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Everything posted by ramble

  1. That was great! If I were computer savvy at all I’d mash that together into a gif that we’d all enjoy.
  2. These stories are often so bizarre that they seem made up, but I believe them. The exact wording of the ex-wives saying “every inch of his body” stuck me too. It sounds so rehearsed. I imagine Davey had to beat up someone once that interview was aired and that fact was noted. The thought of such a little man with such a fragile yet giant ego needing to take a grown man’s work and make fun of him in front of his peers and then beat him is mind boggling. Davey boy must be unhappy and angry most of the time. He’s always looked a bit manic to me as well. He and his tiny buddy Tom seem like they are always running on too much electricity and could blow a fuse at any moment. I think the former executives did a good job not losing it talking about the abuse they took. Remembering what all they put up with and accepted as normal must be difficult. Hearing Mike speak so matter of factly about the beatings and his time in the hole is heartbreaking. The idea that these people, who dedicated their lives, and their whole selves to this money grubbing sham of a religion, were thrown in an overcrowded, un-air conditioned trailer and fed poorly while being made to do nasty chores, rat on each other, and confess constantly is disgusting. The idea that some of them put up with because they thought they deserved it and were enduring it to help save the world is so sad.
  3. Eww. Just eww. I hate that this manipulative money grubbing organization is called a religion. What are they doing to help anyone? Where’s the ministry to the community or people in need? What’s the higher purpose other than prosperity for tiny few. Good grief! My church helps people in need, providing financial assistance and helping find available programs even if you aren’t a member. They ask for donations and have fund raisers but it is never required. Helping my fellow man is part of the basis of my belief. The man in the first segment baffled me too. He did seem lost. Like he was truly seeking for something and latched on to what CO$ sold. I understand that feeling and how the right words can be enticing but his quick response is what baffled me. I was once in a relationship with a psychopath so I have some understanding of brainwashing. However he practiced focused love bombing for a year before he started the brainwashing and breaking down of who I was. Eventually (disgustingly in hindsight) I became a changed person. Someone I now hardly recognize with time and healing. In the second year I was willing to put up with and do things that were ridiculous. I believed such lies and was able to parrot them back as truth that I believed. Thankfully I started to wake up as things became increasingly worse and he became bored with the game of destroying me. Sadly he used my belief in God against me too. Pig. In my recovery I read an interesting article about the idea of “cult of one” when a person creates a cult and pulls a person in. Well that was depressing. Sorry!
  4. I suppose I could pause and read but I guess I’m just not interested enough. Why am I still watching? I really like the concept idea of it all. Sigh. I keep closed captioning on all the time. A lot of it’s for just like you said, the mumbling, grumbling, whispery talk some people do. I also never get tired of the music descriptions. *quiet, hopeful piano*
  5. Ugh. I like Josh Dallas but holy crap this show is just not good. Maybe, if they would push the daughter and the mother off screen entirely, and somehow magically recast the eyebrows, um I mean the sister, things would improve. And I won’t even talk about the probable upcoming soap opera baby/slept with two women storyline. More ugh I’m interested in the plane storyline - the passengers, the callings, the mystery. There is enough interesting stuff in all that that they don’t need the family drama crap eating up half of the run time. And the really poor acting by some of these people makes that run time suck even more. My final old lady, get off my lawn complaint is that I am frelling sick and fracking tired of shows using text messages and showing the phones with their small print as part of their plot while expecting us (me) to read them. Have an inner dialogue and speak the lines or include them in the closed captioning. My eyes aren’t what they used to be and this show does not hold my attention enough that I’m staring at the screen all the time anyway.
  6. I’m not quite finished watching this, but my initial thought is that the show has hit the bottom of the barrel, broken through it, and moved to the dirt and sludge underneath. On the whole the participants seem desperate, weird or like Z-list fame whore seekers. I’m sure with a few we’ve hit the trifecta of desperate Z-list fame whore seeking weirdos. (Wheee, I finally get to advertise fit tea and teeth whitening products on my Instagram y’all!) And, as I sit in my ugly sweats, with no make-up and messy hair, let me snarkily say that several of these folks are umm, unfortunate looking. I thought even low rent reality tv required at least slightly better then average looks. I feel like I could see any of these people at my local Walmart on a rainy morning shuffling around the bakery wet and grumpy choosing between doughnuts and cinnamon rolls. I forget how awkward and stilted the conversations are between the couples at the beginning of this show. Maybe it’s like that at the end too, but in my mind it’s more natural, and since the last season ended like 10 minutes ago that’s what’s most recent in my mind, or maybe I have Stockholm syndrome and it never really changes throughout the series. I am continually amazed when the parents and friends try so valiantly to voice their doubt and concern without saying, “This is stupid crazy and I'm embarrassed to call the bride/groom friend/family.” Instead it’s awkward statements about the potential spouse being interesting or different than the usual choice and how hope is a lovely thing. Strained smile. Uneasy laugh. Sigh. I’m hoping, if we aren’t going to have a chance at any real relationships this season, then we get some good drama. Entertaining drama! Not crap about not liking a sofa or the fact that one of them only eats corn or something dumb. Crazy pants, throw out someone’s favorite beer stein and scream until they lose their voice crazy. Wait... I may be morphing into a wrong reasons viewer for this show too. Uh-oh.
  7. Even my love for James Roday is not getting me through this drivel. Gary and annoying Maggie were obnoxious at the Christmas tree store. I get grumbling about the husband bringing a cart of stuff but they were attention seeking asses. The word juvenile is insulted to be used to describe them. Gary’s shtick is getting old and I can not abide Maggie. Delilah is a weak sauce of a character. Somehow she, who screwed around with one of the three other guys in her husband’s best friend group, is the victim. The three men hovering over her when she slipped on the ice was ridiculous. I get treating her gently since her husband just died, but they’ve yet to show her upset other than a moment or two. She’s not spun glass to be wrapped in tissue paper. Good grief. She’s also apparently an uninvolved damsel in distress. She had no clue what was going on in her own financial life. Take some responsibility woman even if you’re married. And the idea that she goes to Katherine to seek help is simply gross. Katherine should not have to interact with her. It screams selfish and entitled. I like Rome and Regina but I’m wondering if they seem better simply by comparison to the other characters. Taken separately they are a bit bland and often their conversations feel forced. Still, with this group, they seem like winners. The entire Christmas tree decorating scenario felt forced and unrealistic. Are these couples all so completely enmeshed in each other’s lives? It felt weirdly codependent yet detached at the same time. And I’ll echo what many of you have mentioned, do these people not have jobs or other responsibilities? They are always together. I enjoyed Katherine and her nteractions with her son. And I think Ashley could be an interesting character but I’m think she’s going to be used as a dramatic throw away. Other than that... blech. I quickly quit This Is Us because I felt like it was deliberately emotionally manipulative. I think this show wants to be equally as emotionally manipulative but it’s not working, at least for me. The character I’m most enjoying currently is the one outside of the super special closed circle of six (Katherine). There’s a difference between character flaws and quirks and straight up unlikable. There are several people on this show I simply find unlikable. I’ll probably check to see what horrors Jon has wrought with the reveal next year, but unless something changes I think I’m done.
  8. There’s a lot to digest here. Inviting the Nation of Islam into the cult family seems like a very deliberate attempt to capture members and money dressed up in a disguise of diversity and outreach. I like that they brought up love bombing. I learned about that when I did research on psychopathy. And I just want to say, yet again, go Leah. Damn that woman is not afraid to stand up to anyone! Thats Remini, Mr. Farrakhan, Remini. I have a feeling Miscavige watches this show with his serfs nearby to scream at and/or hit as needed.
  9. Angelina annoys me with every breath. There’s a Kara? Whew, Christian survived. I dislike the loved ones episode each and every time but cry each and every time. Call me Gabby.
  10. Good grief Davey can never let crap go can he? Having folks followed daily for 20 years is ridiculous even by CO$ standards. What is the point exactly? Make them miserable until they die? It’s so amazingly vindictive and cruel but small and petty at the same time. I wonder if tiny Davey gleefully celebrates each job, friend or family member that is lost or driven off by this “religious” policy? What a nasty piece of work! The man, the policy and the “religion”.
  11. Was this supposed to be a deep dive into the Maggie character episode so we’ll connect? Nope, still can’t stand her, or almost anyone else. Rome and Theo. I like them. I have a big issue with the speed Maggie has become a bestest friend part of the inner circle who is loved and supported unquestioningly. Hasn’t Katherine been around for years? I guess since man-child Eddie has been whiny and unhappy she is not a bestest friend and she doesn't get the loving support. Well that plus the woman side of the mccheaterson sandwich just lost her husband so she gets a free pass for her infidelity. Ugh. That entire storyline is disgusting. Why would Regina invite Katherine to the tasting? The woman who broke up her marriage, her ex mooning over said woman, and the nonsupportive friend group were all the other invitees. For all the big emotions spilling out and sticking all over everyone like glitter you’d think one person would have a empathy moment and stop the invitation idea. It’s got such a cliquey feel to it at times it’s slimy. James Roday still has enough residual Shawn Spencer love from me that I’m hanging on, but barely. I would never want to be friends with these people in real life.
  12. Valerie’s story made me stop and think, once again, that Miscavige is an ass of a man. What kind of weirdo uses puppets to humiliate his executives, or has them wear paper plate masks to talk through? There is something seriously screwed up in his head. He deserves to be back handed by a long line of people and then thrown in his own personal hole for a number of years. Personally I think his buddy Tom should go with him. I wholeheartedly believe, no matter what good guy act he puts on, that Cruise is aware of the crazy control crap Davey practices. They can lick the floor or clean the bathroom with toothbrushes while being screamed at in 100+ degree heat. At this point this doesn’t sound like a “religion” at all. It sounds like a vehicle existing to feed a psychopath’s fantasies and make lots of money.
  13. I finally got a chance to watch this! I hope Danielle and Bobby are playing into the theme the show tells them to because otherwise I can only imagine Bobby is going to be miserable within a few years. Part of me thinks they are in on the game and just play along for the cash and part of me thinks Danielle is being who she is and that makes me sad for Ricky Bobby. Anthony and Ashley are the same in each situation presented. She’s controlling, they both know it, he’d like her to let go of some control, she pays that idea lip service but doesn’t. Wash, rinse, repeat. I wonder how long his easy goingness will last before he checks out of the marriage, either mentally or all the way. Shawniece and Jepthe... ugh. They are miserable together. He does not want to be with her. If he had it tattooed on his forehead it couldn’t be more obvious. A baby is not going to change that. And I’m beginning to wonder if he’ll be less present in little Laura’s life to avoid Shawniece. Well that, and because no matter what Mama Jepthe says, a man who screws around on his pregnant wife is not some perfect loving smoking hot specimen. He had to “get back to himself”? What the frack ever! You signed up for the show. You participated in the baby making. Keep your damn pants on!
  14. I knew none of this either. As y’all have mentioned this seems like such a completely joyless cult. I’m not surprised that it has a high rate of coverts. Just listening to the show I felt like it was a perfect hidden hunting ground for pedophiles. The two witness rule is a gift to abusers. Just disgusting I personally appreciated that Leah (I think it was her) separated this religion from Christianity. There is no grace or mercy anywhere to be found in their ideas. The fact that they seem perfectly all right with people going to hell is hard for me to process when they claim to believe in a version of Christ. What about the idea that God desires all to be saved? I guess that isn’t a verse they cherry pick to count as worthy of being handed down from the council on high. And it seems every cult has a version of disfellowshipping. You leave us and you are now dead to us. Yet again where is the grace or mercy or hope that the person comes back if you truly believe in the teachings? It’s like there is no love at all in this cult.
  15. Oh my dear, sweet, pretty Wolf how I will miss you and your hotness and you awesome kung fu! Thank goodness he survived or I would’ve had to gut a fish or two. He took his bad ass ability to a whole nother level in his own personal hallway fight. Go dude who plays Wolf go! I straight up cried when they had everyone come back as the ghostly ones and be all noble and loyal and suchly things. I was also crying for the Nathan James who was a character all it’s own in the show. And Tex! It’s Tex. I missed me some Tex. Poor Tom Chandler. The weight of the world still on his shoulders and feeling guilty for his own survival. Yes I know Saint Tom was over the top but I liked him anyway. I would’ve donated to a military charity if they would have had Sasha look messy, dirty and not all make-up glowy for just one show. I never cared for her much, glowing aside, and wish she had had a drastically lesser role in the finale. I was so very glad Danny got to kill the narcissistic despot instead of her. As many flaws as this show has had, on the whole, I really enjoyed it. I loved the military porn and think some of fight/battle scenes were very well done. I will miss it. See you when I see you. ETA: My one last sad goodbye to the lovely Wolf. *sniffle*
  16. I’m getting douche bag and fame whore vibes from these folks. I can’t keep any of them straight yet and I doubt I will since my interest has waned to the point I’m not even half-watching most of the time. This is just a weak reality show that can’t seem to find its lane. Is it all about true love or is it trashy sex? It can’t be too much true love with a handful of picks to choose from after 24 hours and then 3 weeks of “honeymoon before the wedding” to figure it out, but it’s not willing to go full trash either. I watch MAFS so my standards obviously aren’t too high but this show is a sad excuse for reality tv.
  17. What the crap Pastor Cal!? You can’t wait to see Danielle cry? Yeah, we get it! You, your other “expert” friends, and Ashley all believe there is no way the Dodds aren’t fighting behind closed doors. They must be not communicating. They must be miserable. You want miserable? Look toward Jepthe. If he muttered his euphemism for screwing around one more time I was going to go nerf gun Elvis on my TV. I guess getting back to himself means getting himself onto someone else. I don’t think Shawneice is all that and a bag of wigs but can’t you keep your pants on a couple of months while you’re get stuff sorted out? Anthony seems like he’d like Ashley to simply take a breath and just relax a bit. Heck that’s how I feel watching her. She seems like she wanted the “experts” to tell Anthony she was right and he needed to change. I get wanting him to be serious at times but it can’t be your way all the time. I’m enjoying her so much less than I thought I would.
  18. What a bunch of suck! I hope the couples are getting paid enough to put up with this garbage - loan repayments, baby needs, savings, whatever - just some good moola. First takeaway: The other couples and the “experts” are really, really invested in Bobby and Danielle’s first fight. Repeatedly stating that there’s no perfect couple and always room for improvement eventually begins to smell of bitter grapes. (Looking at you Ashley.) Ricky Bobby and Danielle both said they didn’t consider themselves perfect but that their relationship was great and they each felt like it was a ten to them. Since that was a stupid exercise designed to stir up divisiveness and competitiveness I would’ve been tempted to write 11 or 12 just to screw with everyone. The experts sighing, rolling their eyes, and all-around expressing disbelief and disgust with the lack of fighting makes me want to punch each of them in the face repeatedly. It’s almost as though they would get joy from their fighting. Second takeaway: Shawneice and Jepthe are miserable. As much as he cries for the love of his daughter he really doesn’t seem to like Shawneice much. They are uncomfortable to watch. Forget drama for reality tv, there a tiny baby girl in the world with parents who are drama. I imagine I’ll be fast forwarding their parts. Final takeaway: My enjoyment of Ashley and Anthony may be seriously tested if this first episide is any indication. She seems jaded or bitter or something. I can’t quit identify it. He seems sort of resigned. If I didn’t know better I’d think they had been married years and just settled for these patterns of behavior as inevitable.
  19. So day four is fantasy suites for a couple of weeks? Way to keep it classy show! These people are so interchangeable to me. Talk about the chemistry, insert a talking head about fears from previous relationships, show the couple hanging on each other in the pool, have the guy make a vaguely suggestive remark and have the girl giggle and fake slap at the guy. Lather, rinse, repeat. Why am I watching this again?
  20. After starting the season feeling not so great about Ricky Bobby and Danielle they have ended up being my favorite since Anthony and Ashley. Who knew? Go little couple go! Mia... ugh. The less said the better. I got to the point that I just fast forwarded anything she said. I think she’s as manipulative as they come. I waffle on Tristan. He’s a bit of a doofus but he doesn’t seem all bad. Dave may be a jerk but I think anyone would be hard pressed to live with Amber’s insecurities. I also think, as many of us observed in the beginning, that the statement about once Dave knew Amber dated a friend of his it was already over was spot on. Her look of pure jealously when hearing about Henry’s brother or sister on the way was simultaneously heartbreaking and ridiculous. I know what it’s like to long for a child so I get that part. However she herself said the idea of the mess and stress of a baby overwhelmed her. I think she needs to consider an older adoption or decide to deal with the mess and stress and look into a sperm bank.
  21. Did they say this whole thing lasted three weeks? Is that three weeks on tv or real time three weeks? After the 24 hour or you’re out rule I wouldn’t be surprised if it was just a quick resort week to save money. Not that MAFS is a high class quality show but it doesn’t have quite as slimy a vibe as this is starting with. I don’t know these folks and will be surprised if learn anyone’s name before they’re gone.
  22. Its taken me this long to get everyone sorted out. I can’t help but like John and he’s doing better than I expected. I had no clue who Milo was going into this but now I want him to win. I think he’s good and I enjoy his enthusiasm so much. I like Juan Pablo and Mary Lou. I’m a Harry Potter fan so I want Evanna to do well but I don’t feel like she and Keo really mesh I wish she could have had a different pro. I find DeMarcus slightly disappointing and I get annoyed with Bobby but enjoy his enjoyment of it all. I do not enjoy Alexis at all and hope she’s gone soon. I’m sure part of that is my hatred of the occupation title “social influencer.” When I scanned her Instagram it just looked like lots of bikinis, boobs and butts. And the less I talk about Joe the better. I never found him that attractive or charming on The Bachelorette/Bachelor in Paradise and he’s adding (or would that be subtracting) from my opinion here. Since we had no elimination this week I vote for a double elimination next week: Joe and Alexis.
  23. Y’all are so much more understanding of this show than I am. I’m wobbling on the fence leaning heavily toward the delete side. I’m sticking it out a bit longer due to actors I like. As for characters... those are harder to like. I do not like Maggie, Eddie or Delilah and I’m iffy on Gary. Regina and Katherine haven’t been developed enough for me to know exactly, but they’re better than the previous group. I guess that leaves Rome. I like him. I’m not counting the kids because I don’t feel like they’re adding anything I enjoy. I have no interest in the Ashley assistant storyline. And I absolutely hate the idea of who’s the daddy becoming a thing. That will probably make me fall off the fence quicker than anything.
  24. First, I completely agree with you and second, the “magic pole” wording made me giggle completely inappropriately. Thanks! I was spoiled about the wall climb when I stalked looked at real Wolf’s social media and saw his video of it. Still, surprising no one at all, I found it frelling hot. That and Danny’s joy at getting to drive a tank were the highlights of an otherwise ghastly episode. The stupidly at stupid headquarters is too stupid to stupid mention. Stupid idiots. And then there’s poor Miller. This whole storyline of war and more war frustrates me. Aren’t there only a small percentage of humans left on the planet? Why kill the ones left so willy-nilly? I would have rather had a new plague. Ugh! *think about the wall climb, think about the wall climb* Aww, that’s better.
  25. This show could use a Lockjaw. Something like a giant, teleporting dog would add some much needed fun to this show!
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