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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. Don't think I have ever rooted harder for someone to make it more than I did for Dave. Such sadness in that family. Yet Dave with all his issues really wanted to do this for his girlfriend and finally for himself. At the final weigh in I found it sweet when he had to empty his pockets & took out the ring. Usually I hate those public displays (what if the person wants to say no.. No pressure there). Looking at his parents they are just so much hurt there. That was difficult to watch. Hope Dave's mom does well with her golden ticket :) Do they show updates of the people given the golden ticket?
  2. I loved Joe's house. His daughter looked so much like him. Why does Barry Williams son look so much like Peter Brady?
  3. Phillip, Mindy, Rick and Beth. The Prom. Running away to New York. "Nick". I loved whenever Nick showed up :)
  4. wow you guys are good!! Sorry don't always remember episode names. I started watching The Office on TBS than joined in the regular season think around season 5. In the beginning Andy use to make me laugh by the end I thought he was the worst character. Loved Jim and still do. Wish I could find my own Jim. Pam is sweet. Ryan was ridiculous but fun. Dwight and Angela just had to end up together!! I would have been so disappointed if they didn't. The finale had many great sweet parts to it. Liked that the office people all went upstairs together to have a drink. Only sad part to me was Toby did not have a happy ending.
  5. I seem to remember same sex couple on the regular Wife Swap or are they just talking Celebrity edition??
  6. I am going to say this as someone who actually likes Heather. In my life I have been overwhelmed by things and have cried. Maybe I wined but only to good friends :) So Kristin is more relate able to me. Heather does everything. She does everything the best. That would be just tiresome to be around & actually make activities not much fun. Working in retail I can tell you the thing that makes someone become more anger is treating them with kindness. People hate that. Kristin was mad & just wanting a fight. Heather was not budging so Kristin kept going until she found a button that angered heather.
  7. I would like to see more of Bay & her bio family connecting. I think it's interesting that neither Toby or Bay are athletic. Wonder if that was difficult for John since sports was a big part of his life. Does that make him connect with Daphne more? More of all the siblings bonding please :)
  8. only Emmett and Travis have survived. The rest of the past "loves" live happily off screen. Liam, Noah, Tank , the army guy, the coffee/blogger English dude, 2 doctor interns Simone & Toby's wife that no one liked
  9. Return to Me Was working in the movie theater when this out. People left so happy from that little movie. Bought it when it came out on DVD. Watched it when on a cruise. It was in Spanish. I don't speak Spanish but knew the dialogue by heart by then :)
  10. About Time- had wanted to see that movie since it came out but no one would go with me because the thought it was the same as the traveler's wife. Recently I rented from Red Box and watched it before work. It was such a nice movie with a lot of heart. Actually got my parents to watch it & they loved it as well. Dad usually only likes shot 'em up stuff. He said he would have passed that by but was glad he watched especially for the father-son story :) Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Although I liked this movie not sure I would recommend it. It starts off slow & is kind of quirky. It's one of those movies you either love or hate. The cinematography however is breathtaking.
  11. My first viewing of this show was when Grandma babysat us. Thought it was so dumb LOL. Then ended up loving it myself. That is until they way they killed off Adam. It made me very mad at the time and now I can't even really remember the storyline! Didn't Gwen kill him & his brother helped bury him in the woods?
  12. Really want to know what Sonya's problem is with Connecticut.
  13. I like Ben Stiller as an actor. No problem with Ben Affleck playing Batman. About Time was a wonderful little movie.
  14. Really enjoyed this episode. Just started watching this show and was wondering if Chris ever felt so connecting to a contestant. Chris seemed to really care about Bruce & not surprised that Bruce will be working on the show soon. Good for him!
  15. Heather reminded me of the jocks in high school. If you were not good at sports than forgot about you!! Usually I like Heather but this episode not so much. Since I find getting sloppy drunk everynight boring I can not really relate to Sonya & Ramona. They decide before even trying things that they are boring. I really wanted to know what treasure Carol had to replace the treasure they were going to find on their geo thing. :)
  16. Thought David should have dumped Darlene. She was so mean to him & it was not fun to watch. Darlene was my favorite when she was a child and became my least favorite character.
  17. Kelly Clarkson had a baby girl River Rose. She posted a picture on twitter. Very sweet. Clay Aiken is running for congress in North Carolina Kris Allen is working on a new CD A year or maybe more time there was talk of Crystal Bowersox playing Pasty Cline on Broadway. Never heard anything more on that. Hoping it happens though!
  18. Just caught up on this episode (thank you Demand but no thank you to no FF). Here are my thoughts I have asthma but don't tell everyone. Still think Aviva is full of it! Really felt for Sonja when she was getting back on the horse again. It is very scary getting back on after taking a fall. Good for her for overcoming her fears. Okay I admit when I went to Montana I was at first just as whiney as Sonja & Ramona of course I was 12. Their cabins were gorgeous. How does poor Carol always end up staying with Sonja & Ramona? LOL Where are the other guests? Why are they all alone? Did the other guests not want to film with them?
  19. The actress that Jill is switching places with was also on Moesha.
  20. A place to catch up with all the former Idol contestants
  21. The ending made me tear up a little. Alex is always so wound up & seems like she has together. I love that Alex is a smart young lady but would like for her to have fun too. Manny and Luke on their double date was cute. Funny when the boys were upset thinking the girls were "using" them but did not seem to mind when the girls asked them to make out.
  22. Dweezil is adorable. I would love to have 1 week in David's house though. Just to see how the other half lives. They did not focus much on David's boys. The play date with his daughter was adorable.
  23. I never ever liked Bethany. Someone at TWOP once described her as someone who should have a drum follow her to play after all her one liners. Although I do think Kelly was a crazy and Jill was wrong in their (Beth and Jill's) fight, I also felt Bravo gave Bethany the best edits always. JMHO the only time I felt Bethany was being real was when she screamed at Kelly "Go to Bed!!" My sister and I still quote that one.
  24. I have watched Late for Dinner hundreds of times. I love that movie. May be the only person who has ever heard of or watch it.
  25. Brighton Beach Memoirs I have seen that movie so many times. When the mom asks him to buy a pound of cheese & the son says "they will ask me for ID". I laugh every time.
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