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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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Christie is trashing Jackson to Analyse.  I think it has to do with Jackson's conversation with Kemi.  Analyse agrees that he's stupid for doing that.

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Analise is irritated that Nick doesn't talk to her that much anymore.  Nick says he's trying to be respectful (of Jack I think?) That makes Analise mad.  She doesn't want to be associated with anyone. She's here to play her own game. She says Jackson is a dumbass. 

Jack has now joined Nick and Analise. 

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55 minutes ago, zorak said:

An up close look at Jackson's foot/ankle situation.  Holly and Cliff were in there with him and he was asking Cliff's opinion about it.

Jackson's foot.png

Depends.  If that’s Jackson’s right foot, it looks kinda roughed-up; if that's his left foot, he should’ve been in surgery a half-hour ago.


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Kemi was talking to the camera in the storage room bitching about Jack telling her that she was a bigger threat to his game than Jessica.  
Kemi:  "You're a bigger threat to my game than her.  What does that even mean?  Did you come to play or did you come to coast?"  And then she walked out in disgust.  As much as I hate Jack, he would be an idiot to not get rid of who he perceived to be a bigger threat to his game.

Now she's talking to David in the storage room venting her frustrations.  She says it all comes down to what Jack wants.  David says that if Jack really has that much influence, then it's a matter of finding out where Jack's ties are.

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Kemi is telling David that the 4 of them (the Jackholes, Analyse, and Holly) are together and that Christie looks like she's with them, but she's really not.  She says he doesn't have to worry about Christie.

Edited by zorak
Kemi not Christie
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I understand it's an emotional time, but it's hard to take Kemi seriously when at first it's like, "You fucked up, Jack, you nominated me outright when you should have backdoored me. Now I'll win the veto and I'll be coming for you" and then when she loses veto it's, "Ugh, why do you want the stronger player out?" 

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23 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

Jackson is good looking?

I think Christie just values being "part of the guys." She's like Christmas that way. This cast has a lot of very girly girls (Kat, Kemi, Analyse, Holly) and I dont think she relates to them. 

She said in her HOH Video that Ana Holly and Tommy are her top allies. That's where she makes the laughable " I thought Jackson was going to be this huge Toolbag but hes not I adore him" Garbage. Meanwhile this douche has Kat and her girl Holly on a String.

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5 hours ago, zorak said:

Sam really can't stand Jessica.  

Why? I feel like I read something about him complaining about her being loud which is the funniest thing I ever heard.

4 hours ago, green said:

I'll take Christie and Tommy's outside connection any day because those two working together may have the only chance of taking down the two Jacks.  I can't see any other HGs doing it.

I don't see Tommy wanting to go at the Jacks for a long time. He's obsessed with Gr8ful. It's annoying lol. 

3 hours ago, Dmarie019 said:

And i'm not body shaming but Bella needs to be told that 99.9% of the popular do not look good in the bikini bottoms that look like you have a major wedgie. Maybe even 100%.

Thank you. I'm sorry but that looks horrible. And Christie's high-waisted briefs she has been walking around in for 2 days aren't a good look either.

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I swear, Bella has been wearing that bathing suit non-stop for like 5 days. 

And I have my first thing they make that I need to try: Bella is making carrot fries which is apparently carrots with olive oil and Parmesan and then I assume you roast them. I'm gonna have to make that asap.

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3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Why? I feel like I read something about him complaining about her being loud which is the funniest thing I ever heard.

It is definitely the funniest thing I’ve heard in a long time also 😂

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Why? I feel like I read something about him complaining about her being loud which is the funniest thing I ever heard.

He did complain about her being loud, which is so hypocritical.  I do know that in the same convo where he was bitching about how loud she is, he said he doesn't care if she's on her period because I guess she had announced loudly that morning, "Guess who's not pregnant?"  about herself, which annoyed him.  I've also seen him talking to people about knowing that she was going to want to talk to him about the veto since he won it and anticipating her trying to pull the "we're both parents" card to gain sympathy, which she did.  He's just annoyed by her and the fact that other people in the house are saying that Jessica lies about stuff makes him more annoyed.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

I've also seen him talking to people about knowing that she was going to want to talk to him about the veto since he won it and anticipating her trying to pull the "we're both parents" card to gain sympathy, which she did. 

Another funny thing for him to say considering he must have said, "Me and Cliff are both fathers" like 15 times when talking about using the veto on Cliff.

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Jack with total glee inspecting the zit on Nick's back:  "Do we have any safety pins?  It's ready!"

Christie:  "Nick's back cyst is ready to pop!"

Nick:  "Did  you get one?  I'm ready for surgery, bro."

Christie:  "We're performing surgery now and I'm very excited."  

Me:  I just can't with these people and their pimple popping obsessions.

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1 hour ago, zorak said:

Kemi is telling Nicole that after that convo with Bella, she thinks she's screwed this week.

I think Kemi knew that last week... (just saying’) 

The problem IMO with all female alliances is that lots of women don’t support other women, especially if the other woman has something the other doesn’t have (e.g., looks, brains, general likeability). I am not young and have had many male and female bosses and generally as a female I have had better luck with male bosses.

I do consulting work and I subcontract with a larger consulting company on large project. This latest one I told my husband, my boss is male and he said “thank God”....

I think women tend to have more passive/aggressive relationships with what they consider their “competition” or women who threaten them in some way. Men just seem to get it out and over with.

I am 54 and I really hope I am out of touch and that younger women spend lots of time building each other up and little time tearing each other down. 

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1 hour ago, zorak said:

Jack to Nick:  "I'm so proud of you for doing this."

Jack getting ready for the "surgery".  Got the gloves and everything.

zit surgery.png

Production????? STOP THAT

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4 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

So....what happened with Jackson's foot?  From that photo, it just looks like a bad bug bite to me.

Yeah, that doesn't look too bad. I see a little bruising and a little swelling by the ankle but all those red raw spots just look like what happens when you wear a brace and/or ice it for too long. Seeing how well he was moving around the storage room and the kitchen for his Tour d'Food makes me think that if he did sprain it, it's a very mild sprain. RICE or bust. 

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One thing prosecutors have said that is in rape/sexual assault cases prosecutors tend to pick men for juries because many women are more judgmental about the victim. She's too pretty. She dresses slutty. She shouldn't have been out drinking on a Friday night, etc. 

We saw that with Sam last season. So much internalized misogyny to the point where she adored/worshipped Tyler and Fessy but judged Haleigh, Kaitlyn, Rachel and Angela for the way they dressed, the way they interacted with men, even the way they ate. (Remember her tantrum that she felt Angela wasn't eating enough of her food?)

Not to mention I think Big Brother picks women who already have that internalized misogyny, and female alliances are even less likely to work.

Edited by Growsonwalls
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Analyse is having a meltdown about Jack to Christie, Holly, and Tommy.  I think she's convinced that Jack is really into Christie.  She says she feels stupid because he sees the connection that Jack has with Christie compared to the connection she has with Jack herself.  She says she wants the kind of relationship connection that he seems to have with Christie.  Christie and the others are trying to reassure her.

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Analyse is having a talk with Christie where she's voicing the fact that two days into their "relationship" Jack's behavior around Christie makes her jealous and insecure.
Yeah, she picked up a real prize.

She says that she sees that Christie and Jack have the stronger connection.

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Well, Nick just said told the "cool kids" crowd that he's been all over Bella lately and he doesn't care anymore.  He knows that everyone knows and it doesn't matter because all the people who are showmancing are all in his alliance anyway.

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Ovi just told Nicole that he doesn't care about clout or social media from being in the BB house but what he wants is to write a children's book based on the adventures of his dog.  He wants it to be available low cost so that any kid would have the opportunity to afford it.  He says books are what made him what he is today.  He says the book he wants to write doesn't have to make a lot of money or anything.  He's talking about doing something like for every book sold, one book would be donated.

Edited by zorak
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I’m just NOW watching last nights episode. 

Im just in SHOCK how all these “players” let the Jack Asses talk and guess what ..... they LISTEN!!

Jack pulling his tresses down when Jess comes in and sub servantly has to sit on his bed just to communicate . 


Jackson aka “Michie” (bitch name) NEVER NEVER NEVER STOPS acting like he’s in authority!!! Just STOP!’ Like Kat hinted at and KNOWS. He is a NOBODY.

Kat is playing everyone. 

And “No” Kat DID NOT have a steady boyfriend right before air time. I know this and I know her. Take it to the bank.


They have been sooooooo egotistical , COCKY,  manipulative, OBSESSED , controlling, flakey, untrustworthy and creepily prejudice against people that aren’t like them .

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9 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Wait... Ovi thinks he's 1) smart and 2) quiet? Ooof.

The scary thing is he said that he thinks Analyse is smarter than him.  Then again, I heard him telling someone at some point since he's been in Camp Comeback that he really isn't that smart and that people often think he's smarter than he really is.  He says his friends would say that he's kind of the dumb one.

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Is it wrong that I'm praying that this doesn't evolve into another gratitude circle?


Body language is everything. Who’s in green shirt I’d say pretty close to Kat

Just now, RockYou said:

Body language is everything. Who’s in green shirt I’d say pretty close to Kat

Notice NO ONE sitting next to Christie or Sam

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1 minute ago, RockYou said:

Body language is everything. Who’s in green shirt I’d say pretty close to Kat

Notice NO ONE sitting next to Christie or Sam

I'm pretty sure Tommy is the one in the green shirt.

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I like how Jack and Analyse are on separate sides of the table. I'm sure their thought processes are something like this:

Analyse: "Oh, I can look at Jack from across the table. He's so fucking hot."
Jack: "I just have to have sex with her one more time tonight and then I can dump her."

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12 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Is it possible that BB just fucked up and honestly didn't know? Because yeah, it's very odd. 

There were two guys who knew each other in real life on the last season of Survivor New Zealand.  They went to high school together and worked with each other for a period of time in the game, (I did not end up watch the season all the way through because I found it to be very boring) before one turned on the other.  I remember thinking the same thing, did casting know about this relationship beforehand or did they just mess up.  

I think casting knew about Christine and Tommy beforehand, mainly because they hyped it on the first episode.  But it is very odd that they just cast two people who knew each other and not an entire cast like Big Brother 6.

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If anyone is wondering why there have been no feed updates for the past while, it's because Analyse and Nick are discussing the size of Jack's dick and whether he's good in the sack shower. Meanwhile I know I've gotten old because I'm all, "Ooh, shower sex. That's a concussion or broken bone waiting to happen." 

Oh and Ovi made cookies. 

P.S. Nick isn't surprised because he saw that Jack was "packing heat". I... I don't know. This is week 2 of the feeds?!

P.P.S. Analyse said that she would "embarrassed" if anyone "walked in" on them during their nightly shower shenanigans. Someone please explain the concept of 24/7 live feeds to her. 

Edited by Callaphera
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1 hour ago, BK1978 said:

I think casting knew about Christine and Tommy beforehand, mainly because they hyped it on the first episode.  But it is very odd that they just cast two people who knew each other and not an entire cast like Big Brother 6.

I’m wondering if they thought/think since there was “bad blood” between Christie and his family member who she had been in a relationship with, that maybe things will get blown up. 

I don’t see that happening (at least not at this point) because they both are very into the game and know that their knowing each other getting out would be a sure fire target on their backs. 

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Like, find a secluded corner? Or something? Don't just sit there and talk about who can and can't beat while people you said you can beat are sitting on the stern while you're on the bow of the boat couch, happily chatting with another person you think you could beat. You're not even whispering! 

I don't know what bothers me more: the fact that they'll just talk game anywhere no matter who's around or the fact that no one is saying, "Dude, I'm right here." 

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While listening to Jack and Christie talk about AnalJack (best showmance name smoosh ever!) (Jack, basically: "She needs to be coddled. She's immature. She's emotionally unavailable." Christie, basically: "But she likes you. I feel bad because she thinks you and I like each other."), I learned that Jack did what my ex-asshole used to refer to as "going to Thailand": a year of self-discovery navel-gazing with a side of meditation and trendy self-help buzzwords that really mean nothing but prove that you are the ultimate douche to out-douche all douches.

And no, Christie didn't mention that she likes girls. But she did call Jack her "best friend" so -5 for the lack of girls, +5 for the friendzone? 

Edited by Callaphera
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Nick, talking about BB shutting down the cyst popping "surgery" that Dr. Jack was going to perform earlier: "We just needed to be quicker. Like literally one minute quicker. Because if you had popped it - like, what are they gonna say?"
Jack, sitting there with Analyse's feet in his lap: "Yeah, I'll just take you to the HoH shower and have my way with you."
Nick, who was discussing Jack's dick size and how good he is in bed the shower: "Oh my God, that's  smart. That's actually a really good idea. I mean, now you just blew our cover but. We'll have to wait a couple days."

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3 hours ago, RockYou said:

Body language is everything. Who’s in green shirt I’d say pretty close to Kat

Notice NO ONE sitting next to Christie or Sam

Green shirt is Tommy. Obviously he us overdoing the Christie-and-I-don't-know-each-other-outside-the-game charade by sitting as faraway from her as possible. 

Anal is probably an arm's distance from Sam because "he ain't hot."

I was surprised Nick wasn't next to Bella then I noticed she wasn't there. No wonder 🙄

15 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Nick, talking about BB shutting down the cyst popping "surgery" that Dr. Jack was going to perform earlier: "We just needed to be quicker. Like literally one minute quicker. Because if you had popped it - like, what are they gonna say?"
Jack, sitting there with Analyse's feet in his lap: "Yeah, I'll just take you to the HoH shower and have my way with you."
Nick, who was discussing Jack's dick size and how good he is in bed the shower: "Oh my God, that's  smart. That's actually a really good idea. I mean, now you just blew our cover but. We'll have to wait a couple days."

Great. Now Anal's got somebody else to be jealous of.

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Tommy, with the cockblock as he goes to the HoH room to help Jack put the duvet back into its cover: "It's [the duvet] a little wet still. Did you feel it?"
Jack: *can't tell what he says because he wasn't wearing his microphone and then* "Smells like protein."
Tommy: "Aw, that's annoying."
Callaphera: *gags*

and once he has his microphone on

Jack: "Can you smell it? Can you smell the protein?"
Tommy: "Yeah, it smells disgusting, this stuff still. It's like, do you even want it?"
Jack: "Not really."
Tommy: "Right?"
Callaphera: *gags again*


Jack gave Analyse an open invitation to spend the night with him. That'll be three times so I guess next comes the break-up if he follows the Jackson Rule of Three Fucks. 

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Analyse, Holly (boy, did all the life get sucked out of the room when they both walked in), Christie, and Tommy who are all members of the 6 Sh66ters and do their best finger guns and "pew pews" to show their allegiance to their alliance, are super fucking paranoid because at some point tonight David said "Finger guns are cool!" and did his best finger guns and "pew pews". 


Edited by Callaphera
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For a brief stop on Jackson's Tour d'Food, he microwaves a steak and cuts it into bite sized pieces. He puts something that I wasn't paying attention to in a finger bowl that he adds to the plate. He carries it over to the bar counter, lifts his shirt and checks out his own muscles in the mirror behind the stove/sink counter with a bit of a smirk. He pours the steak out onto a stack of paper towel and squeezes the moisture out of it. He looks around suspiciously and then wipes the plate with another piece of paper towel and looks around suspiciously again before dumping the meat back onto the plate. He then takes the meat soaked paper towel and blows his nose with it before wiping and then drops it on the garbage, before taking his plate with him to the boat room where everyone else is hanging out. 

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5 hours ago, Katesus7 said:


Yeah, I was just saying that on the episode thread. Women can obviously work together. Just not the women that Grodner casts. 

One of the strongest alliances of all time was The Friendship, and those ladies hated each other, but a woman held them together all season long against a strong counter alliance (in fact, it was two dudes on the other side that fractured THAT alliance).

Plus, one of the all time great players was a woman who set up a secret alliance with a woman that she did not like at all (and the feeling was mutual), but they got shit done. 

Notice anything in common? All pre-Grodner (as was the relatively successful female alliance from Big Brother 5).

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4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

For a brief stop on Jackson's Tour d'Food, he microwaves a steak and cuts it into bite sized pieces. He puts something that I wasn't paying attention to in a finger bowl that he adds to the plate. He carries it over to the bar counter, lifts his shirt and checks out his own muscles in the mirror behind the stove/sink counter with a bit of a smirk. He pours the steak out onto a stack of paper towel and squeezes the moisture out of it. He looks around suspiciously and then wipes the plate with another piece of paper towel and looks around suspiciously again before dumping the meat back onto the plate. He then takes the meat soaked paper towel and blows his nose with it before wiping and then drops it on the garbage, before taking his plate with him to the boat room where everyone else is hanging out. 

I read this three times in an attempt to understand what he is trying to do here.  I am both fascinated and repulsed by this "recipe," especially the addition of "check out abs in mirror" and "blow nose on paper towel already soaked with greasy meat juice."  I'm trying to figure out why one would add liquid to a meat only to squeeze out the liquid and then wipe the liquid off the plate before eating the meat.  I suppose he could be confused because his mom wasn't around to prepare his dinner...or maybe he thought chocolate milk on steak would be yummy?  Bizarre.

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Great conversation between David and Ovi starting at 2:02am. David is pissed that the house took away Ovi's cookie recipe so they could make it themselves. Really annoyed him how they treated Ovi and a bigger picture of the house. 

Good talk about what they are really thinking being comeback campers.

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