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Everything posted by ramble

  1. Nicknames at the other spot were a no-no. I think by far my fave one was Kompass for little North West, but I may have an evil streak. Btw, thanks for being so welcoming to the influx Lisin! I'd offer to buy you a bottle of Unbreakable (the fragrance from Khloe & Lamar) but somehow I feel like it might jinx you. Although I imagine it should be on a great sale!
  2. I agree! I (vaguely) remember watching this last summer. I recently saw an ad for the upcoming season & got sort of excited, but feel like I need to go back & rewatch the entire series because it seems details have faded in my old people's brain.
  3. Obliviously you weren't blanket trained properly! I got slapped back on the blanket once & quit posting for a week. I had resolved to quit in protest but I'm weak & gave in to the temptation of the dirty talk about the television box.
  4. I found it sort of awesome that they couldn't eat the snakes they caught. Oops. I watched the after show, or whatever it is, After Dark. It sucked. I was sort of shocked that Jeff & Eva seem to think they're the best partners ever. Really? I still can't believe they even had a discussion about wiping out an entire ecosystem of black widow spiders versus trying to live with them in the cave. I guess it's a good point in support of the crazy that shows up on this show!
  5. I am almost ashamed of how much I enjoy making fun of these folks, but apparently I'm not so ashamed that I'll quit. I'm eagerly looking forward to their next media debacle so we can start a completely separate thread for their multiple media mistakes. (Big thanks to PTV that we can have separate K threads!) Although if we go with Kardashian logic it would be considered media mastery because they have a long history of misunderstanding words. Example: Talent, as in Kim is truly talented. I hear an echo in my head... "You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means."
  6. Still my fave show period. I keep thinking I'll do another rewatch but life gets in my way. I still get fan girl goofy about this show.
  7. Can I still vote for J'Tia? Yeah, I know she's gone, but I'm not ruling out a surprise twist just to bring her back. She's socially unaware, athletically ungifted & unskilled at puzzles. Trifecta! I guess if I was guessing I'd go with Kass or LJ. Kass is either truly smart or being edited that way. LJ is coming across as clever also, be it producer driven or reality. The shallow side of me wants LJ to win, but the part of me that wants to believe Kass is truly a brain is going with her.
  8. I still vote the diaper pants as the worst "fashion" trend currently, but I didn't understand Jena's outfit at all. Bun hangers & something tied around the waist? Did she forget her pants & someone loaned her a shirt to cover up her undies? As for who left, I don't really care. I never got the majesty of Majesty so I'm good with her leaving, but I'd be good with anyone leaving. I can't find a train to climb aboard this season. I keep waiting for someone to stand out in a way that makes me take notice, but nope, hasn't happened.
  9. I can't stop picturing one of the evil scoobies chasing Neil deGrasse Tyson around to get stabby on him while Joe wanders encouraging the normal scoobies to embrace their destiny, or some such drivel. "The Milky Way is - stab, stab, stab." The normals are screaming, the evils are laughing while painting blood on their bodies & Emma is smirking. Although that's not new, Emma always smirks. Joe: "The Milky Way is vast, we must cleanse it." Scoobies: "Praise the Milky Way." Joe: "No, you plebeians. Praise me, cleanse the Milky Way. We must cleanse it through the lovely freeing gift of blood sacrifice. Listen to my voice as I explain what we must do in long, boring detail & don't forget to praise me." Scoobie: "Praise you. I like Milky Ways. Joe, can we take a break & eat?" Joe: "No breaks. Praise me dammit, praise me." Scoobie: "Praise Joe & Snickers." Second Scoobie: "Praise Kit Kits too. I like those a lot." Joe: "I hate you all." I obviously need a real life.
  10. I think we need to figure something out for the title y'all. In honor of Joe. Praise Blood! No, that's not right. Praise Poe! Nope, that's last season. Praise Pluto! Suggestions guys? I guess I should introduce myself too, since this is the place. I'm ramble here & I was over on TWoP too, although many moons back I went by HillMama over there. I hate watch The Following. It often gives me the heebie-jeebies, but I appreciate Kevin Bacon & can't seem to turn away. I'm fully convinced that Joe is one of the most anti-charismatic cult leaders in the history of cults & I can't imagine stabbing an apple for the guy. But you know, you're not the only one who killed their mama. Ok, totally not true. I hate killing spiders & often catch & release. Why do I watch this show again?
  11. It's here! We have a place to make fun of, err, I mean discuss the Kartrashians. Thanks y'all! And so it begins... Uh Huh Honey
  12. I didn't get the eyeballs either, but it was a difficult concept to convey IMO. Maybe eyeballs circling the head or a moving eyeball running around the head. I don't know. There's a reason I'm not crafty. I thought wall climbing fly thing was good, not necessarily great, but figured it had a good shot as soon as I saw the model. Some of them are just better at selling characters & take the contestant's design up a notch by their own work.
  13. I think so too. So many interesting directions it could go. So many possibilities. I like Kennex's apartment too. Although the magic sticky notes everywhere sort of pushed my OCD button a little.
  14. And though I complain every season about one thing or the other I'll still watch. (I was ramble on TWoP also.)
  15. I'm still not convinced that the folks get to pick their item as much as production tells them what to pick, but I'm cynical that way. It's too bad you don't know your location up front because I think that would definitely influence your choice, but I'm with y'all that a fire starter is huge. (And all I can hear is stupid Jeff Probst telling me fire equals life. Argh!) RambleJr the Younger informed me she'd bring a fully stocked pop up tent. I told her I thought that defeated the point of the show & she said the point was stupid since the crew probably has exactly that. She explained that she imagined them eating a protein bar as they sprayed on the big spray & pulled out a fresh bottle of water while filming the nakeds. Oh dear, my cynicism has been inherited.
  16. I guess this was for Sandra Oh & her coming departure, but I found it a waste. Granted, I haven't been in love with this show in quite a while, but I was so bored with this episode that I played a game on my phone in between folding clothes. I even kept forgetting to FF through ads because the show just could not hold my attention. The take away for me was no matter what Christina & Owen are miserable in the future. Surprisingly I find I don't care. Thanks show you've pushed me to the point I don't care about Christina, one of the few characters I haven't been persuaded to hate.
  17. I didn't post often in the 19K&C area, but read often, enjoying y'all more than you knew, so I'm waving hello & glad to see folks checking in.
  18. My excuse is that I am usually desperate for sci-fi. It doesn't work much as an excuse because I watch Intelligence also & it's not sci-fi, it's just crap.
  19. The Small Talk topic is for: Introductions Off-topic chatter Having virtual tea with forum buddies This is NOT a topic for actual show discussion. When you want to talk about the show: Figure out the nature of the topic you want to talk about Look for an existing topic that matches or fits If there is NOT an existing topic that fits, CREATE ONE! Examples of topics that populate show forums include (but by no means are limited to): Character topics Episode topics Season topics Spoiler topics Speculation topics In the Media topics Favourite X topics ...you get the idea Happy trails beyond Small Talk!
  20. I love her dad's commentary & sensibility so much that I give her a lot of leeway. She also seems generally pleasant which goes a long way in competitive reality tv for me.
  21. Question about the Evil Scoobies (love it!), when crazy bullied girl went with fellow crazy boy to kill the family, did she lick the blood off the knife after her kill? Crazy boy looked on with such a look of lust I got even more squicked out than usual with all the knifing. Breaking in the new place: Kill Emma! Praise Joe! Planethood for Pluto!
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