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Everything posted by JustaPerson

  1. I was wondering where Kat was throughout the rest of the series. It seemed like Hannah kept in touch with her in the first episode, but she wasn't seen again until she showed up for her testimony. Did Hannah pull away from her too?
  2. Zach freaking out and staying silent is a bit understandable and he'll always live with that guilt (which is more than I can say about some of the others), but stealing her "compliments" because she rejected him was really shitty.
  3. Tyler could go fuck himself with that whole "we're not that different" spiel to Clay. Like maybe Clay was scared to tell Hannah he liked her, but he wasn't showing up outside her window taking pictures of her.
  4. I didn't know Connie Britton was considered for Olivia Pope. I think she could have done a good job with the role. Obviously I'm happy Kerry Washington was cast instead (even though the show's turned into a clusterfuck) and it's not like Connie Britton's hurting for roles in TV.
  5. I'm sure Jude Law will do well, but wasn't Grindelwald supposed to be better looking than Dumbledore? With Depp's weird albino look I can't imagine it.
  6. I think it helps that those movies take place in space, where they can have a little more fun with the color palette
  7. The twist really got me when I saw it. My face was pretty much the :O emoji
  8. I guess you could say they're all...MisCast
  9. Super relevant since apparently people are just discovering that Nicole Kidman, an Oscar winner, can act. Shocking!
  10. Get in line behind George Bernard Shaw who wrote the original play the musical was based on. The producer of the first production of Pygmalion I believe added that ending and Shaw was PISSED. He even wrote an essay definitively saying that Eliza ended up with Freddie and detailing Eliza's life with him (she and Higgins stay friends.) I totally agree with you btw. I was confused at the end of the film -- it didn't feel like I was watching a love story between Higgins and Eliza. Sunrise had such a strange magic for me -- I knew she shouldn't have forgiven him and yet watching them fall in love again was so beautiful.
  11. Yea, Sunrise could never be made today. Would it have even worked as a talkie? Maybe it's that we can't hear them that makes it less horrifying than it really is. It's such a beautiful film though.
  12. For all the Smash fans: Theresa Rebeck speaks ETA: I saw this in the Gender in Movies thread but I think it probably belongs here instead.
  13. I seem to recall season 1 of Smash becoming a "hit" (if you can call it that) because of its hate-watchability, not because it was actually good (aside from the pilot).
  14. I'm still not sure if Cara Delevingne can act, but Dane DeHaan seems to be able to so hopefully he can carry the film for her. He does look like a less-baby-faced-1990s Leo DiCaprio
  15. I don't mind Jimmy Fallon, but if you're looking for a real talk show host Graham Norton is much better.
  16. Brenton Thwaites is playing Will and Elizabeth's son in the new Pirates film and actually does look like he could be the offspring of Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley.
  17. Joey told Chandler that when 2 actors have no chemistry, they've hooked up. The sexual tension is gone.
  18. Yea this trailer was sooo spoilery. Judging by the GotG trailers we've been getting, I'm guessing this Spider Man trailer was made by Sony and not Marvel. Loved seeing Cap! Captain America's Fitness Challenge! I guess that's cooler to the kids than the Presidential Fitness Award
  19. I don't mind Katy Perry, but I was really surprised to find she's had so many #1s (8). More than Taylor (4) and Beyonce (5). I find her music just ok. That "Do you feel like a plastic bag" line from Firework is the worst, though. I cringe every time I hear it. I saw a clip of her singing California Girls on SNL once and she sounded so awful.
  20. They couldn't find anyone? I guess casting directors don't exist anymore. But I guess they wanted names or whatever.
  21. I've had a bit of a crush on Dan Stevens since Downton Abbey, where he was a bit chubbier (and blonder). I'm happy he's getting more success now with Beauty and the Beast and Legion. And I have to admit, he looks better now.
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