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Everything posted by ramble

  1. I want to like this show so much yet it seems determined to challenge me in that regard. I think I dislike more people than I like. I’m hanging on because I think there’s potential but I feel like it’s being squandered. C’mon show!
  2. Cult classic indeed! I like the billboards they have done.
  3. I didn’t like Black Panther nearly as much upon rewatch. I think I was caught up in the frenzy on the first go round. It’s fine but not one I’ll rewatch multiple times. I feel like it will be like Antman for me. If it’s on I’ll watch the pieces of it I like the most but I’ll click away during large chunks of it.
  4. My mom watched the last half of the most recent episode with me. Her first, immediate observation was that none of the kids were identical. While I know this, I still can’t sort the babies out. She did better on first glance than I have watching the whole thing. Crazy! Her second comment, after I told her all the kids names, with the spellings of said names, was that she wished I hadn’t told her that. She said most of the names were just “unfortunate”. Which in our family means dumb or unattractive. As in, “Wow, that’s some unfortunate hair he’s got going on.” i still can’t help but like this family and I’m surprised that the feeling hasn’t changed. Although when they were talking to the older three boys about baseball and Saylor said something about his mama not coming to his game it hurt my heart. He seems like such a sweet kid. The dog went with the sheep for good? I thought maybe he was going to herd them off the trailer. Nooo! I thought we’d seen the big dig running around outside the house with the boys some. My kiddo felt especially sorry for their little Yorkie this episode. When he was staring out the window she said she is sure he is overwhelmed by the babies.
  5. Michaela bugs me, or maybe it’s the eyebrows. The actress bores me. I feel like she’s trying, but not getting there, and I can see the trying. I guess Ben and Grace didn’t sit down after his miraculous reappearance and discuss anything at all. It’s tv so of course they didn’t. I don’t really care if they stay together. Actually I think the good doctor is more interesting than Grace anyway. I think I’m watching this show with a lukewarm level of interest. I’m not ready to check out yet but I haven’t bought in either.
  6. Has no one mentioned hot and sweaty shirtless Wolf doing his awesome kung fu practice/leg rehab while Kandie watched and yelled at him to do more? C’mon folks, that was worth the price of admission! Put aside the weak sauce that was a lot of the rest of the plot, we still got some pretty to appreciate. Or at least I appreciated what I consider quite pretty. The rest? Ehh. I didn’t like and then did like the family argument juxtaposed against the fight. Finally I accepted that I was uncertain how I felt about it. I know, without question, that I didn’t like the Danny as missing dad storyline. The show skipped over some big steps. I did like Miller’s short lived friendship with the mouse and his budding romance with the southern belle.
  7. Ha! Exactly. I think this show does an admirable job of serving up the hotness. The pretty and the military porn are two big pluses for me.
  8. This was ridiculous! Yet somehow I still enjoy this show so I just watch with my logic turned off and take my entertainment where I can get it. Tavo is so cookie cutter he should have frosting. I want to know what setting spray Sasha uses because that is some holy grail stuff. Finally, the best moment of the show was the hotness of hot Wolf being rolled legs up onto hot Danny’s back. Did that sound dirty? “I didn’t mean for it to,” she lied unconvincingly. My usual disclaimer: I’m an unabashed Wolf fan girl so his moments are usually my best moments.
  9. I was snuggling with one of my little dogs today and I had a stray thought. When my kids were babies I had a horribly hard time leaving them. My first didn’t spend a night away until she was 3 and then it was with my parents who lived 15 minutes away. She begged to go and still I cried that night. I don’t know how they left those babies at the hospital without sobbing like crazy people. I know the babies had to stay but between hormone craziness and exhaustion I would have been on the verge of hysteria. I’m kind of glad we didn’t really see that. I’m a social crier and I would’ve been in trouble. As it is, whenever I see a baby born, on any tv show, I can’t help but cry. My kids are so used to it they just roll their eyes and say, “We know, every birth is a miracle.”
  10. The 80s? If she adds fingerless lacy gloves to the neon I think I might literally roll on the floor laughing.
  11. Ahh, you’re right. My bad. Thanks! So it’s 5/9 on the water. And then there’s a country, a sports equipment manufacturer, a childhood game and a brand of e-cigarettes. Interesting. Ack I need to let this go!
  12. He annoys me a bit but I can’t help but love him anyway. He reminds me of my daughter’s boyfriend. A lot. Even similar speech patterns at times. It’s making me smile. I hope he does well.
  13. I think it’s actually Rivers, as in multiple flowing streams of water. That’s what bothers me about it. River by itself seems okay. Lake would be alright too, while we’re in the waters, but the unnecessary y stuck in the middle annoys me. Hum, thinking about it they seem to have a water fixation: Rivers, Layke, Rayne, Saylor, Bridge, and Wells. Typing all those water themed names kind of makes me need to go to the bathroom. Who does that leave? Tag, Blu & Rawlings. And honestly those sound more like names you give your pet. Okay enough about the unfortunate names. The birth of those babies was speedy! Good grief not even a minute per child. That amazed me. And I know two to almost three pounds is tiny but holy crow she was carrying 14-15 pounds of baby. I don’t know how they tell them apart if they aren’t labeled. I think sleep deprivation alone would mean I couldn’t recognize differences in them. My kiddos are teenagers and I still feel sleep deprived pretty often with them. The idea of six babies, plus the three kids who aren’t that old, makes me a bit twitchy.
  14. There’s always too many in the beginning and I lose track of who I like, so annoyances: First, Sharna’s hair. It hurts my eyes and looks like plastic. Second, Jenna and Joe. Jenna just because she’s so... her. Joe underwhelmed me on BIP and I fully expect him to bore me here. Third, what was up with the camera work tonight? There were a couple of big missteps. It seemed like a cameraman might have fallen down from one of the camera angles.
  15. Papa... *sniffle* Johnny Favorite is my favorite. There was a lot to process in this episode and I haven’t processed it all yet. HJK is beautiful in every incarnation. I missed Lucy.
  16. I liked them more than I expected to. I’m from the south so their accent and general southernness didn’t bother me. Stupid names aside, the older boys entertained me. I especially had a soft spot for the oldest. The one twin, the one who licked the stair rail, made me laugh. He seems like a handful. I’ve never watched more than an episode or two of any multiples show. I struggled with infertility and had to go through lots of medical intervention to have my two. For quite awhile I wanted a third but I was reaching an age when it was more of an issue and money and stress, etc. Shows with multiples usually made me feel resentful or jealous or something. It seemed greedy to have so many. But I’m older now and my kiddos are teenagers. The idea of a baby at my age has lost all appeal so watching a show like this is kind of fun. And honestly I saw the ad with the kid tumping over when they were trying to take a picture and decided to watch.
  17. The more I read about DC and their dumb plans the more frustrated I become. And I try not to read too much so I don’t waste too much time on anger and disappointment. Batman was my guy growing up. Granted it was the 1960s cheese versio, but it made me fall in love with the character and the idea. I’ve gone to see every Batman movie, no matter how awful, because it’s Batman. Along the way I wandered into the DC universe and found Superman and Wonder Woman and grew to enjoy so many of the characters. I watched some of the animated series with unabashed love. Now? Currently? The DC movie world is a hot mess with no coherent direction. It makes me sad. These characters are iconic and have such amazing storytelling potential. They throw millions of dollars at poor stories and goofy CGI. While I don’t like all the DC tv shows they at least seem to have a theme and tell a story that isn’t just flash and bang. Okay I’ll stop now because I can feel that I’m on my way to a full blown rant. Sigh. The stupid idiots in charge are big dumb nincompoops.
  18. I’ll go see this movie in the theater. I’m interested in Captain Marvel’s story. However the trailer? Meh. If I were disconnected from the Marvel universe and simply seeking a movie to go see I don’t think this would draw me to it. Still, it’s early and it’s Marvel. I’ll be there.
  19. I went looking because I can definitely imagine that I imagined it in my own wishful way (which is what I meant to say!) I found this: http://killjoys.wikia.com/wiki/Lucy
  20. Didn’t Lucy get a body and kiss Johnny is an earlier season? Did I just imagine that I’m done wishful way?
  21. I loved Luna, but Evanna is with Keo. Sigh. He isn’t the best teacher in my opinion and he usually is out quickly. That makes me sad.
  22. I actually liked the full movie after going in expecting little. I think it helped that I wasn’t attached to the Power Rangers in any nostalgic way. Also the theater was full of people having a great time. There was some spontaneous clapping and generally happiness when the Morphin started happening. And a couple of people let out a “yes!” at cameos by a former Rangers.
  23. I always thought he was fine in the past but he’s never had a lot of intense dialogue so who knows? I will own the fact that I am an unabashed Wolf fan so I’m okay with simply having the pretty to appreciate on my screen and occasionally seeing some hot kung fu butt kicking. I found myself getting unreasonably angry (since this is a fictional universe) when the ships were being bombed and people dying. So many people have died from the plague and the fallout after it that it seems ridiculous to waste the people left. However they had to find a way for the Last Ship to be the Last Ship. I still enjoy the military porn. I had to turn off my real life thought process questioning how so much of the infrastructure was intact. Worldwide interest, gas readily available? Are there enough bodies left, with enough knowledge to do those things? I would think, even years later, most nations would still be establishing normalcy within their limited areas that have services. Oh well, I don’t watch this show for realism Final thought, I thought the two ladies looked amazing at the birthday party!
  24. Heck my younger child calls him Mr. Droopy Face. Granted she said that during their missionary to the lost and unwashed phase and I think he looks a bit better now. Maybe that’s the jaw/teeth work? I dunno. I often think that Jill is so emotionally and mentally immature that I need to look at her actions as though watching a 13 year old. She is scared that her true love always forever and ever will meet another girl and she’ll get to draw her initials in a heart with DD. She has no confidence in her worth. It’s sad that these kids are never taught their own value. I’m a Christian and I think it’s quite easy to talk to my kids about their worth and value to God. I think it can be done from a Christian perspective even if you wear skirts and have long, hanky hair. It seems these kids are taught their value as a mere number in a baby making contest their parents started so what will Jill do if she can’t compete in the same thing?
  25. I kind of liked the thrift store date idea but the no washing would have killed it for me. With new clothes, besides the where have they been question, I also tend to think of the dyes and chemicals used and that adds to the must wash category. Was it a House episode that had a kid poisoned by knock off jeans he wore unwashed? I can’t even walk in Forever 21 at the local mall because the smell of the chemical dyes gives me an instant headache. Well that combined with the loud music and the crowded racks. I’m old and cranky. I’ve always thought, in addition to getting to have the sex, one of the biggest draws for these kids to get married is to have some personal space and alone time. My younger kiddo commented that Joy probably liked the camper because it was all her space and it might have felt quite large in that respect. That and she truly seems remarkably chill about a lot. We are a pretty conservative family but when I was telling my kids about open bathroom doors in the Dug house they were horrified. Marriage might just seem like a luxurious retreat in the beginning. You have alone time, personal space, a bathroom to yourself and are no longer raising your siblings. I usually like Jessa even through she seems sarcastic. I get that part of her. She and Ben seem like an odd pair that is oddly working. They do seem like they’ve settled into themselves a little more. I know a hair stylist with a similar personality and her clients love her or leave. There is little middle ground. Her male clients seem to truly enjoy her snarkiness, and for her at least, it helps feed her ego in a way she sort of needs. I could see Jessa enjoying that type of work. Final thought, then imma shut up! does every Duggar grandbaby have to be woken from sleep to eat? Joy and Jessa mentioned it. Have others? I can’t even fathom the idea. Woken up? Great googly moogly! What an amazing thing for new parents. Awesome!
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