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Everything posted by bref

  1. Lucky! ETA: I'm as speechless as everyone else!
  2. Typically, yes, but some kids are very verbal early on. And Jazz seems to be very articulate for her age in general, so I would not be surprised in the least if she were using complicated words and full sentences at a young age. Around our house, we used the correct names for things, including body parts, from birth with our kid. Which is to say, I actually do not have doubts. Thank goodness there are some families like this. The trans world is full of stories of parents who would rather die than let their child express their gender identity if it differed from what they had hoped.
  3. Right. Also could have taken naked pics of them as they lay sleeping, or masturbated while watching them sleep, or just gone through their things in the bathroom. None of which are things I would want happening to me and I would be pissed as hell too. Heather may have overreacted a bit--and I'm pretty sure she copped to that on WWHL or the aftershow--but in the moment? I totally get it. And Lu is RIDICULOUS. Someone up there ^^ mentioned that the other women overreact to crap ALL THE TIME, and make scenes, and often over much less consequential stuff. I felt Heather's tears came from some kind of a real place, and again, as others have mentioned, I think everyone not taking her concerns seriously (e.g. Lu's "not really" blow-off) aggravated her responses. On the slut shaming issue, I think it's important to point out that Heather did not say morals and values, actually; she said ethics and values. I don't believe that consensual sexual activity is wrong, but there are ethical boundaries as in any other expression of human behavior, yes? You don't involve other people in a way that might be harmful, either by making them unsafe physically (RAMONA) or engaging in sexual relations with someone whose partner is not aware of it and/or has not given permission. I did think Heather unfortunately started to sound preachy, but it wasn't because Lu had sex with someone, and I wish she hadn't used the phrase because now people are using it to crucify her. I come down on the side of it-wasn't-slut-shaming. I really like Carole and Heather and enjoy their friendship. Often in relationships, one person is more alpha than the other--that doesn't mean one is the puppet or follower of the other. I would love to hang out with those two ladies.
  4. I thought Rachel told the cop who first showed up on the scene that she had invited Kirk to the show, so I was shocked that the fake suicide note changed that story. Did I hallucinate that scene?
  5. Bwah, cheetos--that image simultaneously made me laugh idiotically and want to throw up.
  6. Even worse--I think it's actually Nevaeh (heaven backwards). Dreadful indeed, either way. How about Abominella Cleanliness?
  7. That Radar Online link above proposes nonsensically that Bethenny was JEALOUS of Ramona for bringing home a rando. I found that interesting in light of the previous page's conversation regarding whether Beth would be perceived differently had it been known that she had a BF at the time of filming. Even though ROL is ridiculous, that kind of angle would obviously be a nonstarter had the reality of Beth's relationship been shown. I tend to agree with the viewpoint that the emphasis on the Single Women on the Loose storyline, in which Beth is included by sin of omission, feels false and I don't particularly appreciate it. (Also, as pointed out previously, the fact that Andy is usually so insistent that relationships be brought front and center with other Howives).
  8. LOL, you can have his jailbird ass. Imma take Ryan's pop :)
  9. They really trashed that poor "old guy" (who didnt look that old to me, or particularly weird or creepy) and then never explained who he was or how he was related to the whole Trez thing. When the reveal first started and Aisha went off, i thought, that's it--this show has gone to complete fiction, this was clearly scripted. Who knows, though.
  10. Ahhh, perhaps that's what prompted him to go ahead and put a ring on it?
  11. Wow, that is sickening. i did not think she could sink any lower. I fell into the gossip hole for a while too and I have this question: why does The Stir kiss Jenelle's ass the way it does? Here's their take on Janelle turning down the alleged sex tape offer and her latest excuse for why she's not following through with her constant whining about getting Jace back: http://thestir.cafemom.com/celebrities/187591/jenelle_evans_makes_a_seriously?ct=piping_hot_5 God, even the headline they used for that article made me want to vomit. Here's an equally ridiculous piece from last month: http://thestir.cafemom.com/tv/186702/jenelle_evans_dream_of_getting
  12. Yep, the inevitable "it's all a ruse" articles are starting to pop up.
  13. Jenelle is apparently butthurt.
  14. I think my favorite moment was when the garage door rises to reveal Will holding the unconscious Kristin in his strong manly arms while a dramatic note resonates and a halo of light envelops him. That was most definitely a wink. And Bridget/Joni's transformation (adding blond extensions to her hair and heavy mascara, what an EVIL WHORE) was amusing. Also, I thought the kid actor playing Sully (!) was pretty good and hella cute. :) I kind of agree it was played a little too straight overall, though. I wasn't looking for something as out-there as Sharknado, but it really did seem in many ways like a typical Lifetime movie if one was not looking for the parody. Maybe just a tad too subtle for me. Jinx, Omega!
  15. Yes, Kazu. Pretty fascinating. I would like to see the entire documentary. I had a lot of questions about the father (and the mother too!)
  16. Maharincess, this is a fairly good site to do a quick check of an unfamiliar acronym. :)
  17. I skipped the whole season, but tuned in for this. I often find the clips on the Unseen Moments show more interesting than the ones they choose to build the regular season storylines. Dr. Drew is as insufferable as ever, I see. Little Leah LeeAnn is so freaking cute.
  18. Yes, that's what this article says. I don't think I would have guessed it otherwise. Looks pretty much like every other Lifetime movie. :)
  19. Right? Talk about overkill. I also had a pre-emption for tennis, so I checked out something called Supreme Justice with Judge Karen. It was pretty obvious that the litigants were actors. That's a turnoff to me in a court show, but kind of an interesting observation of improv at work. A little googling turned up this, if there are any interested aspiring performers here!
  20. I think Barb knows in her head that Jenelle is incapable of actually gaining custody, but the very idea still terrifies her to her soul and of course Jenelle knows that and uses it as a weapon against her, the nuclear button she can always press to get a reaction. And I think part of Barb's reaction at this point is just her horror that her own daughter can be so cruel, and perhaps--if she has any self-awareness--some sadness that she raised her, after all, and may have some responsibility for J's awful behavior.
  21. He could, but he apparently found the guy repulsive for several reasons. As did I. He was being totally gross with the owner's daughter.
  22. I'm not sure either, so I will just comment on Jenelle for the mo'. Best moment: screeching at Barb that when she gets custody of Jace (!), Barb will never see him again. Let's play a game called HOW MANY LEVELS OF WRONG IS THIS. I successfully weaned off Teen Mom OG this last season; it may not be as hard as I thought to give this one up too. I hope Chelsea and all the little ones have good lives (good luck with that, right?), but I can't stand the rest of these people and I feel so bad for the kids. Blecchhh.
  23. These two make me want to suck on an exhaust pipe. OTOH, j'adore Judge MM and her yummy bailiff. Thank god for the mute button.
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