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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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I realize they're not all there and it's not like I want to hear the pounding and noise associated with it, but I would love to see some of these sad pandas be forced to do a gratitude circle right now.


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5 minutes ago, zorak said:

I realize they're not all there and it's not like I want to hear the pounding and noise associated with it, but I would love to see some of these sad pandas be forced to do a gratitude circle right now.


I’m on it. #manifest-that 😎

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49 minutes ago, zorak said:

I guess Sam was mistaken about Jack throwing out Cliff's cereal boxes because he's in the kitchen making something out of them.

cereal boxes.png

I saw on twitter that Sam saved them and took them up to Cliff. 

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Jackson is a little concerned that they're making too much slop because what if they run out?

Dude, the slop is unlimited. Get used to your new normal. You can't get plain milk on the reg but you can have allllll the slop in the world.

Edited by Callaphera
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There goes Andy Tommy scurrying into the HoH room before Cliff and Nicole were alone and talking game. Oh noes!

Also I think Jack flipped them the double bird when they went into the HoH room. Aw, so butthurt. Such deliciousness. 

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Jack with such disappointment and frustration in his voice:  "Until I win the veto, I can't be a dick!"

Jack said he just realized he still has to talk to them now and he doesn't like that.  He is so dumb.  Even Tommy pointed out that he shouldn't be a dick even if he wins veto because you never know what can happen next week.

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3 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

Oh, I hope so too!  Jackson would be sooooo lost without Jack.

No he wouldnt. He has his harem of dumb women. It's why he needs to go. Cause of his side allies 

3 hours ago, zorak said:

Did Kat just say to Cliff that if she wins veto she'll take Jackson off?

Stupid Pathetic bitch 

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Jack is talking about the veto comp with Nick and Bella.  He says that if he turns the corner and sees that it's a shuttle run comp, he'll know it means he's meant to stay in the game.

Jack says he already knows what he's going to say if he wins the veto comp.  I can only imagine it's going to be something dickish.

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26 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Saw someone say David is getting trashed on IG by Kemi fans. Apparently he didn't have many nice things to say about her in his RHAP interview.

There was uproar last night about David.  Some blacks feel that David is playing the race card a little too much.  Nobody was convinced with the......’I wanted things to be different’ .....with a face full of tears during the Julie interview.

Yea...we didn’t see him stand up for Kemi.  And, as a matter of fact....he was all snuggly with Kat and kissing Gr8tfuks butts.  He planned to work with them if he returned to the house. He told Jackson in the pantry.

So, that is that!!!!! 

Kemi kept it classy!

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Jack:  "Oh boy.  I can't wait to see his (Cliff's) face when I win it."  Whatever happened to all the bullshit he was telling Cliff before noms that he respected whatever decision Cliff was going to make?  Jack said he called Cliff "Old Man" last night.

Edited by zorak
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Just now, zorak said:

Jack:  "Oh boy.  I can't wait to see his (Cliff's) face when I win it."  Whatever happened to all the bullshit he was telling Cliff before noms that he respected whatever decision Cliff was going to make.  Jack said he called Cliff "Old Man" last night.

Sick burn, bro!

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3 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

There was uproar last night about David.  Some blacks feel that David is playing the race card a little too much.  Nobody was convinced with the......’I wanted things to be different’ .....with a face full of tears during the Julie interview.

Yea...we didn’t see him stand up for Kemi.  And, as a matter of fact....he was all snuggly with Kat and kissing Gr8tfuks butts.  He planned to work with them if he returned to the house. He told Jackson in the pantry.

So, that is that!!!!! 

Kemi kept it classy!

I found David very compelling. I'm not sure what the conflict between Kemi and David was all about, but they were both great competitors who deserved more time.

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Jack is talking about the veto comp with Nick and Bella.  He says that if he turns the corner and sees that it's a shuttle run comp, he'll know it means he's meant to stay in the game.

Jack says he already knows what he's going to say if he wins the veto comp.  I can only imagine it's going to be something dickish.

So....he wants a trophy for winning veto..??

ummm...that is your JOB! (Yea, you are getting room and board + stipend to be there).

  To win Veto if you are on the Block!

Jack needs to go!

Jack  is much too arrogant and it looks even sillier now that he is no longer wearing his Aquaman costume!

Man child with chicken legs! 🤣

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Jack's talking about trying to get with some casting companies after this.  Nick says he could be Tarzan with his hair down and that he looks like Jason Momoa with his beard.

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During another Kemi bash session Jack says that Kemi is going to get what's coming to her twenty fold.  He says she is entitled AF.  He says he feels sorry for her and hope she figures it out.  

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Jack said he would've roasted the Camp Comebackers if they had had to do goodbye messages for them since they weren't coming back.  He's such an ass.

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Is there anyone who would vote to keep Jack at this point? If someone else wins the veto they will take Jackson down. Then Cliff probably puts up another 6 shitter so Jack still goes home. Even if Cliff turned around and put up Nick I think the house would still vote to send Jack? 

And Christie isn't using her power - we all know that.

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1 minute ago, missyb said:

Because  Jackson is almost always shirtless, we get to watch his stomach grow and grow with the bloat from slop.

Is it wrong that I'm really looking forward to this? Between all the slop and all the milk, is he ever going to shit again?

The slop farts are going to be epic in the HN room.

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31 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Thank you all, more than usual, for updates. In between new episodes of Veronica Mars (!!!!!!) I'm popping on here to see what's going on, since Cliff decided to be all awesome with his HOH so far.

New Veronica Mars and an awesome Cliff HOH. We deserve this. 

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Tommy's talking to Analyse about the possibility of getting the whole alliance back together.  He says if they lay it all out and agree to come back together, then they can vote out Cliff.  Jack just came in and Tommy is explaining his thoughts on this.

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22 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

New Veronica Mars and an awesome Cliff HOH. We deserve this. 

5 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:

We're twins! I'm doing the same dance between the two.

This is me with every episode (about to start #4):


I shall do the same thing with every second of Jack's tears if he gets evicted.

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Sam told Bella and Nick that somehow Analyse knows about the 5 person alliance that the 3 of them have with Tommy and Christie.  He said he asked who told her and she said she couldn't remember if it was Christie or Tommy.  Sam said he's not really sure what to do with the fact that she knows about it somehow.

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Heard about the Jack & Jackson noms, got super excited and turned on the feeds... only to overhear Nick asking Bella if he was a "grower or a shower".  Can someone get me ear bleach?

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

What the hell.  Jack was just staring into a camera blinking.  And then when the camera zoomed in on his face, he scurried away.


Aw, thanks. I needed a picture to paste next to the definition of "butthurt" in the dictionary. This one will work just fine. 

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4 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

Heard about the Jack & Jackson noms, got super excited and turned on the feeds... only to overhear Nick asking Bella if he was a "grower or a shower".  Can someone get me ear bleach?

These fucking people are so. damn. weird. It's YOUR dick, idiot. You see it EVERY DAY. How do you need to ask someone else that question????! 

I need more wine. 

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1 minute ago, IndyMischa said:

These fucking people are so. damn. weird. It's YOUR dick, idiot. You see it EVERY DAY. How do you need to ask someone else that question????! 

I need more wine. 

Nick also likes to talk about his dick is smaller than Jack's and Jackson's. 

I think you're bro-ing wrong, dude. 

Edited by Callaphera
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Just now, Callaphera said:

Nick also likes to talk about his dick is smaller than Jack and Jackson's. 

I think you're bro-ing wrong, dude. 

Yeah, going all the way back to one of the first days of feeds, when Jack (I think) commented on Nick's sizeable ass, and he said he'd trade some for more inches in front. 

HEY NICK, THAT PROBABLY MAKES YOU A GROWER (at best). You're welcome for solving your quandary. Dumbfuck. 

[This led to the infamous "my dick is so big it causes pain and is thus inconvenient" stuff. Joy.] 

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38 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Jackson hasn't stopped eating slop for the past hour.

He's gonna regret that one tomorrow during the Veto comp.


He went from Pouty NoSnacksferyouson to how much slop would a woodchuck eat if a woodchuck only ate slop? 

There were fried savory balls, then the bowl of slop porridge, then a fresh batch of 12-15 more savory balls (and assorted dipping sauces), and then minutes later, he’s inhaling slop cookies. 

Then he topped it all off with a whiny rant about how there’s more food this week then there’s been since they’ve been there and it’s not fair because there’s seven fewer people eating. He then began reciting a thorough listing of foods he most definitely won’t be sleepwalking his way to the fridge to inhale in the middle of the night (my money’s on the tuna being the target and him taking whatever punishment comes after a penalty nom). 

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Jessica is telling a story about some dream with a .....cat named Rocky.  Cliff closes his eyes and made ‘snoring’ face! 😂😂😂

ahhh, my fave part is back.  During BBAD commercials when Orwell cuts off HGs to tell them.....’You are booted!’  🤣

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6 minutes ago, cork dork said:

There were fried savory balls, then the bowl of slop porridge, then a fresh batch of 12-15 more savory balls (and assorted dipping sauces), and then minutes later, he’s inhaling slop cookies. 

What are fried savory balls?

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Sam asked why Nick did that.  Sam is not happy.  He wants to know what happens if Kat runs to Jess and Nicole to let them know about his 5 person alliance that they are not part of.

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12 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I'm not saying this isn't awesome, as clearly, it is and apologies for doubting you, Cliff (although, again, he needed to be literally blindsided and evicted before he turned on them), but I dunno, Jack/Analyse noms are less likely to see Grodner intercede. Both sides of the bromance, though? That's tough. 

No no no.  Grodner WANTS Jack out.  She doesn't care who he is up against.  She just wants Jack out.  Period.

12 hours ago, Callaphera said:

According to Kaitlyn during a RHAP thingie (I didn't listen myself so this is secondhand), she says that Production isn't that happy with Jack. 

Maybe because the editors are getting hella overtime trying to make him look so good? 

But the editors aren't.  The last two episodes what were the main storylines?  Did they involve Jack and Ovi in the pantry or Jack and Kemi at the fridge?  No, they did not.  Those two clips were OFF the main storyline and thrown in to showcase how horrible Jack is to the casual viewers.

Grodner knows to save the season and her ratings she has to get rid of this vile creature called Jack and has absolutely, definitely and very obviously thrown him under the bus.  Nothing can be clearer from the last two episodes than that as well as Julie's attempted interview that failed.

Grodner realizes now that this is a half dozen years along and the country won't accept another BB15 nor can she hide something like that the way social media has exploded over this last half decade.   So Jack must go to save her hide and her show as she is shown to be the anti-racist who is shocked (shocked I tell you) that Jack is this vile.

Because without Jack the rest of the Six she knows she can edit around as just typical BB villains and blame Jack for the racism and bullying since he has been the leader of the pack and has set the tone for them and is very obviously the worst of the lot.

In fact I'm sure the DR people were encouraged to "encourage" Cliff's thought about putting Jack up.  And I'm sure they would just LOVE to print up little leaflets to pass out to the other houseguests that read.  "On eviction night vote out Jack for a better America" because these HGs can screw up anything if not properly herded in the right direction.

Now she can't control Christie using her power but she can have the DR people "hint" about thinking twice about using it on Jack.

Yeah she cannot 100% guarantee Jack is evicted but she can try to slant things as much as possible and hinting as much as she can in the DR to the others that do you really want to sit next to Jack at the end etc etc.

And yeah she can't control the veto competition to prevent Jack from winning it.  Well unless the veto competition is writing down the greatest number of positive things about Kemi in 60 seconds say.  😎

But the bottom line is Grodner wants Jack out as much as we do at this point.  Not because Grodner is noble. But because this is effecting Grodner's bottom line and her cash milk cow called Big Brother.

Edited by green
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Christie and Tommy were whispering about how Jackson is going home - not Jack. If they win the veto they take Jack down and use the power to put up Bella. Or Sam.

Jack came in and then the three of them were whispering about who is voting which way. The three of them are sure Jack has the votes to stay.

Hmmm. Is this real? 

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Christie said Jackson was acting like a "hero" and she's tired of it. But she really wants Bella gone. Tommy wants Cliff and Sam to go out next.

Christie, Tommy and Jack were talking about the veto comp. Jack says he'll use his power if they have anything less than 2 of the 3 picked players  in their favor. Then they talked about who would be houseguest choice if Jack gets it and he said he'd pick Tommy to play. They talked about how Analyse is not good at comps and Holly is too sleepy. He said he thought about picking Sam but Sam would win and not use it. He also thought maybe to pick Christie but that would make Analyse mad.

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