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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. We still know more about Deadshot than Felicity. We know that he has a daughter, we know her name and that he loved her very much.
  2. I am surprised that he has not made googly eyes at Detective Lance after the island. I mean who knows what happened with Slade and Yao Fei before he caught up with Shado and Sara. Oliver needed sex - if there were no girls, he would make do with Fryers. In my head cannon, Oliver and Dinah had done it when he visited her at her place of work because he just could not resist anyone who is named Lance.
  3. his ability to run that fast makes him a perfect guy to cheat on his girlfriend. I mean he tells her that he is just going to gym for a couple of hours. Now that he has bas, he has to maintain them - then he jogs over to Starling, watch a movie with another girl and goes back. No toll taxes or airline tickets that will reveal his cheating ways. There should be an episode about how being the fastest man alive helps Barry cheat his way around many women in both Starling and Central City.
  4. Seriously rich people are never never truly poor. There will always be hidden assets, his trust fund which would be separate from his QC holdings and a woman like Moira would have a seriously hefty life insurance which will be passed on to her two children so even if Oliver has lost QC (and I still do not know how losing the position of CEO would devalue his 50 percent shares) his personal wealth would still be in millions, if not billions.
  5. I think she said that they will first fight and then be friends and Emily was nonplussed. She did not give any opinion and kinda followed KC's lead. The men - including the host of the panel - said that they would watch that fight.
  6. I would not only watch that but I would cheer that as well - as loud as I can be :)
  7. Its funny what these photos show. For past two seasons Felicity was the lighter person while Oliver was the broody one. In these BTS photos, Oliver is smiling and Felicity is the serious one.
  8. hahaha If I am not wrong, KC was cast as Laurel Lance - not as Black Canary. And as this is a TV show about Green Arrow's origins story, even if she had become BC, she would have been secondary to the character of Green Arrow. The way the show has been written, it seems that apart from Stephen Amell's Green Arrow, every other character was fair game. Willah Holland was called Speedy but then they introduced Roy Harper, Colin Donnell was the only Merlyn in first few episodes before they came up with Daddy Merlyn who turned out to be the big bad of the season. I don't recall either Willah Holland or Colin Donnell (poor guy was killed after signing a 3 year contract) going to the press and crying that they were devastated that another character took on their supposed comic identity? It is just lack of professionalism on Katie Cassidy's part and nothing else. Most of the fan ire is also because of the way she behaves in public and on social media. Barring that boob window dress which I thought was inappropriate and it is apparently making a come back this year, a lot of women in high paying corporate sector wears such clothes - shorter skirts and sleeveless dresses but there is always a code - like you have to wear tights and no jangling jewellery. Felicity is okay with accessories and rest of the dresses. I only had issues with that bright red boob window dress, no one who wants to be taken seriously at work would EVER wear that.
  9. I guess no one cares what she does. Her hair were considerably lighter in second season and she lost a tonne of weight and she did not need to do either - there was no explanation as why did that happen on the show. Her wardrobe also became much flashier (anyone remember hot pink trousers in the DA's office in the earlier episodes of the season 3?) I do agree that LL is morphing into KC - perhaps KC has it in her contract that as she is a fashion blogger, she will do her own styling. Some times actors do that but in her case it backfired - at least she looked like a Lawyer in season one even when she did not act like one but it was a sartorial disaster in season 2. If I recall correctly, Leighton Meester had blonde highlights during the second season of Gossip Girl (She had dark brown hair for all the other 5 seasons) and there was no explanation for that either. Another example is Friends, when the show started Jennifer Aniston had dark hair and that iconic 'Rachael cut' and by the time it ended, she had long blonde hair and had had just about every color in between in all the ten seasons, it happens. For some characters, things are more stringent (like Felicity's glasses and colorful clothes - they are part of her character) but for some, they are more lenient. Sometimes they just let actresses do whatever they want to.
  10. exactly - I mean she has been posting photos for last 4 months about how she is working out and bulking up her arms for season 3, if she had lost that weight for the show, we would hear it till the cows come home - about how she is worthy of an Emmy that she has lost weight to be in character. I think she lost that weight for her fashion blog launch. She probably thought that if she looks wasted enough, she will get some big modelling contract or something which she sadly did not and then people start commenting that she looked horrible so she gained back some weight. I am not into fashion but even I know that heroine addict chic is very 1990s and no one is doing that in 2013-2014. Going by KC's photo, looks like she has eased up on botox as well - I actually saw some movement on her forehead in the photos. it was weirder in the flashbacks. I mean in 2x19 when they showed Oliver's baby mama's pregnancy. She was shown with two shaded nails and 56 rings. If I recall correctly, the multishade nails trend is about three years old. No one in 2006 or 2007 were doing those nails and wearing 56 rings. It just reflected poorly on the show - that's all.
  11. OMG ... you are so right. Gossip Girl seems like Child Play in comparison to this ... so incestuous. Never thought of Diggle's romance in first season in those terms but now that you have mentioned it ... ewwww
  12. Nops, the show never mentioned that - we were just to assume that Laurel practically grew up in Queen household (as said by Lawyer Jean Loring when Adam Donner mentioned that Laurel will be assisting him in trial against Moira and she cited that as conflict of interest) and all I could think about was why Laurel grew up in Queen household when she had seemingly decent parents at home. I mean Lances were definitely better than the Queens or Malcolm Merlyn or even Felicity's absentee father and cocktail waitress mom. Then we are told in a later episode that Laurel kinda stole Ollie from her little sister so their 'thing must have started in late teens. Honestly, I don't ever want this relationship to be ever discussed on the show EVER AGAIN!. That ship has sailed, let KC finish out her three year long contract and then ship her off to Gotham because their crime rate is worse than Starling.
  13. My question is: how can that someone throw their weight around - I mean on what basis?
  14. I agree, Felicity does not need a costume, she is perfect the way she is. A little bit of self defense training is rational given her life but her skill set is different and should remain that way.
  15. I don't think Emily Bett Rickards has cut her hair ... it is still the same. Willah has considerably shorter hair this season apparently.
  16. KC only reads about stuff that is flattering to her or her character, she probably has blocked everything related to Emily Bett Rickards and Caity Lotz. The girls loves her blinders alright
  17. Excuse me! Katie Cassidy does NOT read press releases, nor does she watch the show in its entirety or read the full script. She only reads comics and only the ones where Ollie and BC got married, not the ones where he cheated on her and the got divorced. Thankyou. I bet it will not even come to that, the payment part that is. There would be some explosion somewhere in the Starling City and he will run off to the rescue and poor Felicity will end up paying for the burgers ... The bugger will not even have to pay for the $6.99 combo meal - one dollar extra for curly fries.
  18. yups, neither do I. Felicity is cool and fun and awesome and she should be kept away from all things weird, whiney, and clumpy mascara. Laurel, you stay in your little corner like DA's office and your dad's home and Felicity, you do your thing where you are required to, like the Arrow Lair, QC, your cute little townhouse and wherever Oliver is taking you on your first date.
  19. lolz, memory loss is such a stock CW trope. If they pull it, I will not be surprised.
  20. I can tolerate Oliver's regression if they remove Laurel from the scene, she just does not fit anywhere, not even with her father!
  21. I am willing to bet on it that even in October, no on will come up and say it flat out loud ... it would be implied, yet again, because god forbid if they actually talk like regular humans, it would be so out of realm of CW dramas.
  22. oh god I am so not interested in the whole baby mama story. Too soap opera for my taste.
  23. Lolz at the 17 people who like Laurel. I thought there were only ten people and that includes KC's mom and sisters. My mother is my mother was the line that intrigued me to no end. It opened up so many possibilities. I am intrigued about what a Las Vegas cocktail waitress and bitch with wifi have in common besides a gene pool.
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