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Everything posted by TVFAN

  1. At least in the U.S., they started prescribing birth control pills around 1960, so the timing here is about right. I love all of the storylines tonight. It was definitely a multiple hankie evening. Vi and Fred are absolutely adorable, and when you add Reggie and his "Hi, Mom!" to the mix, you cannot ask for more. Trixie fixing Wilma's makeup was so Trixie and so perfect! I share everyone's concerns about Trixie's bunny, but I am going to assume she told the truth, and it was rescued. I hope they explore her relationship with the handsome dentist and his daughter more fully next season. Tom shocked me with his romantic gesture, and Barbara picked out a wedding ensemble that suited her to a T. Enjoyed meeting Barbara's father far more than I thought I might. He's as sweet as she is. Kudos for making Phyllis the maid of honor. Sister Julienne was the perfect choice for the midwife. (Although I kept waiting for Tim to rush in and somehow know how to perform a perfect C-Section.) Loved Shelagh and Patrick singing together. Loved the shot of the whole family giving baby a bath. Loved essentially everything about this little family. They could do a full hour of the Turners, and I would be perfectly content. Do I really have to wait until Christmas for my next fix??????
  2. A thousand times no! I love that little family, and I was just so happy when they heard the heartbeat. Heck, Timothy sneaking in to see her had me sniffling. Like others, I felt so very sorry for Dot. No one was on her side. The return of the baby could have been handled so much better. It's a shame Shelagh was tied up with her own storyline tonight. As an adoptive mother, she would have been someone who could relate to Dot. It has been nice to get to know Delia.
  3. Truly the best show on television! Somehow the cast and crew manage to keep my riveted for an hour--something no other show is capable of doing. I enjoy watching every single character. Shelagh is pregnant! Squee!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I agree that the window breaking scene was over the top, but I think the show made the right choice in making Kono the one who took the bad guys down (literally and figuratively). Even today, little girls are too often trained to be passive, to wait for a man to take charge. Tampa Bay quarterback Jameis Winston recently told a group of elementary school students that "the ladies, they’re supposed to be silent, polite, gentle. My men, my men (are) supposed to be strong." Women need to see that they not only should, but can, stand up for themselves. Kono took no prisoners--she showed the strength women can exhibit.
  5. I agree with all who have cried out for an actual storyline for Javery. My hope is that the first half of the season was so Raynacentric because they knew she was leaving. Was I the only one who was prepared to scream if Rayna referred to "our kids" one more time? Teddy is Daphne's father period. I know the show has new writers, but they cannot rewrite history. I think Juliette was right about the "one shot." There are a handful of children of superstars who have made it in show business, but there are countless others who have not. Deacon was right to encourage Maddie to take a chance. She can mourn Rayna without wallowing in her grief. Love the collaboration at the end.
  6. I was glad to see Teddy and Deacon reach some type of compromise. The truth is that without Teddy's agreement, Deacon would have no claim to custody of Daphne. He's not a blood relative; he did not raise her; and Rayna did not make her wishes for custody known. Tandy (or Teddy's siblings if they exist) would have the strongest claim for custody if Teddy did not give Deacon guardianship. I have always had a soft spot for Teddy and hope he returns someday. Tandy is not my favorite character, but she is right about Deacon's lack of business acumen and experience. Personally, I'd like to see Juliette take a leading role in running the company. (Okay, she lacks experience, too, but she takes no prisoners!) Please writers, do not make this the Maddie hour! I don't care if she has a storyline, but Juliette and Avery have been on the back burner far too long!!!!!!! Also, more Will please. And could we have at least one character sing some upbeat tunes??????? Luke's music was at least fun!
  7. Loving Javery as always. Yes, they do have the same fight every week because that's what real couples do. It would be unrealistic for Juliette to suddenly become the most trusting soul on earth. People have been leaving her all her life, which is why she tries to push them away first. The good news is that Avery understands that fact and that Juliette is starting to understand it herself. The two of them looked positively blissful sitting together in church. Now, we just need to find a way for her to be supportive of his career without taking it over.
  8. Javery!!!!!!!!! They got screen time. They were honest with each other. And their kisses made me squee!!!!!!!!! At last . . . .
  9. Tori and Zach made me smile. They are such a sweet couple. God bless them and their new little one! Amy made me cheer. Her "I'm not stupid" remark put Matt on notice that she is on to his game. The house is hers. Back off!!!!!!!!!! I hope she finds a lovely man, moves him into the big house with her, and lives there until she's at least 105.
  10. I wondered if the discussion between Erin and Jamie at the end of the episode was intended to foreshadow a major career change for Jamie. He wants to help people in a way he cannot as a police officer. Call me crazy, but I could see him as a priest. (They would never do that because they need him as a romantic lead, but it would really fit his personality.)
  11. I hope Amy is the one who "sets boundaries." It's HER house, and she can have the Mormon Tabernacle Choir in for a sing along every night at midnight if she likes! Entitled does not even begin to describe the attitude I saw tonight. Amy is happy. Leave her alone! Move in with Matt in the trailer. The three of you have a lot in common.
  12. I can completely understand why Meri is lonely. It's not a lack of girlfriends. Unlike the other wives, she seems to have a number of friends. She wants to share her life with a husband. She wants someone who is her best friend, lover, and soul mate all rolled into one. She and Kody provide the perfect illustration of what's wrong with polygamy. He has no concept of what her life is like because he does not share it. The others still maintain somewhat of a connection with him because they still share young children with him, but I think most of them will face the same fate as Mary. A stranger with whom they have nothing in common will visit their house once every four days. Where is the fulfillment in that type of relationship?
  13. I hope Amy finds a wonderful man who truly appreciates her. I also hope she finds a good accountant who insists upon a full audit of the farm's books. If I were in her shoes, there is no way that Matt would have the freedom to run off to his auctions and spend money from the business.
  14. I had guests here on Christmas and just got to watch the entire episode online last night. Now that was a spectacular 90 minutes of television. Loved, loved, loved the trip to South Africa! The writers did an outstanding job of showing the impact of apartheid on every day life. I could not have been more shocked when the police broke up a simple chat around the campfire. As always, the actors' performances were all compelling. Do we really have to wait for April to see more of the best series on television?
  15. Javery is back and better than ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Their acting has always been amazing, but, now, the writers are providing much better material. Could someone please spring Teddy from the slammer? Deacon is trying, but Daphne needs her Dad. As usual, Rayna is off being the incomparable Rayna James and leaving her current husband/love interest to watch the kids. She did it with Teddy; she did it with Luke; and now she's doing it with Deacon. I get that she doesn't want to fail, but did she really need to fly off to this random gig when she just got Maddie back into the fold? She is so much more like her father than she will ever admit. She is driven to be on top.
  16. Mariah says she wants some space, but is she willing to accept what that would mean? She seemingly wants space from Meri, but not from the tuition dollars and other perks that Meri provides. She reminds me of a childhood friend who thought her absentee father walked on water. If she had to rely on Kody alone, she certainly would not be living the life she is now. I get why she's mad at Mary, but you can't spit in someone's face and then hold out your hand for cash.
  17. I could not agree more. I actually thought Jamie had chemistry with this week's guest star. He could not tear his eyes away as she was walking away with her boss. She was much more his type. And he didn't exactly protest when Eddie stopped kissing him. He's just not that into Eddie.
  18. Word. I've always really liked Leonard. He can be whiney, but he's a really nice person at heart. He deserves some love. I love the fact the Penny's Dad is still all about Leonard and even warned him not to loan money to her brother. I'd like to see them give her family an episode where we get to know them a bit better. The whole Air Force storyline was out of place. I would much rather have seen the families interact. But I wonder if this cast has the same sort of deal the "Friends" cast employed. I've read that the Friends cast agreed that the main characters would all have approximately the same amount of dialogue in each episode.
  19. Congratulations to Molly on her graduation! How many reality show kids can you name who went to an accredited four-year college/university and obtained a real degree? And it sounds as if she is working towards a real job with her CPA. It would be all too easy to live off of the TV money and fail to prepare for the rest of your life.
  20. I know that these shows are scripted, but it's been nice seeing Amy find herself this season. She seems to genuinely be having fun, and I wish her well.
  21. Run, Shawn, run! Katy is wrong in every possible way for you.
  22. Why can't Juliette have nice things?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  23. It sounds as if Lionsgate may be making progress in its efforts to save the show: http://www.spoilertv.com/2016/05/nashville-liongate-tv-in-discussion.html
  24. I'm glad Hawaii Five-0 held on to the Friday at 9 spot. It's the perfect way to escape after a long week. And who knows, the new lead in may even increase ratings a bit.
  25. More Linda Lavin please! She is always a joy to watch.
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