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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. According to my family members who are supporters the media describes them all as uneducated. maybe Meghan should just inform us what she thinks the media is doing. The author went to Jed’s fast talking school. Joy really could not hide her distaste for that guest.
  2. Not sure this audience would like any conservative host so maybe they just choose the most unlikable people available. I have seen Meghan on other talk shows and she seems more relaxed in other settings. Although I do believe her hatred for president Obama and the Clintons are always present. Yes the same way Joy hates President Trump. I i am fine saying his name. This isn’t Harry Potter LOL. jmho political discussions are important but it would be nice if once in a while the talked about some other topics. One question and I am in mean girl mode now just how many ex’s has super conservative religious Sunny seen naked?
  3. At first I thought Meghan was going to point out that his base was going to say/believe/interpt this as the media going after Trump. If she had used that argument she might have at least had Sara on her side. It also would have made a better point. JMHO. Those view your deals weren’t that great. I found most of the stuff cheaper at TJmaxx
  4. Jack tells Randall about looking at the wrong kid. Randall is so focused on Deja that he misses his other daughter is hurting. Randalls two young children sure knew something was wrong with Kevin. That was why it surprised me that Tess was in the car. Wow I watched the last few minutes with my hands over my eyes. Intense! Does anyone think the little boy at the end of will be adopted by Toby and Kate ?
  5. I love Sami and I am mad at her for this plan. Where does she come up with this stuff? It was difficult to watch Will killed the first time Poor Lucas. Hopefully John and Marlena will believe him. Rafe and Hope arguing was the most passionate I have seen from them in a while. I don’t Really feel Hope loves Rafe. He has more chemistry with Sami. Know you guys don’t like when I say that LOL. I wasn’t watching when Rafe and Sami we’re together. Seems he just does whatever she wants.
  6. Kate and Will scene was so well done. This version of Will seems so much younger. It’s very understandable that Chad would not trust Andre. I don’t understand how anyone trusts that man. Even though Andre is innocent here he has done a lot in the past. You don’t just forget about that. That said Chad was so good in that argument . That’s the Chad I want to see more of. Sami’s plans never seem to work. This latest one is a little scary to me. JMHO
  7. I made the mistake of watching all of season three in a weekend. I loved this show in the past then kind of forgot about it. Its funny that I don’t find Sol believable as a lawyer since that is probably thr actors most famous role. Sometimes he seems just so childlike. Glad Robert was able to retire when he wanted to. Sad Sol was kind of forced into. I totally understand their friend saying he dreamed of being retired. Not just because I hate my job or that I don’t think it will ever happen. Watching my dad aunts and uncles finally retire and not getting to do things the dreamed of makes me sad. It’s like they worked all their lives and now they have time to do things it’s not things they enjoy. Frankie and Grace friendship is my favorite part of the show followed by the four adult children. Mallory needs something more to her character though.
  8. Megan’s wedding looked beautiful. I enjoyed their tame conversation today. Found it interesting how everyone listened to each other points. Maybe I am just easy to please today I even liked Whoops sweater
  9. What could Belle tell Will? I don’t remember seeing them together ever since I started watching. Hope Belle remembers she has a daughter.
  10. I think people just didn’t like Will at the time So sonny was the like able one. I don’t think his acting has changed that much. JMHO
  11. I really like the cast of this show. Kate seems to be getting meanier every episode. I do wonder how many kids were told they could not hand in their movie and instead get an F. Some secrets just need to stay in the family.
  12. Eric and Jennifer friendship is very sweet. Happy he was there for her. I still feel there must be at least one family member who could be there for Claire. Does Lucas know about Will?
  13. I don’t disagree with you. Claire and Tripp are very cute together. Watching Wednesday show made me realize how alone Claire is. Her parents are gone. Her grandma Hope doesn’t seem like family. Her other grandparents are very busy now with the Will stuff. It made me very sad for Claire. As of right now I don’t think we have seen anyone tell Kate about Will. They showed Gabby finding out so maybe Rafe will tell Kate next. Maybe in the real world but Salem PD is a little backwards.
  14. Kinda of like amy and Kevin ways of playing board games. One is we play by the rules. The other is rules are made to be broken.
  15. Teens can be annoying. Kevin at the football scout meeting was acting like a jerk. When they went to randals math thing I thought Kevin was joking about his fans in the stands. I don’t think he slept with the doctor to get her prescription pad. He just found it and acted like an addict. Charlotte was living out her teenage fantasy and said so. She wasn’t going to notice anything. Surely the people at the high school at least noticed his drinking. Thought that was why young girl who looked like Sophie asked him to party. I thought it was interesting that Kevin went to Randall for help. I wish he had actually gotten help. I don’t enjoy addict Kevin.
  16. Would love to read joys diary from the year Rosie was on the view. Think it’s funny that Barbara regifts and forgets to take the cards out LOL.
  17. Sami was nervously looking for pictures on her phone. I think most people keep picking on their phones now. I feel so sad for JJ. Hopefully his mom and sister will be there for him soon.
  18. And Rafe just stood there not at all surprised by Sami actions LOL
  19. Whoopi looked very happy today. Enjoyed jennifer Lewis. Whoopi’s favorite things kind of stunk LOL Megan looked very pretty today.
  20. Kinda of glad I read spoilers about Theo and JJ. Even knowing my heart sunk. It was terrifying seeing the fear on theirs face.
  21. I can totally see why the man could not get a job. He was a mess. Hopefully his wife did get the job. They had a really nice house so he must have had a really good job at one time. Hoping that the show isn’t going to pit Amy against Kevin. He still seems fragile to me. There has to be a reason for her top secret job. JMHO I think Amy’s job is why he can’t tell her. We have seen what happens when her daughter keeps Kevin’s secrets.
  22. I guess when I was thinking UO it’s unpopular here. There seems to be a lot of talk in threads about not liking Steve.
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