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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. Has there ever been a grandmother so cold to her grandchild ? Does Hope not like Claire ? Does she remind him to much of Belle? I never thought Hope liked Belle for some reason.
  2. My UO OUAT Hook was better as a villain. They need to stop with the ripping people's hearts out. It is way over used now. I don't dislike Henry at all.
  3. Two brothers own a bookstore/coffee shop. Pamela Anderson was in it. One brother had a big crush on her. The older brother was straight laced and it was obvious Pam and the older brother had the chemistry.
  4. My UO which I may be the most UO of all. Reality voting shows. I don't mind if someone is religious sings religious and/or doesn't want to sing certain songs due to their beliefs. I don't think they are trying to get votes by doing it. There times I think it hurts them more.
  5. I like Sonika more and more every day. Love her voice and think they could make her a star. Not sure if I like Mac or it's just the type of music he performs that I like.
  6. I was 12 or 13 at the time. At first I did not think OJ did the crime. When the 911 tapes and all the domestic violence came out that is what convinced me he did it. Even at that young age I knew how those cases turned out.
  7. Carl Douglas. The actor doesn't act or look like the man I have seen in interviews .
  8. First Oscar for Chile - Congratulations to Pato Escala and Gabriel Osorio on winning Best Animated Short for BearStory!
  9. My random thoughts on Idol I adore Kelly Clarkson. Way to curious about RichKitchen's twitter battle . Wish I could cry as pretty as Keith Urban . Is Idol going to give Avalon a glamour makeover? (JMHO she is very pretty and her laid back look personality work). Am I the only one who liked Trent? Am I the only one who hates that diamond song?
  10. postpartum? She is acting strange even for her JMHO. thinking about it everything she went through with Ben she should be acting I don't know ... not happy????
  11. Hate this Chase storyline. I felt so sad for him lately. He is so alone. Wasn't Claire brought on for him? there could be an interesting storyline about teen depression in here instead of rape. Teen Depression is real problem and JMHO really though that's where they were going with Chase. As someone who lived with someone with depression his running away always rang true to me.
  12. I would like Lani and Shawn D to date
  13. Everyone looked great at the finale! Really thought Wild Man diet was going to win. Was happy Jasmine won but would have been happy with any of them winning. All the contestants lost a lot and looked so much healthier. My favorite part of the finale was seeing all the coaches rooting for all the contestants. Then all of the coaches and contestants finishing the race with Jeff. That was so sweet. If there was any back stabbing game playing they didn't show it. It wasn't missed. The host Shaun was also adorable and very supportive. Would love this to be renewed.
  14. Taskexercise or what ever it was (?) could have been a nice concept. There is always articles about how to do exercises at home well watching TV. Even in my gym there is a private women's work out area because some women are uncomfortable working out in front of men. I think if CleanMomma had a softer personality and focused on doing exercises at home it could have worked.
  15. Wish the women reporter would have talked more. I found her take very interesting. Strange that people question here experiences in this case and say she is wrong since it wasn't in the doc. but it is something she lived.
  16. I like this show much more than BL. I gave up on BL a while back. Felt they were to mean to contestants and it was enjoyable. Maybe I will give it another shot since there was a time I did enjoy that show. Found this show by accident when looking for something else on demand. Have not seen commercials or heard anything about this show. One friend in RL is watching it and that's about it. It was a cool concept and the host is cute & likable. Hopefully it will get another shot. Off topic a little on dietbet CleanMomma has a game up so far zero players have signed up for her game.
  17. My friends and I always talk about how there are no fat clothes for us at the consignment. I have a lot of sizes in my closet so I can't judge the Superswap lady's contestant. I get it. Good for her coach helping her see that holding on to them was a bad thing. I read here before seeing the show. Missed Jeff accusing someone of cheating. Was that in preview? Or was it in this last episode. Jeff and Tia are both no ready to lose weight. Not in the right frame mind. Unfortunately I have been there also :) I was thinking Jeff and is coach's style don't fit together but I don't know if anyone would fit him right now. Abel and Superswap's personalities with coach and contestant fit best JMHO>
  18. Since I watched all shows on Demand wanted to ask a few questions. Is this show 1 hour or 2 ? Believe it airs tonight. Does anyone know when it will be put on demand? What is the prize at the end and does the contestant and trainer win a prize?
  19. Found this show on Demand yesterday and watched all the shows today on my day off. What a cool concept of kicking off the trainer. It will be interesting to see how well or not so well some people will do. No Diet guy is kind kooky but I can't help but kind of like him. He is positive and there is just to much negativity in this world. His contestant (Jeff??) is going to have a difficult time I think. They are the most interesting pair to me because they just should not work together but they kind of are. Clean Momma was a little nutty. Was surprised the lady stayed with her as long as she did. That was a terrible fit. Super swap lady and Wild Diet are my picks for the win. Both of those contestants seem eager to learn and follow their programs. Have not checked out other threads yet so if this is posted elsewhere my apologizes. Shaun T. has a blog in people magazine and there are a few small articles about the trainers (momma being one :) ).
  20. Okay so I was seriously a good-two shoes in high school and that teen party looked boring to me.
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