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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. I love Kayla and Steve. They really are sweet together.
  2. I think there are a lot of people who are accepting yet don't understand everything or know all the correct words. Totally understood what both Whoppie and Sunny were saying. In the interview part it did not seem like Sara understood some things the young people were talking about either. I think the actor from younger (?) did not do a very good job explaining things although I give him credit for trying. Also kind of would have liked it if they actually answered Sunnys questions. There are probably many viewers who could have benefited.
  3. Jennifer was telling a story about her at nine years old finding out the secret ingredient was love. I found that story sweet. Eric and Jennifer were cute talking to each other even though I think Nicole/Eric have more chemistry. Loved Jennifer being direct and tough with Brady. He really needs that. He is way to spoiled.
  4. Okay I admit it I had no clue how Phelps was going to race a shark. Thought maybe they would time their swimming or something. Never occurred to me the would use a fake shark.
  5. Can someone give me the history on the Haddie character? Also does there really need to be a big plan for her to date Roman ? I don't think I have seen Roman dating anyone recently.
  6. There was something very wrong with Rafe being the one arresting Dario. Does Rafe even care about his brother? It did not seem like it. Dario yelling there are bigger fish. This is not going to end well. I am going to the ask a question thread because I have no idea who this Haddie is and need some answers.
  7. We use to watch that movie every year during Christmas break. Told dad I felt so sad for John Candys character. Dad said don't worry he probably still staying there LOL.
  8. I to like seeing all the old stars and the new ones. There has to be a way not to cut people off by age.
  9. Shari looks fantastic. This was a fun episode. Was Harvey just trying to get more screen time? What exactly happened to Josh that he needed an IV? I have so many questions LOL
  10. Here is a strange one but I have heard this s lot lately and find it pretty rude. When someone mentions something's from the past points to a younger person and says you don't remember this then points to another person and says well you definitely do. I hate that so much especially when it's something mentioned that is either iconic that most would remember or it's not something from my generation. So basically you just want to point out that I am older. One day shopping with my mom fourties music was playing in the store. An man came up to my mom and said "isn't it great hearing the music we grew up with ". Since my mom wasn't even born in that era she wasn't amused. Since is polite she just said yes
  11. The guest from the Netflix documentary were interesting. One of them was a little better and making her point quickly which you need to do on these shows. I am sure the lady was just nervous. ITA the topic of Johnmccain should have just focused on him. I am not a big Trump fan either but not everything has to be about him. I have family members who did that with the last administration. Found it annoying then and annoying now.
  12. I like that Lu was so drunk she had to leave the dinner but still totally checked herself out in the mirror on the way out of the room. She does fall gracefully LOL. Can laugh since she didn't get hurt. Beth really looked awful in the first part of the trip. Could tell she wasn't feeling well. That did not stop her from handling it to Ramona. This is the first time I ever liked Bethany Tinsley was really upset over that article. She should just move out. They hardly show the roommates like they did with Luanne. I don't have a big place and have had people stay with me when they were getting their stuff together. Can't remember how many family/friends stayed with my parents throughout the years. Never once did occur to anyone that they should buy us a gift
  13. Josh was adorkable. Ok I wanted him to win that relay race. I know it was in fun but I didn't enjoy the making fun of the other team during the track race. There is a good show hidden in here. They need to make the teams more balanced and maybe play for charity
  14. I recommend mark Harmon comes back and competes another day.
  15. Guess my unpopular opinion is I love This is Us. Was very happy it was nominated for awards especially the actors. I have loved Sterling in everything. My hope is the networks make more shows like it.
  16. Ramona is kind of crazy but some of things she said to Bethany at dinner are true. Bethany is just better at making her point. To bad someone who is better at agruing won't take on Bethany. It would be nice to see a fair fight Thought Tinsley date was cute and wish the others would leave her alone about her hair.
  17. Was there a new show on today ? My DVR is set to record new episodes and it didn't record today
  18. Jedi brings up Hillary because that's what T's fan base always does. Just once I would love for them to stand up and present the point without deflecting and blaming a Clinton of President Obama. I might actually listen to them. Totally understood Sunny frustration on that one. Although the chase story was cute and funny I kept wondering why Joy wanted a used couch.
  19. The ladies night out was funny. Didn't realize sammi was married the most. when I started watching again the past 2 years I have seen two Hope weddings, two Abigail weddingsand Brady had four different soulmates.
  20. I am an episode behind on In An Instant. The people held hostage in the library had me on the edge of my seat. Which sounds stupid since the people trapped were all talking in real time LOL. It just just so freakishly real to me. The actor playing the crazy man just was scary and so sad. The diabetic woman going through that was also frightening. Really didn't think she would make it. The police officer who went in and made himself a hostage was very brave and quick thinker. Felt bad for the DJ but they really stepped up when they found out it wasn't a prank.
  21. This love triangle really does make Chad look bad. Today I felt like Paul was hiding something. The way he said he was the only one drugged and Victor repeating it made me think he knows something. At first I thought maybe he was the killer. I missed a lot of the Demois story. Seems like everyone hated him. So it's kind of cool that is a real murder mystery
  22. Gilles seems to have had an interesting life. i meet Traci when she was shopping. All the teenage boys were very willing helping her. She had no makeup on and her thrown in a ponytail. They still knew who she was. This was about 10 years ago.
  23. Wow Sonja hair looked awful. Keep Ramona away from the curling iron.
  24. Does anyone think Gabi doesn't say anything about her brother and Abby because she wants chad to herself? i like Theo and Claire just not together. Not sure about Theo and Ciara. Where is she anyway? Took a break from the show for a bit. Came back to both Ciara and Phillip being gone. Today show was very light hearted. JMHO Roman just seems to be more relaxed and fits better running the pub then the police station. @rrc I am Julie fan but also think she is a pain in the butt LOL
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