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Everything posted by TVFAN

  1. Actually, there is a way. Forfeiture is being used more and more as a method of fighting crime by both the state and federal governments. If the government could establish that Lamar's assets were the proceeds of a crime, it could seek to have them forfeited. The fact that Rayna is innocent of wrongdoing would not protect her because her father only had the legal right to leave her that which he owned. The forfeiture "relates back" to the time that the crime was committed even if it does not take place until years later. He would be viewed as not owning those assets at the time of his death; therefore, they are not part of his estate. Think of it this way. If a father stole a piece of art and left it to his children, the true owner could claim it years later. (People are still claiming and getting back artworks stolen by the Nazis decades ago.) Since Rayna claimed that she put everything she had into Highway 65, I am assuming she put her inheritance into it. The government would have a right to every penny that was found to be criminal proceeds. So, Teddy really did do her a huge favor by refusing to expose what Tandy and her father were up to.
  2. I hope at some point the show addresses the fact that Teddy went to jail to protect Rayna and the girls. He could easily have done as the prosecutor asked and helped send Tandy to jail. Had he done so, it's quite likely that the government would have sought forfeiture of Lamar's ill-gotten gains, gains Rayna used to fund Highway 65. Teddy is far from perfect, but he would do anything to protect his family.
  3. It looks like the show has been renewed for a second season. I'm glad. I enjoy this family.
  4. Ramona has always been depicted as having scads of friends, far more than most of the housewives. And the housewives themselves can't ever seem to stay mad at her. I can't help but think that the show exaggerates the bad traits of all of the housewives for dramatic effect.
  5. I'm confused. If they are discussing another Matthews baby and C and T are NOT the parents, who would the parents be? Eric is unattached as far as we know. Josh is still in high school, and I don't see Disney going there.
  6. Not sharing that stingray with the alpha males is one of the most uncool acts I have ever witnessed on reality TV. I could not believe that not a single person in the group offered to share his/her portion. That was just wrong.
  7. Actually, if the wiki on Sonja is right, she was born in 1963, which makes her three years younger than JFK, Jr. He remains forever young in our minds, but he would be 54. I think it's entirely possible that they were at some of the same clubs and that he partied a bit harder in his younger days than when Carole knew him. Carole didn't marry her husband until 1994, and I am not sure how long they were together before that, but she may not have known John until he was in his 30s. That having been said, I doubt Sonja, Madonna, and JFK, Jr. were best buds.
  8. If the worst thing someone can accuse me of is taking seven or eight rings to answer the phone, I must not be doing too much wrong! It sounds as if Jason is answering the phone. He's just not getting to it fast enough to suit some people. It often takes me that many rings just to retrieve my phone.
  9. I think returning to Downton would show Tom's strength and wisdom, not his weakness. He went to America to expand his horizons. That took courage. There is no shame in going home if you decide that is where your heart is. In fact, it would be foolish to stay in America if he is unhappy there. He would only be doing so to save face. Returning to Downton in no way limits his possibilities. He can go back into journalism or start a business or go into politics or manage the estate or do something else. He can live at the Abbey or in one of the other homes on the estate. He can even work in London. Sybbie can grow up surrounded by family and love. And if Tom wants to remarry, the family will support him. The Dowager Countess was right. He is part of the family now. Come home, Tom!
  10. I think it was taped last season. I vaguely remember hearing that they held back an episode for this weekend. Not my favorite episode. The Auggie character is not my favorite, but that's not the little actor's fault--it's the writing and direction. A little Auggie goes a long way.
  11. Anyone know when it will be returning to PBS? I can't wait!
  12. I may be wrong, but didn't Ramona bring a whole handful of the necklaces when the women decorated the jeans last week? I know she used one on her jeans, and I thought some of the others used them as well.
  13. It's all just too forced. The scenes with Shawn and Angela were fine. Most people outgrow their high school sweetheart. That's normal. The Katy/Maya/Shawn combo is not normal. Having Shawn befriend Maya is fine, but he's not her father and watching him taking father lessons from Cory was seriously weird. If I were Katy, there is no way I would let him come close to taking on that role. There are too many ways for Maya to get hurt. You don't date someone because you like his or her child. What if Shawn meets a woman and falls head over heels in love? She is unlikely to embrace Maya, especially since Maya will no doubt resent her. What if Katy meets a man and falls head over heels in love? He's not going to want Shawn hanging around. Shawn shouldn't be playing father unless and until he actually is Maya's father. I've been enjoying this season, but this particular story arc is a no go for me.
  14. I really like this family. It's nice to see a show that depicts a devoutly Christian family that doesn't have a crazy vibe. Despite the size of the family, the parents do not appear to at all have left the child rearing to the older children. (I loved seeing the mom get on everyone about not leaving their clothes, toys, etc. on the bus floor, and she is clearly the one checking to make sure that everyone is packed.) The kids' clothes are perfectly modern, yet perfectly modest. Their home school experience exposes them to music, art, and dance in all forms, and the mom who is teaching is actually a trained teacher. (I do hope at least some of the children go to college. Mom and dad can only expand your horizons so far.) They are constantly shown laughing and having fun with one another. There are plenty of (gasp!) full hugs, and no one seems worried about anyone being defrauded. They are selling their musical talents, not their religious beliefs. I wish them well.
  15. Do you know what I love about this show? I can watch it without feeling as if I need to take a shower afterward. No one is being mean or snarky. No one is pushing an agenda. No one is acting 19 when they are 52. No one is drinking themselves stupid or having a mental breakdown on screen. I'm watching two very nice people raise two adorable, normal, rambunctious preschoolers. Like every other human on earth, I'm sure the Klein-Arnolds have their bad moments, but they are a pleasure to watch. And it's good for me to see people who face challenges that I don't and handle them with such grace. Jen hauls her little step ladder all over that hospital with nary a word of complaint. And I love seeing her in action at work. She has worked so hard to get where she is. Bill is clearly still in pain, but he grins and bears it and genuinely enjoys his family. Christmas in June made me smile. Will and Zoe seem to be thriving. If and when the show starts interfering with their ability to live a normal life, I hope and believe that Jen and Bill will pull the plug on it. But for now, all seems well.
  16. I'm not sure if Beverly died or if she had a stroke or something that will let her play the invalid card against Rayna. Either way, this somehow is bound to come between Rayna and Deacon. As long as Deacon gets well, I'm happy. I hope the show actually has Juliette get therapy and makes it realistic. She has so much back story that explains why the PPD is particularly difficult for her. Don't cry, Avery! If she gets therapy, she might walk away from this a better, stronger person. Her PPD is just as much an illness as Deacon's cancer. Avery was right to leave, but Juliette still has my sympathy. The show took an interesting approach. She definitely crossed a line in throwing something, but she did not actually lay a hand on Avery or the baby and did not necessarily throw the object at them. That makes it far easier for the writers to writer her out of the corner she's currently in. I agree with Artsda that Juliette is actually better off with Luke's label. I'm not sure Rayna is cut out to be an executive. Highway 65's only big marketing success seemed to be when she toured with Luke, and he masterminded that tour. Poor Teddy!!!!!!!!!! I respect him for taking responsibility for his own actions. I only hope that if Rayna is less than sympathetic, he informs her that her business was funded with dirty money. If he does, it would be interesting to see if Rayna is willing to give up the trappings of wealth. That would be an interesting storyline, too. She's never had to struggle. I thought I heard somewhere that Oliver Hudson has signed for another show, so I was surprised that he made it through the finale. Scarlett, stick with the cute doctor! Good for you, Will!
  17. I wonder if Jim Bob believes that a daughter requires a dowry? Didn't he give Josh the car lot? I may be wrong, but I think the idea may be to give the sons a business or trade and the daughters a home. Also, note to Jim Bob: If I am Anna, or Grandma, or whoever is stuck doing the laundry, I would most definitely NOT be mad at sweet, little Michael. However, I would drag the idiot who let him play in paint without putting him in a paint shirt into the laundry room and tell him to get to work!
  18. I hope this "reality" show truly is anything but real. Their lives seem to empty and sad. There is a time for everything in life. Most people are past getting stupid drunk and getting hickeys once they hit 30. I'm not saying that age should be a barrier to having fun, but what they are doing just doesn't look fun at all to me. They have actually regressed over the years. We used to see more of them at work, with their children, and at up-scale events like Fashion Week. That was so much more interesting than watching the equivalent of spring break!
  19. My Friday nights are safe! Thanks, CBS!!!!!!!!
  20. Awesome, episode! What more could you want? We had Steve, Danny & Chin running all over the island, saving the world, and looking fine. (They have my permission to go black tie anytime they like.) Plus, we had Kono and Catherine running all over the island, saving the world, and arriving at the wedding without a hair out of place. Finally, we had Adam giving up his wealth for the woman he loves. That was a fun episode!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. I agree. From the clip it seems that Rayna was the one who called the meeting, but then she did not want to deal with the issue. Juliette immediately agreed to pay the fines, etc. herself. She was not being out of line in any way. She simply spoke the truth about the company's failure to support her. Rayna was up for criticizing Juliette for her actions, but not up for receiving any criticism of her business. Of course, Rayna should be focusing on Deacon, but that doesn't mean that she should ignore the need to keep the business going for her artists. Couldn't she call in Tandy to help? Highway 66 doesn't seem to be doing anything in the way of marketing Juliette. (For that matter, Jeff, not Highway 66, has been the one marketing Layla.) Shouldn't it have a PR Department? Bucky's idea of playing some small clubs was just lame, and he didn't seem to be arranging any appearances.
  22. I channel surfed through the first 90 minutes, but I will say I enjoyed the last half hour. The timeline made far more sense after having seen it play out. Jill's labor seemed to start and stop more than once. I would have headed to the hospital before she did, but nothing indicated to me that Israel was ever put in any danger. Jill seemed more than amenable to what the doctor wanted to do. Unless the editing monkeys were heavily at work, I saw nothing to indicate that she fought for a drug-free vaginal delivery or tried to tell the doctor how to do his job. They gave her something to induce labor, and she accepted the epidural. Jill and Derrick are over the moon about little Israel as they should be. I wish their little family well. Cathy was right there at the hospital with Michelle, and Michelle, to her credit, did not seem to be trying to run the show. I don't think the Dillards are being pushed out of the way. I completely get the concerns about taking Israel to meet so many people when he was so itty bitty, but they did not seem to be passing him around like a football, and the children all seemed genuinely excited to meet him. It was all surprisingly low key and normal.
  23. I would love to meet Leonard's father at some point. John Goodman, please do a guest shot!!!!!! He can pull off any role, and I always enjoyed his chemistry with Johnny. Didn't Leonard's parents divorce a few years ago? (Wasn't that why his mother went out with Penny and got drunk?) If so, Roseanne could play a stepmom who is warm and loving towards him.
  24. In fairness, Erin was right about the law. She's not making up the rules. Frank sent her there to make certain that any arrest would actually result in a conviction. She wanted the gang leader to be convicted just as much as Danny did. Without her warning, Danny would not have gathered the additional evidence, and the gang leader would have been released without even making it to a trial. All of Danny's work would have been for nothing without Erin.
  25. I agree. This was a wonderful episode. I loved Raj pitting his parents against one another! And Penny and Leonard were great together. It's nice when the writers let them just be happy. They really do have chemistry when given the chance.
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