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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. yes, even Will thought she wanted Chad to be the daddy. Abby could have broken up with Ben anytime before she was pregnant. She could still break up with Ben which would actually be more fair to both Ben & Abigail. At the one time I thought she was staying away from Chad because of her family and his family. I guess I just don't find this love triangle that believable even for a soap.
  2. Mophead Will should have showed up when Sami was leaving for California. He could have been her limo driver. Since they were going all campy with her exit anyway they should have went all out! back on topic so the ties are cheap polyester? sounds like Ben or Clyde. I mean Aiden & Chad would buy the best. Was Steve back in town when the murders started?
  3. I guess my problems with this storylines are Abigail does not seem stuck between two loves. It does not seem like she loves Ben at all. I can't even figure out why she stays with him. There is no reason that she could not be with Chad. Teresa should be with her sister. Paige's murder was in the news. I don't think it's up to Eve to call Teresa but see no reason why Teresa would not seek out Eve. Not even Teresa is that cold.
  4. My nephew graduated high school last year. Before he turned 18 he picked his classes and then I had to sign off on them. After he was 18 the school did not even send me his report card.
  5. Why do some many people walk through that dangerous park?
  6. Replying about something discussed in other thread. I totally don't like Clyde. think they way he treated Jordan was disgusting. I liked Jordan but even if I didn't I still would find Clyde's actions awful. He is so creepy. I hope little JJ takes him down.
  7. Has Teresa talked to Eve ? Has Abby talked to JJ? It's very strange that Paige was murdered yet Teresa hasn't talked to her sister. Abby has not gone to talk to her brother who she knows loved Paige. I know a lot don't love Abby but I always felt she loved her brother. Ben totally was wrong for putting that app on Abby's phone but he should have told her he say her cheating. She gets to look like the innocent victim. Ben did look a little crazy in that scene.
  8. Teresa has really done some crappy things especially to Brady and his family. The actor who plays Teresa is good at making her look very vulnerable. It's understandable why she is alone. I think I like the actress more than they character. Sometimes I feel badly for her when Brady is yelling at her. Then I wonder if it's their sizes. Teresa looks so tiny next to him.
  9. wow! if they were getting rid of the actress they should have just let Paige go off to college. Now Teresa is really alone : (
  10. Cousins marry sometimes *g question Does Eric still love Nicole? Was that just dropped?
  11. My UO is I actually really like Tina Fey but never found thirty rock funny.
  12. So far the two victims Paige and Serena both interacted with Dan (Paige babysit Parker) & Chad. I don't remember Paige interacting with Eric.
  13. Here is a "nice" work story for you. Our assistant manager who always had a bad temper was having a bad day. A 68 year old co-worker asked him a question about the clock we needed to time our assignments (it was not working properly). Assistant manager started screaming at co-worker then ripped the clock off the wall and threw it at her! Co-worker left work in tears. Called HR. HR "investigated" asked co-worker "haven't you ever had a bad day?" Nothing happened to assistant manager. He never even apologized. He did however wait a few weeks and then wrote that co-worker up for being late from break. She has worked there for 13 years and has never been written up before and has never been late from break.
  14. I think my favorite comedy was Frasier. I did find Grace and Frankie and enjoyed that comedy very much. Just really tired of crime shows. I would like to laugh. I was not crazy about the actor on The Office but Today show has really promoted Unbreakable Kimmie Schmidt. On Today show that actress was very likeable JMHO. thanks to all who responded.
  15. We finally have Netflix seems like there are a billion choices!! Mom and I are so sick of crime dramas. Seems that's all Dad watches. Can someone recommend a comedy or romantic show??
  16. How is it possible that it's in the news yet Teresa still does not know her niece was murdered. I have seen it mentioned more than once that Shane may not come back because no one would believe him as Eve's dad. I don't know I watched Guiding Light and viewers accepted Nadine as Frank's mom anything is possible *g
  17. Was the story Julie told about the family part of the show's history?
  18. Eric was left alone in Roman's office. Maybe Eric saw some notes on the case?
  19. Catching up the past 2 days. Was Teresa drinking her wine (?) out of a water goblet when Brady took it away and said "mommy doesn't need a drink"? Paige's murder was heartbreaking. To JJ not wanting to let her go to Eve's holding her in the morgue. I cried ugly tears. My dog, Swifter even came and jumped on my lap looking at me all concerned. This would have been very sweet if he wasn't a 90 pound dog! All that of when Eve was going to find out was she is all alone. Glad that she did have Justin. Hope Teresa will be there for her sister as well.
  20. John and Marlena are okay in my book :) I can't see either character with anyone else and they did seem important to Days history. So there romance is cool for the 50th anniversary. Teresa seems like she is still a teenager to me. When did she start with the drugs? Maybe they stunted her development. Perhaps the way she describes her childhood is how she really views it. It may not be accurate but it is how she sees it. When we are teenagers we see things differently then when we are adults. I actually really like Teresa (the actress more than the character) but why does she think she gets to start at the top? Most people have to work there way up the ladder. Maybe that's what Kim & Shayne really told her. She needed to work at it not expect things handed to her. I can see Teresa thinking that was not being supportive.
  21. Hope should be a more important character on the show. She should interact with more people in Salem. Paige should just have gone to Stanford instead of .......... Kayla is so pretty & smart. Don't understand why she could not get a date. Rafe reminds me an ex-boyfriend from high school so I might have a soft spot for him Jennifer is an important character and seems like she is being groomed to be the next Alice (JMHO). It makes sense to me that writers are trying to make Abigail the star of the show in a way. I think I could root for her character it's just sometimes I don't like the way she looks down on some people. I especially didn't like they way she talked to Ben about his job. I miss Jordan and wish she was the one to take down Clyde. It was so upsetting seeing how alone she was. Chad makes everyone he works with better . This all of course are JMHO. Not sure they are unpopular just don't know where else to post them since they are not about current plot.
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