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Everything posted by WhitneyWhit

  1. Speaking of Liz, she's been all over Meryl, liking Instagram pictures, retweeting Meryl's tweets like crazy, talking about her even about things that don't involve Maks. If I didn't know any better, I would swear she was trying to gain a new client, hopefully IMG is telling Meryl to stay the hell away from her.
  2. A website called Gossip Cop said that wasn't true, and they're usually pretty good about squashing rumors. Besides, I think Maks is too old for JLo.
  3. There was way too much oil in that pan. And cowboy butter? Why does everything have to be prefixed with cowboy? I am fascinated by the fact that her tone and facial expression never changes, regardless of what she's doing or saying. She has that same monotone voice and that grin that makes her look like Jigsaw.
  4. What has been up with the episodes these past couple days? They've been very Springer-esque.
  5. Their children are going to be insanely pretty.
  6. Let's talk about flip flops, shall we? I love a good comfortable pair in the summer, but there's a time and place, that time and place is not running a marathon or making your way through a South American jungle.
  7. Buzzfeed recaps every BC episodes in one article... http://www.buzzfeed.com/scottybryan/this-is-what-happens-in-every-single-episode-of-barefoot-con
  8. I don't think Josh has accomplished anything. Everything he has is because of who he is, he really hasn't had to work or earn anything.
  9. Shut up Carrie, because that pretty much says it all. I never understood what was supposed to be so great about Carrie Bradshaw. To me, Carrie is the type of woman whom I wouldn't want to be friends with, and definitely wouldn't want to be. She's neurotic, selfish, immature, a drama queen, and Lord knows it's impossible to make her happy. My disdain became hate during the Big affair. It would have been nice if she could have come out of that mess with some humility, instead, she created some warped reality where she was the victim and Natasha was the bad guy, and everyone went along with it. To me, that marked a turning point in her character. I had always found her annoying, but she became unlikable following that. It was embarrassing to watch this supposedly smart, 30 something year old woman act the way she did. I think the writers thought it was cute, but I found it sad. I hated her reconciliation with Aiden. And again, no sense of reality because she didn't understand why he would still be hurt over how it ended the last time. Then came their (inevitable) breakup which led the apartment/finances debacle. I never cared for any of her love interests, and I never cared if she ended up with Big or not. I never felt that he actually loved her, it always came off as more of him tolerating her until something else came along. And as much as I didn't like Big, I was on his side in SATC 2, even though I didn't feel sorry for him. Carrie was finally married to the man she had sacrificed whatever dignity, self respect and common sense she ever had for, and yet wasn't happy because he committed the unforgivable sin of wanting to relax at home after working all day, rather than take his spoiled wife out so she could have "sparkle". So yeah, sorry for the rant, but Carrie is definitely on the list of my all time disliked television characters.
  10. And can I just say how frightening it is to think that they consider that normal? My parents would have me committed if I told them I wanted to fly half way around the world to meet some guy I had decided I was in love with via Skype.
  11. I actually think the scene where she received the Thank You note for attending Natasha's luncheon was worse than the restaurant debacle. There was a typo on the note, I believe it said they're instead their, which led Carrie to call one of the girls and laugh hysterically and actually Natasha an idiot. I think that, more than anything else, showed Carrie's level of maturity. All I could think was gee Carrie, maybe she would have more time for spell check if she didn't have to constantly chase frizzy headed bitches out of her house.
  12. You forgot neat and blessing. Everyone and everything they encounter is one or the other.
  13. Set up - The Process in which Sandra will place a partially prepared dish of food off to one side, and then return later to the dish fully prepared and often looking completely different then what she had originally prepared.
  14. Aigstract - Extract Bacon juice - Bacon grease Flasp parsley - Flat leaf parsley
  15. And walking behind Smuggar, of course. Welcome to your life, Anna Duggar, I've often wondered about the sleeping arrangements. Whenever they show their cell....err...bedroom...I always think that it looks like there's more people than beds, and now we know. How sad, Jana is a grown ass woman stuck sleeping with her younger sisters.
  16. No kidding. I still think about their trip to Japan and what complete fools they made of themselves, especially at dinner. Sad things is, they don't even realize how ignorant they come across.
  17. I figured this was coming. Meryl said that they were going to be busier than they thought in the coming months and won't be spending much time at home. It's going to be strange not having them there this season. There's a lot of very talented teams, but Meryl and Charlie always had a little extra something special that made them stand out.
  18. What ever became of Lydia of Purple? She used to make dresses for them, didn't she? And she was always trying to pimp out her daughters on her website, it was very strange.
  19. Meryl and Charlie have announced they won't compete this season, although they stopped short of announcing a full retirement. Not really surprised by this news, and I won't be surprised if a full retirement is announced later this year. In another interview, Meryl said they're going to be busier than they thought in the coming months and won't be home a lot.
  20. Oh Lord, where does one even begin? How about the chaperone nonsense? How many times have they told us what great values their children have? And how they're pretty much better than the ungodly masses that populate this world? Yet they can't even leave the compound without their siblings tagging along like KGB agents. And of course there's their hypocrisy. They preach modesty but I don't think any of them actually understands what they means, or they just choose to practice their own version of it, because these people are the opposite of modest. They live to draw attention to themselves, not to mention their unabashed vanity.
  21. Yeah, it's Disson. There were a few press releases right around the start of DWTS that ABC had snagged the Disson shows away from NBC, and that Meryl and Charlie had signed on to headline. I'm hoping that the buzz around D/W will carry over into some good ratings and that perhaps it will convince ABC to try and get the ISU competitions back. Disson said that one of the reasons they went with ABC was that they promised them better timeslots, rather than airing them in the middle of a Sunday afternoon the way NBC always did. ETA: I saw on Twitter that someone said their CVS had a note on the door that said the softpacks weren't available yet because apparently a lot of people have been asking. P&G must be thrilled with Meryl and Charlie right now, lol.
  22. The Duggars must have some kind of super-ninja powers when it comes to the internet, because most of their controversial pre-fame interviews have pretty much vanished. I remember when the first specials were airing that there were a lot of interviews with Michelle singing the praises of blanket training, but now you would have an easier time finding bigfoot then those interviews.
  23. I don't either. One of the things (among many) that I always found so frustrating about this mess was that the concept isn't a bad one, it just became mutated in her vanilla vodka soaked brain. There were so many times where she added a semi-ho ingredient when it wasn't necessary. One of the most memorable was when she was making a roast; she had vegetables, stock, red wine and a seasoning pack ( I wouldn't use it, but pretty low on the offensive meter where this show is concerned) then, for no reason at all, she slathered the top with cream of something soup.
  24. I felt so bad for her, having to accompany her younger sister on her engagement date. I'm actually surprised they didn't take her to the bridal shop and make her act as a human mannequin for Jill's wedding dresses. This thread title made me laugh, while at the same time feel sad because in the fundie world, she is an old maid, she's a good four years into her spinsterhood where these people are concerned, I wonder if the married siblings have made arrangements as to who will take the Spinster Duggar in when Ma and Pa go to the great book signing in the sky?
  25. Considering who her ex boyfriend is, I think she knows all about men with baggage and how to handle them. The last thing I would ever call an ice dancer is naïve. The shenanigans in that sport put everyone else to shame.
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