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Everything posted by bref

  1. Not sure which show was a bigger letdown, this one or Wayward Pines. Both completely dropped the ball. I had no idea Lily Rabe was Jill Clayburgh's daughter! I'd always liked her. She was a bit of an offbeat actress herself.
  2. I'm thinking it's short for Tits McGee.
  3. I'm inclined to cut Vee a break for past misdeeds like the twitter war. Just as Jo has matured since then, I think she has too (too bad KAIL hasn't). She seems pretty grounded, even if her motives for getting pregnant may not be without ambiguity (I don't mean anything nefarious, but subconsciously she may indeed be wanting to solidify her relationship with Jo). But she seems to have a fairly good head on her shoulders, and anyone who has to put up with Kail in their lives gets my sympathy. I thought Chelsea at one point had video of Adam taking Aubree on a motorbike ride without a helmet. And as others have observed, he clearly had her out away from his parents' supervision when he was not supposed to. So yeah, I don't get why he didn't have his custody even more restricted. But the Houskas seem content, so I guess they have some kind of faith in Aubree's safety. ETA that Maddy and I cross posted and she makes some good points about things maybe not being as they seem.
  4. I agree. It's not like the poll is going to decide our next president, if it's not scientifically accurate it's probably ok. :) I look forward most to seeing Heather and Carole, so that's who gets my vote. Nowcheckthat, I love your profile pic. Eileen is the best HW, period. ;)
  5. Now that I've seen it referenced several times, I am slowly going crazy trying to remember what her sign off even was. Can someone remind me? What I mostly remember is the disgusting plug for the Countesseses "song". Bethenny was on WWHL and said there might have been some legitimacy to Luann's claim that Heather and Carole were trying to catch her with a guy in T&C due to her earlier behavior in St. Bart's. Except that makes no sense because they thought Luann's trick was the guy in Beth's room who had wandered off. Stirring the pot, I guess. She really is Andy's (you should pardon the expression) ho. Looking forward to the reunion, especially since Ramona presumably won't be pulling the same crap she did last year.
  6. Beautifully said, possibilities! This especially: The fact that this (i.e. the existence of trans people) drives people to fury and in some cases, murderous rage, is so beyond me. Live and let live. Do unto others. Mind your own business. Is that so hard?
  7. My roommate the second half of freshman year also "had trouble hearing the alarm", although our room was less than 100 sf. She frequently slept through her morning classes (I was already up and out, this was by her report). She would try setting multiple alarms, placing one or more across the room, to no avail. I saw her a few years after graduation and she mentioned she had actually been pretty drugged up at the time, both prescription meds for depression and whatever else she was buying on campus. I felt like a complete jackass for being so oblivious at the time, but it sure explained a lot in retrospect. LEAH. Adam had a lot of goddam nerve slagging on chelsea's parenting. If I were her, I would be seriously tempted to go in with Taylor on a hitman. I could rag on Sterling's mom's looks, but she was nice enough to drag Kail to Cali on her dime (or something), so I shan't. Sterling, though? STFU and quit enabling Kail. She is a crap wife, no matter how bad Javi is. Janell is such garbage. It's all gonna be about her REVENGE on Barb when she gets Jace! (which of course, we know is insane, but whatever)--the point is, she is effed up enough to just state outright how she intends to use her child to punish the woman who took care of him since birth. She fills me with rage. Which is why I had sworn to forego this season! Why, oh why, did i relapse?? Just an interesting side note, but the show One Bad Choice that followed Teen Mom tonight was about a kid who killed two people while texting and driving. MTV needs a good slap upside the head. For their hypocrisy on that as well as their ongoing whitewashing of Leah and, most especially, Jenelle.
  8. Hey, can someone help out a sister with increasingly bad eyesight and a smallish TV? What did Rachel's note to Jeremy say? Thanks in advance. :)
  9. Ryebread, I don't often agree with you (LEAVE HEATHER ALONE!!), but you learned me somethin' today! :D
  10. Yeah, there was less controversy in this episode than in, ahem, certain others; it was more quiet and reflective and I think the response here mostly matches that in tone. I don't necessarily see it as a referendum on how interesting Carole and "Doris" are. I did love me some Gallery Girls!
  11. Heh, I completely missed that too. It's actually multiple choice, you can vote for as many as you want! Here's my choices: Bethenny: Bye Skinnygirl. I cannot take your nonstop self-promotion. Sonja with a crazy J: Makes me super uncomfortable. Talula nailed the reasons above. Also, her interns make me sad. Ramona: See you next Tuesday. Your act is old. How did she and Mario create such a lovely child as Avery? The rest can stay. Luann: She pissed me off this season but lots of entertainment potential with her dual personalities. Heather: My favorite. I wanna have lunch with her. Not saying she's perfect but I think she's fun and lively and would be a great girlfriend. Kristen: Boring, but inoffensive. Actually, I think the dynamic between she and Heather is unmined gold. Carole: People seem to love her or hate her. I'm in the love category. I do understand why some of her behavior seems fake to people the more I watch her, but I think those seemingly shallow waters actually run pretty deep. Dorinda: Also makes me extremely uncomfortable, I don't get her at all. Much like she is a two-face in looks, her personality seems completely inconsistent to me, which is troubling but also intriguing. Just keep her away from the booze. Fun poll!
  12. Agree, and Jazz herself seems so genuine to me that it goes a long way towards making those annoying elements less annoying.
  13. Well, I clearly feel it is NOT true. "I hate trans people" and "then you are a bigot" are not equivalencies.
  14. It seems to me that honest, respectful questions have been given honest, respectful answers and I have to dispute your first statement. Some questions pretty obviously have a hostile undertone. Sometimes it's not even particularly subtle. And if responders address that, I think that's appropriate. But no one has been called transphobic for asking for information that I've seen. In fact, this thread's existence kind of puts that in doubt. I think it's too bad if people fear asking questions, but it's not unreasonable, given the topic and that transphobia actually DOES exist, to ask that you put extra thought into how you ask. "Criticizing me for being judgmental is just as judgmental" is an argument I see commonly on the intrawebs. I generally find it to be a false equivalency.
  15. I was a little annoyed at the girlfriends initially, but then I started to wonder the same thing as Bastet--if *they* were so accepting of Jazz as she is that they were simply oblivious to what a big deal it is for her to put herself out there beyond just the normal self-consciousness of adolescence. Bit of a mixed blessing, I guess.
  16. Me too. I am just so impressed with this kid, she is adorable, smart, thoughtful and awesome. I hope she navigates the waters of adolescence without too much trouble. Love her family too, I'm still not seeing a creepy factor in her mom at all, but to each their own and all that. :)
  17. LMAO, breezy. I don't think Ramon's age has anything to do with this myself. She's always been a clomper. Seriously one of the least graceful people I've ever seen.
  18. A bit (okay, totally) OT, but I still can't believe they renewed TMOG for another season. I already tuned out but I followed the forums here and it sounded like it was boring as shit.
  19. I don't understand what you mean here, could you elaborate?
  20. I saw Jazz's mother as a protective mama bear who is dedicated to protecting her child from bullying and misunderstanding. She seemed a tad high strung maybe but I can actually understand why she would be. She has a lot to figure out, too. In any case, her kids all seem pretty cool, so it would seem she has some good parenting skills. I don't want to get into a whole thing, but I really don't understand this. How Caitlyn identifies herself ("I'm a woman") doesn't really seem to be anyone else's business--I certainly don't see how it affects anyone who is a stranger to her--whereas someone saying "You are not a woman" is a direct insult to her own sense of self. It's cruel and needless.
  21. Just to be clear why some object to okerry's questions, or at least the way they were phrased: Transgender person: I have always felt female. I have done (xxx) to create a sense of concordance between my assigned gender at birth and the gender I know myself to be. I feel happy and whole now that I am consistent in my gender expression. Responder: But doesn't it make you sad to know you can NEVER BE A REAL WOMAN?
  22. I think you indicated you had watched Growing Up Trans. The doctors in it very clearly discussed that there is an element of trial and error here; this is a new frontier in medicine as well as socially. I imagine parents of these kids are emotionally tormented about whether they are doing the right thing, but I also think it comes down to what Jazz's mother said: this is her kid, whom she loves more than life. She is going to listen to that child and do what she can to insure her kid's happiness and to minimize her kid's pain. I think it is so unfair to state the parents and doctors are ignorant of the unknown in these kids' futures. They are doing the best they can. You are making a lot of assumptions regarding what has and hasn't been discussed/considered by Jazz, her family and her doctor. That's all I'm going to say right now because I also find your tone rather demeaning. ETA that Tofu said it better and shorter. :)
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