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S06.E17: Bury the Hatchet

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I can find nothing on the world wide internet that this is even in pre-production.  Even Darren Star's IMDB page shows nothing.  He's currently working on a series and it's not related to Carole's book in the least.

Here's a link to his IMDB page:  http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0823015/

Wait, Darren Starr is the one working on Sutton Foster's new series on TV Land? I have no idea how to process this information.

I don't remember Darren Star being mentioned by name as the producer.  I am sure that whatever is going on, if anything, it's waaaaay early. 


It was Darren Star.



Elsewhere, Her Serene Highness Princess Carole Radziwill visits with her designer friend, Rajana, and yammers SOME MORE about how Darren Starr has optioned her book for a television series, blah blah blah,



When those calves are sent to slaughter, they have massive internal damage.  It really pissed me off that not one of the ladies had a problem with this.  They're supposed to be sophisticated New Yorkers.

All of them were laughing, clapping and cheering.  Except Heather.  For a second she sat there looking aghast.  And for a second, I respected her.  Just for a second, though, because the next words out of her mouth were, "The rodeo was probably one of the best things I've ever seen in my life."  LOL. Damn.  Even if she was exaggerating, I'm surprised she'd use such an interesting choice of words.

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I really woulda liked to have seen the Montana Carole described in her blog.  Woulda been a helluva lot better show than the fake created shit we saw.  Arguments over who is bossy & who is or isn't owning it?  Did I have this kind of fight in the first grade or second?  Sheesh, who the fuck cares bout this shit?  And they're surprised the ratings stink?


Well, given my budget & vacation limitations, I'm probably never gonna get to Montana, so what Carole described sounded interesting to me.  Hmmm, seems to me the producers failed big time -- once again.


And Andy Cohen is still a dick.


This comment should get a billion likes, thank you.  Er, maybe cuz this show is doing so shitty, this is happening-



What I'm saying is not nice and may now I hope no longer be true -- but in terms of high society -- Jill would never have been considered part of the crowd, ever.  She's Jewish, in commerce, and hails from Long Island.  What I'm saying and what the show will never cope to is that the inner circle is something Bravo will never admit to.  If they did they might have a more interesting show and a show that might survive.  We're talking Edith Wharton still.  Jill and Bobby -- no way ever.  Sonja and LuAnn only by way of their husbands and in that circle only Morgan would really cut it.  And probably did.  Which is why Sonja needs professional help -- instead Bravo will exploit her mental illness until it suits them.  


Jill may have had money enough to drop into the Hello Dolly circuit but that's it.  I hate even writing this stuff because I'm Latin American and Jewish myself.  

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Copa:  Very much enjoyed the last 3 of your posts and agree.  I think you are absolutely correct about Sonja and her inability to cope with her fall from grace. 


The other posts about Sonja being jealous, of the men falling all over Luann's statuesque beauty.  Possibly true but for every man who likes them long, lean and athletic looking, there's one who likes them blonde, fine boned and petite.  Problem is, Sonja is so crazy that she's taken herself right out of the market that she strives so hard to be part of.  Imo, Luanne and Sonja are equally attractive  - actually I find Sonja's face more beautiful. And she has a better pedigree, as far as her marriage to an aristocrat.  But even if she pulled herself together, I think the horse has already left the barn and it's being televised.

Edited by ryebread
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What I'm saying is not nice and may now I hope no longer be true -- but in terms of high society -- Jill would never have been considered part of the crowd, ever.  She's Jewish, in commerce, and hails from Long Island.  What I'm saying and what the show will never cope to is that the inner circle is something Bravo will never admit to.



Yes, I agree completely, BUT Jillzy had lots of good friends in that world.  So she did have the potential to bring the show into the world of the high society set -- well, somewhat at least.  She did bring Muffie Potter Aston on the show.  Muffie is the Queen Bee of the NYC high society party crowd, and she clearly was an actual friend of Jillzy's.  Now, would any legitimate blue bloods (or wives of blue bloods) agree to be part of this show?  Maybe.  My point is there's nobody now on the show who's gonna help 'em head in that direction.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I believe you, Copacabana.  It's repulsive but I have no doubt about how insular that crowd is.  Do you think if Jill weren't in retail, and instead was in prestige banking or law, or in the fine arts (Met Museum, throwing $$$ at the Met Opera or NY Philharmonic) that would be different?  I read about Mercedes Bass's divorce and how revolting the Nan Kempner types were about her, in part because she was married and lured a richer, also married man from his society queen wife and took her place, but in part because of her Iranian heritage.


I think you are amazingly dead-bang-on about Sonja - both you and Persnickety1 - about how this seething resentment towards LuAnn is coming from the pit-in-her-stomach knowledge that she was in, and now is completely and permanently out from even the perimeters of NYC's moneyed elite with some claim of pedigree, however absurd that whole concept is in a city most recently shaped by Bloomberg's policies -- where money and money alone matters.  Your background and point that LuAnn could reset her desires, and find happiness without being a Count's wife and show the kind of stability valued by men in that circle who are open to long-term relationships and even marriage sounds so right to me.  Sonja will NEVER find that again.  I would only object to any idea that Sonja was spat out in some unfair way - my understanding (and curse me for not being able to find the writeups of the rumors) is that Sonja was playing around semi-openly, did not come home when her ex had a cancer scare, and that did it.  That coupled with her messing with his $$$ and lying and ultimately committing fraud by claiming that Morgan-level financing was hers to offer to movie producers are acts of intent, or as ScoobieDoobs has written, are the acts of a conwoman. 


I think Persnickety1 is also totally right about the pirate, and I'll be on the crazy train too, because I can easily imagine Sonja wanting props during or just after the act that she's the better lay and more desirable and on and on.  Sonja acts like she lives on Neptune, but she knows all about the concept of sloppy seconds; she's very sexually competitive and attention-starved, so being #2 to the pirate, and I guess to Harry, has to kill her.  It's all LuAnn's fault though.  LuAnn, LuAnn, LuAnn!

Edited by Midnight Cheese
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Jews and minorities in the arts and in real big business of course in Manhattan -- what would NYC be without the arts and business, right?  No matter what.


At the Southampton Beach Club as late at 93 -- no way.  Sinatra tried to get in as the super star he was and was turned down.  I only got in through marriage to the ONLY Irish Catholic family there -- grandfather of my husband was a big time Dem. party boss in NYC and the Bronx--I'm now 60.  It was a lovely club -- no one waiting on you hand and foot because the real aristos in clubs don't roll that way -- A lovely, simple, super exclusive club.  With a short shore line and some really rough and always very cold water.  Folks went there to be with each other to have lunch and set up the evening and weekend activities.  And no one was ever overtly rude or demanding.  But if you weren't in you weren't in and if you gave a fig you were bound to live a very unhappy life. 


That's the real NY society world.  Not cafe and not high but the real deal.  Bravo could still have a good show in NYC but they might have to admit that Bravo Andy himself will never be admitted into the circle and I can't see him tolerating that. 


Carole could still write a killer book of essay, Joan Dideon (sic) style.  She seems to be a memoir and essay person and I don't think for a minute that she's not writing her own material.  BUT it would mean a whole bunch of things.  The Kennedys themselves were considered beneath consideration in this world.  The Radziwells, who knows.  This is one of the most exclusive clubs in the USA -- if not the most -- and not being able to penetrate it is both a salvation and a downfall for the show. 


I loved my first husband by the way very much but he was crushed by this environment and I got out while I could.  The USA has so much more to offer in every single respect and I didn't leave my own native Brasil -- Rio de Janeiro -- to get sucked into another round of young woman self-esteem killer BS. 

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Do you think if Jill weren't in retail, and instead was in prestige banking or law, or in the fine arts (Met Museum, throwing $$$ at the Met Opera or NY Philharmonic) that would be different?



I am familiar with that world from charity work I did 5 to 15 years ago.  I posted on TWOP I have met both Sonja & Lu at various charity benefits 10 years ago.  They both made very frequent appearances on that scene.  And make no mistake, they were part of this scene ONLY because of the status of their husbands, but they both fit in perfectly.  I never met or even remember seeing Jill.  


Keep in mind, Jillzy has tried very hard to worm her way into this world -- not cuz of her background in retail.  That would be irrelevant to this crowd & I'm sure she'd never mention it cuz it's way too lowball.  It's only cuz of Bobby's business, which is well known & generations old & worth millions.  Now sure, Bobby is a kinda classy, low-key, well-dressed, well-mannered guy, but could he & Jillzy be accepted into this world?  Somewhat.  As I said before, Jillzy knows some powerful & influential ladies, who are her actual friends, so she clearly does get invited to many of their parties.  


I'm not sure I agree with copacabana that Jillzy & Bobby would be shut out cuz they're Jewish.  There are some Jews in this crowd (not many, but some), but they are born into it from many generations.  For those marrying into this crowd, it can take years to be accepted -- and even then, they may not be.  Exactly as copacabana describes, these people can be brutal, heartless & horrible.  It always puzzled me why Jillzy is trying so hard to be part of a crowd that basically looks down on her & will never ever let her fully be part of.


This all makes me think how hilarious Moaner is in her delusions.  That Mario is the hot guy everyone wants?  Yeah, right.  And just cuz she's got a house in Southampton, in Moaner's head, she seems to think she's part of the high society set.  Um, no Moaner.  NO!  She'd be in for a rude awakening if she heard what that crowd thinks of her -- if any of 'em even know who she is.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I'm about to go into my basement because it's pouring here in No. Arlington, Va, 


I feel conflicted about writing the NYC-Southampton thing because it may have been TMI and is a long time ago.  That whole scene and what I didn't know about it -- even though I was super well travelled -- still brings me down.  Cafeteria trays at lunch in Southampton's most exclusive club ... Picking up your own tray and silverware and bussing it on the way out.  And simple, home cooked food.  NONE of the Ramonja jazz -- at all -- ever.  But blondes everywhere.  I recall being the lone brunette for 3 or 4 seasons running and being mocked at a cocktail party for wearing the same light summer cardigan two nights in a row. 


NYC is such a great city -- I love it so much and have been there more times than I can count --- As a child, a teenager, a young adult, an older young adult, a full grown, an old woman.  I love it -- always have -- always will.  And with my son numerous times I forgot to add. 


But it is that mysterious American city that refuses to acknowledge just how fill in the blank it is. And the food at the super exclusive was wonderful because it was so simple and nice -- and homecooked. 


We get to see none of this on the show.

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I feel conflicted about writing the NYC-Southampton thing because it may have been TMI and is a long time ago.  That whole scene and what I didn't know about it -- even though I was super well travelled -- still brings me down.  Cafeteria trays at lunch in Southampton's most exclusive club ... Picking up your own tray and silverware and bussing it on the way out.  And simple, home cooked food.  NONE of the Ramonja jazz -- at all -- ever.  But blondes everywhere.  I recall being the lone brunette for 3 or 4 seasons running and being mocked at a cocktail party for wearing the same light summer cardigan two nights in a row.


Yeah, but what you've said here, copacabana, is far more interesting than anything Andy Cohen the dickhead has thrown at us lately.

  • Love 6

All of them were laughing, clapping and cheering. Except Heather. For a second she sat there looking aghast. And for a second, I respected her. Just for a second, though, because the next words out of her mouth were, "The rodeo was probably one of the best things I've ever seen in my life." LOL. Damn. Even if she was exaggerating, I'm surprised she'd use such an interesting choice of words.

In all fairness to the howives, the scene of them laughing at the rodeo probably had nothing to do with the calves. Bravo always shows scenes for high drama and they may have nothing to do with the actual reaction at the time. I'm sure they were at the rodeo over the course of a few hours, who knows what they were actually reacting to.

[bold]Copacabana[/bold], please don't regret your post. I found it fascinating. Thank you for sharing your personal experience.

Edited by Grneyedldy
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It was a lovely club -- no one waiting on you hand and foot because the real aristos in clubs don't roll that way -- A lovely, simple, super exclusive club.  With a short shore line and some really rough and always very cold water.  Folks went there to be with each other to have lunch and set up the evening and weekend activities.  And no one was ever overtly rude or demanding.  But if you weren't in you weren't in and if you gave a fig you were bound to live a very unhappy life.

That's the real NY society world.  Not cafe and not high but the real deal.  Bravo could still have a good show in NYC but they might have to admit that Bravo Andy himself will never be admitted into the circle and I can't see him tolerating that.

That sounds... incredibly boring. I've made peace with the fact that reality shows are not going to have story lines I care much about. At this point I'm fine if they distract me from the boredom with shiny, pretty things. 


Edited to add puppies. Puppies are also acceptable.

Edited by aradia22
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In all fairness to the howives, the scene of them laughing at the rodeo probably had nothing to do with the calves. Bravo always shows scenes for high drama and they may have nothing to do with the actual reaction at the time. I'm sure they were at the rodeo over the course of a few hours, who knows what they were actually reacting to.


It's highly probable because you are correct that Bravo likes to manipulate footage to the advantage and disadvantage of the Hos.  It's not only the throwing down and roping of calves that is so horrible at a rodeo, though.  The bucking broncos are usually bucking and acting wild because they were cattle prodded with electricity just as they enter the arena.  The 'cowboys' antagonize the animals to make themselves look macho and to make the animals look crazed. Unless the Hos were merely laughing and clapping at the clowns, I seriously don't know what could be so funny. And then Heather made the remark about the rodeo being the best thing she's ever seen in her life??  Blech. Just...blech.

Edited by ryebread
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I would love to see RHNYC continue in any form because ILNY and have grown fond of them over all these years.  Ramona I could lose and be happy but it would make my heart glad to see Sonja find a way --  I feel so bad for her -- and LuAnn find another life with a man she likes.  The rest of them all the best.


As for my own first marriage and my introduction into the world of NYC snobbery.  I'm glad I got out and that my first husband, whom I adored, was able to find a life without me.  It took me a very long time to get that the cards were stacked against us from the start.  We were relatively young. It was still painful.  I was beyond refined but didn't get NYC and Southampton.  And did not want to be  part of that scene. 


And when I got it,  many years later, it was easier because what I understood is that I was an American in my way.  Full throttle. 


Married again to a fellow from the Central Valley in California.  Another story for real.  But  yeah. 

  • Love 4

ryebread -- love your posts and you too. ... making food for tomorrow and losing my very american mind as result ... thanks for being so nice ... i needed to get that out and will be better behaved in future ... new york is that dream that when it goes bad you better buckle up 


but the USA is a whole lot bigger and, as a brazilean i can say, love the USA and my decision

Sorry, Southampton Bathing Corporation ... Navy blue background and white sea horse on cover of matchbooks. Off to continue with potato salad.  Like Sonja, I hope not to remember this day and what I said because Yachts Private Islands Broadway and Nigeria! 


And Rio de Janeiro.

The first season they (the RHONYC) went to a she-she affair in the Hamptons and LuAnn got up and made an ass out of herself as well as Ramona talking about blindness with the then governor who was legally blind.  Bethenny got into a tiff at another "upscale" event with her Jason #2 (the guy with the three kids).  On the RH shows they get one shot at hitting the high society and political benefits then the are relegated to events they create or someone with guest lists who doesn't mind signing a release for filming.  Apparently, even Molly Sims would not agree to it.  People who run in those circles do not want to be tied with screaming, swearing shrews who screw the help, (the pirate), get drunk, show their crotch or openly gossip about one another.


Sonja and Ramona have pretty much openly admitted their RHONYC personas are for the show.  Sonja gets a strong response for her "flirting" and out and out outrageousness.  I for one am not interested in Heather, even though she is a highly successful and litigious woman.  The same thing goes with all the activities Carole described we did not see-I am not interested in watching these women take a hike, ride a four wheeler or go for a swim-no matter how pretty the scenery.  I am not interested in the dog crap scenes.  I did like LuAnn's kids but apparently they are no longer part of the show.  Kristen and Heather's kids are fine but in small doses. 


Next season, if there is one, Ramona is opening a restaurant.  They can all go to the opening and then snark on what disaster Ramona's servers, food and ambience is as the stuff their faces with her food and drink.  And of course the mandatory required talk about who Mario is screwing while drinking his food and drink.


I want to see more couples events-I am sure Carole, Sonja and LuAnn could scare up some dates if need be-after all it is just a show.  I would have loved to see more interaction between Josh and Mario because I think they are very similar types as are Reid and Jonathan.  I sensed Mario was a little nervous taking Josh on a in a tennis match.  To me, this season and last was too much who invited who to what party or trip and who did or did not attend.  It is a job, invite everyone and everyone should attend all the events.

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That cowboy who said "get real girls", was so rude what kind if person says that to strangers.

The ladies looked great. He looked like an idiot. Why did he care what they wore?

I thought it was rude. And confusing. I thought it might have more to do with the cameras than the VIP section comment. It seemed aggressive, especially given the fact that he seemed to be with his kids.


If we only heard from Josh on the phone, he wouldn't seem that bad. Seems like we're getting him in person next week which means more reasons to hate him.



Kristin may have crossed the line bringing up Jonathon, and she "apologizes" for it. Heather will never admit that she has done something wrong.  That her behavior hurt Krisitn on the day before.  She still won't admit it today on twitter.  So while Kristin after watching the show actually has shown in her blogs that she can reflect upon her bad behavior and acknowledge it, Heather cannot.



This is one of the more absurd HWs comments ever.  We're talking shapewear, Heather.  And it's pretty good shapewear at that.  I have two pieces and I like them and wear them a lot.  BUT ... this isn't "Profiles in Courage," and it would be much simpler just to say that you try to treat your employees fairly and well and are in control of your girdle business.  Enuf.

Ooo! Better or worse than Spanx?

I would love to see RHNYC continue in any form because ILNY and have grown fond of them over all these years.  Ramona I could lose and be happy but it would make my heart glad to see Sonja find a way --  I feel so bad for her -- and LuAnn find another life with a man she likes.  The rest of them all the best.


As for my own first marriage and my introduction into the world of NYC snobbery.  I'm glad I got out and that my first husband, whom I adored, was able to find a life without me.  It took me a very long time to get that the cards were stacked against us from the start.  We were relatively young. It was still painful.  I was beyond refined but didn't get NYC and Southampton.  And did not want to be  part of that scene. 


And when I got it,  many years later, it was easier because what I understood is that I was an American in my way.  Full throttle. 


Married again to a fellow from the Central Valley in California.  Another story for real.  But  yeah. 


Howdy, neighbor.  I'm probably extra snarky at the moment because of these 105+ degree days we've been having.  Ugh.


I love the insight into this unseen world and am so glad you posted.  I had a suspicion fitting into these crowds was pretty much something you had to be almost born into in order to be accepted.  This is another reason I always found Alex and Simon so entertaining in their quest to fit into "high society."  If you're having to remortgage your home for quick cash to front a lifestyle for a Bravo show (i.e., their $660,000 mortgage taken out right before first season filming began), "high society" is not something you'll ever become.  


I always pictured running in these extremely high society circles would be about as entertaining as sitting in the doctor's waiting room and, judging by your posts, I gather I was on the right track.  I can't imagine being born into such a life and having my life dictated by all of that pretentiousness and putting on airs.  

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I like the Yummy Tummy I've gotten over a year ago.  Better than Spanx on this 60 year old frame.  I do like it and she has a good line.  Got the upstairs and downstairs versions and they both work and survive the wash.  Comfortable and effective.  No miracles but not looking for anything more than control.  Heather has a good product. 


Am both happy and sad I let loose with my Southampton tale.  It could be much different now.  All of this took place in the early 90s and had to do with my first marriage and what I thought would be my  one and only and what went wrong had little to do with any of that.  I was not impressed with the Hamptons scene although I might have under estimated what it meant to my then husband. 


NYC is a tough tough scene and it can takes its toll.  


What was hardest for me was to get it after it was all over.  Not that I couldn't deal with the reality  -- I didn't care in most ways because that's not how I wanted to have a life or marriage -- Just that it took me so long to figure out that this is what the USA can be about.  The failure of a marriage can feel like the failure of a belief in so many things so I have sympathy there.


And I think that Heather being bossy probably has to do with wanting and needing and working to have her son just survive. 


I like Kristen and can't help  it.  I think she cries all the time out of anger and want to see her get the hell out. 


All of this shit could be dealt with if we ever got to see some real moments.  Still can't take Ramona. 


As for the high life or what I saw of it -- It's not even about putting on airs.  It's even more brutal and stupid -- It's about being borne into it.  That's just a killer. 

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That sounds... incredibly boring. I've made peace with the fact that reality shows are not going to have story lines I care much about. At this point I'm fine if they distract me from the boredom with shiny, pretty things.



Having seen that world up close for many years. trust me please, it isn't boring in the least.  There's lots & lots & lots of juicy stuff goin' on.  Vicious gossip & tons of affairs with nannies & best friends' husbands & various employees -- and that's just the beginning.  Heard this story of the upcoming marriage of RFK Jr. & Cheryl Hines?  It's gonna be at the Kennedy compound at Hyannis in the Cape.  It's supposedly THE elite social event of this summer -- if Cheryl doesn't cancel the whole thing cuz RFK has been cheating on her the whole time he's been with her.  




OK, I know this has nothing to do with NYC, but my point is, this is the kinda sleazy shit that goes on all the time in the hoity toidy crowd, behind all the fancy manners & surroundings.  After all, who could forget what a big ole tramp Lu really is behind her supposed good manners.


I'm sure Andy Cohen would love to get close to NYC high society, but clearly he can't with this cast.  Frankly, I think a peek into that world could be interesting.  The real estate, the jewels, the events/parties they attend, their charities & their work lives (yep, some of them do work) could be fascinating -- but as I said, NOT with this cast.  None of them offer anything even remotely interesting anymore -- if any of 'em ever did.  Recast Andy, or Bravo should just cancel the show.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Well, that's good to hear. I don't know anything about shapewear. The closest I get to Spanx is when I running the sample sale circuit. That's not some kind of weird brag. I don't have the best figure. I just like being comfortable. 



A lovely, simple, super exclusive club.  With a short shore line and some really rough and always very cold water.  Folks went there to be with each other to have lunch and set up the evening and weekend activities.

ScoobieDoobs, I was referring to this part of her comment. It sounds lovely but it wouldn't make for exciting television. And unless they were like the crazies on Southern Charm (I don't watch but I follow a podcast that does) I don't think any of the drama you talked about would ever play out in front of the cameras. 


The real estate, the jewels, the events/parties they attend, their charities & their work lives (yep, some of them do work) could be fascinating

It sounds very Gossip Girl, which yay, means more pretty, shiny things for me to ogle while ignoring the fake drama. But if they somehow managed to get even two or three women from that world to anchor a larger cast, all they would do is avoid getting trapped into airing their dirty laundry on TV or getting drawn into a fight while constantly talking about their charities or pretending to work because you couldn't actually get work done with a bunch of cameras (and camera people) around. I think Bravo almost had it figured out, targeting the people on the sidelines (e.g. Rachel Zoe) and going after younger cast members (I think the show was called NYC Prep or something like that) but they never quite got there.

And unless they were like the crazies on Southern Charm (I don't watch but I follow a podcast that does) I don't think any of the drama you talked about would ever play out in front of the cameras.


And yet so many of these people that wind up on reality shows have so much to hide & they mistakenly think they can go on hiding their skeletons.  Hmmm, how has that strategy worked for Sonja & her bankruptcy & delusions & bullshit con jobs, or Lu & her failing marriage & trampy leanings?  I'd say not very well for either of them.  But people seem to still wanna be on reality shows & think they can hide their sleazy shit.  I say let 'em.  More entertainment for us, right?


Among rich peeps, they're called eccentrics.  And there are plenty of 'em.  Andy only need find 'em.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Sonja and Ramona have pretty much openly admitted their RHONYC personas are for the show.  Sonja gets a strong response for her "flirting" and out and out outrageousness.  I for one am not interested in Heather, even though she is a highly successful and litigious woman.  The same thing goes with all the activities Carole described we did not see-I am not interested in watching these women take a hike, ride a four wheeler or go for a swim-no matter how pretty the scenery.  I am not interested in the dog crap scenes.  I did like LuAnn's kids but apparently they are no longer part of the show.  Kristen and Heather's kids are fine but in small doses.

Except their wanton drunkenness which seems to be fairly real based on Page 6.

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So this 46 year-old who once claimed to never buy anything with a "yummie tummie" name bought two items. Haven't tried them yet but saw good reviews so I figured why not?  I noticed that both items have a different feel to me than Spanx or any of the other shapewear I've tried.  Feels more like fabric and less like spandex.  Hope it holds me in!

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Except their wanton drunkenness which seems to be fairly real based on Page 6.

Brian Moylan writes a brilliant weekly recap in Vulture about the NY show. He wrote once that he has met Ramona and that she is exactly the same in real life as she is in the show. I believe that both Ramona and Sonja would love for folks to believe they are playing a role. They are both such incredibly horrible human beings, who wouldn't want to tell folks it is all an act?

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Brian Moylan writes a brilliant weekly recap in Vulture about the NY show. He wrote once that he has met Ramona and that she is exactly the same in real life as she is in the show. I believe that both Ramona and Sonja would love for folks to believe they are playing a role. They are both such incredibly horrible human beings, who wouldn't want to tell folks it is all an act?

I've read some of his - they are good.  I would believe that Ramona amps it up on camera but I'd also believe that she amps it up in real life as well.


LuAnn certainly puts on extra airs for the show, according to the other cast, she's much more down to earth and natural off camera.  I think we are seeing more of that LuAnn this year.

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I find Kristin exhausting. I can totally see why Heather gets irritated with her. If you don't want to do a mud race, if you don't want to rock climb, don't do it. No shame in it. But if you decide to get out of your comfort zone and do it, don't be such a fucking baby and expect the world to stop for you and hold your hand all the way.

And when she gets on something, she's like a pit bull who won't let go. She was also out of line talking about Heather's relationship with her husband. She essentially made Heather out to be an ogre who runs roughshod over everyone. I'm sure Kristen wouldn't appreciate it if Heather started inserting something about her relationship w/Josh into an argument about a personality clash.

Does she even know how to argue effectively? Instead of calling someone an absolute -- bossy -- how about saying, "Heather, I am very annoyed that you took something I wanted us all to have fun with and shot it down..." Criticize the action, not pick on what you perceive as a personality trait.

Thanks Sash. I was raised under an umbrella of understanding how to communicate and say "your feelings with words" as well. Hee. I mess up sometimes, but for the most part if you want a more peaceful life and less drama, I agree, that's the way to go.

(No wonder people like us aren't on the show!)

I believe Kristin to be as competitive as Heather in many ways. They both really wanted to "win" that argument, competing instead of communicating (well YOU x and at least I'M not x etc) not really slowing down enough to realise they had a tied prize, hurt feelings.

The same story happens with Josh, the... communications specialist, isn't he?

  • Love 1
She told Heather to "own it," Heather got on a chair and owned it (albeit with semi-sarcastic flair), Kristen yelled "own it again."  I was like, "she just did."  It was kind of...a bit like watching a panicked animal that doesn't know which way to go.  Like she knew she had to be over-the-top but lacks the improve skills to pull it off.  It was odd, even for one of these shows, imho.


I agree.  I saw this scene like Heather was tring to diffuse it and lighten the mood with some humor.  I mean that really should have added some levity and shut it down but then after she sat down Kristen was like "Own it! Just own it!" I was like "huh?".  Honestly Kristen seemed like a whiny child having a tantrum during most of this episode.  I think she was just mad about the geocaching and didn't know how to recover from flippig out so she tried to make it seem justfied by targeting Heather.


I did not miss Aviva at all - in fact at one point they cut to commercial which was a preview to something else and they showed Aviva in the commercial and I was like Oh yeah I forgot she was even a cast member on this.  It works pretty well without her.

  • Love 4

I'm remembering when Sonja was introduced on this show that it was Luanne who asked her to meet at a restaurant where she already was with Jill. When Luanne introduced Sonja to Jill,  I remember Jill giving her the old side eye (along with her patented shark smile that doesn't reach her eyes) because that was when Luanne was on Jills side after the Bethanny split and I'm sure Jill sized Sonja up as potentially taking Luanne away from her.  And in another show when the girls were going somewhere Sonja grabbed on to Luanne saying something like,'' Are you going,too? Don't desert me with these people!"  I thought Sonja must be someone wealthy and was thinking the other women were below her and Luanne.  Anyone remember this?  I was surprised she went to Scary Island with the girls Luanne was feuding with.  I remember when they were sitting outside on the yacht and the others were bashing Jill that the camera cut to Sonja who smiled bemusedly at all the tension and later said in a TH that she was just wondering when she was getting her pedicure (manicure, massage?)  Anyway, I thought she was closest to Luanne at the beginning and made some mention of having seen Ramona at parties for years, but not on a close friends basis.  Ramona didn't seem overly friendly (falling down drunk with/sharing clothes with) Sonja on that trip in my opinion.  Sonja seemed to be just getting to know them all.

  • Love 2

Now that you mention it stcroix, I don't remember Sonja and Ramona seeming like old friends reconnecting. They make it sound like they were beasties back in the day. I didn't see any of that when Sonja first came on the show. You would think we would have seen that on the scary island episodes.


I meant besties lol, but I'll leave it.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 2

Now that you mention it stcroix, I don't remember Sonja and Ramona seeming like old friends reconnecting. They make it sound like they were beasties back in the day. I didn't see any of that when Sonja first came on the show. You would think we would have seen that on the scary island episodes.

Its quite possible that they remembered their friendship better after a turtle time or two or after tptb suggested it. I did/do buy them as party girl buddies together.

Edited by Almost 3000

Its quite possible that they remembered their friendship better after a turtle time or two or after tptb suggested it. I did/do buy them as party girl buddies together.

Yeah, I can see them being party girls together.

I just don't think they were as close as they act.

Remember when Mario had a party for Ramona and led the two of them into the room to show them all those old pics of Sonja and Ramona? I didn't see any of them together from back in the day.

I know it doesn't matter. I just don't like them so everything they do annoys me. Including Sonja referring to them as Laverne and Shirley ugh! you wish :)

Edited by imjagain

Yeah, I can see them being party girls together.

I just don't think they were as close as they act.

Remember when Mario had a party for Ramona and led the two of them into the room to show them all those old pics of Sonja and Ramona? I didn't see any of them together from back in the day.

I know it doesn't matter. I just don't like them so everything they do annoys me. Including Sonja referring to them as Laverne and Shirley ugh! you wish :)

But remember, Laverne and Shirley feuded off camera.

I think during the Season 3 filming Sonja was kind of trying to get a feeling where she would fit in.  She came on later in the season after Jill had  declared war on Bethenny, while Bethenny's father was dying.  At that time I think the producers really worked at trying to establish previous relationships.  I always go the impression once Sonja married there was no room in her life like regular folk like Ramona. 


When Jill arranged her raid at the mansion in St. John's Sonja was the only one who expressed concern for throwing her out.  Jill's move will go down as possibly the worst move ever by a RH trying to take over filming.  How stupid was Jill to assume if she arranged a competing trip it would be filmed?


Sonja and LuAnn always seemed a bit competitive with one another.  Maybe the producers thought bringing three single women on (LuAnn, Kelly and Sonja) there might be a bit of room for competition?  First there was Sonja and Kelly's Max, and now there is Harry vying for Amanda, LuAnn and Sonja.  It is not The Bachelor but production seems to think that is what we want to see.  Maybe there is a limited market of men who want to date middle-aged reality stars.


I just hope the rest of season provides for some closure.  I think it is a given that Aviva is gone.  I just don't know how much they can bring to the Reunion-they seemed to have hashed everything out.  According Andy and Sonja the relationship between Sonja and LuAnn is discussed.  I really don't care anymore.  LuAnn has proven time and time again that she goes with who she thinks is the most popular.  And somehow she always stays in the game. 

I think during the Season 3 filming Sonja was kind of trying to get a feeling where she would fit in.  She came on later in the season after Jill had  declared war on Bethenny, while Bethenny's father was dying.  At that time I think the producers really worked at trying to establish previous relationships.  I always go the impression once Sonja married there was no room in her life like regular folk like Ramona. 


When Jill arranged her raid at the mansion in St. John's Sonja was the only one who expressed concern for throwing her out.  Jill's move will go down as possibly the worst move ever by a RH trying to take over filming.  How stupid was Jill to assume if she arranged a competing trip it would be filmed?


Sonja and LuAnn always seemed a bit competitive with one another.  Maybe the producers thought bringing three single women on (LuAnn, Kelly and Sonja) there might be a bit of room for competition?  First there was Sonja and Kelly's Max, and now there is Harry vying for Amanda, LuAnn and Sonja.  It is not The Bachelor but production seems to think that is what we want to see.  Maybe there is a limited market of men who want to date middle-aged reality stars.


I just hope the rest of season provides for some closure.  I think it is a given that Aviva is gone.  I just don't know how much they can bring to the Reunion-they seemed to have hashed everything out.  According Andy and Sonja the relationship between Sonja and LuAnn is discussed.  I really don't care anymore.  LuAnn has proven time and time again that she goes with who she thinks is the most popular.  And somehow she always stays in the game.

I completely agree that Sonja was trying to figure out where she fit in when she first joined. She was probably one of the smartest gals I have seen on any of these shows in the way she entered. She was charming and funny, and she could throw some good snark in her TH interviews, but she didn't seem to feel any need to jump into the drama with both feet.

Has Lu tended to follow the gal that she thinks is the most poplar? I generally detest gals that do this, and consider Lisa V to be the best example of gals that follow this routine. It seems like Lu has always followed through on what she thought about the gals. She has always mocked Ramona for the joke of a person she is. Beth was the breakout star right from the beginning, but she never really softened to her even though the fans loved her. Jill became so hated in Season 3 and 4, but Lu was always fairly loyal to her. She never treated Alex particularly well, which was OK in the beginning because no one really did, but by Season 3 that had all changed. After Ramona and Beth started thawing towards her so did the fans. Lu never really moved towards Alex. Of course Lu stood by Kelly after the Scary island deal and is still friends with her now. I am sure there are examples of her trying to be with the more popular gals, but I would think that they all do this to a certain extent.

  • Love 4

I am going to say this as someone who actually likes Heather.   In my life I have been overwhelmed by things and have cried.  Maybe I wined but only to good friends :)  So Kristin is more relate able to me.   Heather does everything.  She does everything the best.  That would be just tiresome to be around & actually make activities not much fun. 

     Working in retail I can tell you the thing that makes someone become more anger is treating them with kindness.   People hate that.   Kristin was mad & just wanting  a fight.  Heather was not budging so Kristin kept going until she found a button that angered heather.  

Edited by tribeca
  • Love 2

Yeah, but what you've said here, copacabana, is far more interesting than anything Andy Cohen the dickhead has thrown at us lately.

Yes, please don't apologise, in fact I really enjoying reading them, what it's like in true high society and how the women would fit, much how I'd assumed, and how the times have changed, but seemingly barely so, butting heads against tradition. Very interesting indeed.

Edited by Souvlaki

But in her blog, she throws some pretty good shade at Ramona's marriage. 

Good. I hope she rips Ramona a new Pinot hole at the reunion, too.


She essentially made Heather out to be an ogre who runs roughshod over everyone.

Kristen also basically stated that Jonathan isn't an equal partner in his marriage. Foul. And then she says that isn't a bad thing, and that she controls Josh and he owns it? SMH. Good thing she's pretty. 


And confusing. I thought it might have more to do with the cameras than the VIP section comment. It seemed aggressive, especially given the fact that he seemed to be with his kids..

 My first thought was that it had something to do with Sonja and Heather having their arms around each other/holding hands.

  • Love 1

Good. I hope she rips Ramona a new Pinot hole at the reunion, too.


Kristen also basically stated that Jonathan isn't an equal partner in his marriage. Foul. And then she says that isn't a bad thing, and that she controls Josh and he owns it? SMH. Good thing she's pretty. 


 My first thought was that it had something to do with Sonja and Heather having their arms around each other/holding hands.


I meant to talk about this a bit. That was such an interesting statement from Kristen given the beef we've seen between her and Josh, namely that she feels he focuses way too much on work to the detriment of their family life. If Kristen really believes she controls Josh then something is amiss. He's been dismissive of her and has berated her (at the Spartan race and later mocking her pooch at her workout video shoot). I hope that isn't an example of Kristen's version of "control."

  • Love 1

`Have we seen the episode where Aviva's leg has fallen off yet?  That's the only thing I've been looking forward to this season and I'll be unhappy to have missed that.


Also, is it me or did I see a bit of affection between the skeet shooting coach and Carole?  She gave him a real hug and he didn't hug any of the other women that way.

Edited by Eater of Worlds

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