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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. I really liked Sara's retro hair yesterday. Not loving the new format of the hot topics on the side of the screen.
  2. How does Eric not notice something is wrong with his mom?
  3. What was Hucklabees new show ? i liked when Sarah Sanders tried to spin whoopies question and the audience wasn't buying it
  4. MyUO I like Claire and think she is pretty. Like that she can go from sweet, bratty, smart and caring all in one scene. It's like she has all the best and worst qualities of her family. And I totally buy her as Belle and Shaun's daughter. Another one I don't miss the character of EJ at all. I now feel I liked the actor more than the character.
  5. Weather it's a sports game or a play the lead actor leaves their teammates during the biggest game or performances. No one else can do their job the same. After leaving everyone in a lurch they came back at the last minute save the day and are the hero. No one ever mentions the crappy way they left everything or how much harder every one had to work while they were away.
  6. Why wouldn't the actor just look that info up ?
  7. Some thing happened on the Altanta reunion one year and I thought I remember an entertainment type show mentioning it. I could be wrong. I only watch NY and sometimes NJ
  8. I doubt Kmart will be open in five years I did see her popcorn at Walmart. Thought they could not bring any phones or props? Ramona had her texts ready to go just in case. Not sure why Sonja was trying to take it away. Why is it if someone doesn't like something it's jealousy? Totally get why the ladies are tired of skinny girl crap. I only watch the show once a week and I am tired of it. Bethany acted very strange when they showed the clip of her crying JMHO.
  9. She was eating rather strangely and had terrible table manners also.
  10. I'd like to see Kate not happy about sonnys and Paul's engagement. She should have some fun plotting to break them up.
  11. Lenord seemed like he needed some serious help. @For Cereals thank you The rapper was starting to look a little guilty before the actual ending.
  12. I've been called a retread and a snow flake for who I voted for in the last three elections and I am not on a reality show. I don't know I have seen all the housewives called much worse for other things they shared. personally I'd have more respect for them if they stood by their vote JMHO
  13. Or maybe she knows Paige is alive
  14. She is his favorite. He even has Bethany Barbie doll
  15. I could care less about the word penthouse and thought Beth was just being a jerk.
  16. I never been to ashamed of who I voted for that I had to keep it a secret. LuAnne and Dorinda could not wait to say Frenchie was an actor. Andy wanted to know who cast him ? LOL Actually liked Carole's little season package. Seemed pretty real. Kind of sad for her and Adam. They seemed happy.
  17. Last night watched a bunch of old clips. The storyline was the Colleen/Santos one. Lots of clips building up to finding out about the forbidden love/feud but the clips stop before you find out what happened to Colleen.
  18. Bonnie can have Lucas and Adrienne and Justin can get back together. That's my plan LOL.
  19. If Brady was a jealous jerk Nicole may have never remembered what she did. Enjoyed kate and Roman scene. So Andre broke up their marriage ? Would have thought sammi would be the one.
  20. The last time Luanne sat so far away from Andy I believe she was demoted the next season.
  21. Does Bethany have a degree in psychology? She is driving me crazy tonight at least she looks pretty. I get Luanne kind of making excuses. She is trying to save face. It's just not working. It
  22. So many people are caring for elderly relatives. Thought it would be nice to have a place for us to have a place to get advice, vent, laugh and get & give support.
  23. I've always liked Abe so hoping he isn't a bad guy. LOL at the people recording his arrested. Don't think that was suppose to be funny but it made me laugh. Valerie has such a loving kind tone to her voice. She really was stupid asking Hope not to arrest Theo. Good thing joey didn't confess to her first. That story line would have been over in a minute. Speaking of Joey I still think he thinks he is worthless. Lots of people his age get high not to feel stuff (that's what I've been told) so he could be depressed and high. Eli and Lani are so getting together. Abe's arrested is the first obstacle. JMHO I have been enjoying all the characters lately. That could change ?
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