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Everything posted by ramble

  1. I almost always find ScreenRant’s Pitch Meetings on YouTube funny. This one was also slightly sad because of references to the mistreatment of animals and the nasty nature of the people involved. It did reinforce my complete non-interest in watching. Side note: if you’ve never watched Pitch Meetings it is a rabbit hole that can suck you in for an enjoyable few hours.
  2. Reading through posts it struck me that my old is showing. The thought of driving Brandon around when he and Taylor obviously are not only doomed but don’t like each other is beyond me! As a younger woman maybe I would have. Maybe I would have wanted to look good on tv, or maybe I would have had hope, or maybe he could have sweet talked me. But today’s me? No way! I’ve found the older I get the less I put up with things I find wrong or dislike or just am uninterested in and the easier it is not to care what people think. It’s oddly freeing. On a personal note, not diagnosing anyone on the show, I was in a relationship with a charismatic psychopath for a few years. He makes Michael and Zach look like t-ball players lost in the majors. His lies were complicated and multi layered and he had no trouble keeping everything straight. I’m sure it helps that he is brilliant, has great recall and is incredibly polished and charming. These liars are just bad at it. I think both Zach and Michael probably believe they’re good at deception and, especially in Zach’s case, think their charm covers a multitude of sins. Ehh, no. My personal hell on earth man had manipulated his psychiatrist so completely she threatened me for being abusive and cruel to him. (He saw her to sell his damaged childhood story but mainly for various drugs that he charmed out of her depending on his mood. He took some recreationally and sold some. Mainly he just enjoyed manipulating her like he does everyone.) He can charm and fool so easily. Once I finally became aware of the truth of it all watching him do so was horrifyingly fascinating. It was easy for him. Scarily easy. These guys can’t even keep their lies straight for a conversation. And now that I’ve blithered on for awhile I’m not even sure what my point is other than Michael and Zach suck and suck at the lying. And if I’m going to mention sucking I should mention Katie. She sucks joy and fun out of everything.
  3. Go Meka! I don’t know how she’s put up with his lying craziness for this long. Repetitive and random lying is not a red flag it’s a huge honking red eighteen wheeler barreling down on you. He’s also a bad liar which is pathetic. If you’re going to be a liar at least learn your freaking trade and figure out how to do it. Michael is a loser liar. Meka needs to run away from him Mindy. Sigh. I want to be glad for her but I find her exhausting. Zach told her almost immediately he wasn’t attracted and then repeated it several times. She does seem to stay calm and even keeled. I wonder if she was more passionately emotional it would’ve made a difference? Nah, probably not. And Zach falls into the loser category too. He wants to be slick and sell that he’s cool and clever but his word salad mix of bumbling excuses and half truths just don’t cut it. If you’re going to be a sneaky butt learn that trade too. Dang the crap men are bad at their crap this season. Katie sucks. I’d say a lot more but I think I’d end up being mean. Really, really mean. I can’t stand her. Whiny baby girl child. If she’s this much of a drag about dreams now can you imagine in a few years? Ugh. What a bore. Derek deserves better. By a long, wide mile. I think Austin and Jess are this season’s non-drama couple and the producers are having to drum up something to show on air. Enter the love conversation. I have hope for them. Screamy guy and bad wig (their names have escaped me) are boring. They are doomed. We all know it. I don’t care about them. The dog is pretty though. But c’mon he can do better than screamy guy as a hump date.
  4. Michael: I teach yoga three days a week. Correction, I teach yoga three days a month. Correction, I taught yoga three times at home to myself. Correction, I’ve watched a yoga video three times. Correction, I’ve said the word yoga three times today.
  5. I think Michael is a shady liar and has been lying since he lied about demanding sex on the airplane. I don’t care if Meka shrieks like a crazy crow-headed woman with her wings on fire. He is a liar. And he seems surprised that he gets caught. So he’s a bad liar as well. And yes his code word for sex is vulnerable. Meka should dump his lying butt. Katie's high self esteem might be admirable if she wasn’t so smug and condescending. Woo me. Dominate me. Prove your worth. Shut up girl who is still hung up on her f**k buddy. I think Taylor is an idiot and was matched well with another idiot. However I think Brandon showed his idiotness more openly and often and something about him seems fishy but I don’t know precisely what it is. They both need to sit down and shut up. Zach and Mindy are uncomfortable to watch. Yes he’s being a jerk but I think she’s being stupid. Why won’t she let it go? He has been pretty clear. She’s not unattractive I wish she’d just let him go. Austin and Jessica are this year’s winner so far. I hope they make it! Go team!
  6. I haven’t watched the original recipe shows with any regularity for some time. I’ve caught an episode or two here and there, but I’ve only watched all of BIP and WG these past few years. I am all in for a Clare season! I’ve had a soft spot for her for awhile. Like many of you, I like the idea of a slightly older demographic, possibly less social influencer wannabes, and someone who may seriously want a partner. It’s been quite awhile since I’ve been so excited about the Bachelor franchise. Go Clare!
  7. So those two broke up? Not surprised. They both felt off to me and their off-ness was not an entertaining reality TV kind. I found them boring. So excuse me while I laugh at their misfortune from my snarky seat of solitude. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. Oops, sorry. I shouldn’t laugh so loudly at their journey of tru lurve coming to an end. hahahahahahahaha.
  8. Derek, you dummy, if someone breaks in your house don’t ever point a gun at them unless you’re prepared to use it. A fake gun is asking for a problem, like a quick death. And speaking of dumb... I’m surprised Katie didn’t try a “surprise” pregnancy with the hook up dude she’s hung up on. I think Brandon is high half the time or on something stronger. His ups and downs feel right on the edge of violence and he makes me nervous. I will give him the air purifier though. I’ve had one for years. I got it when I moved in a house that had just been painted and the fumes were bugging me. Now the sound of it is the perfect white noise and it helps with the pollen that can wipe me out seasonally. I feel for Mindy/Mandy but at a certain point I think she needs to quit asking, hoping, trying or even wondering if Zach is attracted to her. He isn’t. He’s made that clear. Just call it or decide to fake it until the money is gone but quit reaching for what is not there. Zach, trying to be hot without the shirt, yet cool and caring with his loving dog dad ways, won’t work when you speak in circles that meander away from each other until they form a tangled knot of non-words. Meka makes me crazy but I think Michael is a lying liar. If he had sat next to me and flat out called me a liar I would have told him to shove it and that I was out. I don’t know what it is with him but he dug his hole and refused the rope Cal threw down to help him out. I have hope for Austin and Jess. It isn’t a huge amount because this show has a poor track record, but they are the only ones I can see standing a chance. I know these are Real! Binding! Marriages! but sticking the couples in long-term stay, generic no-tels doesn’t lend a feeling of permanence to these (mostly) doomed unions.
  9. I’m quoting myself (how vain!) but since a couple of folks quoted this I thought I’d add my additional two cents, which I guess makes this my four cents. I know that Mindy is only two years older than Zach. I’m not pointing out the age difference as a big deal to me, I’ve dated guys multiple years younger than me. However, personally I think she looks more than two years older than he is, and I think that type of thing matters to Zach. He has a skin care regimen, a hair care regimen, he is a personal trainer and obviously has a personal workout regimen, he is hyper aware of looks and a person’s physical attributes. Mindy is not unattractive but I think they play in different leagues. If he wasn’t so focused on the physical maybe things would be different. Although I agree with the posters who have mentioned her personality doesn’t seem to appeal to him either. I wish she’d grow some confidence because I think that would make her more attractive regardless of what the hair king thinks. I will add this caveat: since we’re past episode two and the glow of romantic hope is gone - I’m firmly established at the shallow table. Snarking on Mindy’s older than her age face, Michael’s nasty pube beard, or Katie’s granny panty diaper swimsuit are what I’m here for. Y’all that have mentioned Brandon seeming to act like he was tricked into being on this show have hit on a great point. Reality TV is not the place to be if you’re intensely private because avoiding the camera makes for boring TV. Of course being an insufferable jack ass makes for entertaining TV so he’s got that going for him. Or at least we do.
  10. Oh my gosh! Mindy he’s just not that into you. You’re older than he is and I think you look it. You aren’t his type physically and maybe personality wise as well. He’s uninterested enough he doesn’t even hear you when you speak to him while standing right next to him. Don’t buy the bunk the phone-in “experts” tell you. It’s their job to sell the marriage, er I mean support the marriage. Brandon is a baby man. He looks like a grown up but he operates on toddler tantrum level a lot of the time. He seems like he would be thoroughly exhausting to be around. Katie is not the most attractive gal. Bless her heart. I feel like Derek is selling it hard. Maybe even to himself. Michael and Meka are doomed. They are both gritting their teeth and trying, or pretending to try, but I don’t believe they like each other at all. Even with the sibling vibe Austin and Jess seem the most at ease and as though they’re being real with each other. I’m crossing my fingers for them. Is “you’re my best friend” the new catch phrase of MAFS?
  11. Did Brandon actually give his wife the silent treatment like a six year old because she filmed him? While he’s on a TV show that’s being filmed? And that same TV show gives them cameras to continue filming when cameramen aren’t there? Get over yourself doofus and at least be adult enough to tell her why your panties are all wadded up your butt. And the beer not beer thing was ridiculous. I think he needs to go back home to mama. No, no pastor Cal, you’re wrong, Mike and Meka aren’t a good match. He’s done already. She’s right about there. I think they have a 0/0 chance. And I don’t enjoy watching or even snarking on them. Boo! I’m not sure about Derek and Katie. It does seem too much too fast with them, but that’s this show. I feel like she’s off, but I can’t put my finger on why I feel that way. Austin and Jess are cute but I can’t unsee the sibling thing. Eww. I do find their hand holding sweeter then most of the macking on each other that the couples do. Their macking creeps me out a bit. Mindy and Zach are oddballs. She talks like a teenager and he talks like a maze designer. He confuses and confounds and she like gets lost and like says like a lot like really. How many times do you need to hear I. Am. Not. Attracted. To. You. before you absorb it? He is almost impressive in his complete ability to circumvent a question without answering any part of it. I do kind of agree with him that all serious all the time gets old so quickly. They are both exhausting in different ways.
  12. Dang sinus infection kept me from watching until now and I realize this episode has been dissected and examined well already but apparently I have a driving need to add my two cents. I’ll keep it short - Taylor and growly voice bore me presently, Derek and freckle face seem destined to burn hot but flame out (is she even getting to know him or just asking about future sex?), Austin and Jess, the poster that mentioned them seeming like brother and sister has made me see that so clearly that I’m now sufficiently grossed out and may have to look away when they kiss, and now to the others... If Michael said that on the plane, and I think he did, the attempt to gaslight after the fact makes me angry. Go Meka tell him straight because that is crap. They are doomed. Mindy and the hair are so mismatched. She needs more confidence to meet his excess of confidence. She also needs to take down her obvious high octane interest in him a notch or twenty. I know she might get her heart broken and I know Mik and Mek are doomed but I can’t help it I’m here for the train wrecks. My hopelessly stupid romantic girl side wants these couples to stand a chance the first episode or two but by now she’s admitted the truth that chances are slim and my reality loving trash girl pushes her over to the loser’s table and plops down at the bash and trash table fully ready to engage. Bring on the cringy, dramatic, hot mess that is low rent reality TV.
  13. Ugh. I tried a second episode and regret it. The stories aren’t interesting. The cases, which are the part of original 911 I like the most, suffer in service to the horrible character building they’re attempting. And by attempt I mean dump exposition through poorly done speeches or badly acted sketches. I’m also over tv preaching to me. Why not try to tell an interesting, well-done story and include your point of view in that story instead? This trash pile has a stinking cherry on top that is Tyler‘s unfortunate acting. She is just not good. Sorry Rob Lowe, I would usually stick around longer for you and the nostalgic lure you hold, but I’m out.
  14. I just got around to watching the pilot and my oh my it was quite horrible. The wokeness and the stereotyping were so in your face and over the top it distracted from any story that might be trying to be told. I may try another episode or two but maybe not. I guess it can’t get much worse. I lurve me some Rob Lowe but the idea that there was no one in the city or even the state that could rebuild that station is insulting and truly stupid. And holy stinking pile of crap Liv Tyler can not act. She was a standout of really bad in a sea full of bad. And her voice, oh good grief her voice, it’s like nails on a chalkboard to me. Whispery, high pitched, whiny nails that make me want to punch my tv in its face.
  15. I’m pulling up to the shallow table. I hope there’s room. I think we’re getting crowded. I’ll bring tequila to help the squashing together more enjoyable and the snark more free flowing. I find Doug bland as untoasted Wonder bread. He’s not even slightly crispy. He’s seems kind enough, in a bland way. Really he just screams boring to me, well actually it’s more of a muted mumble than a scream. I know Jamie’s initial reaction was rude and over the top but I was all there for it. It made for some good TV. Cakegate bothered me because of the grubbing into the cake. Shoving cake into your spouse’s face is a flat out stupid thing and I’m dismissing that possibility from this rant. I’m saying the paws raking through the cake is disgusting and ridiculous. Why dude why?!? Especially when you just met this woman and her friends and family. Eat a bite politely of your pretty wedding cake and then go buy an out of date discount Walmart cake if you need to squish cake between your fingers. I find Zach conventionally hot and I appreciate his willingness to share the shirtless view but I can’t help but wonder if he gives off a distinct odor of Axe body spray.
  16. Good grief Zach’s stepmom could not turn off the stink eye! Zach’s dad seems genuine but I think that the apple may have fallen off the tree, rolled down the road, and settled under the asshole tree. I hope I’m wrong but I’m skeptical. It was the winking that did me in. I questioned if Zach was really in this for anything other than business reasons and then he started winking at giant teethed Mindy. I thought the proposal was disingenuous as well. I got the feeling Zach would have acted the same if a buck toothed toad had hopped down the aisle. There is some tragic hair happening in this episode. Austin’s hair looked wet and plastered down by the end of the night. I really like Jessica at this point. I’m completely prepared to have my opinion upended though. This show is good at that. Meka and Michael confuse me. I can’t tell if they like each other, are uncomfortable or are disappointed. I do think they may butt heads but some couples make that work really well. Brandon lost me last week and the cake grab and the garter growl didn’t bring me back. I don’t see them meshing no matter what either of them say. The drunk bridesmaid created so much secondhand embarrassment that I think I blushed even sitting in my I don’t care chair. If you are a mouthy drunk maybe don’t get drunk with fracking TV cameras around.
  17. Add me to the big meh on Baby Yoda club. I’ve seen some Star Wars stuff but overall I’m a Star Trek gal. Yes he’s cute but my dogs are cuter. I powered through all of The Witcher. I did do some fast forwarding at times for the characters that I was less interested in. I liked it but didn’t love it. I did appreciate the Cavill because, well, yum. However the story wasn’t the most compelling. I’m holding out hope for season two because from some reading on line it sounds like it should pick up.
  18. One of my all time favorite movies! “These potatoes are so creamy.” There’s something in my jaded heart that wants to have hope for these couples yet experience has taught me not to, but still... I like Derek for some reason I can’t put my finger on why. I’m willing to give Katie a chance if we’re past the the ex crap. They seemed like they had some chemistry. Jessica and Austin seemed weirdly like a fit in their dorky quirky silliness. Will that transfer into romantic feelings? Idk. Like many of y’all I wonder about mama and grandma and their seeming belief that’s he golden. Brandon completely lost me with, well, himself. I’ve been trying to place his voice and I think it reminds me a little of the actor Manny Montana who I just binge watched on Good Girls. Brandon seems to have anti-charm to me. He speaks and I’m turned off. I think Taylor is pretty but the bigger factor to me is that she seems to be much more ambitious than he is. That can either be no big deal or a deal breaker. I think Grandma Brandon is gorgeous but I do think she’s had some work done. Not that I begrudge her that, maybe I’d consider it if I had the moola. The majority of the bridesmaids dresses either fit like trash or were butt ugly. Whoever comped those did a poor job representing their brand.
  19. I forgot all about this show, but my DVR did not, so I watched. I felt a lot of meh. That feeling hasn’t much changed from what I can remember. Still don’t like some of the main characters (the sister, her ex, and the wife) and apparently still don’t know names. The young boy goes between fine and annoying for me. I do like the main character but they might be lingering OUAT vibes. I want to like the oncologist, and I sort of do, but I don’t like the creepy fake therapist and the crap between them. I’ll still in for now but I’m not sure if I’ll stick or not.
  20. I found myself mentally giving Kylie props for having Stormi in comfortable looking shoes. Then I mentally slapped myself for noticing, caring, and giving credit for what should be a given. What an emotional roller coaster - over sneakers. I need a life.
  21. A 3 hour show took me about 30 minutes. What a waste of a season and what a load of crap. They addressed the Dan issue about like I address raw onions placed on my burger in error. I take them off my burger, preferably using a napkin, and move them far away from me until I can place them in the trash. In other words I don’t really handle them. Yes, I’m still angry. I wouldn’t know a Sia song if i heard it but good for the folks that got her personal awards! I’m cautiously optimistic about next season. I think it’ll be great, or really bad, or maybe mediocre. Okay, so I don’t have a clue, but I’m more interested in the thought of it than I have been the last half of this trash season.
  22. I don’t dislike Karishma like many do, I’m pretty neutral on her really, but I do dislike the it’s become oddly acceptable to be hateful to her to her face. I find that nasty to watch and it’s just one more ball to throw in the bag of suck this season has become. I find myself reading here before watching to decide if I really want to watch and if so what parts to skip. I don’t really care who wins at this point. Suck sucky suckage.
  23. I’ll go further, the previews I’ve seen with Tyler in them have made me go from meh on her to a screeching no! The parts they’re showing of her feel forced and poorly done. I’m hoping it’s just bad choices for previews because I like Lowe’s easy charm and enjoy original recipe 911.
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