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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. Sarah's annoying me lately. Just two weeks ago I said I wanted her to talk more. LOL. She needs to stop flip flopping on issues. Jedi's make-up is a little softer lately. Her eyes were really pretty today. She needs to stay away from that purple lipstick she wore in an earlier episode. Maybe I wasn't paying attention but I don't remember Kerry, Romney or Jon Mcain having to explain the reasons they lost.
  2. I really wasn't looking forward to Carole's party or meltdown. It wasn't as bad as I expected. Carole speech was so beautiful and heartfelt JMHO. Totally felt for her in this episode. This was the first time in my life I stayed up to 4am hoping something was wrong and the news would announce a different president elect. Not the first time my candidate lost. Just the first time I felt so afraid for the future. Carole slipping about the surprise party is totally something I would do LOL
  3. I really enjoyed Anne Hathaway segment. Never disliked her. I find her confident and comfortable with herself. I can see how others could see that being conceded.
  4. I have a rather strange question. Don't know Paula from anywhere. When she was telling her experience of dealing with sexual harassment all I could think she why is she talking so slow? Is that always the way she talks?
  5. I work in a crappy retail job and put skinny girl products on the shelf many days. Mostly the drink mixes. Popcorn didn't last long. There is also drink mixes with a similar name. We are told to put them next to each other. Never been a fan of Bethany and don't care how much money she makes just find her a mean spirited person. Isn't she Carole's friend? Why would she embarrass her about the toe fungus? Or talk down to her about her fears and concerns ?
  6. My sis was Carole this past election just on the other side. My family thought she was unbearable before the election after it became so much worse. My DD a republican set rules of no political talk just family time when we all came over Know I am not a stylish so didn't understand why they were making fun of Luanne's dress. At least she tried to stay in theme of party and have fun with it.
  7. My dad always told a story about his two best friends in sixth grade who had their licenses. Lately I feel like hot topics is just Jed telling her stories. Maybe it's her take charge way of taking. Personally I wish Sarah would talk more. She does make some interesting points. Have always loved Sesame Street. I was three when my parents divorced and Sesame Street kind of became my safe place. Still remember it as that.
  8. I love all the Dumphy's especially Phil. Like when Claire and Mitchell get along. She is a little to mean to her brother. I see where Alex gets that mean streak from.
  9. Took a break from the show for a bit. Starting watching again this week. Abby still looks crazy. Deimos saying betrayal from his family hurts the most is laughable for many reasons but especially since it seems like he has known these people for a minute. A part of me thought Deimos was going to kill Sonny.
  10. I absolute adore Alan and Adam Arkin. Find something so fun and likable about both of them. Joy is a very good at directing how the conversation goes. Friday show Paula may or may not have been making a good point but her emotions where taking over and it was difficult to listen to. Both Sunny and Jed backed up their agruments well. My views fall more towards Sunny's , still their debate about congress was interesting.
  11. Don't mind snark or people not liking the same shows but don't like show forums where all the posts/posters hate the show.
  12. Schwimmer interview was so good. He was intelligent, interesting and sweet. The That's harassment movie are on Facebook. Maybe they could have cut out that game and interviewed him more about the movie. He fought hard to get that hashtag in there.
  13. When my parents moved to Florida I posted on Facebook that I missed them. A bunch of my friends posted in comments my moms dead. I deleted that post. Although there are just people you get along with better or have more in common with favoritism at work is a pet peeve of mine. A few of my coworkers and myself were upset that the college girls were getting a lot hours while we were fighting to keep our hours up to survive along with not losing our benefit s. The assistant manager in charge of the schedule also bought those girls and only them lunch almost every day. When some of vented to other coworker we were told he likes the young pretty girls. Thank you for not only calling me old but also ugly
  14. One pet peeve of mine is when you say just my opinion and someone quotes you that you are wrong. Work pet peeve when a customer asked you to check back room for product because the one the found was damage. You walk to the back room to search. Find the item. Bring it to costumer only for them to say "can you just mark this one down". Just ask for the discount.
  15. Watched Thursday's show today. The makeup was very bad. Jed's purple lip stick was disactracting and Sarah looked wash out. Arod did well. Only know his scandal and yes he has been booed a lot. Think I expected him to be aggaront instead he seemed sweet. It still feels strange hearing people praise George W
  16. Jedi is ok to me. Years ago I stopped watching the view due to the cross talking and Elizabeth. JMHO it was not because of her views but the way she presented them. Always felt she was talking down to people if they disagreed with her. Have members of my family who are conservative the ones who talk down and treat you like you know nothing are the ones we don't talk politics. Off topic a bit. When we have talked about this subject at work. Many of the young high school employees told me when someone talks down to them they shut down. If your going to come out swinging people put up the hands to protect themselves or hit back. No one is listening to each other When I mentioned this to a family member I believe I was called a snowflake.
  17. How did Andy leave ? I don't think Haley is like Claire at all. She does not seem like either parent to me. Maybe more like uncle Mitch or Cam LOL not sure this is unpopular opinion or not. I like Alex and would love her to have some happiness.
  18. I don't mind Whoopie but wow can't believe how much better Joy is as a moderator. Thought it was funny when Jed was telling a story and Joy was looking at her watch. Thinking Joy thinks this is story is boring just like me LOL. Really she was reading something about Trump and was very excited about it
  19. I like it. There is a form for that show on here. Most of the comments have been positive.
  20. Sorry having problem editing my post. The interview with Donna was strangely and badly edited. JMHO found this one of Trevor's weakest interviews.
  21. A wife forgiving a husband for an affair is the a worse offense than a man degrading talk about a women? I usually love Joy but she didn't even try with the Toni girl. Guess I am in the minority I don't mind the lady who talks a mile a minute and has a name out of star wars movie. think that the fast talking is a pretty good strategy on this show. I don't agree with most of her points but she gets them heard plus she has pretty hair *g
  22. I thought Luke would end up working with his dad and be a charming real estate agent.
  23. Mitchell coffee cup said I love me LOL. Luke showed he is actually smart by solving everyone's problem. He gave Cam and Mitchell the best advice.
  24. I was half joking in my statement. I am not on team Jack or team Rebecca. I would date Evan though Their fight was real and difficult to watch. Both jack and Rebecca said hurtful things. Once they said them even if an apology is made you can never take those words back.
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