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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. One of my favorite moments is when the guys are pretending to go to therapy but instead go to the racetrack. There is a horse named big mouth Marie. Frank has to bet on that one. Can't deny I always look for that name when betting on the phonies LOL.
  2. I have never seen the show Buffy and have no desire too.
  3. Still watching just not every day. Been busy and don't seem to catch up even when taping the show. Was wondering when Teresa said she fell asleep was she drugged or did she really fall asleep from being exhausted? Wish Maggie would just dump Victor. Not only is she too good for him he seems to be having an emotional affair with another women JMHO.
  4. I watched American idol was the beginning till the end. This Simon is so opposite of what I am use to. It's funny that he likes the quirky acts and sort of goes along with Howie jokes i watch this show with my parents who are in their 60's. Every time a elderly person tries out it gives them joy. The 90 year old lady did make us all laugh but I for one didn't expect her to make it past auditions. Nick can do no wrong with me. He really is good with all the contestants and keeps the show going at a nice pace.
  5. How much do those pizza places charge you to make your own food? I really miss Sonya this season.
  6. Skinnygirl? Honeychile does that mean Bethany is a cheater brand?
  7. A league of their own I always felt Dottie left her team and should not been able to play. I hate when the characters leave everyone to fend for themselves then come back and the last minute to save the day. Just makes me mad. Maybe it's because I was the kid who sat on the bench even though I went to every practice & only got to play when the "star" player (who never attended any practices) decided to not to show up. Issues LOL Maybe this should go in the UO thread but I liked Kit. She wanted to win and although I agree Dottie dropped the ball. Kit was playing to win and knocked her down.
  8. Why was everyone mad at LuAnn? Bethany came in guns and a blazing. Wasn't LuAnn taking Bethany down last season? Time to let that one go. The only one who had a legitimate reason to be mad at Lu is Carole. Bethany is just crazy and wanted to pick a fight. Glad Sonya missed it. Best part of the show was my dad asking me "what ta hell kind of show is this??"
  9. Not sure if I was a little bored this episode but I noticed Bethany holds her apple different from all the other housewives.
  10. Once again Rumble chose power over his love. I loved Snow this episode. She is tough and sort of smart. I kept thinking about how awful all their plans were LOL. Awe Emma told Hook that she loved him. I don't even like that couple and found that sweet.
  11. I doubt I will ever be a skinny girl. I sure there will be a time or two that I am a tipsy girl.
  12. Besides being a murderer Joey's seems like a few teenage boys I have worked with. Guess what I am saying is a dimwitted horny teenage boy is kind of normal.
  13. Li Shang was my favorite love Disney love interest. So disappointed we won't see him on the show. Dorothy was very unlikeable. Red I have always liked but her acting felt off to me in this episode. The only time I liked Red was with Snow. In the past Red had chemistry with everyone David, Emma, Snow and Dr. Whale. Strange that Red and Dorothy had zero chemistry.
  14. I will miss this show. That's how the finale made me feel. Loved seeing all the familiar faces. I have watched this show since the beginning. Root hard for my favorites to win (which doesn't happen often LOL). Then when the show is over I root for everyone to find success with what the love :) It was fun to see everyone again. Would have never guessed that was Bo. Loved seeing Justin too! Idol hasn't been kind to him JMHO. Some people I really didn't recognize at first and the camera went by people so fast! Sad that I could not hear Melinda at all.
  15. Steve Kayla are sweet and seem book& street smart. How is their kid so dumb? Why would Joey trust a girl he just met with this secret? If he needed someone to talk to how about Claire? I guess Joey has a type since this girl looks just like Ava. John is so dramatic in everything he does from asking Hope to have breakfast with him to having a surprise visitor at the police station. Belle was sure impressed with her dad here. She reminded me of her mom a lot in that scene. Chase. I hate that a part of me feels sorry for Chase. That is one lost kid who needs help badly. He is so alone and has no one. The rape story is the worst and the flashbacks are awful.
  16. I seem to always like the polarizing contestants so I get how it can get disappointing when people put down the one you are rooting for. Heck I rooted for Kris Allen from Wild Card week on and thought he had no chance of winning. Was shocked and happy when he won only for everyone (and I mean everyone) telling me there were conspiracies and Kris didn't deserve to win. No celebrating for that one. It will be interesting to see if this is a two person or three person finale. A lot of former idols expected to perform which should be fun. Wonder if any former judges will be there??
  17. I have always like the actress playing Summer. Could be I have soft spot for the character of Meg Synder. Anyway I don't know what is going on with her story with Maggie. Actually I adore Maggie. I find her sweet and kind of loved when she sent Lujack out her house with a bottled water LOL Anyway my question (s) Is Summer really bi-polar or is it an act ? I missed the backstory of who the father is and why she was given up. Can someone fill me in? Is there a reason why the show won't bring back Maggie's other children? TIA
  18. Okay I admit it I was hoping for a shocking elimination last night. Loved Sonika's voice. Her stage presence was awful but I thought the same thing about Carrie Underwood (still kind of do and love her radio songs). Have been rooting for Trent for a while and happy he made it to homecoming. That has always been my favorite idol moments : )
  19. I hate this new format. Watched this show since the beginning and would like to celebrate the end. It's moving too fast. Can't even get to know the contestants.
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