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Everything posted by bref

  1. Okay, this made me laugh a little. And I actually mostly agree, never liked the word, although I find it far preferable to the even worse-sounding "tits". Back on topic: Beth's health problems are just the push I needed to give up on the rest of this season. It's boring af.
  2. Here is my understanding of that: The blocker is an implant that goes under the skin and *could* be performed under local anesthesia, but also is sometimes done under general. The implant itself is what the insurance company apparently would pay for, but not the implantation surgery. Therefore, it would be cheaper to have it done under local--no general anesthesia, no hospitalization, etc. The Jennings' local hospital would not do the implantation under local, but the clinic in Cali would. However, when Jazz was examined pre-op, I think they said something about how the current implant had moved perhaps? In any case, there was a complication to removing the old one that forced a change in plans; the surgeon wanted to do it under general anesthesia after all. They were there, they had the implant device itself ready to go, so they went ahead with the more complex surgery. As they said, they figured they would worry about the cost issue later. Thanks to all for your answers about bottom surgery.
  3. I haven't been watching this season, but I see some references to Whitney being a smoker. Was that on the show? Do we know that for sure? Whitney is a horrible representative for the BoPo movement.
  4. I wasn't going to watch but have to admit I got drawn in. Whatever else I might think about her, Lu is so comfortable in front of the camera and tells a good story. She's easy to watch.
  5. I believe so, unless she has her testicles removed. That's why she implied she would no longer need the T blocker when her current implant runs out at age 17, because she will be old enough for the "bottom surgery" then. I don't like to dwell on the physical changes a transgender person may or may not choose to go through because I feel it's very personal, but I did find it interesting that the trans model Jazz was speaking with in California apparently had her testicles removed but not the penis. Removing the testes stops the production and release of male hormones, but I would think most transwomen would want the penis removed and/or converted to female genitalia, too, if they were undergoing surgery anyway. Does anyone more educated than I have some insight into that?
  6. The musical recap was the shit! Sorry not to offer any original thoughts but I feel mostly on the same page as others--I like the leads a lot, the plot is kinda meh so far but not bad enough to stop watching. We'll see what happens, I guess, but there isn't much else on now to divert my attention.
  7. Mike is adorable and a really good dad, but he is the classic example of a guy being led by his dick. The sexual chemistry is good, so in Mike's mind he is "falling in love with her." Sorry, but rage texting nonstop was a good sample of her personality; Val is what she is, which is self-centered, immature, and in no way ready to be a step-parent. I do hope Mike figures it out before proposing to her. I thought John and Denise were good on paper at the beginning, but I agree he was never attracted to her from the get-go. Doomed. He really is not ready for a relationship outside of his son. I missed a bit of last week, so if there was any set up to tattooed guy--blanking on his name--going back to his ex, I hadn't seen it and was all WHAAAA? Timing sure seemed strange on that. The whole awkward meeting between the women was, well, awkward. and weird. Who doesn't know how to make small talk for 15 minutes? I have mild-to-moderate (shout-out to the commercial forum!) social anxiety and even I could have faked my way through that. I thought Sarah was a cool chick and she genuinely related to the tweens, no easy task. But yeah, girl, you got hosed unless you were in on the whole thing (always possible on a "reality" show). I have this crazy feeling things could work out for Kallie. She seems very sweet and I think Paul genuinely cares for her but is a typical Southern man of few words. I was concerned at first that he seemed too inflexible about "this is me, take me or leave me", but after his TH, I took it to mean more that sincerely declaring his love was his romantic best, he's not a hearts and flowers kind of guy. They actually seem to have some "connection" (ugh, Bachelor word). Speaking of Southern, his kids have nice manners, as so many of them do. Jake. Good lord. Go on home, Ami, and don't spend one second reflecting on this waste of time. It was definitely him, not you. :)
  8. I for SURE can't stand him, so I won't be watching, but let me know how it was if you succumb. :)
  9. Thanks catty! The tow yard case was great. I loved the plaintiff's son and how abashed he was about messing up Dad's truck. Dad was wearing some nice threads too. :) I LOVED when Judge Milian got on the phone with Red and was just like "how much did the plaintiff give you?" "$2200". "Thank you!" The guy Red sent to stand in for him owes him a punch in the nose for making him embarrass himself like that.
  10. Last week, Judge MM dropped another one of her lovely Spanish proverbs, something about the Devil and being ancient? Did anyone catch the whole thing? I love that stuff :)
  11. Yoiks, you weren't kidding! http://www.bravotv.com/watch-what-happens-live/photos/guest-dressed-june-2016/item/10842561
  12. Oh yes, I think so :) Remember that adorable video making the rounds last year of the little British kid reacting to finding out his mum was pregnant? Everything just sounds cuter, funnier and more charming with an English accent!
  13. Oh my God. I just watched this and died from cuteness! I want to eat those adorable British babies up! Whoever said they were saving this for the end of the week to cheer themselves up, I think you will be pleased. :)
  14. This show has become very hard to watch. I fear so much not just for Jazz but all trans people. They have become such a flashpoint for hate and bigotry. I adore Gramma Jazz. I plan to sport her look when I'm that age. I've gotta disagree with those who think Jazz's mom is an attention hound. I find her very genuine, along with the rest of the family. I think that she's very fearful of Jazz being in the public eye but sincerely feels that the awareness it creates is saving lives. When Jazz told her therapist that she had been moved into her parents' room during her deep depression so they could keep an eye on her at all times, my heart ached. I had a troubled teen myself who self-harmed. It was terrifying (all good now, happy to say). Jazz has circumstantial reasons to be depressed complicated by hormones. I am so relieved she seems to have come out of that dark place for now. Mom and Sander openly discussing his disappointment was very touching. Again, even though there is an obvious UNreality to the show, most of the family moments feel real to me. I just think they are good people.
  15. Ugh, disappointed to read he took back his totally on-point assessment of Stacey Dash. I just saw a clip on some entertainment show and was about to give him credit for his remarks at the top of WWHL about Orlando, which were actually thoughtful and uplifting for the most part.
  16. Or leave "it" to run around outside for a few days while he's away! The fact that he owned six other cats raised my eyebrows a little, too. But the rescue dog owners were still a mess. Awful case.
  17. Stewed squash, I think what the kids say now is "talking to him (or her)". "we started talking back in January." "i was talking to another guy and he got mad". "we had kind of broken up but we were still talking." I foolishly thought talking meant, you know, TALKING, but I have been informed by my millennial daughter that I am WRONG. I am an old fart and it drives me insane. "I hear Corey and Barack were talking"
  18. LOL, thanks for answering. I guess I should specifically address my question to @ryebread, who made the original post and said that's what made her dislike Carol initially (otherwise I would probably have assumed it was indeed the "bitch eating crackers" thing) :)
  19. Forgive me for asking, but how does putting bare feet up on the dashboard make somebody a poseur? Full disclosure: I like to put my bare feet up on the dash. Or even my shoed feet, although my husband yells at me when I do that because I leave dirt marks.
  20. The thing that made ME saddest was an entire platter of bacon being ruined! Ramona is just the worst! (of course, according to Lu, it was soggy anyway?)
  21. LOL, I was going to say a beat-up Genie Francis, but I was trying to be nice. But they really do have the same mouth and unnaturally white teeth.
  22. LOL! I hadn't realized she was Canadian. Maybe that's a saying up there?? ETA: OMG, Kallie DOES look like Genie Francis! Thanks, that was driving me nuts!
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