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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. Chloe seems like such a busy body to me. She is not very good at keeping a secret and she has a terrible pocker face. She must have forgotten about Lucas and the dead body. I did until today ?
  2. Not that favoritism is an issue with this police department but maybe it’s not a good idea to hire the son of who you are dating especially a high position like commissioner. I always think Bens accent changes since he moved around a lot with Jordan. Or maybe since I live close to Massachusetts I don’t hear an accent ?
  3. I must be really naive since I didn’t see anything but a sweet moment between Kate and jack. She was just trying to let him know it would be ok. At least that’s how I saw it.
  4. What was Maggie and Andriene relationship like before Bonnie took over ? i don’t remember them having any scenes together. Maggie really not loving fake Andriene right now ?
  5. Abigail and Chad got married to make Paul feel better ? well at least one wedding is over. Paul seems so desperate. I kind of like it because that’s how he made will feel. Know it wasn’t totally Paul’s fault but it’s interesting. JMHO seeing Paul vulnerable is interesting. Don’t think he is use to not getting what he wants. Although I wasn’t interested in the commissioner story found it interesting that the reason for not choosing Rafe seems to be because of what his family has done. I still I’ll love JJ. He does need to bring that beard back. It will be no shave November soon enough. I think Ben was just enjoying pushing JJ buttons. Ben is crazy.
  6. @buffynut I loved Jordan and thought she had better chemistry with Chad than either Abigail. I will show myself out now.
  7. Will being alive affects so many more people than just Sony and Ben. John and Marlena scenes were really good today. I enjoyed John reminding Marlena and the audience that he loves Will also. Kate is a mess and I wish she had someone besides Andre to talk to. Know Andre is suppose to come across as caring but I never see him that way As for Ben not being a good actor my honest opinion is Susan Lucci was a terrible actor and soap people loved her. I don’t even find Ben a bad actor. He isn’t perfect but his crazy is scary and at times funny which is strange.
  8. The show did not air here. Some one uploaded a clip of Ben at the wedding. The punch wasn’t in it. Wondering did Ben make any comments about Abby being a whole new person ? the clip I did see was all about Will. Ben called Paul slugger LOL. Kate was the only one who seemed angry. Marlena seemed in shock. Sony is not a great actor but you could see he wanted what Ben was saying to be true.
  9. Makes you want to watch ? Ben still has those crazy eyes
  10. Catching up on last weeks shows. Few thoughts. Andre is so strange. I don’t practically like him but found it very rude of Chad and his friends to leave that boring party. I love Steve. Sorry but him giving the male stripper a tip made me laugh. Brady truly is losing it. He’s speech at Sony’s wedding was strange. The look on johns face during it gave me hope that he sees something is wrong with his son. There is no way anyone should believe Adrienne would not do anything for her son. Nicole looked terrible at the wedding. The ladies dresses were all strange choices though. I liked Paul with John and Marlena. They seemed to bring out the best in each other.
  11. I finally figured out why I don't like Paul and Sony as a couple. JMHO Paul is to good for Sony I know will cheated on him but I never felt Sony as a good husband Seriously hated how he cleaned out their bank account and never discussed with Will Not just that he did that but how consendening he was about it.
  12. Travis can be pretty preachy and at times I do think he is just passionate about his beliefs. Some times he just seems angry and annoyed. Mom thinks he doesn't like overweight people and stopped watching the show years ago. May have been when Julian was on. Today's show was so mixed jumping from subject to subject. I don't think the show flows quite right. I think that about Dr Oz as well. Maybe it's difficult to Segway from a man on a 111 day no food juice cleanse to an addict looking for help. I wasn't understanding why the man wasn't just eating the food. I don't really know him but he didn't look healthy to me. Why the one doctor said he looked mean and lean was lost on me. Travis looked so uncomfortable like he wanted to say something and kept stopping himself. I can totally see someone looking at that Diet and doing it all wrong the addict story was just very sad. I pray he heals.
  13. Eric and Jennifer friendship is very sweet. Brady is just getting nastier and nastier. He's eyes even look crazy LOL. Although I do wonder if he really is a better CEO than Sony. Philip should just came back and tell them both to go sit in the corner the company is his. When he was grilling Nicole about who she was on the phone with wow that scene was intense. I really thought he was going to pick up her phone and hit redial. Have zero interest in who the police commissioner will be. Not loving the writing for JJ right now. He does look good so at least there's that.
  14. Jordan loved and tried so hard to protect Ben. She was always concerned and fearful of his anger. She was raped by her stepfather and blackmailed by him. It was obvious something was wrong emotionally with her and no one seemed to care. Ben did not know the whole story but it made me sad that he seemed to favor a relationship with his father. That it is kind of true of abuse though. Just wish Jordan had some one she could have leaned on. My UO is recent one. Watching the last two episodes i kind of like Brady as a bad guy. Never understood why he is in more scenes with his grandfather than his parents. Is that because he favors the dark side ? Has the character always seemed so out of touch with john and Marlena?
  15. We also had a Ciara mention. Roman does fit better running the pub JMHO. Glad he did not go back to police department Does Claire still own a night club? She can give hers to whoever doesn't get TTB Chloe and Brady were very sweet together. Then she left and Brady went nuts. He needs some serious help.
  16. I enjoyed Will and Lucas. This Will is new to me also. Loved they talked about Sammy. One thing Luca brought up when Will died was how much guilty about their fighting. Maybe a part of him wished they could have worked it out. JJ was looking all grownup and handsome today. I didn't know him and Paul were such great friends to talk about their feelings. Sonny wasn't very good in his scene. I didn't feel like he missed Will at all.
  17. Not long ago Victor blamed Chloe for Brady being an addict. What's up with that? i don't understand why this Nicole situation is pushing him. He will have a new lady 2 minutes after they break up. Has Brady ever been single for more than 5 minutes?
  18. My opinion Ben always seemed abusive to me. The actor played it like he could snap any minute. Least that's the way I always saw it. Abby was a jerk for playing both guys. Not sure I like Abby and Chad as a couple. Real UO I thought chads best partner was Jordan. Abby is a strange character to me. Guess the audience is suppose to root for her. Really find her condescending (played by both actresses) especially the scene where she was the peacemaker for Chads family.
  19. Aaron Carter was on being tested for HIV and getting help for his addiction. It was very sad. I don't know if he can be helped. He looked so unhealthy physically and emotionally.
  20. I found Lucas hard to watch and heartbreaking As a child of an alcoholic I can tell you those things happen way to often.
  21. Not sure if it was just a good distraction from worrying about parents in Florida but I really enjoyed the past two episodes. Watched them both on demand today. All the competitors seemed to be having fun and enjoying themselves. The announcer who talks a lot sure likes mentioning every one age. Poor Deirdre I thought they changed her name to 69 year old. Baywatch is one of those shows that's been on forever and I don't think I have seen one episode. Chris (?) baywatch guy who jumped in pool was very charming. Did he say he dated Pam and Carmen? Parker was very cute back in the day. Daisy Duke is still very pretty and has a beautiful smile.
  22. Are Hope and Rafe really up for the commissioner job ?
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