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Everything posted by ramble

  1. Like once upon a time there was like this boy that I loved liked could tolerate and we like did vagina things, kinda like me and daddy used to do on the sink and like we uh filmed it. Cause when you love like tolerate someone you like want to like have a memory of it and video and pictures is like literally the only way to have a memory. Some hater, probably like Taylor Swift, gave copies away to like literally everyone on earth. And other haters, like probably Chloe Grace Moretz and your not-aunt Chyna said it was trashy and like ugly, but it was like literally art and like beautiful and stuff. And uh the rest of everyone like loved it and wanted to see me on tv all the time and like take pictures of me forever because of it. This is way I’m famous. Because I’m considered like literally art. Bible.
  2. I think, and have thought for awhile, that there is a deliberate attempt to look Kardashian like. I also think that the 22 year old is probably looking for some reflected low rate fame. Call me jaded.
  3. I’m so glad Dave is gone. He was on my nerves and I think he looked like he was heading toward his crazy skinny stage. Is Sam using this show as his family’s main source of income? He kept talking about how he needed this to get a house for his family and a reliable car. Really? If he said the word poop much more I was going to scream. Normally I’d like his carving and object crafting but I worry he could win by outlasting others due to his starting body fat and that thought frustrates me. Larry’s mood swings are getting repetitive. I understand that they happen with this show and I am usually am not bothered by it. However I think, because it’s returning contestants, that I have less patience with them. I feel like I’ve listened to him moving back and forth from melancholy lows, to thoughtful observations, to abject defeat, to crazy cursing, to appreciation for his environment in a rotating cycle. It’s a retread of what he did last time and I’m over it. Britt still amuses me. His beginning monologue was enjoyable and goofy. He seems to have grown more from his last appearance than any of the others. He’s appears thoughtful but not maudlin and while he wants to win I don’t feel like it’s all about the money. Have I missed that one of the taps was made to look like the emergency looking one they’ve shown a zillion times? Has it not happened it, or is just a fake-out like the wolf from previous seasons?
  4. Did Danielle mention how many months she has left on her lease? I just assumed the 8K was the amount of rent she would owe until her rental contract expired. And a lease is a contract and therefore the lessor doesn’t have to negotiate unless there’s a clause regarding that. If the rental property is easy to rent I would think a reasonable landlord might be willing to negotiate a little. Unless Danielle has been a sucky tenant. However I imagine it might not occur to her to ask to negotiate because she doesn’t seem financially savvy.
  5. Thanks for the link! Some of those are gold. I appreciate that the creator makes a point of Saint being an afterthought and everyone’s value being based on the value they can add to North’s brand. I would love to imagine that even one of the K kids might have some self-awareness and snarkiness one day. Like this:
  6. I can’t keep these folks straight. They all run together in a mash of hanky hair, half-naked bodies, poor grammar and sweat. I was hoping for an end of summer crush but the guys are just generically attractive to me. No personal eye candy. I’m assuming everyone is playing the game and spouting the company line because the idea that the majority of them think they might find their true love is ridiculous. It does speak to how some/most of the Bach family can not move on from their 2 minutes of fame.
  7. Ha! Recently I went to one of those walk in haircut chains and paid $20 for a haircut. I got more compliments on it than I had on the last five years of cuts. I made a decision a year ago to cut back on extras. Hair color at home, nails at home, etc. It adds up fast. The Bobby they showed us this episode would probably be fine with Danielle going more natural and saving some money.
  8. Mia actually broke out the “I love you.” Even Tristan looked a bit taken aback. It felt grossly manipulative to me. Tristan’s continually talking about moving forward from this event and honesty, blah, blah, blah. And she chimes in with lurve, true lurve. I chalked that up to advance payment on some needed butt covering. I heavily question why Tristan is being so trusting. Dave seems on edge. I feel like he’s trying too hard to convince himself that he can make this work even though he would have bailed if he’d had advance info. I am slightly disgusted at Amber’s lack of concern about finances. Was she the one who made the comment about finally feeling like an adult? Because she’s been an adult for a long time. I noticed tonight that the way she holds her mouth when she talks bugs me. What the crap was Danielle doing accepting a foster dog on the first night at their shared place?! I’m assuming it was encouraged by the show for a hopeful dramatic moment but surprisingly Bobby rolled with it. Actually he surprised me overall tonight. He seemed level headed and almost normal.
  9. I’m glad we finally got some actually cloak and dagger teamwork. That’s why I’ve been holding on and what I’ve been waiting for! I know I’m in the minority but the origin story went on far too long for me. The rest? Meh to middling. The other tales of divine pairings interrupted the flow of the story in my opinion. One short recitation of the bare facts would’ve served the purpose. I’m also glad they showed at least one decent cop because every single cop being evil also didn’t work for me. I really liked get going Ty as opposed to broody Ty. Other than his voice, which really annoys me, he’s probably my favorite character. Tandy grew on me this episode because she seemed to grow outside of her desires a little. Other than that I, yet again, was reminded that I’m outside of the age demographic for this show. Because the angsty song over events wrapping up montages seemed excessive to me. Again. Get off my lawn, etc.
  10. My two absolute favorites as well! Depending on the episode, or the day, or my mood, they move back and forth into the number one spot, but it’s usually Farscape. I remember seeing the first episode and John Crichton just drew me into the story and I was hooked.
  11. Good grief goose gravy! These people are ridiculous. If it’s expensive and is a name brand they think they need it and more specifically need to be photographed with it. This child needs a cute little girl’s purse from Target if she needs anything. These kids are doomed to grow up as entitled holy terrors.
  12. Why just yesterday I too was baking in my underwear and posting pics of my efforts on social media. Oh wait, no I wasn’t because I am not an idiot! And the idea of those extensions so close to the batter is sickening.
  13. Now I’m picturing Sam as one of the Three Little Pigs. The one that built the straw house was the laziest. Sounds kind of right. The Big Bad Wolf would be the windy cold weather. Also, Sam does have a sad beard going on so the hair on his chinny chin chin sounds spot on too.
  14. I think Dave was pretty much done when he found out that his friend and Amber had practiced baby making. The fact that they both have different ideas about religion is another strike against them. I sort of feel like the “experts” are just laughing at us thinking they actually want to match people. With all their supposed research they should’ve had a clue about a shared gym and the possibility that there might have been some cross pollination. And the religious difference is a huge thing. Huge. Way to completely not match a couple. Add the one-sided baby fever to the mix and this screams miss to me. Danielle and Bobby are still so boring. They seem like the couple you’d go out to dinner with who wouldn’t have much to add to the conversation. You’d share an interesting story from work and they’d sit there. Your partner would tell a funny anecdote and they would laugh but have no type of follow up. By the end of the evening you and yours would be exhausted and D&B would think the evening went fine. Tristan and Mia. It’s hard to verbalize how dumb this situation is. She’s a manipulative liar and it disgusts me that the experts are soft peddling the pile of crap she’s selling. He is quickly losing any sympathy from me for being stupid and not wanting real, solid answers. Love? Love! Tristan are you an idiot are simply scared of looking bad on tv? Or do you think the sexy times means she’s now honest, because the frell?! The experts are dancing so fast to cover their behinds. They checked! They’re thorough! They did their due diligence! They promise! Why will no one ask this women out right about being a stalker? About being a thief? Gack! I want to shoot my tv Elvis style!
  15. That was pretty funny! Though I can’t help but imagine him yelling “Word!” every time he was unsure of what to say and that made it even funnier.
  16. That was my first thought too when his name and their pics came out. I dealt with a similar situation. Although the relationship was only two years it took more than four more years before I felt safe and quit looking over my shoulder. My friend, who has had a women stalk him for more than a decade, is always on guard. He has strategies he follows for his phone, online presence, and job info. His friends know how to handle that info as well. It’s frustrating and sad and enraging. I hope Mia is now more focused on her reality “fame” and spinning her narrative and she’ll leave her ex and his wife alone. I also hope she doesn’t transfer her obsession onto Tristan. He may be a doofus for not running away already but he doesn’t deserve that.
  17. I just saw the trailer for this and I only watched it because of Roday and Giuntoli. I hope that the trailer isn’t entirely indicative of the show because it seemed to be firmly riding the emotionally manipulative train much like This Is Us, a show I quickly bailed on. The themes touched on seemed quite depressing: suicide, cancer, depression, infidelity. I’m trying to imagine this having a comedic vibe that works. I’ll give it a shot but I’m concerned with it’s obvious desire to emulate TIU in the trailer.
  18. First things first, I love this show. Hard. It’s hitting all the right beats right now and the characters are just charactery enough to be enjoyable without being too over the top, if that makes sense. Hard love. I’m looking forward, once the show’s run is done, to watching it all again in a continuous fashion. Totally agree! I wish we could have had at least a few more minutes of the interaction because it was awesome. The three of them together is something I never would have thought could be so much fun. The awkwardness, the anger, the playing off each other, and the tiny bit of possibly caring about the other’s well being was perfect. The handshake after all the fumbling talk about taking care of the baby was great too. Yes it was! Johnny is usually my favorite character and a lot of it is because he’s just a lovable puppy. Hullen John cracks me up, but like some of you have mentioned, I don’t want him to stay that way for too long. When Zeph was talking about Team Awesome Force teaching her something and Pip asked if it was that “Tight pants are best pants?” I legitimately laughed out loud. I liked them both more than I remember liking them last season. I hate that Pip, who gives good pip talks, has been spidered.
  19. I’ve tried so hard to like this show. I just keep holding on thinking they’ll get through this long winding tale of teenage woe that I’m less and less interested in. But ugh. Just ugh. Tandy is a whiner and a user. Ty is full of anger and sounds like the child of Shakira with his frog voice. And I think I have the basics of their story now. Thanks. I’m ready for some cloak and daggering. And were they trying to say that the Roxxon magic energy gas is what makes New Orleans what it is? Because huh?
  20. I like the hair. I don’t like the lips. I have thin lips and would love to have a little bit more fullness, especially since my top lip all but disappears when I smile. However when someone blows their lips up to that extent all I can see is a butthole. Once I read that comparison (on here probably) I couldn’t get it out of my head.
  21. Tom Cruise prefers staying single, remaining close with Scientology pals, report says: From the article: Oh nos! Tiny Tom has a long term owie? Yes, I know I’ve laughed at this before but little Tommy is the one who publicly mentioned healing with his CO$ trained mind so I continue to enjoy making fun of him for not being able to magic think his injury away. I guess his slaves, err I mean willing assistants, couldn’t help fix it either. And 8-10 hours a day, 7 days a week in rehab? Really? I’m sorry Tommy, but like Xemu putting folks in volcanoes and bombing them, your story sounds made-up. And let me say a big sorry to London because, according to the article, Cruise loves it there and is making it his home. Along with Clearwater of course, since he and dear Davy can’t stay apart for too long.
  22. Personally I found the posts from Jeremy funny. If you knocked everyone off social media who did a little humble bragging about 90% of people would be gone. (One of the reasons I generally stay away.) Felicity is a cutie! And Jinger looks really good too.
  23. Fair warning - I’m an unabashed Octavia fan so if you hate her you probably want to skip ahead. Here’s something I’m surprised to say, I agree with Madi. Octavia took the cannibalism on herself, forcing others, so that the others would not feel as guilty. Kane’s self righteous blather makes me wish he’d been a meat cube so I’d never hear him again. I have been over Abby for a long time and her most recent whining hasn’t helped but I appreciated her owning up to her part in things. Bellamy’s six years in space apparently trump all the prior years and Octavia being his sister. His high moral superiority, when he’s never bothered to find out what happened in the bunker, makes me want to punch him in his pretty face. I find it annoying to hear people who are alive continuously complain about what Octavia did to keep them alive. And I still don’t give a flying fig about the new Kriminalkru (or whatever they call themselves.)
  24. Hahahaha. I can’t believe the pile of crap Mia tried to sell. Did the producers help her dream up her excuse? Because I seriously think my teenager could come up with something better. Identity theft, no money missing identity theft at that, somehow meant you had a warrant for multiple counts of stalking and credit card theft? Pinocchio, are we supposed to buy that? The girl is a crazy liar. No, actually she is crazy and a bad liar. I’d say poor Tristan, however he is a grown ass man and he should have run away hard and fast once this went down. How desperate are you for a wife, or publicity for your business, or to be on tv that you accept this? The producers must have begged and pleaded and made promises of such tempting reality famewhoredom he couldn’t say no. Two days in jail to sort out someone stealing her identity and stalking an acquaintance? Hahahaha. Yeah, no. Dave and Amber. Oh my. I want to deep condition my hair and cut off a few inches whenever I see her on my screen. I can’t decide if Dave is being a butt because a casual friend he knows dated her or if the things this casual friend said are enough to make Dave have second, third, and fourth thoughts. I’m leaning toward the latter because she was so freaked out just knowing he might know the guy. Either way I think things will start falling apart soon. Bobby and Danielle bore me. I don’t have a problem if he prefers a SAHM. If he has the financial ability then he should try to meet someone who would prefer that too. Oh wait, he married a stranger. Whoopsie. They are both shockingly bland. “Oh dear, I’m scared of heights. What shall I do? I’ll be strong for you although heights scare me too. Thank you for being strong for me, it has helped me want to swim because you are being strong. That’s wonderful. We will swim together. Both of us together, being strong together, overcoming fear together.” Wow! Look at that hot, amazing chemistry. My kids make fun of me for watching this show. It is such trash. I, however, can’t look away.
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