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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. John and Marlena are okay in my book :) I can't see either character with anyone else and they did seem important to Days history. So there romance is cool for the 50th anniversary. Teresa seems like she is still a teenager to me. When did she start with the drugs? Maybe they stunted her development. Perhaps the way she describes her childhood is how she really views it. It may not be accurate but it is how she sees it. When we are teenagers we see things differently then when we are adults. I actually really like Teresa (the actress more than the character) but why does she think she gets to start at the top? Most people have to work there way up the ladder. Maybe that's what Kim & Shayne really told her. She needed to work at it not expect things handed to her. I can see Teresa thinking that was not being supportive.
  2. Hope should be a more important character on the show. She should interact with more people in Salem. Paige should just have gone to Stanford instead of .......... Kayla is so pretty & smart. Don't understand why she could not get a date. Rafe reminds me an ex-boyfriend from high school so I might have a soft spot for him Jennifer is an important character and seems like she is being groomed to be the next Alice (JMHO). It makes sense to me that writers are trying to make Abigail the star of the show in a way. I think I could root for her character it's just sometimes I don't like the way she looks down on some people. I especially didn't like they way she talked to Ben about his job. I miss Jordan and wish she was the one to take down Clyde. It was so upsetting seeing how alone she was. Chad makes everyone he works with better . This all of course are JMHO. Not sure they are unpopular just don't know where else to post them since they are not about current plot.
  3. Poor Serena Mason was murdered and all I can think about is how awful it was that her last day on screen she had to wear the ugly dress.
  4. Watching the video of Tom/Alice its amazing how much Jennifer reminds me of Alice.
  5. Catching up with all the wonderful posts in here. Worked a double today so have not watched Friday's show yet. Few comments about the last couple days. Maybe I just love mysteries or something but I kept looking for clues to who the murderer was. Rafe says "it could not be Chad it was a crime of passion" next scene Rafe is questioning Eric. Whoa! It's Eric! that was a clue. Nope LOL I always liked Eric but man is he weird. Chad looks all guiltily which means he isn't. Ben keeps protesting a little too much that Chad is guiltily. It's Ben!! No it's his dad setting up Chad. Why do I keep checking out everyone's neckties now?
  6. Justin is sexy for an older guy. Is that an unpopular opinion?
  7. Why did Steve leave Kayla ? What is the backstory there? TIA
  8. My favorite line in yesterday's show something like this Nicole "Where's your sociopath cousin?" Brady "more specific please?"
  9. Aiden will forever and always be Bill Lewis to me.
  10. Will should get therapy. They should show flashbacks to his crazy childhood. Lots of clips of Lumi and show us some schemes of the family that the audience did not see. Hey, a girl can dream : )
  11. I voted for Bethany. I hate her product placement and how she seems to get to have the finale word on everything. Also feel the show would be more balanced without her. Guess production loves her I just don't.
  12. I have a co-worker who is 22 thinks she is amazing because she can be intimidating. Thing is a lot of times she is right about stuff but her delivery is awful. She could teach/train new people but everyone seems like they would rather not ask her any questions. She is also great for passing off her work on to others (mostly me). Takes long breaks. Hides in closet to text (no camera's in there). This co-worker is the first to report on someone else doing something wrong and our boss loves her.
  13. I went to see American Idol tour last night. It was only the top 5 this year but it was a lot of fun especially since it was Nick's home state. We were in line next to Nick's aunt who informed us that she had to buy her ticket since the show would only give them four free ones. She said that was not good for a big Italian family LOL.
  14. The young man who only wanted to play video games was interesting. When he was talking you could tell he was very intelligent. He felt living in the virtual world was easier and that life passed him by. When Dr. Phil showed his time line the gamer had a lot of creativity (won 2 contests) wanted to be a lawyer than was in a car accident at 12 (?). After his accident it seems he withdraw from life. This is one show I would love a update on. Hope he can get help and not feel so lost.
  15. Leslie death on Bridge to Terabirtha. It was so sad in the book but the movie to me was much sadder. The actor who played Leslie brought out the best in that character. Thinking about it now makes me sad all over again
  16. Was really disappointed that the Mexican 13 year old girl did not go through. We thought she was wonderful. NPH wasted his buzzer on Piff (he would have gone through anyway). My UO is I not a big fan of Piff. Was disappointed in the other magic act. remember liking his first audition. His nerves were an issue and NPH looked bored with the trick.
  17. Mr. Hopper on Sesame Street was so sad. I can still remember that episode where they addressed his death. I was watching it with my younger brother and remember just crying.
  18. My UO I dislike Serena's clothes more than Abigail's.
  19. I am 1 day behind. Watched Friday show with my brother who does not watch soaps. When Dan asked Nicole to live with him, Bro turned to me and said "I like the gay guys better" LOL It's strange to me how Eric now loves Nicole and has no feelings at all for Serena. It makes sense for him to be mad at Serena and even dump her but shouldn't he be more conflicted with his feelings for her?
  20. Brenda from 90210. Her best friend & boyfriend get together and I am suppose to not feel sorry for her? Her brother isn't even on her side to comfort her.
  21. Robyn How I Met Your Mother. Actually liked her at the beginning of the series but towards the end she was so unlikable JMHO. She came across as the mean girl. Although she was very pretty never understood her "have to be the prettiest women in the room" thing or why someone would pay her rent since she was so hot ?? That was all odd. In the end of the series (before finale) we find out she is alone, lonely with only her dogs. That ending made sense to me since she become such a shrewd not because she was a strong/career women.
  22. I have always liked her. Thought she was sweet & funny on a show where she worked in a book store. Since I liked that show it was canceled.
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