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Everything posted by bref

  1. I used to hate Jo with a passion--he spoke horribly to and about his son's mother in the past, and his would-be rapper posturing seemed laughable--but he really seems to have matured a good deal. His fawning over little Lincoln, even if it's a bit exaggerated just to be nice to Kail, is all kinds of adorable. And Vee is a treasure, she seems genuinely sweet and is far more tolerant of and kind to Kail than I would be in the same circumstances. The scenes of Jo hanging out with Isaac felt authentic and touching to me, and I agree that any note of falseness on Jo's part is from discomfort in front of the cameras. I was also happy to see his mom and dad again, they always seemed like decent folks to me. If only Kail could stop seeing Jo and herself as RIVALS for Isaac's love her life would be so much better. I understand she has abandonment issues, but she needs to grow the fuck up and her boi needs to shut the fuck up. Their elucidation of all the ways Jo will fail as a parent for six weeks made me want to throw things at my tv. Can we all chip in to get Barb some parenting classes? Janelle is a lost cause but Barb could still be a decent mom to poor little Jace if she learns some appropriate boundaries. I hope he is still in karate with that awesome teacher, too.
  2. Sadly, I think her deadpan delivery was part of the joke. This article claims she and Matt are buds who like to tease each other. :( I love dogs but I would blow a gasket if one ate my glasses! Curb your mutt, Andy!
  3. Kat really reminds me of a young (pre-surgical) Joan Van Ark:
  4. Ving Rhames it is! Good call, Riley! *wanders off to EAT MEATS*
  5. You can see her old face on Melissa. The older pictures are startling in how much they look(ed) alike as young women. By a strange coincidence, I last posted in this thread about Robin Williams and how much I enjoyed his guest appearance on "Louie" last year. Joan also had a guest stint on that show that was absolutely brilliant within the last couple of seasons. I'm going to have to see if I can watch it again somewhere. Her style of humor was not mine, but I certainly appreciated that she was a trailblazer and that she followed her own rules.
  6. Awww, I thought Blonde Salad's accent was adorable. I didn't think it was put on, just a quirk in her pronunciation of English. In any case, I far preferred her to Dita, who seemed awfully sneery to me, bordering on shrill when denouncing that AWFUL GOTH PARODY THAT A 15-YEAR-OLD WOULD WEAR (and which I sorta liked actually, especially when the veil was lowered into a cowl). As someone who wore red to my own wedding, I can appreciate nontraditional looks. Fade's dress was by far my overall favorite and I am finding myself, like others, quite taken with him. Amanda is very offputting to me, but I will take her over Korina any day. And I shall truly miss Char--I liked her personality a lot and will choose to ignore evidence that she was in any way an ally of Korina. :)
  7. Just FYI, vibeology, there were separate categories for animated shows; those awards were given out at the Creative Arts Emmy Awards a few weeks ago. And Bob's Burgers won Outstanding Animated Program. :)
  8. I will give them credit for (awkwardly) wrapping things up on time. Back to the Simpsons marathon!
  9. I am LOVING this. I wish i could stay awake for 12 days! Agree with JT, the episodes look great on my television. Did they do some remastering prior to the marathon? Plus they seem LONG. Twenty-seven actual minutes of content back then, and all the material cut in syndication restored (sadly just for this run, not when the reruns resume on FXX in the fall). Pretty awesome seeing them in order, too. I always remembered that it took several seasons to get up to speed, but some of the best. episodes. ever. occurred starting in S2. I'm amazed how many treasures I have already seen. Can't wait for the weekend!
  10. There's been no information one way or another that I can tell. But they are bringing back the Mothership, so it wouldn't surprise me if this franchise gets another order as well. MTV really has no shame at all.
  11. This show is so bizarre. I feel like every episode is written by different people. There's the barest thread of continuity in the storyline, but the characterizations and dialogue vary wildly in tone from week to week. (Except Crash. He has not spoken a single word of believable dialogue.) That said, I can't seem to stop watching.
  12. I always took Carole's late-night adventures in Wiki editing to be a joke.
  13. bref


    Blecchhh. Farrah is the opposite of sexy to me (not that I'm her intended audience). Her rampant narcissism just gives me the sense that the only thing that really turns her on is looking in the mirror.
  14. Didn't they make a big thing about this show being over? I have zero interest in seeing Farrah's sociopathic ass, but cutting her out isn't going to be enough to get me to watch the rest of them again. Maci bores, I do NOT want to watch Tyler and Catelynn's pregnancy, and while I was fascinated by Amber in her special, I also basically want her to not be on camera and continue what seems to be good progress towards getting her life together. Something tells me filming Teen Mom again is not going to be good for her sobriety. The issue of hypocrisy here regarding Farrah is interesting. As others have stated above, Janelle is at least as bad. Janelle is the only one I feel seriously bad about watching as MTV bankrolls her terrible behavior. But I can't be sad that Farrah will not be on television (at least on THIS show), Girl seriously needs to stop being a "celebrity".
  15. First impressions: Aviva is completely insane (duh), and someone seriously needs to punch Andy in his smug, amused, Aviva-loving face. OH, and Ramona is a completely delusional, insane bitch. Or should I say "rooster"?
  16. His early standup made me laugh until I couldn't breathe. I also liked him in his more serious acting roles, What Dreams May Come and Good Will Hunting and the like. Basically, I just liked the guy. His difficulties with addiction and depression made him all the more relatable to me. I felt he was an extremely sensitive soul and I wish he had found some peace. :( The last thing I saw him on was Louie a year or two ago. Great guest bit with him playing someone with his name, but who wasn't him, as he and Louie marked the passing of a fellow comic. Think I'll go see if I can watch that online. Really sad news.
  17. Whoa, @cynicat, I was literally just coming here to post about my BURNING HATRED for Papa John. Like, he seriously makes me homicidal, and the latest ad you reference above has only inflamed it further. OPEN YOUR DAMN MOUTH AND FORM WORDS. He is saying "more pork" but his tiny cruel lips can't be bothered to open all the way to make the words understandable. *goes to get a Xanax*
  18. That guy always makes me giggle. He's adorable! :-)
  19. YEAH he does *daydreams about running my fingers through it*
  20. Having been ingtrigued by the premise, I've been trying to hang in with this show, but this episode was even more of a mess than those preceding it. So much stupid in the dialogue and tropes, as Sarah wrote about in the link above. I felt like i was watching a teen soap written by middle schoolers. Let me add one or two things that stuck out for me: Cash's ultra-slovenly mom and his home being not just a trailer, but apparently a trailer in some post-apocalyptic wasteland? That pizza places will still deliver to? His dizzying ascent to woobiness (I KILLED MY BROTHER!!)? People celebrating anniversaries of their extramarital affair? Max and Taylor suddenly being derailed by Gabe and both of them stupidly hiding their real feelings (okay, Taylor is inexperienced, but Max has been written thus far as a kid who is very emotionally honest)? WHO IS WRITING THIS SHIT? I have to add that this is my first MTV show since (dont laugh too hard) Undressed back in the dark ages (oh, and one episode of that show about the kid who had a really big dick? Holy Curmudgeon batman, but that's a discussion for another thread). The production values have improved but yikes, the storytelling is just awful.
  21. He is just a beautiful young man, too (says the dirty old lady). The actor is as good as the character and he is definitely the best thing about the show to me. I was disappointed they made him go the standard route of silent misunderstanding with Taylor as a means to keeping them apart. Max has been shown to be too honest emotionally to go that way, I think. I would have expected him to express his hurt and shock that she was even thinking about dating someone else when he felt they had made a connection (and made out on her bed, AMIRITE?) Totally out of character. Please don't ruin Max!
  22. As much as I liked the two looks that featured the CDs, I didn't see how they fit into the "things found in a movie theater" category either. But I thought perhaps I had missed some explanation?
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