the finding out about Sebastian's predated press release, usually all this online snooping is Felicity's job but they gave it to Laurel so that she can give that speech and to enforce her entry in the Arrow lair. After that she deliberately ignored Oliver's advice and followed him to that under ground bunker and then became a DiD again when she needed all that cajoling to shoot an arrow into a pile of rubble. I mean it was not like she had to shoot in someone's eye! Once she got to the precinct, she played the DiD twice, first when Nyssa shot her with a dart and later when she was picked up by Slade's goons. In the end, there was a maniacal laughter and handing over the magical jacket. She had absolutely nothing to do with the plot or any of the storylines. She was there because they had to use her, she had nothing to do with the story.
  6. I snorted my tea all over my iPad at 'eleventy billion times'. That apartment is jinxed. If I were Laurel, I would run away from that place but then we all know she is not the smartest cookie in the jar.
  7. I most certainly hope they are not serious about her character any more and are actually planning to write her off this season because frankly, she does nothing but irritate the hell out of me in most scenes. And if online fandom is to be believed, most people feel exactly the same way. That would make her either 'mad canary' or 'black hunter' but I am still quite partial to blackmail canary.
  8. Everything the show has done with Laurel storyline borders on ridiculous, be it her work at CNRI, at DA's office, her weird association and suspicion of Sebastian Blood or her alcoholism. I now do not expect anything even remotely sane or logical from anything associated with Laurel Lance. For me, Laurel scenes serve the purpose of going to fridge to get some snacks or for bathroom breaks during the show. If I am watching a DVRed episode, I most likely fast forward her scenes.
  9. The first pairing that I loved on this show was Thea and Tommy. I was quite pissed when they made them half siblings, even after his death. In my head, Tommy/Thea were perfect together.
  10. Oh it was not just in SDCC, she has said that multiple times in smaller cons, in fact she even insulted a fan in Australia when the girl asked her about what future holds for Laurel. Her response was that didn't she know what happened in comics, didn't she know that Laurel got the leather jacket at the end of season 2 finale. The girl was quite embarrassed and sat down when she was told twice that she should've read the comics before asking such a stupid question. As Katie banned video recording of her sessions, there was no video recording but the girl posted it on tumblr but was bullied by KC fans so she even deleted that. However it stays online because many people reblogged it. EBR never said that reading comics helped her character, in fact she repeatedly said that it is both a blessing and a curse that there is no back story to her character. The blessing is that she can play it whichever way she and the directors and writers decided for it to go and the curse is that she does not have the rich history that other DC characters have - to go back for references. EBR also mentioned that she has started reading not only Green Arrow comics but also Teen Titans and Batman comics to familiarize herself with DC universe and this is how every professional would behave. No matter how big a fan you are, Katie's multiple public faux pax makes it impossible for the fans of the show to root for Laurel Lance. I don't think Katie even cares that much. She gets paid a lot of money for minimal work and that is always glorious.
  11. Honestly, I would've preferred if Malcolm had died and Tommy had turned dark and turned up a couple of seasons later to avenge the death of his father. John Barrowman is amazing but I was more attached to Tommy Merlyn as a character than Malcolm. I think Tommy had a lot more going on than that triangle. I mean Oliver dated two women during that time, it hardly ever felt like triangle barring last few episodes of first season. Laurel Lance is no longer the leading lady, I hope they are willing to get rid of her now. She is like the only character on the show who has no purpose and has to be deliberately woven in the storyline to stay relevant.
  12. poor Roy, first he was bitten by the crab and then was pushed in the washer.
  13. I think she tells people to read comics because someone told her that in GA comics, Dinah Laurel Lance is not only the black canary but also the romantic leading lady, she wants everyone to read those comics and believe in that cannon, otherwise there is no need for her to tell everyone to 'go read comics' because frankly, it makes her look stupid.
  14. Oh I took notice of Felicity in the first scene (probably because I had bought a similar pink shirt back then which my friend thought was little too pink for work and I remember texting her that this cute girl is wearing the same shirt) but I actually thought she was a viable romantic option in The Huntress Returns. First Helena Bartenelli referred to her as one of Oliver's girlfriends (the show never went there before) then Oliver who still wanted to help Helena after she twisted Tommy's wrist and threatened his mom and sister in a very subtle way by going to see them. But the minute she went after Felicity, he changed his tune and was so much in the fighter mode that he almost attacked Diggle who followed him to QC to save Felicity. Then "Salvation" happened. Felicity talked about not seeing someone with whom she can talk about her day and how it is better that she is all by herself, what does Oliver do? He goes and presents himself as an option to talk about days like that. I mean I loved Emily from the moment she appeared on my screen but I was holding myself back. Episode 1x18 gave me hope that they may happen sometime but what totally sold me is the episode 2x02 where Felicity (despite being demoted as the EA) gave him her piece of mind - repeatedly - and he took it all and in the end, when she brought him coffee and he looked at her longingly for 4 seconds longer that necessary (Stephen Amell's words, not mine) that sold it for me.
  15. Honestly, in most Oliver/Tommy interactions, Tommy always came out on top - as a better friend/person. It was evident from the first episode when they were cruising the city and Oliver wanted to go see Laurel. Tommy tried to protect him and asked why he wanted to go and see the one person who would not be happy that he is alive. In episode 3, he was willing to get beaten up by Max Fuller's bouncers for Oliver. He looked after his sister when Oliver was away and even when he was back and busy in his vigilante activities. He asked his friend's permission before actually dating Laurel and would never have pursued her if Oliver showed discomfort. Oliver, on the other hand was the douchebag who told him to go after the girl and then bonked her in front of the window without drawing the curtains. But the biggest douche move by Oliver was in episode 19 of season one. Even after the revelation of him being the vigilante and murderer, Tommy was willing to work on their friendship and was working at the club. The scene at the beginning where they were laughing about finding bras and panties in the lost and found box was funny and then he saved Oliver's ass with the whole police search thing as well. What did Oliver do? He actually asked him if he was involved in the sales of Vertigo at the club. Even if he was suspicious, that was not the time. I think one of the reasons why Tommy was killed in season 1 was that his character was turning out to be a lot more likeable than the hero. We saw something similar in the latter part of season 2 when Diggle's role was decreased because he too was getting a lot of positive feedback. You want other characters to be liked but you want the hero to be liked most.
  16. Honestly, I fail to understand why KC's people do not stop her from attending all these cons, its not like she is desperate for money or anything! She is doing dis service to her fans and her character of Laurel by appearing in those cons and shooting off about her character when she has no clue what she is doing. It is just sad.
  17. Chemistry is very important and not just between romantic leads but between other characters. Case in point is episode 14 of first season of Arrow, half the episode was a bonding session between Felicity and Diggle, from her bringing Oliver to lair and saving his life a couple of times to them bonding over his terrible lies and how she was onto them (I may be blonde but I am not that blonde). By the end of the episode, Diggle was concerned that bringing in Felicity could be dangerous for her and we as audience bought Diggle's concern for this new girl because of the terrific chemistry between these two actors. Moira and Oliver scenes also carry an emotional punch - from the first scenes where Oliver's first word on the show was mom to Moira's last scene where she called him her beautiful boy - the audience bought their bond. No matter how dysfunctional their relationship was with all the lying and vigilante business, it was still emotionally strong enough to keep the audience hooked. I think Chemistry is very important, otherwise it is just a bunch of actors saying their lines and getting paid an awful lot of money for that.
  18. I think even writers realize what a great missed opportunity Tommy's death was, hence they keep bringing him back, first as a hallucination in season2 and then as a flashback in season3.
  19. I don't think the writers give it all that much thought. I mean their initial plan was to make Sara a villain and a Deathstroke accomplice. That is why, when she first appeared during first half of season 2, there were no romantic overtones in her conversation with Oliver (she even mentioned about the Laurel and Oliver togetherness and how some things never change). She was shown to be a tough as nails woman who had a couple of emotional moments with her dad, but when the producers realized how well received she was, they made her the LI of the season and created a whole backstory where she appeared to be the better/smarter sister, as a consequence of which, Laurel had to be the self involved and delusional one (not to mention the fact that she was not nice with her baby sister). In season 1, the EPs were going for Laurel as a tough woman who will eventually crumble under the heroism of Arrow and fall for the steely blue gaze of Oliver Queen. What they did not count on was that sketchy/ambiguous writing matched with KC's rather poor acting made Laurel a character that most audience are just waiting for being written off or die. During season 2, they realized that they had two much better choices - Emily Bett for leading lady and love interest and Caity Lotz for Black Canary and that love interest and Black Canary can be two different people) which made the character of Laurel totally superfluous to the show. So far, any attempt to integrate her into main storylines seemed contrived and forced, it is a good thing that most of us love the show and all the other things hence we continue to watch it.
  20. I am most interested in Hong Kong and Felicity flashbacks, probably because they add an element to the show which would be novel. I have a feeling that I would like Maseo and Katana characters and Felicity is my favorite character on the show and I just cannot get enough of her so any flashback with her would be amazing. As far as Lance family is concerned, we have had far too much Lance family drama last season, both in present and flashbacks, and I would be grateful if we are not subjected to any flashbacks involving any member of Lance family, because that would be meh!
  21. and there was never a boss or director type person running CNRI. That place was just set up to make Laurel look like a messiah. It ended up making her look like a very dim witted person who was neither good at lawyering (she did not win a single case, her clients got justice through Arrow) nor was she good at keeping herself safe even when she was told what to do to keep herself safe.
  22. I do agree with you. Let's end the drama with romance, settle that and focus on the super hero bit because at the end of the day, it is the super hero show. And while the slow burn and romance between Oliver and Felicity has been sweet and refreshing (no one jumped anyone in the space of two episodes and a date), keeping them apart after them acknowledging their feelings for each other would be unnecessary.
  23. Nops, this scene would not have made any difference because I never liked Laurel before and loathed her after she jumped onto Ollie after professing her love for Tommy (if I recall, it all happened in a couple of days). I think Tommy made more of a connection with that little boy than Laurel ever did. All I remember was Katie Cassidy and her trade mark clumpy mascara look.
  24. I have a feeling that Iris would be Laurel 2.0. Why? Because of the whole stupid secrecy thing, don't tell the woman you love that you are a fucking super hero! Plus you have Eddie Thawn who is her boy friend just like Tommy was there for Laurel. So while Barry may give her angst filled looks every episode, she will hang out with Eddie and will have her own storyline with Daddy and Eddie and Barry will have his own team with Cisco, Caitlin and Harrison Wells. After Arrow and The Tomorrow People (where they tanked the casting of leading lady and everyone fell in love with Astrid), this will the third series where this production house will screw up the supposed lead pair's chemistry. Next time they plan a serial, they should do it without the leading lady so that there won't be any shipping wars. Felicity looks amazing but then she always does (I am kinda biased here) and she is out getting some sun so that is even better.
  25. I am not sure but I do think that Andrew Kriesberg tweeted about Felicity being in #35. Let me check his older tweets.
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