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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. I would love an Eric/Nicole pairing. Dan can go back to Jen. Dan/Jen are way too involved for ex's anyway.
  2. Although I wanted Nicole to save herself confess that I cheered when Eric showed up. The Nicole scenes would have had me on the edge of my seat if the description of the show did not say "Eric saves Nicole". Every time they showed Nicole being chocked I yelled "where are you Eric??". Laughed when Eric said "he was trying to kill you" and Nicole answered "I noticed" LOL Why and how does Serena think she can blame Nicole ? Abigail should just dump Ben it is not fair to him to be her safe choice however that app he put on her phone is creepy & stakerish. I missed something... So what was wrong with Maggie? It seemed like she was going to be checked in to the hospital. Then she was off helping one of her sponsors.
  3. We went to Jurassic World tonight. It was sold out so niece (17) and I decided to see this one. Neither of us saw the original. Both of us thought Hailee Steinfield was adorable. Niece said the end of all the women up there together singing gave her goose bumps. She said it was nice to see a movie about women that age not fighting over a boy or being mean girls. I thought that Jesse was wasted in this movie he has a lot of charisma . The boy who liked Emily JMHO lacked that and I usually root for those geeky boys :)
  4. Pop of color may be tired but JMHO it makes sense for nail polish. Kristin is hometown girl so I guess I will always root for her. Know a lot of people don't like her because she is friends with Brandi. Only know Brandi from CA & liked her on that show. Bethany I try to like but just can't. I hate that she took over this whole show. I want my show back :(
  5. Wasn't the part of Chad saying that about Stephano a dream?
  6. Felt Eric was frustrated when he ordered Serena tell him the truth. She kept lying to him over and over again and he finally had enough JMHO>
  7. Although I don't understand why Abigail doesn't just break up with Ben her affair with Chad is much better written story than Will's cheating storyline. Tired of hearing Daniel say "I am done!" he needs a new line. Will miss Serena (more the actress than the character). Use to want Brady and Teresa back together. Now I want Teresa in a new storyline. Don't want Daniel (who I don't even dislike) to save Nicole. Want Nicole to save herself.
  8. I was a nanny for 10 years for a loving family so I don't think that because someone has a nanny they don't love their kids. Thing that stinks is once the kids are grown the nanny is out even though you gave them all the love & caring you had. I did however feel sorry for the eight kids. How sad that they just seemed to be on their own. Those parents seemed more impressed with their material things. Jeremy's son was adorable. He seemed to smile for the camera a few times LOL
  9. I did not watch this show when Kim was originally on so unsure how unpopular this one is.... Would love for Kim to stay. She made every actor better in the scenes they shared. Totally bought Teresa/Kim as mother/daughter and loved her not taking any crap from Brady. JMHO
  10. I kind of like Eric. He seems more like a real guy than some others on soaps. I also like him with Nicole more than with Serena or Nicole with Dan.
  11. What is Teresa's Mother and Victor's history? Why was she so uneasy going into the house & looking at Victor's picture?
  12. The way Kate/Ben scenes have gone I think those two will end up together somehow.
  13. One night I went out to dinner with a elderly co-worker. The waiter came over to take our order. Co-worker asks the waiter "what is your real job?" I wanted to crawl under the table. Why is it okay to tell someone their job is not a real one? My dad always told us that no matter what job you do you do it well and respect others who do the same.
  14. I am exact opposite when it comes to grammar. Maybe because I have a learning disability or because I first posted with people who English was not their first language. My biggest pet peeve with the grammar police is when someone makes a really interesting post and all they get out of it is they used the wrong your/you're . That honestly drives me crazy. My grandmother who passed away last year at 90 years old called people PIA's as long as I can remember. Honestly I thought she made that up LOL
  15. I quite liked the Stefano/Marlana flashbacks. By reading the comments it looks like that is an UO.
  16. I have always felt that Ben had a lot of anger & seemed like he could go off on Abigail any minute. The actor JMHO always played his scenes that way.
  17. I often wonder if I cause someone a pet peeve. Sometimes I feel I have a face that says I would be an easy target or something. There have been times I have been places with long lines. Someone will come up to me & start a conversation. Not because they actually want to talk to me but because they want to cut in front of me. Sorry to say I fell for this a few times to many. One day at Walmart and elderly lady started this trick with me. I was in a bad mood but talked to her. When the next cashier opened I went and put my stuff down. Elderly lady humped and made it seem like I cut her. To top that off I felt so dumb. Like why did I care if she cut me?
  18. Lauren Alaina tried out for AGT 3X and didn't make it. She came in second in season 10.
  19. So my state finally has a winner and for the first time I can remember the tour isn't coming here : ( Congratulations to Nick. Clark would have made a fine winner as well JMHO>
  20. I must really have a lot of UO opinions on TV shows since all the ones I like seem to get canceled : (
  21. Seriously hate bagging my groceries. The worst to me is having tons of groceries choosing a check out line specifically because there is a bagger who ends up leaving right when it's your turn! I like to watch to make sure things ring up right hey I am a single girl on a budget. I do though bag my own groceries even though I hate it. my newest pet peeve is work related. A lot of jobs now require that you have open availability or you can not be fulltime. Why? So you can't go to school? Volunteer? Improve your life?
  22. Still catching up. Since I detest Bethany wondering if I can hang in this season. This was my favorite HW show but I only really started watching it after B. left.
  23. Just catching up on the shows (thanks Demand). I would need $10million if I had to live 10 minutes with Bethany. She is my least favorite HW. So disappointed she is back and hoping she isn't going to take over the whole show. Missed Heather. Loved seeing little Kingsley running! That brought such joy : ) Luanne's house is so pretty. So far I like the new housewife & glad Ramona has someone to talk to. Sonja is just sad.
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