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Everything posted by TVFAN

  1. I think Jinger and Felicity traveling with Jeremy is a good thing. Jinger and her siblings had such an isolated childhood. As far as I'm concerned, the more both Jinger and Felicity are exposed to different people with different ideas the better. I don't see Felicity going to a public school, but I'm willing to wager she may end up in an actual school at some point. It will undoubtedly be a private, Christian school, but I could even see Jeremy sending her to a fairly large school. Given his family's interests, he will want her to have music lessons, be involved in sports, etc. He will also likely want her to go to college since he, his sister, etc. went, so she will need to be prepared for her college boards.
  2. I enjoyed this episode. The writers did an excellent job of balancing the time among Danny, Erin, and Jamie. Even Grandpa Henry got some nice scenes. It's nice seeing both Erin and Jamie growing into new roles. My biggest frustration with this show is that Frank comes down on Erin and Jamie all the time, but seemingly never has a problem with the fact that Danny violates every rule in the book.
  3. Did Jinger get her GED? Getting a degree from a real college would expand her horizons so much, and I suspect it would help her feel more comfortable with Jeremy's family and friends. Thankfully, preacher's spouses are no longer expected to work free for the church almost full-time, but there is still some expectation that they will help with Sunday School, etc. Even an associate's degree in early childhood development, art, music, etc. would be a plus for Jinger and for Jeremy. There are some very good online programs if she wants to stay home with the baby. Although it would be great if she could attend some live classes, too. I just never want to see Jinger sitting in a classroom with Jeremy because she does not have her own life. The whole Jill as study buddy story creeped me out.
  4. Thankfully, I do not see blanket training in that little cutie's future. She's a Daddy's girl, and he won't allow anyone with a blanket within miles of her.
  5. Meri won't be only one struggling to justify a McMansion this time. In three years, the only wife with more than one child left at home will be Robyn. In five years, only Truely, Solomon, and Ariella will still be at home.
  6. Oh, my. My fashion-loving soul is deeply troubled by the fact that she believes any aspect of that ensemble works. The colors don't match. The patterns don't match. The shape brings out the worst features of her figure. The dress might actually be okay on its own--not great, but not horrifying--but that blouse hits her at such a bad spot. And those shoes. Words fail. The shame is that with the right clothes, Meri could look nice.
  7. Javery!!!!!!!! With Cadence and Baby Javery!!!!!!!!!!! On a farm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With goats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's all I needed to be happy . . . . It was also lovely to see Deacon and Rayna together one last time. I would have liked some music from Will, Gunnar, and Avery instead of purple hair and random contestants on a mythical talent show. And because I refuse to let this go without a fight, the person who should have been sending Daphne jewelry and attending the talent show is TEDDY, not a new character who is not even related to her and whom she did not meet until a few weeks ago. The show's biggest error over the years was to drop characters too quickly. It was essentially a nighttime soap, and soaps live and die on the audience's loyalty to long-term characters. Adding grandpa was fine, but he wasn't on long enough for anyone to become invested in him. The same goes for Jessie, horse boy, purple hair, etc. The audience liked Emily. We saw her for years. Why not give her a story? But stil, JAVERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Perhaps, it's because I agreed with her assessment of the relative merits of the dresses, but I was not particularly bothered by the little girl. I'll probably get chastised for saying this, but I think when a bride (or groom) has children, the bride has to let go of at least some of the this is MY day attitude. The child's life is going to change as much as the mother's. What's the harm in finding a dress that makes both of them happy? I wouldn't let a child rule the roost, but I would darn sure pay more attention to her opinions than those of my sibling. She is almost certainly feeling threatened and vulnerable as a result of her mother's marriage--even if she likes the groom. Surely Lori could have found a dress that both the mom and the daughter liked. Despite what the consultants say, there is not ONE dress that is the be all and end all. The aunt was the one who totally bugged me. She was competing for attention with a 10-year-old child. My aunt would have never done that in a million years. We would have been wandering around the shop together looking for dresses.
  9. I like the name, too. It's pretty, easy to spell, unusual without being weird, and will work well for her as a child and adult.
  10. There is another possible Cadence/leukemia tie in that would repeat history. I started following Hayden when she was on "Guiding Light" playing Lizzie Spaulding. As I recall Hayden won the daytime Emmy for child actors for Lizzie's leukemia storyline. Lizzie was saved when she received a bone marrow transplant from her newborn baby brother, who, like the newest Javery baby, was conceived as the result of one night of passion between former partners who still loved one another. (It's frightening how much I remember about a show that's been off the air for so long.) I predict the same thing will happen here. Cadence's illness will bring Javery back together, and Baby Javery will save Cadence. A very happy ending for us Javery fans!
  11. Actually, Teddy went to prison to protect Rayna, the girls, and even Tandy. He had the opportunity for a plea deal that would have let him walk if he spied on Tandy for the FBI. She (and her father) had built the family fortune on illegal activities. Had Teddy worked with the FBI to prove those activities, Rayna might have been forced to forfeit the monies from her father's company that she poured into Highway 66. If you'll recall, there was a point where Rayna had used all of her assets to buy Highway 66. Rayna may have scorned her father's lack of morals, but that did not stop her from accepting his ill-gotten gains. Teddy could have saved himself by bankrupting Rayna. He was far from perfect, but he loved her, and he loved the girls. In the end, he accepted the consequences of his own wrongdoing.
  12. I am so going to enjoy watching Juliette destroy Alannah. Her constant whining gets on my nerves. And by the way, show, the band was so much better when it was just the boys. (Although I would love to see them do some numbers with Juliette.) Juliette was my favorite character from day one. I hope to see her spend the rest of the show taking no prisoners and scratching her way back to the top.
  13. No wonder Amy doesn't trust Matt! She's absolutely right. He agreed to the terms of the divorce, and now he's trying to weasel out of them. No, Matt, Amy has no moral or legal obligation to give her house to you and no moral or legal obligation to fund a house for you. And if I were Amy, someone would be auditing the books. I'd be asking the same questions about how he is able to fund two new houses. The idea that his new home would add value to the farm is also questionable. He seems to want a house that is custom built to address his physical challenges. What are the odds that someone else would pay the full value of such a home when it would need to be retrofitted for someone of average height? And as for the farm's future, if they want it to survive, someone better convince Molly to run it.
  14. After all of the annoying changes to the New York version of the show, it was nice to see the Atlanta version is original recipe. The brides and their families were refreshingly normal.
  15. No. The Bunkers of "All in the Family" predated Roseanne by years, and they were definitely blue collar. And long, long before that "The Honeymooners" were blue collar.
  16. I really could have lived a long and happy life without knowing that Audrey puts cabbage on her breasts to cure what ails her. Too much information!!!!!!!!!! And way too much whining!!!!!!!!! I don't know that I can watch next week if it means another prolonged discussion of her "suffering." Even Tori, whom I like, bugged tonight. I know she loves her baby, but seriously, Amy, who raised four children, including a little person, is more than capable of watching Jackson for an evening. I don't recall my Mom ever agonizing about dropping me off for an evening with Grandma.
  17. Given our world views are diametrically opposed on most key issues, Jeremy would not be on my potential spouse list. That having been said, I agree with those who say that among the Duggar girls, Jinger hit the husband jackpot! She looks and acts happy! She wears normal, if conservative, clothes. She is not forced to live in the family compound. She was not pregnant within five minutes of taking her vows, and there seems to be no expectation that she will produce more than three or four children. (Jeremy likes nice things. I can't see him existing on tater tot casserole and Good Will shoes. That alone will encourage family planning.) Jeremy has a family that will expect their grandchild to be delivered by someone with an actual degree and likely will expect a hospital birth. (I never understood what happened with the other girls. Many if not most of Michelle's children were delivered by doctors in hospitals.) Jeremy seems highly unlikely to take her on a "mission trip" that lasts moe than a week. Again, he likes nice things! Jeremy is appalled at the thought of the stink bus rolling up to his house every weekend. He has established a healthy distance. Jeremy likes books and encourages Jinger to read. Okay, they are not books that I would care to read, but they are BOOKS--they expose you to thought! Jeremy wants to invest in the future by spending some of their money on an education at a REAL school. If he wants to be successful in the ministry, he needs specialized knowledge and skills. What better investment could they make?
  18. I can't pretend to know why Chris has a habit of wandering off, but I do have a theory. Chris has been single and on his own for his entire adult life. He's used to peace, quiet, and freedom. I think he may sometimes find being being half a couple to be overwhelming. The constant togetherness of their road trip could easily drive him round the bend. I'm not suggesting he doesn't love Amy--he just needs a few moments alone to regain his equilibrium. He may not know how to explain his needs to Amy without hurting her feelings. He "disappears" because it's easier than explaining.
  19. Amy was awarded occupancy of the house as part of her legal settlement--end of story. Matt can stomp his feet and threaten to hold his breath until he dies, but it won't change anything. It's HER house. Stand strong, Amy! If Matt wants a better place to live, he can darn well pay for it. If Auj and Jer are so enamored of the farm, they can move into the doublewide with Daddy and start WORKING there. The three of them deserve each other.
  20. I don't think it can or should be done. Maybe Kody needs to recognize that each of his wives has felt the same hurt when he's brought the newest model into the fold. Every new wife is a statement to every other wife that "YOU are not enough for me." I think Meri needs to be honest with herself and with Kody and finally admit that she needs and wants something more than Kody. She needs to be THE love of someone's life. Everyone does. I honestly cannot imagine how lonely her life has been. No wonder she lashes out, Janelle eats, etc. If I were Meri, I would fight for every asset I could get, convince TLC to give me a spinoff, "Sister Wife No More," and prove that living well is the best revenge. There hasn't been a new storyline on "Sister Wives" for years, but Meri's spinoff could be filled with new adventures. I bet it would still be on the air when "Sister Wives" is cancelled.
  21. I know Meri is not a favorite on this board, but can we at least give her credit for being one of the few family members who attempted to respect Maddie's wishes and give her a little space? She did check in to see how she was doing, but she did not pull up a chair by the bathtub. She even asked Maddie what she wanted the group to do. I'll give Janelle and Christine a pass as Maddie's bio mom and and emotion mom, but the rest of the clan had no business wandering in and out. BTW, I've never seen a more effective advertisement for a nice sanitary hospital room and an epidural.
  22. Is Jamie ever going to have a storyline again? No wonder the ratings are down. I'd love an episode centering on him. Heck, I'd be thrilled to see him in more than one scene! The show has always focused too much on Danny, but it's been particularly bad this season. Blue Bloods is at its best when there is some semblance of balance among the characters. I've never been a Danny fan, and being force fed him in scene after scene has made me less so. Erin and Anthony were adorable as always, but I feel as if their storyline has been recycled a thousand times on the show. The show desperately needs some new writers.
  23. My experience was just the opposite. I read The Heir Apparent: A Life of Edward VII, the Playboy Prince, and it painted Lehzen in a more sympathetic light. Albert was more than a bit of a control freak, and he detested her influence over Victoria, so he got rid of her. Both she and Victoria were devastated. He later did the same thing to Prince Edward. Albert became jealous of a tutor to whom little Edward was close and sent him packing. I will be very curious to see how the show portrays Albert the father. He was incredibly harsh to his children, particularly his sons. Poor Edward was criticized at every turn and forced to work with his tutor from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. six days a week. Understandably, he acted out, which brought brought about even more criticism. (Victoria was no better.)
  24. You are not the odd man out with me! Every time Kody says "the family, " I hear "I" or "me." "Meri, it would be best for the 'the family' if I divorce you and legally marry my hot new wife." "Oh, and Meri, it would be best for 'the family" if you receive no property settlement and no alimony." "Meri, I can't help you fund your dream because it would be best for 'the family' if we pay off Robyn's old Victoria's Secret bills and spend an obscene amount of money on pointless parties and other random celebrations where I jump up and get as much attention as possible." If she is supposed to be his 'spiritual wife,' mending their relationship should be a top priority. They are either married or they are not. He could care less about meeting her needs because he has three other women to meet his. I've never seen someone so cold and uncaring. I agree that Meri should leave, BUT she should take a chunk of change with her. If Kody really thinks leaving might be best for her, he should provide her with the kind of financial settlement she would have gotten had he not played the its all about "the family" and "you'll always be my spiritual wife" card when they divorced.
  25. Meri and Janelle seemed to get along fine on the trip. My guess is that if they would both let go of the old wrongs, the fighting would soon end. They will never be best friends, but they might even start to like one another a bit. (Their fights are NOTHING in comparison to what is happening between some of the spouses on Seeking Sister Wife.) Points to Meri for essentially telling Kody she did give a darn what he said about going to DC she was going to support her daughter. As for Caleb, at least he had the self-awareness to realize that moving in with his mother-in-law was not necessarily the most adult move. I think he was joking to cover his embarrassment. I hope his health improves, and he is able to find his feet financially again. His comments about wanting a boy were not particularly offensive to me. By the time he made them, he already knew he was having a boy. (My own Dad as the father of only daughters has frequently said he always wanted girls.) If they have a little girl at some point, I have no doubt he'll dote on her and likely take her hunting.
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