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Everything posted by WhitneyWhit

  1. "Ma, you're really hurting my feelings" "Not as much as you hurt my oonie"
  2. Jill looks absolutely gorgeous, and most importantly, she looks happy. Those sleeves, however, I hope everyone made it through the wedding OK, that some major defrauding going on there.
  3. Heh, that reminds me of that episode where the "power of persuasion" kept getting to Sophia... "This is amazing!"
  4. I'm afraid Charlie may have been even more overshadowed because they would no doubt try to create some love triangle/dramatic storyline out of Karina/Maks/Meryl or Peta/Maks/Meryl. Charlie would have just been along for the ride.
  5. I would love to believe that Jill will get to have a day that's all about her, but come on now. Boob will undoubtedly make it all about him, he'll probably give the same speech he gave at Josh's wedding and will probably pronounce them man and wife. The boys will vandalize the car "Authority" will be mention 2,456,876 times Only positive is that Jill will get a much better first kiss than poor Anna.
  6. Yes, lovely place. And should you get bored, you can hop over to Greece and sample chicken wings, which are apparently their national delicacy.
  7. I wonder if Josh (the marriage and life expert) will corner Derek and try lecture him on how to have a successful marriage?
  8. "It was years before I knew what made your eyes roll back in your head"
  9. Yes, and it went from there; "Matt's praying for death and David's servicing the ho's"
  10. This is actually my favorite season, and I think it marks the end of the "classic" era of the show. I loved Melissa, especially her confessional the night everything in the house went crazy thanks to Mardi Gras, the time that bird shit on her head while on vacation and her describing her parents I still watch those moments and laugh till I can't breathe. I also loved when she flipped out on David during that meeting; I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to throw a chair and just scream "time the fuck out" Melissa style.
  11. I didn't think anything could top the wedding registry I once saw that included jeans, a Linkin Park poster and 20 packs of Crayola markers, but they sure did it.
  12. Wow, that trailer, nothing changes for those girls, does it? Except they keep adding more babies to their lunacy. They all look like shit, Leah in particular is looking especially haggard, I guess the constant tanning, bad hair, horrible tattoos and 40 pounds of makeup have finally caught up to them. Also, if Kailyn ever finds herself low on cash, she should consider renting herself out as a professional mourner, girl can turn on tears like nobody's business.
  13. Has anyone ever seen these? Some NSFY language, but it's like these two guys are speaking our thoughts and comments over actual clips of the show, I laughed my ass off watching these.
  14. It wasn't a full jts moment, but it was a moment that told me that the writers were no longer interested in upholding the integrity and history of the show, and that was the ridiculous story Brandon told about his first day at West Beverly. Everyone knows what happened on Brandon's first day, there was no reason to fabricate anything, they could have simply shown a flashback.
  15. You could be on to something there, desterflower. "What do you mean she has more than five friends?! David, dump her!"
  16. Michelle would die, she would literally drop dead from that.
  17. Because she has no motherly bond with them to speak of? Honestly, I've never seen a mother seem so distant when it comes to her children, she truly knows nothing about them. Even more annoying than the cold side-hugs are the vague, generic descriptions of her children: "She's kind:, "She has a heart for fellowship", and my personal favorite "she's a good packer" -- for a family that literally spends every waking moment together, they have absolutely nothing of substance to say about each other. I think this is what separates Michelle and Kelly Bates; Michelle wants babies, while Kelly actually wants children. When Kelly had to describe her children, she actually described them, I got a sense of her as a mother, something I've never done with Michelle. I don't think she bonded with Josie in the slightest. The poor thing went from "our latest precious miracle" to just another chick on the farm. Witness the episode where they paid a visit to the NICU and when Michelle was informed that someone wanted to meet her, she dropped Josie in Jill's lap and took off like a streak of lighting, precious miracle be damned, her public awaits!
  18. One of Michelle's sisters is gay, she was in the episode where they went to Ohio. Josh informed us that even though she's gay, she doesn't believe she should be allowed to marry.
  19. Not even my Vanessa Marcil love could save Gina for me. It seemed like they were trying for a Val 2.0 but missed, boy did they miss. The post college years are a mixed bag for me. I loved Steve/Janet, I loved Donna/David finding their way back to each other (as rushed as it was), and I agree that Tori never looked better than she did what her dark red hair, she should definitely go back to that look because her hair in that reality show? Good grief! This era was full of mostly misses, though, you could tell the writers were out of ideas, and the only way they could pair people up were to bring in new characters, and aside from Janet, those new characters were duds. Kelly and Matt were criminally dull. Although I think I was one of the five people who didn't mind Camille and never understood why Kelly was so bitchy towards her.
  20. Ah yes, Sandy math. How many times have we seen her place multiple items on a baking sheet only to have them multiply, or half disappear between putting them INto the oven, or removing them? And, I don't remember what episode it was, but she was picking something up and said "I have two, grab one more and that makes six"
  21. I loved Stan, I was happy anytime the door open and we heard "Hi, it's me Stan". I actually thought Herb and Bea had a fantastic and believable chemistry. I totally bought them as a couple that loved each other very much, but could never make a marriage work.
  22. Ok, So I just went to Ben's website, clicked on "About ben" and got an ad advising me to retire Mitch McConnell. Greatest thing ever!
  23. And don't forget, if you're ever in the mood to see some fish, head on down to your local Aquoriam.
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