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Monday at 10:24 PM

Okay, this has got to be totally producer-driven at this point. Chantel would have to be extremely stupid to return to Santo Domingo and I don't think she is.


The entire show seems very staged at this point. But I am impressed that producers managed to create a show without a single likeable cast member. Except maybe the dogs. 

I can't decide if Pedro is really a scammer who used Chantel for a green card or not. But Chantel is so unlikeable that I don't really care.







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  On 11/10/2023 at 1:33 PM, Kellyee said:

I can't decide if Pedro is really a scammer who used Chantel for a green card or not. But Chantel is so unlikeable that I don't really care.


I stopped watching LONG ago.  I thik Pedro probably was a scammer--but with no mind of his own. He was controlled by his mother who thought she found a way for him to get to the USA...and then he would bring her and his sister.  He sure did spend a lot of money on them (trips, gifts...lotsa gifts).  Luckily, I invested little time in any of these...probably ALL scammers in their own way.

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  On 11/10/2023 at 1:33 PM, Kellyee said:

I can't decide if Pedro is really a scammer who used Chantel for a green card or not. But Chantel is so unlikeable that I don't really care.


He hung in for 7 years. That's a long con.  (We've all been watching this for 7 years, folks.  I'm ashamed.)   I think he earned his 50%, wasn't he working long hours in a warehouse to pay for Chantel to go to school?  And he put up with her crazy family, whereas she could have avoided his crazy family by just never getting on a plane. 

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  On 11/10/2023 at 4:44 PM, Quof said:

I think he earned his 50%


Based on the preview, his mother dearest is outraged that CHANTEL wants 50%. Really lady? I have only watched this trainwreck here and there...both families were utter shitshow nightmares and the only reason I have any sympathy for Pedro and for Chantel. Throw in the allure of an easy TLC paycheck (easy if you have zero self respect and don't mind your business on display for the world to see and critique), it was doomed from day one. 


And, IMHO, what she said about the cash made sense.....Pedro very easily could have closed that account and sent all that cash to his mother in the DR. And it would have been an expensive, drawn out nightmare to try and recoup any of it. She claims $60,000 went to her legal bills, household bills and then the rest was accounted for and handed over to the court. Pedro calls BS on the amount for bills. Does he not have a lawyer?? Legal fees stack up FAST. Divorces can drag on and on....shit needs to get paid adn I don't think it is unreasonable to say that gets paid from our joint funds. 

Edited by Stuckathome
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I am ashamed to admit that I have watched this from the start. I remember when Chantel first bought Pedro here and she was living in a small studio apartment, then they upgraded to a 1 bedroom and last season a 5 bedroom house. I would like to know aside from the harvesting of the TLC dollar, what other income they made? 

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  On 11/14/2023 at 7:53 PM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I am ashamed to admit that I have watched this from the start. I remember when Chantel first bought Pedro here and she was living in a small studio apartment, then they upgraded to a 1 bedroom and last season a 5 bedroom house. I would like to know aside from the harvesting of the TLC dollar, what other income they made? 


Well we have to presume that she passed all her exams & is now a nurse and they were very much in demand during covid. I'm guessing the rest is from personal appearances, cameo etc. but I get what you're saying, the amount they supposedly had in the bank that she withdrew seemed like a hell of a lot for them to have saved taking the new house costs into account.

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  On 11/14/2023 at 8:44 PM, Shrek said:

Well we have to presume that she passed all her exams & is now a nurse and they were very much in demand during covid. I'm guessing the rest is from personal appearances, cameo etc. but I get what you're saying, the amount they supposedly had in the bank that she withdrew seemed like a hell of a lot for them to have saved taking the new house costs into account.


Probably with each season they get a raise and this is the fifth already (and I doubt really final).

  On 11/15/2023 at 5:56 AM, Hodgepodge said:

More Lydia and Scott. Kill me now.


She keeps saying he is handsome when I think he resembles a bulldog.

Edited by MrBuhBye
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  On 11/18/2023 at 5:01 AM, MrBuhBye said:

Probably with each season they get a raise and this is the fifth already (and I doubt really final)


I had it on in the background tonight (please don’t judge) and I laughed when Chantel said with a straight Botoxed face, “I don’t want to have anything to do any more with Pedro and his drama.” Okay, then, don’t sign on for another season! 

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  On 11/25/2023 at 7:04 AM, magemaud said:

I had it on in the background tonight (please don’t judge) and I laughed when Chantel said with a straight Botoxed face, “I don’t want to have anything to do any more with Pedro and his drama.” Okay, then, don’t sign on for another season! 


I don’t judge I watch this crap.  Darcey and Stacey are going to be pissed Chantel got another season and they didn’t.

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I vaguely recall the season of 90 day when they were engaged and Pedro first came over to get married. Haven't kept up with the spinoff until this recent season.....both families are clearly toxic famewhores. Just a few observations after binge watching three episodes over the long holiday weekend.....

1. I think Chantel is truly heartbroken and is now moving onto the anger phase of grief. Been there, done that. Her hosebeast mother constantly saying "I told you so" doesn't help. It is sad that her mom puts priority in making sure everyone knows "I called it" rather than supporting her daughter and helping her heal. 

2. I think these two did love each other at the start, but the toxic families and constant filming took a toll and yes they grew apart. Pedro totally buys the hype that he is a "star" and once he started working he had even more people feeding his ego, and he got it in his head that he was made for more and that Family Chantel and Chantel were holding him back. He thinks he is hot shit and self made. Bullshit. That is one area that I agree with Family Chantel---he owes everything to Chantel. Yes, he worked and helped while she was in school, but he only even had that opportunity because of her support starting with that visa.

3. They keep mentioning Pedro was a virgin when he met Chantel. I call bullshit on that as well....I mean, come on.....not to be crass but the DR isn't known as a place where they are buttoned up about sex. 

4. I suspect Chantel has signed on for this season to help pay the bills. Seriously. She is driving around in a beat up Toyota and somehow Pedro has a new audi? I am sure we will see one or both on next season of Single Life (if they still have that show). 

5. The scene with the realtor...ugh. He was again, so smug....as Chantel said, this whole issue was settled and signed off on. No need to be petty and mention that he could have handled it at his firm....and then pulling out his phone to calculate the commission and commenting on that. I wanted to smack his face. I can only imagine how infuriating it was for Chantel to sit there and listen to him. OF COURSE she wouldnt' want his firm to handle it---why should he get a commission on top of his half of the sale? 

6. I did LOL when he said his sister's friend was almost identical to Chantel. and rolled my eyes when he said part of the reason he wanted a divorce is that Chantel was all about doing stuff with her friends when we all saw the footage of him constantly out at happy hour etc. Love how she flat out told him on the date to maybe move on from talking about their exes and next thing out of his mouth was a comparison between her and Chantel. lol 

7. Pedro was absolutely right that it is none of her damn business who he is hanging out with now in the dR. They are divorced. Final. Done. I think this call was producer driven---they poked the bear about Carima and again, Chantel is hurt and angry and she thought, fuck yeah let's call him out on this bullshit. 

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  On 11/27/2023 at 7:28 PM, Stuckathome said:

I vaguely recall the season of 90 day when they were engaged and Pedro first came over to get married. Haven't kept up with the spinoff until this recent season.....both families are clearly toxic famewhores. Just a few observations after binge watching three episodes over the long holiday weekend.....

1. I think Chantel is truly heartbroken and is now moving onto the anger phase of grief. Been there, done that. Her hosebeast mother constantly saying "I told you so" doesn't help. It is sad that her mom puts priority in making sure everyone knows "I called it" rather than supporting her daughter and helping her heal. 

2. I think these two did love each other at the start, but the toxic families and constant filming took a toll and yes they grew apart. Pedro totally buys the hype that he is a "star" and once he started working he had even more people feeding his ego, and he got it in his head that he was made for more and that Family Chantel and Chantel were holding him back. He thinks he is hot shit and self made. Bullshit. That is one area that I agree with Family Chantel---he owes everything to Chantel. Yes, he worked and helped while she was in school, but he only even had that opportunity because of her support starting with that visa.

3. They keep mentioning Pedro was a virgin when he met Chantel. I call bullshit on that as well....I mean, come on.....not to be crass but the DR isn't known as a place where they are buttoned up about sex. 

4. I suspect Chantel has signed on for this season to help pay the bills. Seriously. She is driving around in a beat up Toyota and somehow Pedro has a new audi? I am sure we will see one or both on next season of Single Life (if they still have that show). 

5. The scene with the realtor...ugh. He was again, so smug....as Chantel said, this whole issue was settled and signed off on. No need to be petty and mention that he could have handled it at his firm....and then pulling out his phone to calculate the commission and commenting on that. I wanted to smack his face. I can only imagine how infuriating it was for Chantel to sit there and listen to him. OF COURSE she wouldnt' want his firm to handle it---why should he get a commission on top of his half of the sale? 

6. I did LOL when he said his sister's friend was almost identical to Chantel. and rolled my eyes when he said part of the reason he wanted a divorce is that Chantel was all about doing stuff with her friends when we all saw the footage of him constantly out at happy hour etc. Love how she flat out told him on the date to maybe move on from talking about their exes and next thing out of his mouth was a comparison between her and Chantel. lol 

7. Pedro was absolutely right that it is none of her damn business who he is hanging out with now in the dR. They are divorced. Final. Done. I think this call was producer driven---they poked the bear about Carima and again, Chantel is hurt and angry and she thought, fuck yeah let's call him out on this bullshit. 


The biggest problem in all this is their mothers, both of them are as bad as each other feeding Pedro & Chantel what they believe rather than letting them handle it themselves like adults. The one thing I think Chantels' mother did do right is to tell her to withdraw the money and put it into a new account as there is no way that Pedro wasn't taking it & hiding it in the DR where Chantel would have had no chance of ever seeing a cent again. Pedro seems to be all about the $s & twisting the knife into Chantel, nothing else matters.

You could tell that she was hurting and was getting zero support from anyone with them all saying "I told you so". They all need to fuck off & let her live her life. 

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  On 11/27/2023 at 7:52 PM, Shrek said:

The one thing I think Chantels' mother did do right is to tell her to withdraw the money and put it into a new account as there is no way that Pedro wasn't taking it & hiding it in the DR where Chantel would have had no chance of ever seeing a cent again.


didn't realize her mother told her to do this, but yes, I agree, 100% if she had not done that, no way no how he wasn't taking that all and running. Somehow his beastly mama thinks Chantel didn't deserve half? That she didn't deserve ANYTHING? WTF. I think 50/50 was generous on her part, and I did LOVE her mom selling his gaming chair for $1. lol

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Caveat - I was barely paying attention.  And I hate that at least half of the dialogue is in Spanish, and I can't be bothered to look up to see the subtitles. (Remind me again why I watch this crap) 

What was the point of the NYC trip?  Winter is going to be a plus size model?   Based on what?  Regardless of her weight loss, which seems to have gone backwards since we last saw her, that is not a model's face.  Chantel was on a random blind date with a perfectly pleasant man, yet turned rude and cold to him by the end of the evening for no reason?  

Was Karen just there to stir her witches' cauldron? 

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  On 12/2/2023 at 10:17 PM, CallmeCray said:

Holy crap!  Pedro and his sister are rabid.  There is something deeply wrong with that entire family. 

What a collection of freaks.  I feel for Chantel, and at the same time cannot figure out how she became an RN.  Maybe it’s the way she talks - makes her sound less intelligent than she might be…


Didn’t she flunk the exam at least once?

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  On 12/2/2023 at 10:17 PM, CallmeCray said:

Holy crap!  Pedro and his sister are rabid.  There is something deeply wrong with that entire family. 

What a collection of freaks.  I feel for Chantel, and at the same time cannot figure out how she became an RN.  Maybe it’s the way she talks - makes her sound less intelligent than she might be…


I had to come back and add that HER family is pretty unwatchable, as well - at least her thirsty mom is.  What a meddling goofball.  I now see where Chantel’s pattern of speech went wrong.  What an interesting bunch.   

I actually hope Chantel can get away from all of these people on this show and have a shot at a normal life with the marriage and family for which she hopes.  

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I feel for Chantel, I think she really is devastated that her marriage failed. While she and her family invited all this scrutiny by signing up for multiple seasons of this shitshow, it also has to hurt to go through this in the public eye. The judgment, the rumors, etc. I think this season was pushed upon her by her fame hungry mother who is so eager to squeeze one last dime out of the TLC gravy train that she doesn't see her daughter needs her support and time to heal. Pedro doesn't need any time to heal because for him this marriage ended a long time ago. He has moved on in all senses. 

Pedro's sister is like her crazy mother but with the crazy ramped up on steroids. If she could act sane for just one second she could have already "caught" herself an American to marry. 

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  On 12/2/2023 at 10:17 PM, CallmeCray said:

Holy crap!  Pedro and his sister are rabid.  There is something deeply wrong with that entire family. 

What a collection of freaks.  I feel for Chantel, and at the same time cannot figure out how she became an RN.  Maybe it’s the way she talks - makes her sound less intelligent than she might be…


I remember it took her forever to finish her schooling, but good on her as I do believe learning doesn't come easy for her.

I used to think Chantal was faking her relationship because of her stilted communication, but I realize she really believed the marriage was forever. How sad for her that the mothers in this relationship are both nuts and beyond help. Pedro and Nicole haven't any common sense, are vengeful because of nothing, and are determined to make all the decisions going forward. The dysfunction is real, and sad. I'm out.

  On 11/29/2023 at 3:46 AM, MrBuhBye said:

I thought it was pretty nasty last week when Chantel claimed that Pedro has erectile dysfunction.  He’s 31.  Just because he no longer wanted to have sex with her doesn’t mean he can’t in general.  Just a classless cheap shot.


That is a low blow, but not a surprise. Chantal's been complaining since married life that he's not interested. It makes sense if he was pushed into the relationship. No one can "perform" for any length of time if they're truly not attracted.

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  On 11/14/2023 at 8:44 PM, Shrek said:

Well we have to presume that she passed all her exams & is now a nurse and they were very much in demand during covid. I'm guessing the rest is from personal appearances, cameo etc. but I get what you're saying, the amount they supposedly had in the bank that she withdrew seemed like a hell of a lot for them to have saved taking the new house costs into account.


When you think about it, two families and their "friends" have all made bank because Chantal filled out  the 90 Day fiance forms instead of the fake student visa for Pedro.

Wouldn't it be annoying if we learned they're all friendly behind the scenes, while concocting storylines for another paycheque?

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  On 8/28/2022 at 8:39 PM, Back Atcha said:

I doubt if a "cleaner" would satisfy Pedro. He appears to want a mommy to take care of his every wish...in his timeframe.  Was he the spoiled Favorite Golden Boy in the DR? Again, I don't watch the show, so I'm just spouting off.


Pedro was running out of excuses and complaints to explain his marital dissatisfaction. I think it spooked him when she actually spent months doing everything he said a wife should do, but he never stuck around long enough to talk or check it out. He would just say it wasn't enough. Sadly, Chantal wasn't bright enough to see the writing on the wall - there was NOTHING she could do to prevent him leaving. He was done the moment he became self sufficient as a realtor.

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  On 8/30/2022 at 9:20 PM, MrBuhBye said:

I don’t get why you would buy an expensive house with someone you haven’t had sex with in a year.

Regarding the woman at the office.  Anything is possible but she has a man and a baby and is less attractive than Chantel so I think it’s just production stirring the pot.


I don't believe Pedro has cheated on Chantal with the women she's mentioned. Even his "ex girlfriend" is from his high school days. I think wealth and prestige are far more important to him than sex. And I don't see him having the same "game" as men who are serial cheaters.

Edit:  I just realized the story to Chantel is he was a virgin, but Oden said that gal was his ex gf from high school?  (Wouldn't it be so sad if he was actually in the LGBTQ community, but pushed into seducing an American gal for his family's financial future?)

Edited by Chalby
I forgot the virgin claim.
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  On 12/5/2023 at 1:37 PM, Chalby said:

I think wealth and prestige are far more important to him than sex. And I don't see him having the same "game" as men who are serial cheaters.


He wouldn't be above using sex for financial gain....that is, if he found another potential sugar mama, I am sure he would be a super stud in the bedroom. Like all narcissists (or maybe he is a sociopath, I think his sister is), he fakes an emotion and will use until she no longer suits him. It was the same with Chantel. She was a means to an end.....he only aimed for a green card when they met (love how they continue to pedal that he was a virgin when he met her, FFS), but then holy shit! he hit the mother load with a reality tv show paycheck that lasted way longer than most due to not one, but TWO sets of famewhore families. As for his lack of game----well, there is no end to the desperate crazy women who will try to glom onto a reality "star" just if for nothing else but bragging rights. I am sure he was flooded with women in his DMs flirting and fluffing up his ego. Then he got a job where he had to dress up and act like a professional and it all went to his head. He feels he deserves and can get a better woman. One with real money who will let him play the breadwinner, driving around in a nice car to his job which really doesn't pay squat (at least not to fund the life he wants to live). We all know couples like this. At least I do..... 

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  On 12/5/2023 at 1:05 PM, Chalby said:

When you think about it, two families and their "friends" have all made bank because Chantal filled out  the 90 Day fiance forms instead of the fake student visa for Pedro.

Wouldn't it be annoying if we learned they're all friendly behind the scenes, while concocting storylines for another paycheque?


This season definitely seems 100% fake and scripted by the producers.

  On 12/5/2023 at 2:36 PM, Stuckathome said:

 As for his lack of game----well, there is no end to the desperate crazy women who will try to glom onto a reality "star" just if for nothing else but bragging rights.


Ed and Liz of 90 Day? Although the only thing that makes Liz seem crazy to me is her inexplicable  love for Ed.

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  On 12/12/2023 at 10:08 AM, DanaMB said:

Nope. Chantal is on the new season of The Single Life.


Does this BS really pay all that well? I didnt' think it did....she should look at the track record of Single Life and just nope out. Go on, live your life without cameras and maybe you can meet a genuine man to build a life with (since she says she wants a husband, family, etc). Only thing you will find on TLC is a famewhore worse than Pedro and his happy clan of scammers. 

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  On 12/12/2023 at 3:48 AM, JeanJean said:

I actually believe Pedro. We know for a fact that he didn't sleep with Coraima.

I think they're setting up next season: The Reconciliation. 


We don't know for a fact but we can assume, only Pedro & Coraima know for a fact. I don't think there will be another season but never say never. 

  On 12/12/2023 at 1:51 PM, Stuckathome said:

Does this BS really pay all that well? I didnt' think it did....she should look at the track record of Single Life and just nope out. Go on, live your life without cameras and maybe you can meet a genuine man to build a life with (since she says she wants a husband, family, etc). Only thing you will find on TLC is a famewhore worse than Pedro and his happy clan of scammers. 


I don't think the actual show pays that much money but all of the money making opportunities that surround it do. How else do you explain them having just bought a house & having $265,000 in the bank at their age.

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Well, it happened. I can't watch this crap anymore. It is so damn scripted and stupid I had to turn it off.

When Chantal says "lets go to the DR, pack your bags" and 2 seconds later we see her take off with 2 suitcases. Uhhhh, what?

Then the conversation with Pedro and the "I command you to come" finished me. I'm out and have deleted it from my DVR schedule. 

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Yeah Chantel was doing B movie acting all throughout this episode.  The sage and the holy water.  The righteous indignation.  I actually don’t believe Pedro cheated.  Don’t you think if he did they would have had the co-workers denying or confirming it since they were on last season?  This was a six-episode season because they had nada.  Chantel’s date in NYC was stupid.  Alejandro didn’t show to meet Karen, so they should have cut the whole trip out.  Escott brought back to fill two episodes with fakery. Winter barely on.  Royal, who was the focus of a whole season, not even mentioned.  I find myself wondering what happened to the fish tank they had at the apartment.  I don’t remember seeing it at the house.

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I think they scraped the bottom of the barrel to get enough footage to make these episodes. I was shocked Karen didn't tag along for the trip to the DR. 

I think they were in love, the green card was the extra bonus, but I think Pedro had more genuine love for her than say, Yohan and Danielle. Or Luis and Molly. but, they had the two toxic insane families feeding them bullshit; the camera crews following them around encouraging the drama and fake set up scenarios; and their age and inexperience. I think Pedro simply fell out of love with Chantel once he got to the States and had a whole new world opened up to him with his green card plus TLC reality tv $$$. He got a huge head and ego, again egged on by his crazy family......

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