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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. watching Legal Blonde last night. Was that Anne as one of the Harvard citizens ?
  2. If Kristin wanted a baby so badly with her money & resources why doesn't she already have a dozen? I hate this storyline! What an awful thing they did to Teresa. Soaps have so much nastiness in them but for some reason Will saying to his husband "I don't want a boring life" really bothered me. What an awful hurtful thing for him to say to his loving husband. Sony is a better actor with everyone else on the show besides Will ( and I don't even hate Will. IMO he is Sami's son in every way). Jordan should just let Chad know what her dad did and let him take care of everything.
  3. yesterday the show with the 3 grown daughters who were addicts were on. What an awful situation for the parents who of course were blamed especially the mother. The mother was not the best but when do adults take responsibility for their choices? the eldest daughter was shaking and I was afraid for her. She already lost custody of her daughter. Dr. Phil sent the 3 women to separate rehabs & said that the parents needed not to enable them. Asked the daughters to sign a paper with the laws they broke. If they did not finish rehab the parents were to hand the paper over to the police. Dr. Phil said "you want rehab jail & the street last for your daughters" I went through this with a family member & it is one of the most difficult things ever.
  4. Kristin's face when she heard Teresa say she was having Brady's baby was beyond scary!
  5. Usually the couples I like break up as soon as the get together :( Sami and Lucas
  6. Belle is playing Rumple the whole time. My wish would be that Belle is the smart princess we all grew up with and loved in the Disney movie.
  7. JMHO Henry's sweeping looked like Mickey Mouse in the fantasia movie. Thought it was done purposely that way.
  8. What were some of best and worst costumes you have seen or worn through the years. When my sister and I were very young our grandmother made us witch costumes which I think we wore for many years since they were so "cool". My worst costumes was a few years ago when I gained weight & bought a hippie momma costume. Hated it and donated it the night after our annual Halloween party. Worst I have seen (on TV anyway) patient zero. Best at Halloween party guy made himself look like a building with a gorilla actually climbing up the side. It also lit up. Yes he won first place.
  9. Although he is leaving the show I always called EJ blinky since he blinks so much
  10. Lucas, Sami Allie scene was very low key & nice. Allie does look like she could be Sami's daughter. How sad that the little girl feels she can't cry :(
  11. Started watching Days again recently. I had no idea Dan & Brady were best friends. Thanks Kristin for the info. Kristin is so crazy. So want Teresa to win this but don't think she can. Predict Brady will be back with Kristin soon : (.
  12. I liked Toby McGuire as spider man although I never saw part 3.
  13. Always a day behind watching this show. Reading the post before watching is interesting. Whoever said Brady is sending Kristin mixed signals I agree. It's almost like Kristin is his new addiction. Gosh he is beautiful though makes me almost not mind how dumb he is. Sami has always been a great crier. Abby not so much. Although I understand why she hates EJ. It's easier to blame him than own up to the fact that she is not the best person (at least in that situation). It was odd that her boyfriend comforted her. Nicole & Daniel had a nice friendship vibe going. If you have watched the show on & off (like myself) it was a good way to sort of catch people up on EJ's history. As someone who totally rooted for teenage Lucas & Sami I do hope we get some flashbacks to their history.
  14. I was a little confused by the lady's suicide. Was she trying to frame her son for murder?
  15. Favorites Jim & Pam they were both so sweet. Very lovable. First time I remember getting invited to a facebook wedding party LOL  Charming & Snow- married yet still madly in love with each other. non-favorites Andy & Erin felt the show was trying to make them the next Jim & Pam. Andy & Erin both had a mean streak in them so they could never really be Jim & Pam. The worst to me was the way Andy broke off his engagement to someone who treated him good & seemed like a very nice women. Hook & Emma- I dislike a lot about this couple. For a while it seemed like the writers tried to make them Snowing 2.0. Hated that! If they must be a couple let them have their own story
  16. my mom thought peanut butter and jelly was the most disgusting thing. She wanted us to eat healthy so gave us baloney sandwiches LOL I was around 7 or 8 when I had my first one thought it was the most delicious thing ever! Mom also hates Oreos. Whenever she is away Dad always bought 2 bags of them :) I think Twinkies are the so gross. When people where going crazy buying them up I could not understand it.
  17. good luck Rich editor girl thanks for the link to fitnesspal . Join it and will start logging tomorrow.
  18. When I started really focusing on losing weight was last year. Doctor gave me a goal weigh and I needed to lose 45 pounds. Last year I gave up soda, ate more fruit drank more water and lost 30 pounds. This year I have been doing the same (although some weeks have slipped : ( ) and have lost & gained the same 5 pounds all year.
  19. I think the female detective is still hurting from her husband's death & just sort of going through the motions. IMHO kind of like that after 200 years Henry still finds living enthusiastic. In one episode Abe said Henry had not really been living in a long time. My dad is around the same age as Abe if Dad had done that stunt on the skateboard I would have been a mess LOL
  20. Use to have a crush on Doogie Howser never had a crush on Barney Stinson.
  21. tribeca


    When Henry tried to leave his wife & she told him "life is a journey" she reminded me of Abe there.
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