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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. When Kate went in the diet aides aisle I thought she was going to be the one to become addicted to pills. Was so happy and relieved when the doctor said she was pregnant. Kate and Toby will be sweet parents JMHO
  2. The topic of giving women drug addicts money for birth control and/or Sterilization was very intense.
  3. Serious question. Has anyone noticed Whoopi terrible memory? The other day she could not remember her manager name who passed away. She said he had her manager for a long time. she also seems to have hard time remember what words to use and loses her train of thought a lot.
  4. Rafe had more chemistry in his brief scene with Sami then he has ever had with Hope. Absolutely loved that Sami called the police John and Paul had shovels and a wheelbarrow Where were they going with the body ? Did they really believe no one would see them I loved and cried with Lumi. That was so heartbreaking. Liked that Sami was the one person who stopped lecturing Lucas and instead said we will figure out. Forget to mention Eric and Nicole. Poor Eric just doesn’t get to happy long. I love Eric and feel so sad for him. He was so excited for a minute about his future. Even making play dates for holly. @pau I didn’t even think of them being a couple. Just found it interesting.
  5. I just love Dolly Parton My grandfather use to play some of her songs on the piano. My grandma,sister, niece and I saw dolly in concert. She was so sweet funny and has a voice of a angel. There we were three generations sitting in the nosebleed sets crying our eyes out listening to coats of many colors. It was nice to relate to MM on something.
  6. Sorry I knew that one but I don’t think anyone but Brady knows that so assume you guys were talking about another dead guy.
  7. I agree that was a good and interesting story. Guy really sold that. In a way he was like his mom there because she felt insecure especially when she would compare herself to Carrie
  8. Brady has also been handsome but wow his anger just turned him so ugly on the outside. It was kind of amazing. When he looked in the camera I shivered. Who did Nicole kill ? I love Sami but she is no angel.
  9. @Blergh that does sound stressful. I am not sure parents ever stop seeing us as children. When my dad was around 40 he was horsing around in the pool trying to jump in pool and landing on a beach all. His dad yelled at him calling him a damn kid LOL. My mom is disabled before my dad retired I rented out bottom half of their house and helped mom with cleaning and doctor appointments. I had to leave some things for her to do or she said she didn’t feel useful. Sometimes I would do laundry and leave some towels for her to fold and put away. Dad retired February and they moved to Florida. I hate it because now dad has health issues and I am so far away. I am alone When I started going to church it’s such a family activity I almost quit going. An elderly couple there adopted me as their church daughter. Lately the husband (80) is having memory issues and the wife is having difficulty with the stairs at their apartment. I have been going with them looking at senior apartments. The ones that don’t go by income so very expensive. The ones that go by income have long waiting lists.
  10. I prefer Victor alone. He is a miserable old man Some say Maggie makes him a better man. JMHO he is only a better man when she is in the room. Know a lot of people don’t like Maggie but I think she deserves better. It’s like the show just had two older actors so they put them together.
  11. Pretty sure no one likes the Bonnie story Here are my ramblings about that Andriene has always shown as a smoldering mother. I actually found sonny and Andriene very believable as mother/son but there is no way anyone would believe Andriene would not be with her son right now. Like justin and felt Andriene should have chosen him but this story makes him look like an idiot. i forget that Steve and Andriene are siblings so it’s strange he noticed she was not acting herself. Maggie seems mean and out of character also I hate Maggie and victor as a couple. So my UO is if this story breaks up Maggie and Victor it will all be worth it.
  12. Was Charlie Pride lip lsyncing ? My grandma loved him and he sounded exactly the same as I remember. No idea he lead such an interesting life. He also seemed very charming.
  13. Another birthday? Wonder who will get fired this time.
  14. I watched whatever clips of the baby switch that were on YouTube. Can someone tell me how Nicole was caught? And why Brady bailed her out of jail?
  15. It looked like Marlena left a hundred dollar bill for her pub coffee. Nicoles brother Brandon has been mentioned a lot lately. Bonnie is terrible at flirting with Victor. Brady Brady people aren’t stupid. That was obviously your drink. Stop blaming the maid. I noticed Andriene didn’t ask about Lucas.
  16. I believe Miguel has two children. Are any of the big three like their mom?
  17. Teenage Kate is very pretty. It was nice seeing teenagers Randell and Kevin getting along. Sly was sweet and my allergies acted up in that scene with Kevin. I think I might be to invested in these characters. I screamed no when Kate said to jacks ashes he’s just like you then we see Kevin take some pain meds.
  18. Yeah finally Eric and Nicole. I have been waiting forever For them to get together. I wish I could play poker with Chloe. Starting to feel sorry for Paul. He is in thankless position. it was nice to see Brady with his other family. Too bad he didn’t listen to his dad. Lucas and Kate wow such a sad scene. You could see how much Kate wanted to take Lucas pain away.
  19. Really didn’t like the way Whoopi and Megan made it seem like you weren’t strong if you were sexually harassed. My first job at 16 a boss gave us clipboard which was confusing since i worked in a shoe store. Boss said it was to hold in front of my chest when district manager came in. Years later a family member had a great job at the airport when a boss kept making sexual jokes and asking for favors. She did report him. She was suspended without pay during the investigation. He was allowed to keep working. Then when investigation was over relative was transferred to an different airport two hours away. Neither one of us is weak. Enjoyed the football player interview. They really taking the narrative away. Megan interrupted Whoopi excellent point (made by joy in a different show) that why is insulting a gold star family or saying you prefer people who not captured disrespect towards the military?
  20. I went to sherry shapards book signing years ago. She told the story of coming to New York for the view and Whoopi buying her clothes so she could dress for the job. I use to really like Whoopi as an actor. On the view she is hit or miss with me but I do think she helps young talent. Jason Ritter is handsome and adorable at the same time. Really enjoyed his interview. Glad he broke the world record. I probably would have blown that and gave him a big long hug. He seems very huggable ?
  21. I thought snickerdoodle was going be the lady from the previous episode who left her marriage and stole the car. Although I did find it funny that Adam slammed the door on her I was a little sad for her as well.
  22. Paul is bearly hanging on. He seems very alone. Felt really bad for Marlena. Bad is still entertaining crazy to me. So now if that wasn’t Will that was killed who was it ? Was it fake Will that cheated on Sony ? Victor was really enjoying Sony and Brady argument? Victor should not give any advice like ever.
  23. I think sunny is just getting used to her new views. It seems like she was pro choice for a very long time. Joys birthday was little and fun mostly which we really needed right now. Barry Manillow didn’t sound very good and seemed to know it. Was he sick ?
  24. My unpopular opinion is I still love the big three even if I don’t like them sometimes ? kevin is still my favorite and I think Sophie is good for him. I like he finally has some one in his corner but also someone who will call him on his crap. I am the middle ignored child so maybe I just relate to him the most. My grandma also said he was a nice boy on the young and the restless LOL.
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