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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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1 minute ago, Dmarie019 said:

sam mentions getting back with the group next week. nick and bella say no no nooooo

This fuckin' guy. He wants so bad to be in with the popular kids. It's embarrassing to watch.

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9 minutes ago, RockYou said:

If he puts up Jack and Anal together. Guest would all vote her out and then his power and control once he’s back in and wins something will be OUTRAGEOUS. 

Im still so mad Christie and Tommy have such a MAJOR advantage of knowing each other before and a solid mutual trust. 

So so so unfair!!!!

After the show wraps and they all find out, 💣

I have been saying this all along. They have an unfair advantage and I think production should start dropping hints to get people thinking. 

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has anyone watched the extended interviews of julie with camp comeback from last night? just curious if it's worth watching

holly is freaking out because she didn't get a chance to talk to cliff

and now my feeds don't want to cooperate

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13 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Makes no sense why Cliff wouldn't put Christie on the block outright to try and flush her power. He already knows she wants him out. 

Cliff knows Christie's loyalty only goes as far as her paranoia.  Nick didn't comfort her enough before Veto, so she hallucinated that he was coming after her. 

If Cliff puts up Tommy/Christie, she definitely uses her power either as the Veto-winner herself or handing it off to whoever does win hoping they a) take her down or b) take down her opponent and put the biggest heavyweight in their place so she'll stay.  If Cliff doesn't put Christie on the block and makes her feel comfortable enough, he has a good chance she doesn't use it and inevitably fuck up his HOH.  

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I've heard Jackson say repeatedly, "If this works..." but I'm unsure of what he is referring to.  Does he mean that nobody from the 6 goes on the block?

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Jackson to Holly:  "The last thing I need is you barking at me."  She's still annoyed with him.

Christie is in there with Jackson and Holly now.  She says she's worried.

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4 minutes ago, RockYou said:

How do the producers choose “Have Nots”

They don't.  I think technically the HOH is the official decision maker but usually people volunteer to do it.

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5 minutes ago, zorak said:

They don't.  I think technically the HOH is the official decision maker but usually people volunteer to do it.

Let’s all hope Jackson is a Have Not!!! 

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5 minutes ago, zorak said:

They don't.  I think technically the HOH is the official decision maker but usually people volunteer to do it.

Yeah, it's a fun glimpse into the politics of the house. Who's willing to volunteer, who tries to hold off, etc.

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2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Yeah, it's a fun glimpse into the politics of the house. Who's willing to volunteer, who tries to hold off, etc.

In S16 the idea was to put the non-Bomb Squad members on slop the entire summer to demoralize them. Donny, Nicole and Victoria were basically on slop the entire summer.

I also remember when Austin refused to go on slop because he and Liz needed to cook and cuddle together so her twin Julia volunteered instead.

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3 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:

Is there a reason that this season (hey, I'm a poet but didn't know it!) does not have slop or the infamous Have Nots?

I think because of the Camp Comeback focus.  That was like them being Have Nots.  Just a guess though.  I wasn't really ever a fan of Have Nots unless the assholes were have nots and they bitched about it.

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12 hours ago, vb68 said:

Nick's whole demeanor is  "WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!?"

He's shook and can't figure out what to do.


1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Cliff's face when Jack left was pretty great lol.


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Im still so mad Christie and Tommy have such a MAJOR advantage of knowing each other before and a solid mutual trust. 

I don't think they had much of an advantage at all. They knew who each other were, but they weren't friends or anything. In fact, whoever she was involved with ended badly, so their connection was dubious at best. Their decision to work together isn't much different than any 2 strangers entering the house and deciding the same thing.

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4 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I don't think they had much of an advantage at all. They knew who each other were, but they weren't friends or anything. In fact, whoever she was involved with ended badly, so their connection was dubious at best. Their decision to work together isn't much different than any 2 strangers entering the house and deciding the same thing.

I think past connections typically lead to tight bonds. The exes, for instance, were all pretty darn close to each other in BB4 and they were literally, you know, EXES!

Edited by Brian Cronin
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2 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I don't think they had much of an advantage at all. They knew who each other were, but they weren't friends or anything. In fact, whoever she was involved with ended badly, so their connection was dubious at best. Their decision to work together isn't much different than any 2 strangers entering the house and deciding the same thing.

I disagree.  They may not have been BFFs prior to coming into the house but I definitely get the vibe they were connected well enough prior to the game.  I remember Christie worrying about Tommy potentially being in the background of her pictures before the HOH room was revealed to her.

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Cliff is telling Tommy that Jackson/Jack might be a possibility but that he knows Christie has the power and says that there may be more powers floating around.  Cliff says that if a power is used and his initial noms shift, he won't be too sad if Nick or Bella are casualties.  Cliff says he wants to work with Tommy and Christie.  Tommy says he really wants to and says it just wasn't lining up in the past.

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33 minutes ago, zorak said:

I disagree.  They may not have been BFFs prior to coming into the house but I definitely get the vibe they were connected well enough prior to the game.

She also has to remember not to call him "Thomas".   They knew each other well enough. I've said this before, but it's damn near perfect. Close but not too close where there are a bunch of tells.

I've got to log on and see Son whine or maybe even cry about being slop.  As much as he was trying to get Cliff to put him on the block, it wouldn't surprise me if he was ok with a penalty nom.

Edited by vb68
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Cliff told Tommy that even though it may seem like he's working with Bella and Nick this week, it kills him because of how they treated Nicole and more or less he's not necessarily married to staying with them.

Now Christie is up in HOH with Cliff.

Christie is telling him that Sam came to her this morning and wanted to know if she would vote out Jack or Jackson if Cliff put them up.

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jack asking jackson about his talk with cliff. 

jack asks if nick is anywhere in cliff's cross hairs.  jackson says yes.... and no..... 

jackson - as long as you and i are not on the block together... this is a success.

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Now Tommy telling Jackson and Jack about his convo.

Jack - so he's going with Sam Nick and Bella.... (as in playing with them)

Jackson - we have to bring him into an alliance. we have no choice. we need to go up there right now... all of us...

Tommy - I don't know.. that feels really aggressive....

Jackson - you're right, we just have to sit back and wait...

Hopefully one of these two can't keep their mouths shut and run to Cliff and spill something that alerts him to Tommy running his mouth. 

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Jackson is pissssssssssed. 

tommy says if he wins veto he will take someone off. 

Sorry Tommy, that doesn't save them both lol 

Jack - you put me up, i'm playing veto and fucking winning it. 

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Tommy says Christie would have to use her power, otherwise it looks bad to the rest of the alliance. 

Tommy still has hope that one of the 'others' will be evicted this week.

Tommy is revved up now.

Tommy - how is he going to look to America after he takes their side

and then Jack says something about an American flag (that maybe cliff has?) 

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