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Everything posted by bref

  1. Truthfully, the description of her experience sounds more like Judge Judy than Judge Milian!
  2. What's amazing to me is the shows that use actors instead of real litigants--and I like to think I can usually tell this, too--how do they find so many halfway decent improv actors to fill out their shows? I mean, I realize you can't swing a cat in LA without hitting an aspiring performer, but improv is a very specific skill, and I agree, even without having LAgator's insight, that the way it appears is that the "litigants" are given not so much scripts to memorize as general facts of their "case" and then they're set loose to have at it. If that's true, they actually do a fairly impressive job IMO. It's clearly not entirely real, but doesn't seem completely fake either. That said, I don't enjoy anything but TPC and JJ precisely because those are real people, hard as it is to believe sometimes :) As far as I know, being a "real judge" is common to all of the TV judges, although the level at which they served could be traffic court. I wonder how they feel about interacting with actors instead of "real people"?
  3. Ugh. The clip NBC showed during SNL tonight revealed ANDY FUCKING COHEN interviewing the cast. I cannot think of a worse choice.
  4. What a great finale! Amazed how much better everyone's collections looked. I agree, Tim's judicious advice and the kids' willingness to be flexible helped a bunch. But they also stood by what they felt strongly about, and I appreciated Peytie in particular saying she was pleased that her collection really reflected who she was and she was happy with it regardless of the outcome. Zach's stuff was never to my taste, but what a smart, talented kid. Like the judges, I did like his evening pant looks the best. Samantha's aesthetic is about as far from mine as you can get, and I never quite understood the judges' fascination with her looks, but I came around to liking her better and really admire her maturity and confidence. Peytie remains adorable and her collection was my second favorite. But Maya! I think she deserved the win. I loved her collection and cannot wait to see what else she will do, if this is her level of creativity and ability at age 14. I happen to love the sheer capes and all that amazing stuff she did with the pants. Obviously, these kids have been lucky to have loving and supportive families behind them. The bond they formed with each other also appeared very genuine and sweet. It was just really nice to see what great people they were, freakish talent aside :) It's enough to make me consider opting out of All Stars.
  5. I thought the women looked smashing, and I enjoyed their men enjoying their racy outfits. If I dressed up like that for an evening, I would like to think Mr. Bref would be all over me. :) That said, I cannot defend Kyle and her ridiculous instigating. This whole Kathryn/Faye/OJ story is making me uncomfortable and is not entertaining. Boo.
  6. Lisa Rinna said on WWHL last night that it was "one of [her] hairdressers" who first mentioned "the M word", not Taylor.
  7. I must have missed it--I'm curious in what context the N-word was used? TYIA.
  8. Brattinella and I were on the same page with the popcorn cup thing *doesn't bother blushing* :D
  9. Don't feel TOO bad, Brattinella--I did, too!
  10. You know what else was really clunky to me tonight? Evy's dialogue, in particular, but the young people's in general. The slang that was written for them didn't sound at all genuine coming out of their mouths. Something I hadn't noticed before. Still pretty riveted. I want to know what happens next.
  11. Pretty predictable that Tim would bust out the save for Zachary, but I ain't mad about it. These are seriously great kids, the talent is just the icing on the cake. Looking forward to meeting the parents of these younguns.
  12. I saw Biff's initial assault on Schwartzie, which Andy actually looked surprised by, I thought; he got a lot of angry feedback that night (poor Tom looked wounded!) but I gather Satan has made him a regular now? Who else has he called in about? And do we think he's really some guy that snuck past the phone screeners that first night, or is he just a plant?
  13. "Women's liberation" is the reason a woman can no longer be fired for being pregnant, or receives any leave time at all, frankly. The rest of your assertions I will have to let go unanswered, as this is not the proper forum for that, but what you refer to as truth is, in fact, simply your opinion.
  14. The "ring on a string" he gave her at Scheana and Shay's wedding was engraved "Bubba Love" per Katie herself. They both called each other Bubba in previous seasons as I recall. Who knows what the origin of a silly lovers' nickname is?
  15. Well, y'all know me as an Ariana defender, so I'm...just going to pretend this episode doesn't exist. She did not cover herself with glory. (Seriously, it's really unfortunate the aftershow is done with for the season, she came off a lot better on it. Less self-important, more relaxed.) Speaking of the aftershow, whoever mentioned Bubba not being Katie's nickname (unless that was a joke I somehow missed)? Tom S. called her that repeatedly when they appeared together with Julie and Brandy. Personally, I think it's cute, but I'm sappy like that.
  16. *clears throat* Let me just say that I can vouch for the fact that there are women in the world who prefer giving to receiving. Everyone's sexuality is different! *slinks away* ETA: OH! and as a woman over 50, who is not in awesome shape, i'm gonna go sleeveless on a hot day if I feel like it. Sorry to offend anyone's sense of aesthetics, but y'all can just look away. (And I would KILL to look like Lisa, who is about the same age I am)
  17. There was a rerun today of the full-of-excuses fella suing because the Pekingese he bought at a dog show from its owners ("I only had ten minutes to decide!") wasn't immediately at home in his new surroundings ("it pooped in the kitchen!"), so he wanted a refund. The defendants were an older couple, Victor (who spoke with an accent, possibly eastern european?) and Betty. During the hallterview, Victor tried to explain that the plaintiff should have given the poor poochie more time and tenderness, and finished up with "love is the key to every door." I thought it was adorbs :)
  18. If she's gonna come for Kenya, I will watch her all day. ETA: I feel the need to be clear that I was as baffled as anyone by Kim (and others) seemingly laying the blame at Kenya's door for that Glen mess; I just mean in a more general sense that Kenya sets my teeth on edge and clearly she does Kim's too, and so i enjoy her I-dont-give-a-fuck attitude towards Kenya by and large.
  19. You guys, I need help. Y'all remember the case where a very, very reasonable woman was suing a masonry guy for a bad job? There were drainage issues, and the defendant, who was an arrogant jerk, kept insisting that the plaintiff wanted him to re-use some rock to save money and it was the bad rock's fault (although he hadn't mentioned to her that it might be problematic). He also said he had come out several times to "fix" it but she was never home. (She had surveillance video that showed he was never there). He also had a bad facial tic and a crap attitude. When Hallway Asshole interviewed him, he tried to say the judge had ruled against him because she was a woman and therefore on the plaintiff's side, and that she didn't know anything about masonry. To Hallway Asshole's credit, the second the guy tried to play the sexism card, he was dismissed like the vermin he was. ANYWAY, the defendant looks EXACTLY like a friend of mine, minus the facial tic. They reran the episode today, and now I'm afraid that if I run into my friend at a Christmas party, I may reflexively punch him in the face. Probably best just to stay in for a while, right? Happy holidays to you all! :)
  20. Missed this last night, but I understand Brittany was on? Did anyone ask why she forgot her resume *and* her pants for both SUR interviews?
  21. Blarghh. I am interested enough in these girls to read the forum, not enough to watch the show, which makes me cringe. Actually, it's really just Farrah. I must know how awful she is but i will not subject myself to seeing it! When does the season start?
  22. This is my first season of 90DF, so I am unfamiliar with Jason. What an asshole!
  23. bref


    It really is unfortunate that Farrah appears to just be jumping on the bandwagon as far as Deen is concerned. Qtpye has it exactly right, she has no credibility. I hope she doesn't actually HARM the case the other women are making. (OT response to maharincess: Sometimes you have no choice. When husband and I downsized from our suburban home after our daughter finished college, we wanted a townhouse or condominium. Those are all controlled by HOAs. We don't care for it much, but we could no longer afford to keep up a single family home. That said, I would never buy a house in an HOA community, for exactly the reasons you mentioned.)
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