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Everything posted by ramble

  1. I always like this YouTuber’s Marvel compilations. Infinity War + Endgame
  2. I’ve always enjoyed Chris B. Part of it is his resemblance to an ex and part of it is nostalgia from his fun smarmy turn on Bachelor Pad so I’m predisposed to like him I suppose. He stands out to me in this group because he seems more like, wait for it, a grown ass man. So many of these guys seem boy-like to me. I’m sure my age contributes to that feeling. I haven’t done the math, but I could probably be some of these dudes mom. While I can still appreciate the young ‘uns attractiveness at a certain point their youth distracts from my appreciation.
  3. I had forgotten about that. Now that was some good tv!
  4. Poor Scum Blake Square Head feels awful and doesn’t know how to fix it. How about giving your junk a day off between hookups with different people. When a guy can’t remember calling a girl a mistake but doesn’t really argue it either I feel pretty sure that’s an admission. Good grief man you screwed around indiscriminately. That can have consequences. It’s on you that you didn’t consider that. He really is a dim bulb. I think my tv needs some penicillin after having him on screen. Being called a dope girl wouldn’t have any impact on me but Hannah sure sucked face for it. I don’t know if Dylan is really into Hannah or sees them as a ticket to instagram influencer money, um I mean the next Tanner and Jade. And Hannah seems to be enjoying exploring her Paradise so she may not be in on the couple influencer idea with him. Clay and Bibi? I can’t see that. I thought Bibi was really just there for the vacation. I do like that she doesn’t seem to cake on the makeup while on sweaty beach. Clay has a bit of a Kermit voice. That would drive me crazy quickly. That and all the verbal hesitations. When he was talking with Annaliese and was defensive and calling her by name more than once it made me uncomfortable. I can’t put my finger on why but it did. For some reason I can’t remember who Nicole is even when she’s talking. I realize that I do not like Demi. Her voice annoys me greatly, she sounds like a child, and I don’t find her monologues funny. If she and Clay had a kid I imagine it could make money as a negative voice actor - annoying neighbor, whiny friend, nails on a chalkboard boss. Ugh. JPJ, who I can’t help but think of as discount Keanu, kisses like a big mouthed bass and after the smacking Jane tried to poison him. I was honestly laughing out loud. I love Chris B’s intro with the walker and his long list of appearances that they list under his name. Does Harrison give out badges, like the Scouts? Because every season someone tries to claim that they’re the “strongest couple in Paradise.” I think there must be one for “stays the longest without a relationship” too. Wells seems to be stirring the pot more than in previous seasons and I like it. I like it a lot.
  5. Because if it isn’t on social media did it even happen? It did make a pretty picture, but I thought about the clean up too and the sheer waste of it all.
  6. Today was a big anniversary that I wish I could forget. I’ve spent four months training a girl at work and she is exhausting in her inability to learn. Today she deleted a series of files I’ll have to rebuild and somehow saved personal crap over the second backup. Another coworker verbally vomited her horrible life decision fallout onto me and it took me 15 minutes to extract myself. Needless to say this day sucked! I said screw it to the diet, went and got some ice cream and settled down to watch this rat’s nest of crazy. Awwwwww, that feels better. I’ve missed this show. There’s the mothership shows, which I find myself skipping more and more, and then there’s this wonderful trash heap that often seems to be in on the joke. And they brought back my favorite grown ass man, Chris Buk. WooHoo! I don’t see the appeal of Blake. He looks like any average guy I might see walking into Abercrombie & Fitch. While he might think I’m staring at him I’m really just wondering how he can stand to go in a store that has such a stinking strong odor. He’s not that good looking or built. He has a square head and flabby pecs. I’m here for the Caelynn drama. Mix in Kristina and I’m all in! Is Cam losing his hair? I didn’t keep up with the Derek/Taylor relationship because I couldn’t stand her and I don’t remember him that much. I feel like Sydney is a new Bibiana. She’s in the background and no guy seems too interested. If I was drinking based on vocal fry and the word “like” I’d be drunk off my butt early in this show.
  7. I can’t believe how checked out I am with this show. I think saying I half watch it anymore is generous. I’ve watched all the seasons so I’m stupidly committed and won’t quit. This episode I feel like I saw more boring prime crap and some other crap that bored me as well. In the long run this season’s storyline has simply not worked for me. The one high point was Abby dying. Please, please, please let it be true!
  8. Can you just imagine if the two geniuses Amber and Matt had a kid? Not that genetics are everything but...
  9. Matt: “Uh, um, friends, hanging out, um, don’t know, crashing couch, uh, used to, um, sorry, oops, um, yeah. So... sex now?” No! Amber don’t have sex with Matt. For all you know his hanging out involved sex with someone else. I don’t buy his mumbling half sentence excuses for not knowing he should’ve come home, called, or frelling frack even a text. What a dick. And sing it Dr. Pepper. Matt’s apology was lame and weak. He either truly doesn’t get it or he doesn’t give a flipping fig. So he’s the dull knife in the drawer or he’s mean. Either way I think they stand .17% of a chance to make it. I like crazy red lady’s dogs the most out of anyone on this show. As she got on her high horse, or in this case the pony daddy bought her, and went on endlessly about her hurt feelings I was laughing out loud. The dogs know she’s crazy and while mr. picky may not be a prize he’s not the crazy monster. They jumped on him and sat calmly while staring at her in bewilderment. I have no doubt that if there was footage of the dogs being walked improperly we would have seen it. And I think the “going home and having my own space” threat was code for go cry to daddy about how she’s not being treated like the super special shiny star she is. And the editors shot of larger doggo during the sexy dance spoke for all of us. I really think Beth is a spinning top of fickle. The dang editing! It makes me question myself. I don’t know if Deonna and Greg are having issues or not but they often seem the most real out of the couples. I thought her compliments were well thought out. And I still think they’re getting closer off camera. I imagine her walls make it much harder to open up on camera than when it’s turned off. I agree with her, the first time you’re sick in front of a significant other is tough. It’s a closeness no one really wants but it sure can force the issue. Wait until you both have food poisoning at the same time. Lol. I also wonder if Greg is overthinking the sex. If maybe she needs it to be more spontaneous. I felt like she was trying to tell him something but I didn’t quit get what it was. Poor Keith losing his grandma during the midst of all this - that must suck. The editors sure like to force the sex/virgin topic don’t they. How many questions in that exercise were about sex? Iris may need to talk to a counselor, a real one, not a tv one, off camera to help her relax about the thought of sex. It seems to make her freeze up and quit communicating. I feel like the words virgin, sex and intimacy made up 85% of their conversation tonight. P.S. Crazy red needs to wear a bra. Maybe the full moon circle can impress that upon her.
  10. Reading the basic caucasian sex energy hashtag legitimately made me laugh out loud. However, I don’t think it’ll ever catch on in the same way as big dick energy.
  11. Seems to me that Matt is an ass and Amber is a greasy clinger. I think Matt could be offered a basketball job in Tiny Spit, NoInternetStan and he would knock people down to take the job. Did he just need a place to stay in between jobs and thought, hey a temporary marriage is the way to go? Beth and Jamie? Ick. She is hard to take even when fast forwarded. And I don’t buy his spiel about being glad she’s helping stretch his boundaries. I think Mr. Picky wanted a wife but was perpetually unsatisfied with the women willing to talk to him so he tried a reality tv show. Sucks for him that he got the crazy lady who “works” for her dad who happens to be weirdly obsessed with her. Which, yet again, ick! I am Team Iris in the lemonade kerfuffle. I’m generally willing to share whatever I have with friends but freaking ask me first before rummaging around. How bad is it that I thought, upon hearing about Keith’s grandma, that the situation could be an incredibly bonding time for them and could impact their chance of success? In my opinion Deonna and Greg are keeping quite a lot of their quality conversations off screen. They seem to like each other a lot and be growing closer. She also seemed much more open to the thought of sexy times after the friend party. I’m hopeful for them. Finally let me add an additional “Wha?!” to the basic caucasian sex thing. Does she mean missionary? He doesn’t use his mouth or hands? He follows a laminated set of directions he keeps by the bed? Inquiring minds and such. I also am now wondering if she read 50 Shades as high literature.
  12. I debated between posting this here or in the Unpopular Opinions thread because I know it’s an UO, but here ya go. With the Mister Rogers movie trailer coming out it reminded me that, over time, I have come to deeply dislike Tom Hanks, the man who everyone seems to adore. Something about him gives me an off feeling. I can’t really define it but it’s a weird feeling and it makes me not like seeing him portray any character. It used to not be that way. I was never a big fan but I was neutral, now however I don’t want to see anything he’s in. Nope, big ole nope.
  13. The original movie was part of my youth. I remember going to it on a first date with a guy that was a sweet part of my teen years. However, since then I’ve learned about Scientology and I can’t watch Cruise without thinking about the fact that he’s a top dog in that cult and is aware of the horrors that go on yet still lives the high life and grins like a crazy man through interviews. Nope. Can’t watch him. The music definitely has a nostalgic pull but I'm just going to stick with the memories from a movie I loved when I was young and innocent.
  14. ramble

    Cats (2019)

    No. Just no. Wait, one more thing, why?
  15. Dang you’re right! We interrupt this commercial for a few words about the actual event. I wonder, once the spotlight and new excitement of he (finally) picked me and we’re getting married wears off, if things won’t look so rom-com perfect to Ashley. Jared has always seemed a bit bland personality-wise in my opinion. Of course she may just jump on the BIP baby train with Jade and Carly, although I have a little trouble picturing her as a mother.
  16. When I first discovered that fact I swear the sun burst through the clouds and angels sang a refrain about the beauty of good ice. It made me extraordinarily happy and I almost always have a bag in my freezer. Yes I chomp on it like Matt but I know I’m not that loud. Was he chewing with his mouth open and the mike somehow in there as he chewed?
  17. I live in Sonic country. I can drive to three separate ones in 15 minutes or less. And I do far too often. I love their ice in a obsessive and stalkerish way. Their cokes are almost always well mixed too. So when the promo placement appeared all I could think was that, at least in my case, they know their audience very well! Amber makes me sad because we can all see the inevitable end coming but she seems blinded by her needy, clingy love for the wandering manchild. Iris, who I tend to think is the most beautiful woman who has ever been on this show, had some competition this week with Deonna and her hair poof. She’s a pretty woman but with her hair up like that it enhanced her face in a lovely way. I thought Iris and Keith handled condom-gate with a nice amount of maturity and well-reasoned discussion. Color me pleasantly surprised. I can’t decide if any of these couples stand a chance. I would say it’s 50/50 but we all know that past statistics don’t hold that high a chance for the couples on this show. It’s a bit depressing. You know what would get my mind off that? A creamy Sonic shake, made with real ice cream, half price after 8:00 p.m.
  18. This! This! A thousand times this! I feel like I say the same thing every week. Abby sucks. She’s a hypocrite. She cares about herself above all else. Ugh Abby. Definitely ugh Abby. I realized I was low key dreading watching this when I saw it in my DVR list. It’s never been the best TV on TV but I used to enjoy it. This season is boring and sometimes feels like a chore. The mindscape crap is just so yawn-worthy and I don’t care about it at all. I was worried we were going to get a full blown split personality storyline emerge during this episode and I don't think I can take much more of Josephine so hopefully she’s actually gone. The Primes. The fracking Primes. They suck as villains. They are lying, murderous, pretend god body snatchers that subjugate their people and expect gratitude with their servitude. There is no good way to really emphasize or sympathize with their viewpoint and have them be villains you can sort of enjoy. They are baby sacrificers for frack’s sake. Burn them to the ground and let us learn about the Nulls (what a condescending term) and the new Grounders. I’m ready for the evil commander dude lurking behind Madi’s shoulder to burn away too. I find it boring but then again I find Madi boring. I feel like she’s pasta. It’s generally bland and doesn’t have too distinct of a flavor until you throw some sauce on it. It can be used as a carrier for many other flavors. Madi is a daughter (marinara) then she’s an up and coming commander (alfredo) then she’s a non-entity (butter) then she’s a possessed murdery vessel (pesto).
  19. This looks like utter crap to me. Maybe I’ve reached remake/reboot/sequel overload but I feel like I’ve been there, done that multiple times and nothing about the trailer made be think it’ll be better than previous similarly made things. Also KStew is one of those actors who causes me to grit my teeth until I have a headache.
  20. So going by what @Sakura12 mentioned above the title should be: Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of one Harley Quinn) - a Margot Robbie project.
  21. Anyone else wish they had spaced Abby and the magic juice instead of new body Kane? The Prime storyline continues to bore me, even in small amounts. I’m much more interested in the new Grounders and our original kru.
  22. This made me laugh and now I won’t be able to not see him as that. And the more I see of Matt the more I think Zack might be the winner in a comparison. Speaker of BDE. Henry Cavill reads thirst tweets and talks about it. I think it’s about halfway through but it’s all pretty funny.
  23. Amber makes me sad. Her abandonment issues are so apparent. She even mentioned her fear of being left when Matt stumbled through his basketball escape clause. She needs therapy more than she needs that doofus.
  24. I’m more and more convinced that the truly good dancers we either don’t see at all in the auditions or we see 1½ seconds of in the little montage pieces. And this needs to be repeated: What a blah, boring thing this episode was. I also don’t get the endless crying and I’m a social crier who cries easily but come on people!
  25. This episode made me realize that the Sarge storyline has lost me. I want the team back together and I want them to turn their brains back on. They seem to have been switched to trusting, lazy or just dumb. I know they’ll save the day and if I could I would fast forward through lots of it until we get there. I don’t know exactly when the breaking point was but I have largely checked out. The one point that worked well for me was Deke. I know most of you think he’s the worst but I find him entertaining, especially in the draggy circumstances everyone else seems stuck in. He and Snowflake made me laugh in what was otherwise a blah episode.
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