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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. Even when I don't like a character I wish they would just move out of town and be happy instead of being killed off.
  2. Although I was not watching at the time I know Kim/Shane were a very popular couple. It surprised me and took me out of the scene somewhat when Julie, Jennifer and Adrienne were looking at the wedding photos and went right past Shane's and Kim's. It especially stood out to me since they were oohing and awing all the others. Why do the writers not like Shane and Kim?
  3. Julie's dress was the prettiest. Tom gave away a lot of brides. Who was the lady getting married to Roman (??) with the candles. That was a strange dress. Jennifer looked beautiful. They could have shown a lot of Sami's weddings LOL.
  4. This is a very UO Think I would like Teresa and Abigail as friends.
  5. Ben looked so crazy when talking to himself in the mirror after being questioned by Rafe. Rafe was quite good in that scene love the old time mystery feel to it. ITA with not wanting to see Chad's head bashed again. God that was awful. Marlena and Sami are such a cool mom/daughter team. They are so different yet can really read what each other are thinking. Not really familiar with the character of Gabby but have really liked her so far.
  6. Every time I see a mention for Doc on Demand I swear I saw someone pitch that idea on Shark tank. The family and spiritual wife was a sad story although I found it interesting. The "kids" all felt like the spiritual wife (forgot her name) not only did not help them but also were abusive to them. The older son seemed the most angry. Since the wife had her story told her story many times even having a life time movie I would have liked to hear more from the "children".
  7. It's not Abigail's fault Ben has killed. It's not Will's fault that he was killed. He was thrown into a refrigerator by a lunatic before he was strangled. I don't know how much that knocked out of him. I just hate reading he did not fight enough or he did this wrong before he was murdered by a crazed person. It's Ben who is to blame for everything.
  8. I never trusted Ben. He always seemed so angry. His apartment was too clean for a college guy. Those lights outside his window I don't remember seeing before the murders started. Are they only in scenes with him? or are they always there? Will's death seemed the worse to me. Maybe because we saw it from his point of view? Or maybe because we saw it in real time? I don't know.
  9. I think Susan Lucci is a terrible actor. I was never surprised when she didn't win an Emmy.
  10. How old was Ben when he run away with Jordan? I wonder if he was the one who really killed his mother. Jordan's fear about Clyde telling everyone she killed her mother never made sense to me. Something about her driving a car without a license. That would still be awful but an accident.
  11. I liked Will. I never disliked the actor who played him. Sad day for me :(
  12. just started watching this show. Never watch the Bachelor or Jersey show but know the rest at lest by name. Found Kendra adorable. Liked JWow. Barry Williams seems okay to me just cheesy (hasn't be always been?). Just glad I don't have to try the food *g
  13. I still can't tell that is Will. There is a weird shadow though.
  14. Finally was able to catch up on Friday's show. Wow! Paige's funeral was just so sad. I thought everyone's emotions made sense. Teresa being sad and mad at Jen and JJ for what happened with Paige. Brady being all calm and asking T "what about what Eve did" Teresa & Paige did not have a lot of scenes together but when they did I felt they loved each other in spite of their differences. Jen & JJ feeling a loss but also guilty. Eve feeling such pain/loss of what might have been. JMHO it was played perfectly.
  15. I did but I really could not think of Spicer (?) titles. Did not realize you needed snarky/funny titles. Sorry
  16. Knd of annoyed with work for a lot of reasons. Back in March we were all called into the office separately.. the big reveal was We (full-timers) had to say we had open availability or lose fulltime benefits/hours the company then said for your loyalty we would then be given 40 hours well it's now September. None of us have gotten 40 hours. Managers have set days off. Some people who were in school had to give up fulltime and lose their benefits. Now boss is throwing kinks in our schedules to make sure we are telling the truth about being available 24/7
  17. I have always enjoyed Lucas and Will's relationship. Loved the scene of them eating breakfast together talking about their love lives or lack of. Marlena's and Eric scene was interesting to me as well. Felt there was hints in their conversation about Eric's well being. Not sure I missed something but wanted them to talk more. Eric said something like "are you talking to me as a mom or a physiatrist" For a time I really thought he was the killer. That scene made me see why some fans did not want him to be.
  18. Although Abigail is not my favorite character I don't hate her. I did however find her cold when she found out about Paige. Really felt her first concern would/should be for her brother not Chad. Before I could not see why she was staying with Ben. Right now I don't even see any love for Chad. JMHO this is a terrible love triangle. The only time I have really truly liked Abby is her scenes with Will and/or Teresa.
  19. Who is JPL? The only JPL I know is from American idol and I don't think that's who you guys are talking about.
  20. I must have a lot of UO *g Will and Sonny I did not see there love story. When I started watching the show they seemed like roommates. Sometimes Sonny seemed like Will's parent. Will was totally wrong for cheating. Sonny was not a perfect husband as the show seems to want us to think. Sonny put down Will's work, emptied their bank account & never IMHO treated Will like an equal.
  21. Disappointed that The CraigLewis Band came in 5th. They were good all season and one of the few acts that didn't totally blow it last night. Very happy Paul won. I thought Paul, Oz and The CraigLewis Band would be the top 3. I was way off LOL ETA happy Freelusion had chance to perform in the finale.
  22. Oh man that is so sad :( I better prepare my dog for another cry fest.
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