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Guardians of the Galaxy Mafia

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@Drogo, I believe you are always suspicious of me and I’m always suspicious of you. I did momentarily entertain the idea of jumping on the DL started on you just for fun and old times sake, but decided against it. I’m a Hero, and you may be as well. At this point, I’m willing to give you a chance.

I am side eyeing @aquarian1 though. Just a feeling right now. 

14 minutes ago, Drogo said:

@deaja who are you feeling and not feeling at the moment?

There is no one I would vouch for, but I'm very good with feelings and sensing things.  

Generally speaking, I'm always pretty suspicious of players that fly under the radar.  But often that is just that someone has real life stuff going on (like when you DLed me last game WHILE MY FATHER WAS IN SURGERY HAVING HIS CANCER REMOVED.... not that I'm bitter. And I was a villain so I can't really be mad....). (And I wouldn't joke about it but my dad is now fine.) Right now, people that seem to be under the radar are Machiabelly, Saoirse, and Aquarian, but I can't say I feel really strongly about any of the three.

I also didn't love the way JT jumped to start a DL on you.  The fact that neither DL moved forward at all makes me think that one of you is a villain - or possibly both and you guys agreed to take the risk of splitting the vote knowing that with 2 villains being targeted and no other villains jumping on the votes,  it was unlikely either of you would die.

I'm suspicious of Lisin and Deadpool both for grasping at really thin clues to point at me, because I know I'm a hero. 

Basically, I'm a confused mess right now. 

2 hours ago, festivus said:

Yeah, I read through the last game today so I could understand things better so I get what you're saying about Terry. I really am still confused about a lot of things but I think I'm starting to get a better handle on some of it now.

I think I'm going to have to find some time to read through the last game as well - I've not done this in a while and I slowly realizing that I don't remember much about gameplay. 

For example, I'm not sure I ever knew the thing about editing a post. I'm sorry I did that; won't happen again.

1 hour ago, Drogo said:

Welp I think that concludes the How Drogo Killed Me portion of Twilight, yes? Night story anyone?   Drinks?  😄

It was a rare game where a Villain was out of the villain closet.  A really bitchy villain, too.  You're going to hate me.  Don't read it. 

Masons are the only Heroes who really know for sure who another player is (and from the start of the game.) They usually won't come out and say it unless one is in danger. 

The good news is in @SilverStormm games, Masons are solid standard roles.  I was once a Mason in another game and I wasn't allowed to talk to my Mason partner.. and then she/@aquarian1 was killed N1 and couldn't even vouch for my ID.. so that sucked on several levels. Feeling v triggered. 

@deaja who are you feeling and not feeling at the moment?

I had a chance to kill you, but I over sold it and you didn't try to kill me.

Oh, and I was an airplane.

  • LOL 1
5 hours ago, BizBuzz said:

Hmmmm ... Drogo and I have a history ... I know of his ruthlessness.  ::giggle::  GoT was an awesome game...

It really was! Even if I was killed before I could recruit you. Just think... Varys and Littlefinger potentially on the same team? Which reminds me that I have a couple more pictures to post in the bar.

5 hours ago, Drogo said:

We provided "Varys versus Littlefinger" realness in a way HBO's GoT never delivered.  For Bad Drogo Research purposes, I would recommend the Walking Dead game, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, PoTC...  Just try to remember... when I'm a Hero, I'm a good one. 

@BizBuzz and @Hanged Man you're both growing on me.  Who do you think we can trust at this point?  Who do you have mixed feels about? 

To paraphrase Mae West, when @Drogo is good, he very good. When he's bad, he's properly devious.

4 hours ago, Hanged Man said:

Too early and we have bupkis to work with. I am sure whatever action(s) the villains take tonight will get people motivated.

Too many "Nope I don't see any clues" which heroes and villains both use to keep a low profile.

However in my Grand Excel Spreadsheet of Mafia Miscalculations I have minuses next to @deaja @The Crazed Spruce @meet trouble and @garnetarden

These are feelings. They are not based on ANY empirical data WHAT-SO-EVER. I know nothing about their characters, I have no inside knowledge, no outside knowledge, statistically one of them may be a villain, however none of them may be villains. It is a wild-ass guess based upon how the wind blows through my hair, and most of the time I am wrong the exact amount I should be wrong by.

We all know I'm shit at finding clues unless they jump out and bite me.

Really? You're gonna put me on that list? Whatever. At this point, I don't like any of you, either. See if I include you in any of my plans.

  • LOL 2

Night 1

On Xandar, Capital of the Nova Empire

Rocket and Groot, were spying on the Xandarians in the city.

“Xandarians. What a bunch of losers. All of them in a big hurry to get from something stupid, to nothing at all. Pathetic.”

Rocket didn’t like people, human or otherwise, much and his less-than favourable observations continued.

Referring to a Xandarian man with short blond hair walking on the sidewalk, “Look at this guy! Can you believe they call us criminals, when he’s assaulting us with that haircut?”


Then, referring to a small Xandarian child who was being helped whilst walking, “What is this thing? Look how it thinks it’s so cool. It’s not cool to get help! Walk by yourself, you little gargoyle!”


Lastly, referring to an older Xandarian man chatting up a pretty young woman, “Look at Mr. Smiles over here. Where’s your wife, old man? What a class-A pervert.”  he laughed at his own roasts.



“Right, Groot? Groot?” he turned to Groot and saw him drinking water from a nearby fountain, “Don’t drink fountain water, you idiot. That’s disgusting!”


Groot shook his head pretending he hadn’t drank it.

“Yes, you did. I just saw you doing it. Why're you lying?”


Just then Rocket’s tablet started to beep, alerting him to a human with a bounty on their head. “Whoop. Looks like we got one. Okay, humie, how bad does someone wanna find you?”

His tablet zoomed in on Peter talking to Bereet, then displayed the bounty on Peter, “Forty thousand units? Groot, we’re gonna be rich!” he looked over to Groot and saw him drinking from the water from fountain again, he sighed and shook his head.

Peter entered a shop in Xandar and was greeted by the Broker, “Mr. Quill.”

“Broker. The orb.” he took out the orb and placed it on the counter in front of the Broker, “As commissioned.”

The Broker asked, “Where’s Yondu?”

“Wanted to be here, sends his love. And told me to tell you, that you got the best eyebrows in the business.” the Broker picked up the orb, “What is it?” Peter asked.

“It’s my policy never to discuss my clients, or their needs.” the Broker replied airily.

“Yeah, well, I almost died getting it for you.”

“An occupational hazard, I’m sure, in your line of work.”

“Some machine-headed freak, working for a dude named Ronan.”

The Broker suddenly looked startled and afraid, “Ronan?! I’m sorry, Mr. Quill. I truly am. But I want no part of this transaction if Ronan is involved.” he handed the orb back to Peter and started to push him towards the shop door.

“Woah! Woah, woah, woah! Who’s Ronan?” Peter asked, surprised at the Broker’s visceral reaction.

“A Kree fanatic, outraged by the peace treaty, who will not rest until Xandarian culture, my culture, is wiped from existence!” the Broker started pushing Peter again.

“Woah. Come on!” Peter protested.

“He’s someone whose bad side I’d rather not be on.”


“What? What about my bad side?” the Broker opened his shop door and pushed Peter outside.

“Farewell, Mr. Quill.” he closed the door in Peter’s face.

Peter shouted at the Broker through the closed shop door, “Hey, we had a deal, bro!”

He stepped back and noticed Gamora leaning on a wall watching him, “What happened?” she asked.


“Uh...this guy just backed out of a deal on me. If there's one thing I hate, it's a man without integrity. Peter Quill. People call me Star-Lord.” Peter replied smoothly.

“You have the bearing of a man of honour.”

Peter began to playfully throw the orb up and down, “Well, you know, I wouldn't say that. People say it about me, all the time, but it's not something I would ever say about myself.” he preened.

Suddenly Gamora grabbed the orb, kicked Peter in his stomach and ran off. Peter threw a magnetic rope, which caught Gamora's legs and tripped her up. She managed to get the rope off her legs just as Peter caught up to her and kicked him off then started punching him.


She held up her knife ready to stab him, “This wasn't the plan.”

Just as she was about to stab Peter, Rocket jumped on her and knocked her down, “Put him in the bag. Put him in the bag!”

Groot extended his roots and grabbed Gamora, “No! Not her, him! Learn genders, man.”

Rocket struggled with Gamora who tried to bite him, “Biting? That's not fair!” he yelled.

While Rocket was busy fighting with Gamora, Peter used the opportunity to grab the orb and escape.

Rocket was struggling to hold Gamora, “Take it easy!”

Gamora managed to free herself from Rocket and Groot's clutches, threw Rocket aside, picked up a piece of metal and hurled it at Peter's hand making him drop the orb. She grabbed it but as she ran off Peter jumped on her and knocked her down.

Gamora managed to get the better of him once more and holding him down warned, “Fool. You should have learned.”

Peter retorted, “I don't learn. One of my issues.” then grabbed the orb from her hand, as he attached a small rocket launcher to her and set it off, throwing Gamora aside.


Suddenly Groot pulled a bag over Peter's head, “What the...”


Groot picked up the bag and started carrying it slung over his shoulder.

Rocket berated him, “Quit smiling, you idiot. You're supposed to be a professional.”

Just then he saw Gamora coming towards them, “You gotta be kidding me.” She pushed Rocket aside. “Hey!”

Gamora and Groot fought, ending with her cutting off his arms. As she opened the bag Peter suddenly used his gun to electrocute her then started to run off.


Rocket grabbed his gun and took aim at Peter, “I live for the simple things. Like how much this is gonna hurt.”

He fired his gun, which shot a ball of electricity at Peter giving him a massive electric shock, “Yeah. Writhe, little man.”


He looked at Groot who was looking sadly as his severed arms, “It'll grow back, you daft idiot. Quit whining.”

Nova Corps ships suddenly surrounded the group, “Subject 89P13, drop your weapon.”

“Oh, crap.” Rocket reluctantly dropped his weapon.

The Nova arresting pilot announced, “By the authority of the Nova Corps, you are under arrest for endangerment to life and the destruction of property.”

Corpsman Dey recognised Peter, “Hey! If it isn't Star-Prince.”


“Oh, sorry. Lord.” he addressed his partner, “I picked this guy up a while back for petty theft. He's got a code name.”

“Come on, man. It's a...it's an outlaw name.” Peter corrected.

“Just relax, pal. It's cool to have a code name. It's not that weird.”

“Fascists.” Rocket grumbled.

At Nova Headquarters


Nova Prime was on call to the Kree Ambassador, “Ronan is destroying Xandarian outposts throughout the galaxy. I should think that would call for some slight response on the part of the Kree.”

“We signed your peace treaty, Nova Prime. What more do you want?” the Kree Ambassador answered.

“At least a statement from the Kree Empire saying that they condemn his actions. He is slaughtering children, families!”

The Kree Ambassador was unmoved, “That is your business. Now, I have other matters to attend to.” and ended the call.

Nova Prime was indignant, “Prick.” she cursed.


“Well, some good news. Looks like we’ve apprehended one of Ronan’s compatriots.” Denarian Saal informed her.

After all four were captured and taken to Nova Headquarters, Corpsman Dey had presented each of them to Saal.

“Gamora. Surgically modified and trained as a living weapon. The adopted daughter of the Mad Titan, Thanos. Recently, Thanos lent her and her sister Nebula out to Ronan, which leads us to believe that Thanos and Ronan are working together.”


“Subject 89P13. Calls itself Rocket. The result of illegal genetic and cybernetic experiments on a lower life form.”


Groot was next, “What the hell?” exclaimed Denarian Saal.


“They call it Groot. A humanoid plant that’s been traveling recently as 89P13’s personal house plant slash muscle.”

“Peter Jason Quill, from Terra. Raised from youth by a band of mercenaries called the Ravagers, led by Yondu Udonta.”

Quill winds up his middle finger and flips the bird at them, “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know how this machine worked.”


“What a bunch of a-holes.” Saal remarked, “Transport all four to the Kyln.”



The stars are out and twinkling, signalling Night time. Gameplay chat is off-limits until the Day 2 story is posted.

There are no clues in this story.

You have 24 hrs to submit your Night actions, please be sure not to miss this deadline.

**Reminder - if you didn’t post during Day you have lost the use of any ability you may have for this Twilight/Night phase.

  • Love 3

Day 2

The Kyln, High Security Prison

Peter, Gamora, Rocket and Groot were escorted into the Kyln.

“I guess most of the Nova Corps wanna uphold the laws, but these ones here, they're corrupt and cruel. But, hey, that's not my problem. I ain't gonna be here long. I've escaped 22 prisons, this one's no different. You're lucky the broad showed up, because otherwise, me and Groot would be collecting that bounty right now, and you'd be getting drawn and quartered by Yondu and those Ravagers.” Rocket told Peter.

“I've had a lot of folks try to kill me over the years. I ain't about to be brought down by a tree and a talking raccoon.”

Rocket was perplexed, “What's a raccoon?”

"What's a raccoon? It's what you are, stupid.”

“Ain't no thing like me, except me.”


“So, this orb has a real shiny blue suitcase, Ark of the Covenant, Maltese Falcon sort of vibe. What is it?” Peter asked.

Groot replied, “I am Groot.”

Peter was impatient, “So what? What's the orb?”

“I have no words for an honourless thief.” Gamora said dismissively.

Rocket rebuked her, “Pretty high and mighty coming from the lackey of a genocidal maniac. Yeah, I know who you are. Anyone who's anyone knows who you are.”

Peter agreed, “Yeah, we know who you are.” then turned to Groot “Who is she?”

Groot repeated, “I am Groot.”

“Yeah, you said that.”

“I wasn't retrieving the orb for Ronan, I was betraying him. I had an agreement to sell it to a third party.” Gamora explained.

Groot interjected, “I am Groot.”

“Well, that’s just as fascinating as the first 89 times you told me that. What is wrong with Giving Tree, here?” Peter snapped.

“Well, he don’t know talking good like me and you. So his vocabulistics is limited to “I” and “am” and “Groot”. Exclusively in that order.” Rocket informed him.


“I tell you what, that’s gonna wear real thin, real fast.”

Peter spotted a Prison Guard with his Walkman and headphones, “Hey. Put that away!” he stepped inside the room towards the Guard as the door closed, “Hey! Listen to me you big blue bastard, take those headphones off, that's mine. Those belong to impound, that tape and that player is mine!”

The guard stunned Peter with a stun baton, “Hooked on a Feeling, Blue Swede, 1973, that song belongs to me!” the guard stunned him again and then again, leaving him writhing on the floor as the song played.

Inside the prison

The prisoners heckled and attempted to intimidate the newbies, especially Gamora.

“It’s like I said, she’s got a rep. a lot of prisoners here have lost their families to Ronan and his goons. She’ll last a day, tops.” Rocket stated glibly.

“The guards will protect her, right?” Peter questioned.

“They’re here to stop us from getting out. They don’t care what we do to each other inside.” Rocket shrugged.

“Whatever nightmares the future holds, are dreams compared to what’s behind me.” Gamora stated emotionless.

A large inmate approached Peter, “Check out the new meat. I’m gonna slather you up in Gunavian jelly, and go to town...”

Groot poked his fingers up inside the inmates nose and lifted him into the air.

Rocket proclaimed for all to hear, “Let’s make something clear. This one here is our booty! You wanna get to him, you go through us! Or, more accurately, we go through you.”

“I’m with them.” Peter stated as he walked by.

Later, Gamora was captured by some prisoners and taken to the showers. Peter awoke and seeing the commotion, followed them.

An inmate was menacing Gamora, “Consider this a death sentence for your crimes against the galaxy.”

A fearsome looking inmate entered, “You dare? You know who I am, yes?” he asked the inmate.

“You’re Drax. The destroyer.” the inmate quailed.

“And you know why they call me this?”

“You slayed dozens of Ronan’s minions.”

“Ronan murdered my wife, Ovette, and my daughter, Camaria. He slaughtered them where they stood. And.he.laughed! Her life is not yours to take. He killed my family. I shall kill one of his in return.”

“Of course, Drax.” the inmate replied submissively.

“I’m no family to Ronan or Thanos. I’m your only hope at stopping him.” Gamora told her captors.

(Next part of this scene is available in the clip)

“What I’m saying is, you want to keep her alive. Don’t do his work for him.”

Drax saw the logic of this. He looked at the knife he’d taken from the other inmate, “I like your knife. I’m keeping it.” he told him.

“That was my favourite knife.” the inmate said forlornly... but quietly.

Peter and Gamora headed out of the showers, “Listen! I couldn’t care less whether you live or whether you die.” Peter told her.

“Then why stop the big guy?” she shot back.

“Simple, you know where to sell my orb.”

“How are we gonna sell it when we and it are still here?”

“My friend Rocket, here, has escaped 22 prisons.”

Rocket stated matter-of-factly, “We’re getting out. And then we’re headed straight to Yondu to retrieve your bounty.

Peter looked at Gamora, “How much was your buyer willing to pay you for my orb?”

“Four billion units.”

“Holy shit!”

“That orb is my opportunity to get away from Thanos and Ronan. If you free us, I’ll lead you to the buyer directly and I’ll split the profit between the three of us.” they now were near where Groot was being held.

“I am Groot.” he reminded them.

“Four of us.” Rocket corrected, then added, “Asleep for the danger, awake for the money, as per frickin‟ usual.”

On the Dark Aster

Nebula was livid, “You have been betrayed, Ronan.”

“We know only that she has been captured. Gamora may yet recover the orb.” Ronan replied.

“No! Our sources within the Kyln say Gamora has her own plans for the orb. Look, your partnership with Thanos is at risk. Thanos requires your presence. Now!” Nebula berated him.

Back at the Kyln

Rocket explained his plan of escape, which your narrator isn’t going to write because this story is getting way too long, so instead here’s an awesome clip:

Sanctuary Domain of Thanos

“With all due respect, Thanos, your daughter made this mess, and yet you summon me. First, she lost a battle with some primitive. Then she was apprehended by the Nova Corps. Your sources say that she meant to betray us the whole time! I only ask that you take this matter seriously.” Ronan remonstrated.

“The only matter I do not take seriously, boy, is you. Your politics bore me. Your demeanour is that of a pouty child. And, apparently, you alienated my favourite daughter, Gamora. I shall honour our agreement, Kree, if you bring me the orb. But return to me again empty-handed, and I will bathe the star-ways in your blood. Deal with Gamora as you see fit.” Thanos was displeased.


Nebula got up, “Thanks, Dad. Sounds fair.” Then, “This is one fight you won’t win.” at Ronan as she swept past, “Let’s head to the Kyln.”

On Xandar

Yondu paid the Broker a visit, “Do you got any other cute little buggers like this one? I like to stick 'em all in a row on my control console.”


“I can't tell if you're joking or not.” the Broker said hesitantly.

Yondu’s first mate, Kraglin, added, “He's being fully serious.”

The Broker never missed an opportunity for a sale, “In that case, I can show you...”

Yondu laughed, “But first, you gonna tell me what this orb is, and why everybody cares so damn much about it. And then you gonna tell me, who out there might wanna buy it.”

The Broker was mystified, “Sir, the high-end community is a... “

Yondu interrupted and mocked him by speaking gibberish.


“The high-end community is a... “

Yondu continued to talk gibberish over the Broker.

“It's a tight-knit... “

Yondu interrupted him again with more gibberish.

“Tight-knit... “

Yondu interrupted him again.

“The high-end community is a very tight-knit... “

Yondu interrupted him again talking gibberish, making Kraglin laugh.


“I cannot possibly betray the confidentiality of my buyers!”

Yondu threatened him by making his arrow float and hover towards the Broker's face, “Now, who again is this buyer of yours?”

Satisfied, they turned to leave the shop and came face to face with Korath.

“Well, well, look who showed up” Yondu smiled.

“Do I know you?” Korath asked.


“I don’t reckon you’ve had the pleasure. But I sure as hell know who you are” Yondu grinned.

“Is that so” Korath replied icily.

“Yeah, it sure is. You’re the asshole that's hunting down my boy Peter. Ain’t nobody huntin' on any Ravager, ‘cept me o’course. I mean, I respect your gumption an’ all but I simply can’t allow it to stand with no consequences.” Yondu prodded Korath with a finger.

Korath stepped back and went for his gun. Yondu whistled and in an instant the Yaka Arrow he controlled was millimetres from Korath’s eye. Korath slowly removed his hand from his weapon.

“Now, where can I find my boy Peter?”

A few minutes later, Yondu and Kraglin walked out of the Broker’s shop.

“What am I supposed to do with this mess?!” the Broker called after them as he looked at Korath’s dead body, which was bleeding out all over his shop floor, from where an eye had once been.

Yondu and Kraglin grinned and kept on walking.


At Knowhere; a mining colony on the severed head of an ancient Celestial being.


Gamora was in trouble, “Quill, I’m trapped. I can’t make it to the Milano. I have to head out.”

Peter yelled, “Wait! These things aren’t meant to go out there.”

“You are a disappointment, sister. Of all our siblings, I hate you least.” Nebula told her.

Gamora pleaded, “Nebula, please... If Ronan gets this stone he’ll kill us all.”

“Not all. You will already be dead.”

Nebula shot Gamora’s pod until it shattered and she drifted out into the vast cosmos.



There are 2 clues hidden somewhere in this story. You have 36 hrs until Day ends and Twilight begins unless a DL is completed beforehand.

8 votes are required to complete a DL.

Living players: They May Be Dick’s But They’re Not Complete Assholes, Probably…

  1. Deaja
  2. Spruce
  3. Aquarian1
  4. JTMacc
  5. Drogo
  6. Deadpool
  7. festivus
  8. CuriousParker
  9. Lady Calypso
  10. Hanged Man
  11. meet trouble
  12. saoirse
  13. BizBuzz
  14. garnetarden

Dead players: Eaten By, Then Pooped Out Of, An Intergalactic Alien’s Black Hole

Lisin – Korath the Pursuer - Framer - Villain

You are Korath, a cybernetically enhanced warrior and a loyal enforcer for Ronan the Accuser. You’re a ruthless and unexpressive individual who will stop at nothing in obtaining your objective. You’re loyal to Ronan the Accuser and Thanos, who you refer to as "the most powerful being in the universe." Your have strength that rivals that of Drax the Destroyer thanks to your Kree physiology and cybernetic augmentations. You can jump from great heights and land in a crouched manner unfazed, with the ground beneath you being left with a crater marking where you landed. Your blows can hurl a grown humanoid several feet across the air at great speed. Having trained throughout your life in combat with fighters such as Gamora and Nebula, you’re a highly trained armed and unarmed combatant.

Twilight Ability

Each Twilight you may choose to frame a player, causing that target to appear as guilty to any investigation.

Machiabelly – Gamora – Doctor - Hero

You are Gamora; throughout most of your life, you have been moulded into a living weapon and the only family that you know and who raised you are the people you consider enemies. Because of your assassin background, you can be stoic, distant and merciless to your foes or targets. Your reputation as the most deadly woman in the galaxy precedes you. During combat, you can be aggressive and ruthless due to your tendency for war cries and your willingness to kill without restraint. However, you will often use strategy to avoid murder when possible. You hate Thanos for ruining your childhood and massacring half of your people.

Unlike the other Guardians, you lack the comical quirks and deep-seated personality issues giving you a more serious and deadly personality.

Twilight Ability

Each Twilight you may choose 1 person to heal from attack, you may not choose the same person 2 nights in a row and you may choose yourself only once.

On 11/6/2019 at 11:24 AM, Machiabelly said:

I assure you Drogo, I am a hero. I may not look like it at first, but I am.

Machia hinted at his identity here, @aquarian1- I left it alone to keep from drawing more attention to it, but someone else obviously caught it.  It was stealth hinting, too; he couldn't have done it better. 

Happy about the death of a Villain, not happy about losing our Queen of Green.  Don't worry darling, you'll be avenged. 

2 clues. Get to looking.

17 minutes ago, aquarian1 said:

So, Lisin was a villain, and Machia a hero.  If I had had any "feelings"/"hunches" in Day 1 that might tell me something.  😄 

What would it tell you?

4 minutes ago, deaja said:

Since I'm not good at finding clues, I'd like to point out a couple more gameplay observations. Lisin was pointing at me and @CuriousParker as villains based on very thin clues.  I think that should help reassure people that I am a hero as I said before. It also makes me think Curious likely is too.

It does make you seem to be more Heroic than not, although there may be multiple factions or a Serial Killer in play. Not complete absolution, anyway.

5 minutes ago, deaja said:

Since I'm not good at finding clues, I'd like to point out a couple more gameplay observations. Lisin was pointing at me and @CuriousParker as villains based on very thin clues.  I think that should help reassure people that I am a hero as I said before. It also makes me think Curious likely is too.

Same. Also, @Deadpool (since she liked the post where I threw him under a bus a little.) 


32 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Machia hinted at his identity here, @aquarian1- I left it alone to keep from drawing more attention to it, but someone else obviously caught it.  It was stealth hinting, too; he couldn't have done it better. 

This is where it's painful to not be able to talk to each other behind the scenes to coordinate efforts, because I caught it as well. I'd like to point out that in my only stint as a bad guy, the last One Night game, I ALSO didn't get to talk to anybody, which was some serious bullshit.

I assumed that Gamora was definitely not a vanilla hero, and all that went through my head was:

I probably won't be able to read through the story again until later today. With any luck, I'll have a beer in my hand this evening when I start throwing out my clue speculations. 

13 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

I'd like to point out that in my only stint as a bad guy, the last One Night game, I ALSO didn't get to talk to anybody, which was some serious bullshit.

Maybe you didn't hear me but I was a mason once where I couldn't talk to my mason partner and she died the first night leaving me absolutely no mason benefits because she couldn't even vouch for my identity so I told everyone my ID so they'd trust me but then the runner wrote a story where I turned from a nice guy in a suit into evil Rumplestiltskin but still kept me a hero with no abilities and then extended the Day until everyone had enough time to come vote for me.   But no, please, tell us more about how terrible that one night was for you.


FYI, we're DL'ing someone today.  

  • LOL 3
1 minute ago, Drogo said:

Maybe you didn't hear me but I was a mason once where I couldn't talk to my mason partner and she died the first night leaving me absolutely no mason benefits because she couldn't even vouch for my identity so I told everyone my ID so they'd trust me but then the runner wrote a story where I turned from a nice guy in a suit into evil Rumplestiltskin but still kept me a hero with no abilities and then extended the Day until everyone had enough time to come vote for me.   But no, please, tell us more about how terrible that one night was for you.


FYI, we're DL'ing someone today.  

I don't even think I'm following.... but wow.

Well, I'll have to read the story more carefully once I'm off work. I glanced through it briefly but didn't notice anything right off the bat. It's a weird day at work at the moment so we'll see how well my clue finding skills are tonight.

7 minutes ago, Hanged Man said:

Hmm that is interesting. Looks like Yondu killed Korath but I am not sure of the mechanism.

I had to look up some Guardians wiki, since I'm not really familiar with it, but my first thought had been a Vigilante-type character? Or part of some Neutral faction? Yondu isn't exactly a Hero, right? He's not really a Hero but he's not really a Villain? Is that right?

2 minutes ago, Drogo said:

^^  @deaja @Hanged Man @CuriousParker @BizBuzz @Deadpool and any other Heroes out there, this is for you. 

Why do you think @Hanged Man is a hero?  Because he's top of my suspicion list, to be honest.

This is based on two things - his listing me as a "minus" the other day and his two posts today are just a little suspicious to me. So obviously, nothing concrete so if you have something I'm missing, please share. 

Unless it's just that he said he's a hero, because.... let's face it. Villains lie. 🙂

1 minute ago, deaja said:

Why do you think @Hanged Man is a hero?  Because he's top of my suspicion list, to be honest.

This is based on two things - his listing me as a "minus" the other day and his two posts today are just a little suspicious to me. So obviously, nothing concrete so if you have something I'm missing, please share. 

Unless it's just that he said he's a hero, because.... let's face it. Villains lie. 🙂

If you trust me, trust that @Hanged Man's with us, @deaja

Focus on the people who aren't on that list and let's not cannibalize our own votes.   

Just now, Hanged Man said:

Do you think he mean like: "This is for you" or does he mean like "This is for YOU"?

See above.  You're with me. 

32 minutes ago, deaja said:

This is based on two things - his listing me as a "minus" the other day

If it makes you feel any better I have removed the minus and you are back to neutral. Though  am not entirely sure why.

ok 14 peeps left, probably 9 good, 4 bad, 1sk; there are 6 peeps in a loose, hastily assembled, outer circle of trust per Drogo:

@deaja  @Hanged Man  @CuriousParker  @BizBuzz @Deadpool @Drogo

though why Deadpool and Daeja being part of it is to me unknown.

If there is a hero investigator, some extremely subtle clue about what they looked at would be greeeat.

That leaves 8 people on the outside, in theory 5 of which we are comfortable killing. Giving us a 62.5% chance of randomly getting a villain provided that our loose, hastily assembled, circle of trust is true. Which it probably isn't.

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I don't have inner and outer circles of trust- just one circle.  I'm really going to need the people in the circle of trust to start talking about people outside the circle of trust so we can get a DL. 

@Hanged Man the inclusion of @Deadpooland @deaja is based on Lis' ease of throwing each under suspicion. 

Edited by Drogo
Because the circle of trust is not just mine, it's ours

Okay, outside the circle, here's my list:

1) @JTMacc99 - as I said during the last day or twilight, the DL on Drogo was odd to me. I get it was a retaliatory move, but still odd.

2) @saoirse - she's been flying under the radar for the most part except to throw some shade without substantiation

3) @meet trouble has also been very quiet. 

I looked through the story for clues but Saoirse and Meet Trouble don't have profiles linked, so it was really just JTMacc that I focused on.

3 minutes ago, Hanged Man said:

I don't mind a DL of Drogo on the first day, I can't count the number of times I have wanted a D1 DL of Drogo.

I don't mind a DL of Drogo either. I strongly consider it every game because he's been too good at being a villain/serial killer a couple times that I've played with him.  It was more the way JTMac went about it.  Like, usually people will try to present some kind of reasoning for their move or when they have a DL started on them, they give reasons for people not to vote for them. So their "you started one on me so I'm starting one on you" with no other dialogue is what made me suspicious. 

But, I'll go with 

1 to DL Saoirse (deaja) and 7 to kick names and take ass.

3 hours ago, SilverStormm said:

she drifted out into the vast cosmos.

From @festivus profile, in addition to 'wanting to know more about space':


My weakest quality is: I'm a space cadet.

1 to DL festivus (Drogo), 7 to earn their wings

*Yes I know the GotG takes place in space but this particular wording is sticking out- and it's what I could find on someone outside the circle of trust.  

7 minutes ago, Hanged Man said:

I don't mind a DL of Drogo on the first day, I can't count the number of times I have wanted a D1 DL of Drogo.

Just now, deaja said:

I don't mind a DL of Drogo either.

There are most likely 4-5 players here right now who would be very keen on joining you if you're really in the market.  😉 

My truth is leaning towards: @JTMacc99 started that DL on me because he's a Hero and got scared when he saw his name come out of my mouth with a DL next to it.  IMO, Villains are more likely to "What should I do?!" with their team when one's on the block.  But I don't really have a reason to trust him... I just don't think that made him villainous.  

***Not sure if we have another doctor/protector role on Team Hero -- but regardless of how today turns out, don't protect me tonight.  (I'll try to remind you again come Twilight, but choose someone else from circle of trust.)

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